'rii-hl BANNER-CuuttiER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, ALGutiT 3, 1922 rage Thre$ News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY .8 6 8 8 8 8 $8 JSC ' j& CARSON HEIGHTS & CAPITOL HILL - J Mrs. Geo. Hartmaa a? a? K1 f i? sf sf a? a? jc ? ? j?51 A wedding of interst to this com munity, that of Miss Dorothy Boyce, daughter of Mrs. Cloe Boyce, the sister of Mrs. M. Versett, of Collins View. The wedding which took place in Seat .tle, Washington, Friday, July 14, was a quiet one, with only the immediate relatives present, and afterwards tie 'happy couple returned to Aberdeen, Washington, where the bridgroom has extensive interests in his fathers shingle mill. lr. and Mrs. David Ewing, of St. .Johns, are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a fine iaby boy, who weighed 6V& pounds, and who has already been named Conrad Vincent. Mr. Ewing is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ewing, of Collins View. One of the jolliest parties of the summer, was that given by Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright, last Saturday after noon, at their lovely thome on the Pala tine Road, when Mr. Wright, who is in charge of the Billing , Departemnt, at the Standard Oil Co., entertained his co-workers, with their wives and famil ies. The afternoon was spent in danc ing, music and games, Mr. Acheson rendering some very fine selections upon his saxaphone. At five o'clock a sumptuous lunch was served, of salad, sandiches, 'watermellon, , ice cream, cake and punch. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and heartily endorced Mr. Wright's resolution to make these gatherings an annual affair. There were abount twenty present, and Mrs. Wright took photos. Mr. Clyde Ray is enjoying a visit of his brother, Mr. C. E. Benedict, who is here with his wife and family, from Creighton, Nebraska. Mr. R Bruce Horsfall, Junior, has gone to Lodi, California, on an extend ed trip to visit his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hunting. Mr. Robert Meyers, is working on a ranch just out of Hood River, and finds his work so agreeable, that he expects to remain there until his stud ies compel his return this fall. Mrs. E E. Kingsley, and her daugh ter Ramona.'attended the annual pic nic given by the Portland Womans Re search Club, held at Penninsula Park, July 21. For a jolly good time, it is hard to beat a genuine oldfashioned family gathering. Such a one took place at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Em mons, of Northrup Acres, on the after noon of July 16. Relatives to the num ber of twenty five gathered at the home, and all motored out to Lake Grove for a swim, later returning to the home, whtere the evening was spent in dancing, singing, and a gener al good time. Mrs. Emmons is an ac complished musician, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Horace Emmons plays the piano beautifully. Mr. Emmons plays the cornet, and Ms brother, Victor, the violin. The music was thoroughly en joyed by the neighbors. Ice cream, cake, sandwiches and coffee were serv ed, and a thoroughly good time was had by all present. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Watson and fam ily expect to attend the Masons Picnic, Friday, at the Oaks Park. Mr. Watson is an Al Kader. Mrs. A. Dully is the proud possessor of a splendid new steel range, resplen dant in nickel and white enamel, which her husband presented to her as a birlhday present. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mims are planning on building a garage on their lot, at the corner of Fourth Street and Pala tine Road. ' : i ! Mrs. J. Sim, entertained Mrs. Tan nock, of Portland, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Dell enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and their son and daughter, last Sunday. Mr. M Versett, ,and his brother-in-law, Mr. E. E, Bennett has only this week been able to have the cast re moved from his foot Last Christmas Mr. Bennett broke his foot, and blood ' poisoning set in and his foot had to be enclosed in a plaster cast. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Kirker and family, spent the day picniclng at . Sellwood Park. Mrs. R Bruce Horsfall visited her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Steans of St. Johns, last Sunday afternoon. The Girl Scouts, Troop No. 7, Dog wood Troop, recently purchased their regulation hats. There are eight who have passed through the "tenderfoot", and are now in the second grade. Miss Nellie Kuczma, is leaving, to spend the remainder of .the Bummer and' this winter at the home of Mrs. Thomas Snyder, of Hamilton Avenue, Portland, in order to resume her stud ies. Narry Butcher is visiting with his grand parents a.t gcappoose, for the " summer. Md. and Mrs. O. O'Gare, are moving into their new home, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Piacentini are moving next month, to Portland, and the house is already rented to another family. Mr. and Mrs. McLafferty of Huddle son Tract, expect to motor down to Aberdeen, to bring home their daugh ter Grace, 'who is visiting friends there. