Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, ALGUST 3, 1922 Take a ICo with you k They may not believe you but the pictures prove It And the Kodak re cord of your catch does more than merely "convince" your friends. Per manent and personal, it becomes la pleasant reminder of your outing. Price $2.00 and up Michigan, Tuesday, August 1. Charles Freeman has recently pur chased a fine ew automobile. There was a dance given at Frank Dhooghes, Saturday night. ' , 'Mr. J. L. Smithso nour well known cattleman has sold his intire herd of tcattle receiving four thousand dollars lor them. Miss Bernice Smithson of Portland is spending her vacation at her fathers homestead on Canyon creek. Mr. C. I. Palmer, professor of Math ematics of the Armour Institute of Chicago, wife and daughter Ethel and son Clark are on an extended tour of the west. They stopped for a short ..visit with his brother, B. . C. Palmer of Molalla and nephew, Chas. Hunter i of Colton, and niece Mrs. D. E. Pendle j ton of Molalla, owing to being delaped by weather conditions in some of teh middle --slates, his visit with relatives was cut short. Mr. E. R. Means, principal of the Col ton high school and family have re turned from Star, Idaho. OREGON CITY frOFTimfc aCocat Tjews Stems a Rev. and Mrs. E. E. McVickers, who have been in California for the past year have been visiting Mrs. McVick ers mother, Mrs. E. Saunders and also her sisteh, Mrs. Emma Flagler, Rev, and Mrs. McVickers are thinking of settling in the Willamette valley. Rodney Rands eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Hal A. Rands, of Oregon City is at the Oregon City hospital sufferin from a broken arm which he received by falling from a tree near his home last week. This is the second time Rodney has been in the hospital. The first time he was run down by an auto and had his hip broken Marvin Eby son of Mr. and Mrs. O, D. Eby who has been attending the Officers Training Camp at Camp Lewis, snce iJune has returned to Ore gon City where he will spend the rest of his vacation with his parents. He will resume his studies at the Uni versity of Oregon in the fall Mr. and Mrs. William Lightowler and children William Jr., George and Betty left Monday morning for Rock- away where they have rented a cottage and will enjoy a two weeks vacation. Rev and Mrs. W. A- Spaulding, ac companied by their daughter, Mrs. J. C. Cochran and children of Oregon City motored to Portland Sunday to the First United Presbyterian Church where Rev. Spaulding preached. The rest of the day was spent as guests of Rev. and Mrs. Givens who is the regu lar pastor of the church. Rev. Spauld ing is pastor of the United Presbyter ian church at Pullman, Washington Mrs. Fred Humphrys and children Constance and Louise of Oregon City, were guests of Mrs. . W. Wilson at Willamette on Friday of last week. Mrs. Floyd Eberley who has been ill at her homo, on Fourth and High streets is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ely and daugh ter Dorothy, accompanied by Mrs. Eliz abeth Glover all of Oregon City enjoy ed a picnic Idinner on the banks of the Clackamas river Sunday. L. J. Barnes.f ather of Bert Barnes of Willamette bas returned to the home of his son after a visit of sever al months in California. I Dr. George Hoeye attended a meet ing of the Chiropractic Association which was held n Portland on Thurs day of last week. Miss Charlotte Quinn of Canemah has gone to Rockaway where she will spend her vacation with friends from Portland. Mrs. M. A. Brayton who has been making her home at Canemah has gone to Newport to visit her grandson Lyle Kellogg and family. Mrs. Ellen Simmons a former resi dent of Oregon City, but now of Viola has returned to her home after visit ing her son Carl Simmons for two weeks at Gladstone. Mrs. Mary Caufield and Mrs. Sophia Moody have returned to their homes in Oregon City from The Dalles where they have been attending a Convention of the American Legion Auxiliary. Charles Flagler, son of Mrs. Emma -' Flayler of Oregon City is improving from a severe attack of Bright's dis- . ease. Mrs. J. E. Merrick whose home is at Medford, Oregon, ' is visiting her .daughter, Mrs. Raymond Caufield in Oregon City. She also came to see her new grand-daughter,' Cynthia Claire, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Caufield. Mrs. We Feitleson, son Abe and daughter .tLottie are enjoying an out ing at Seaside, Oregon. They made the trip by automobile and expect to v make several side trips while there. . James Manning, who is employed at the Burmeister and Andresen store has returned to Oregon City after visiting -shis mother and other relatives at Den ver, Colorado. 1 Jt fe 6 t FROGPOND . Mary Liesman J Several of the steam threshers (Started on Monday. The gas machines have been running for nearly a week. I The grange dance given last Satur- I day night was a big success. It clear Mrs Mort' D. Latourette and sons yed for the grange over $50, above ex . . T . , , hon i pences, which was enough to make the Edward and Linwood who have been spending their vacation at .Newpoit Qn fi nave reiumea iu iutr uumc m ay in August. Janet Sutton motored to Newport where they wil lspend two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rogers and Mrs. Albert Runion and children Mar ion and Evelyn have returned from the coast. Among those spending their vaca tion at the coast are Mr. and Mrs. S. Siiadle and children who left Sunday for Newport. Mrs. Gustave Schnoerr last week en tertained the members of the Ladies Aid of the German Lutheran church of Oregon City. Those