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Frane and their son, attended the Grocers picnic held at Gladstone Park, last Wednesday. Mrs. Frane won six large beautiful In jjin baskets, and they all had a good joily time. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman, and daughters, expect to leave Sunday for an extesded trip along the .coast .by motor. Mr.- Hartman, who las been suffering from eye strain expects. to be benefited by the change. Jt' ' ' JENNINGS LODGE J Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck J J jr j? jr jf f J? s? Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hale and children have gone to Netarts where they will spend the coming week. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bond have gone ! to Cannon Beach where they will spend a two weeks vacation. Mrs. John Meldrum has gone to Mt. Hood- where she will spend her sum mer vacation with her aaugnter at their summer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Meldrum are spending their vacation at Netarts. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Madden are at Seaside for a weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. F. F Theraux have re turned from Manhattan Beach. Rev. -and Mrs. A. B. Snider have returned from their summer vacation. Mr. Snider has been confined to his home since returning by an attack of sciatic rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Woodcock spent the week end at Eugene. They made the trip, by automobile. Mrs. William B. S. Booth, has suf fered a relapse and has been taken to her aunt's in Portland where she is receiving medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starker and chil dren motored to The Dalles the past week. This week they will make a trip to Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Blinestone and children are on a camping trip in the Mt. Hood section. They are accom panied by Mr. Blinestone's brother, Clyde Blinstone of Sparta Wisconsin, who is here for the summer. Grace Davis and brother Earl have returned from a three weeks visit at Gresham. Miss Ruth Birch of Walla Walla, Wash., is visiting her aunt Mrs. A. F. Russell. The young people of the Lodge en joyed a beach party Monday evening. . Mr. an Mrs. J. W. Stewart and chil dren have gone on a motor trip, to Vancouver, B. C, where they will visit Mrs. Stewart's (parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mclvar. ; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shepherd and family, have gone to the beaches where they will spend several days. They were accompanied by Mrs. Belle Brownregg, mother of Mrs. Shepherd who is here from Berkeley, California on a visit. , Dr. J. W. Oliver of Chicago, Illinois, who is touring the west, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Wilson last .Thursday. The families were neighbors when the Wilson's wfere residents of Chicago. Mrs. 11a McHargue and Mrs. Stearns Cushing will spend the coming week at Seaside. Mrs. Louis Nolta and children spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts. , Miss Padder of Portland spent the past week as the guest of Mrs. Ida Clohessey. Mrs. George Williams celebrated her birthday anniversary the past week. Among tne gilts she received was a birthday cake from her daughter in Chicago. Mrh. H. W. Hayles, of Airlie, Ore. and Martha Painton of Rockaway are the guests of Mrs. Breuchert. Henry Zilka has returned from Spo kane, where he went to attend the funeral of his brother Mr. and Mrs. Warded pf Indepen dence, Iowa, are' visiting their ne phew, Harry Birkell. Mrs. George Tripp and daughter Lu ella of Randalia, Illinois, are visiting at the home of Ira Hart on the river road. Mr. and Mrs: John Barlett of Seattle motored down the past week and vis ited al the home of Miss Ellen Kart. Mrs. W. W. 'Morgan of Wichita, Kan., will accompany the J. L Flor ence family to the Seaside and Tilla mook beaches. Hsgji jt jt jt jt j j j Jl & J . .. PARKPLACE - 2 Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh ; J $ j? j? jf jf J? t? J? Jf K" a? s? Guy Purcell and family of Fresno, Calif., and Laura Purcell of Athena, Ore., who toad been guests of their father, Dan Purcell, left Sunday morn' ing on a motor trip to Victoria, B. C. Mrs. Herman Krueger was a recent out-of-town Ivisitor. The Muinder apartments on the heights are being improved. The school directors and the. com mitted from the P. T. A. met Saturday night and chose the site for the new play ' shed that is to be built before the fall term of school begins. - Bids for the painting of the school building are being submitted to the school board. ' , Mrs. Popp, regent, presided at a re cent meeting of tih D. A. R., held at the -McLoughlin home. Herman Krueger and son Dewey were on a fishing excursion Sunday. Carl Maunder is away on a short visit in Curry county. - Mrs. George McKeig and Mrs. Annie Booker of St. Johns have been guests of their sister, Mrs. Kidwell. " Mrs. Booker will visit in Calfornia soon. ' E. L.' Pope spent Sunday in the mountains with his family. James Tobbin recently spent a few deys" with relatives in Astoria. Many Park Place residents attended the Ku Klux fclan puglic initiation at Gladstone Park Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones had for Sunday guests their son-in-law and daughter, Mr; and Mrs. Freitag of Portland. . Mrs. Woodard was an Oregon City visitor last 'Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gavalista of Ore gon City spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs V. D. Reames. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hansell of South ern Oregon spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holmes pf Park Pice. Mr. Hansell has" exchanged his stock farm for a wheat ranch near Walla Walla and will locate in that place in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woods of Mill Plains, Wash., spent the week-end vis iting friends at Clackamas Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reaves and fam ily have visited recently in Hubbard, Oregon. Mr. and Mr3 Joseph Brunner with Mrs. . Clarence Brunner and little daughter Helen, left Monday morning by auto for Seaside, to-spend a week. Mrs. Helen Brunner is the guest, for the week of Miss Eva Benson at her cottage at Cannon Beach. 8 18 ,8 8 8 8 8 $8 58 &0 8 CLARKES v5 Albert Gasser & Jt J Clara Hofstetter arrived horae frcm a visit with friends in Taco.UK,. Wash ington. Albert Gasser made a business trip to Porland last i' . .. lfr. Mnrtii. and .lnr.'.Mor M'irthi vere Oregon C icy visiMr3-Ins Friday. Mrs. S. E!rier was in nwu last Fri c'ay. W. Lindau transacted business in he county seat last Friday. Mr. Lindau. cut 75 acres of grain forget the date. Mrs. Frank Gasser from St. Johns ".st v oek. Milk testing was held last Saturday, next testing will be August 26, do not is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gasser for a few days. j-jt jt & jt jt jX jt jt Jtg WEST LINN Dennis Kidby as J . i? jf j? ? ? j? f je sf j? j? j? Mr. L. L. Porter, is home after a vis it with his brother in California. , Mrs. H. Rice and daughter. Hazel, spent a day. with Mrs Kiddy last week. Miss Addie Clark who has been at tending the National Educational As sociation in Boston has returned to West Linn. Mr. Barton Montgomery, wtoo has resided in Willamette for some time has moved to the home of his mother in Wst Linn. Mrs. Montgomery is living with her daughter, Mrs. R. Downing. Miss Margaret Clark has been in Eu gene visiting schoolmates for a few days. Miss Jay Harriet Collins and Miss Nan Lovett are to give solo dances in the pageant to be presented in Oregon City on Wednesday, of the fpundation of Oregon City. ' Mr. J. O. Miller, for many years a resident of West Linn, passed away Sunday mprning at he family home at eight o'clock. The two daughters, Clara and Olive, both married, son, Frank Miller and three grandchildren, survive hm. iThe funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon. ' " Banner-Courier clasified home the baoon. ads bring 158 i$8 8 58 (8 8 $8 18 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 $8 ' ,6 LOWER HIGHLAND J Mrs. Dan Fellows The Social hour club, met at the home of Mrs. Fred Vohs last Thursday and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. A dainty lunch jef sandwiches cake and punch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. David Rutherford, August lOtih. All ladies invited. Mr, M. H. Dodge of Canby was the. guest of Miss Swank over Sunday Mr. Yankee was a Pertland visitor last Thursday. v Mr. James Rutherford who is camp ed cn the tpp of the Highland butte. had several visiters Sunday. He sug gests they all bring a bucket of water up for toll as he has to carry all his drinking water from a spring about a mile below. - Mr. James Skidmore is (planning on leaving for b.is new home in Prosser, Washington next week. ' Mrs. Ruth Sellors (nee Ruth Pope) and daughter Bobby June, were guests of Mrs. Wirtz for several days last week. The intertainment committee con sisting of Mrs. Ida Holmes, WUiam Graham, Therma Wirtz and Walter Stone are busy preparing for the pro gram to be given at the, Baptist church some time in the near future. HarrUburg Raving work is pro gressing rapidly. . Contract let for the construction of Crescent Lake storage reservoir for Tumalo irrigation project. Wiliamina Brick plant now in op eration. Waldport Contract 1st for a new grammar ichocl building . St. Relens Long-Bell ferry comple ted and in operation. Work of grading St Helens-Pitts-burg road now complete. Waldport cannery to run this season TODAY the chances of profit in live stock may seem bright. To morrow, disaster may bring huge loss. MORTALITY LIVESTOCK INSURANCE in the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Com pany will place your live -stock business on a sound and paying basis for you. This insurance .provides a source of capital with which you can replace -your live ' stock losses without hardship Take no chances with what tomorrow brings. Insure today for safety. Ask for particulars . and rates. OWlAND ij8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8g S BOLTON ' Mildred McKillican . Mrs. N. Mechels, who has been ill for the past week, is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hobble are on an extended trip to the different beaches. , Mrs. N. McKilU.an, Mrs. F. C. Hall and daughter Dorothy were among the members of a motoring party to Silver- ton Sunday. While in .that city they were the guests of Mrs. Bertha Morley. Miss Juanita Clapjp of Portland was a visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clapp, last week. James McKillian resumed his posi tion with the Crown Willamette Pap er Co., the first of August after an ab sence of six months. Previous to re turning to work he spent . several weeks at the Shepard Hot Springs at Carson, Washington. ' ' Hardware Accessories Genuine Pord Parts Expert Repair Work Storage Tires ShdJfie Miqhmy "Equipped to serve, YOU BEST" At Elevator , Phone 390 Oregon City, Oregon HEAVY DUTY CORD Oversize 30x312 32x4 . 33x4 34x4 $13.75 24.50 24.70 25.35 OREGON INDUSTRIES Weekly Record . of Industrial Conditions Gleaned From Re-, liable Sources Over The State ' Malheur Nugget worth $128 found here. Bend Large new theatre building under construction. Portland Contract awarded for the erection of $60,000 factory. Eugene Peru- crop is p'aced at 500,- .Lnmter snip,tn9iits from the port of Astoria to Lpth fcreign fad dpniestic ports ars reselling large proportions. Special features of the MASON Extra heavy non skid "M" tread, eight plies of cord or selected long staple cotton, each ply rubber coated. The bead contains five braids of steel wire, each braid in. wide with 21 strands to the braid. North-West Tire Co. Warren & Blodgett, Prop. 407 Main St. 'Oregon City ! f rnone xs 8 LUMBER We are making a lead of our No. 3 common lumber. We are putting out an exceptionally good grade at exceptionally low prices. In as much as you can use this for the bulk of the lumber that goes into a house it will pay you to see us and let us show you. We can furnish all the lumber you need to build a house and give you the very besf service and price. WIUAMETTE RIVER LUMBER CO. Wholesale and Retail' 16th and Main Oregon City REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 ' . 620 Main S Oregon City, Oregon ' NEW Gladstone Meat Market Dealer in . A. J. CRAMER, Prop". FRESH AND CURED MEATS Call 362-J OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO-DAY - . We are not seeking a great bulk of business from all over the country, but rather prefer the patronage and confidence of the good people residing in our own vicinity, who desire to do business with an institution ever ready and glad to render them every reasonable accommoda tion and service. We would be glad to have you open an account any time, but why not today? SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Four (4) paid on time deposits, CARVER STATE BANK Carver, Oregon GRANT B. DIMICK, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice-Pres. R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier " $ STABILITY Is The Keynote Of This Banking Institution We employ only such methods in our business, as will make this bank the safest place for your savings. Faithfulness to our trust to the public, has been one of the secrets of our success. . The first consideration of the management of this-bank, is the safety of the depositor's money. . Upon the above basis, we invite your account. 4 per cent interest paid on Savings. Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY, OREGON OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY Waldport New steel bridge to be erected over Scott Creek. Toledo Preparations being made for fair. Wallowa Work starts on new Pow watka road. Florences-Gardiner highway being improved.; , Oregon City County awards nine mile paving contract Marshfield siingle, mills puts on a night shift. Astoria to improve several streets. Hillsboro Survey being made for railroad up IGales Creek.: Freewater Federated church will construct modern $33,000 edifice. Banks Streets being paved here. Medford will have $75,000 armory. E. ugene New method prune dryer being built, . VISITS CALIFORNIA FRIENDS Miss Alma Moore left the city Mon-' day evening ths week f oir a months vacation trip to points of interest in California. "While absent she will vis it friends in Los Angeles and Altadena. She will visit alsp Lagpona Beach and Long Beach before her return. Vacation Trips Cost Less This Year Why not take advantage of this opportunity to realize big profits in transportation costs to Tillamook County Beaches Newportby-the-Sea Crater Lake National Park ' Oregon's Forest, Lake, River and Mountain Resorts Oregon Caves National Park Shasta Mountain Resorts Yosemite National Park or V) SUN SET Eastern Cities Via the Scenic Shasta Route On your way East stop over at San Francisco- Los Angeles San Diego lint imjft Three world famous and beautiful cities. Visit California's National Parks and Charming Seashore Resorts "Oregon Outdoors" and "California for the Tourist," beautifully , illustrated1 folders are FREE on request. , For further particulars, ask agents Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent At the Foot of Singer Hill AUTOMOBILE REPAIRIN G The one thing which we do claim to -understand and to do well. If you have not been" satisfied with "the s'ervice, price or punctuality vou have been obtainine elsewhere, give us a trial. We refer you to any customer. CAPITAL GARAGE Les. Crawford, Prop. 10th and Railroad, ' Oregon City 1