present were Rev. and Mrs. Kraxberger, and Mesdames M; Safling, Welsh, F. Hopp, K. Hopp, Schmidt, Michel, Stahl. Strohemeier, tNobel, Hartman, Damback,- Stover, Bunke, Busch, Schwartz, Hammacher, Schandt, Golt. Valle, Frenther, Letter , On Friday, evening Miss Eve De Mrs. G. Schnoerr. . Master Billie Kanney - entertained his friends around a roaring bon-fire one evening last week and after an evening of entertaiment served them with cake and ice-cream. Those pres ent were Misses Verneita Strong, Haz el Hudson, Laura and Clara Konnig, Messrs Harold, Walter and Willard Brady, Louis and Leon Proto, Malcolm Carl and Carrol Wallis and James and Billy Kanney. On Friday evening Miss Ehma De Bok was agreeably surprised by a num ber of her friends at her home in Willamette. The occasion was a mis cellaneous shown and the gifts were numerous and beautiful. The evening was spnt in a social time and after the opening of the presents by Miss DeBok and her fiance, Mr. David Long refreshments were served. City. A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Junor of Salem on June 20. Mrs. Junor who was a resident of Ore gon City before her marriage js a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ful lam, who are now residents of Red- land. Mrs. Raymond CalilT, fho has been critically ill at the home of Mrs. Clara Califf is improving, Mrs. Bierman is the nurse in attendane . Mrs. A. L. Yoder of Yoder, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lillian McCormack in Oregon City has( re turned to her home. J t & & & J Jf Jt Jt gf- MOLALLA & Mrs. A. D. Courter Miss Clara Courter, who has been attending summer school at Monmouth returned last Friday. She will spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Courter, of Molalla. MissDortha Fryer spent Friday in r-Oregon City attending to business. Mrs. Ray Pirtle and her mother Mrs. Quinn spent Sunday in Portland. Mrs. M. Walsh of Portland spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. JPrehn. Earl Wells who has been working at Sherwood is back in Molalla for a tew days visit. -, Elder C. A. Perdin is travelling in Eastern Oregon on a lecturing tour. Earl Davidson went to Portland, Monday for medical treatments. Mra(. Elizabeth Davidson idied of heart failure at her home in Molalla monday. She had seemed in better health than usual lately. Elder C. A. Perden spent Tuesday night at home before starting for the Dalles, Oregon. Paul Hugh Miller wars a Portland visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Davidson of Salem was called to Molalla Monday by the death of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Taylor and lit tle daughter Evelyn spent a few days in Netarts last week. Louis Buckbee of Portland is spend ing the week with her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs Simon Miller. Mr. and Mrs.-, i,Fred iFredierickson motored to Scotts Mills Sunday. Miss Lena Shaffer who has been attending school at Monmouth re turned home Friday. She expects to teach the Dickey Prairie school the coming year. . Mr. and Mrs. George Blatchford and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oglebee of Shel bourn, a brother of Mrs. Blatchford, -returned from a trip to Grass valley 'and other Eastern Oregon points. Fairy Davidson and family of Ore gon City was called to Molalla Monday by the death of his mother. Roy Wells, son of Al. Well ? of Mol alla, who is in the hospital from an operation is reported doing fJne. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgaj Shaver, Sunday, July ,30, a baby girl. i Mr. Clarence Gulliford and son Clifford of Woodburn was visiting in the Molalla vicinity last week-end. John Cole has errected a planer at the railroad yard and will 'dress the lumber he has there. Miss lma Hagerty of Portland is Spending a few weeks with her uncle Albert Moshburger. Verna Nightingale is in the hospital at Oregon City. Dortha Nightingale was an Oregon City visitor last week. Among those attending the Rabbins reunion at Molalla on Sunday the 30th were Grandma and Alfred Sharp, Mrs, Anna Robbins and daughters, Aura and Erma. Mrs. Thompson aria sons Roy and Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Barney and sons Delwin and Russell. Mr. and Mrs. William Koellermeier and children, Lester, Wilda and Roland. fc- tl & J MULINO NEWS 8 tit land Walter Waldorf and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallace are at the coast. , C. T. Howard celebrated his birth day by having a big dinner, relatives of Mulino attended., Mr. Thomas Taylor has returned home from Toledo. - Miss Arleta Smith has returned from a visit at Willamette. 'Mr. John Bounds and family, Mr. Oscar Daniels,' Mr. Sillman Daniels, Mr. Clifford Daniels and Miss Lorna Howard spent last Sunday at Columbia beach. i Mr. C. T. Howard went to Portland Tuesday. Mr. Weldon Erickson has returned home from the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Perry and daughter and Mr. Cecil Dunn .of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Dunn at Mulino Sunday. Max Cofer returned to Portland Sunday. (,$8 5 f$ jjt 8 8 8 jsjff CARUS John Lehman t Monday evening a get-together was held at the Weiser home, Florence and Elsie Weisser wanted to see their friends before, leaving on Tuesday tor Canada. They were presented by those present a book "Polly Anna ilGrownup". Those present were: .Grace Ingram; Katherine O'Leary, Hughie O'Leary, Gertrude Griffith, Emily Grilith. BUie Miller, Gertie Miller, Mildred Achallis, Welma Bliss, John Bliss, Janet Gwilliam, Richard Gwilliam, John Lehman,' Murl Smidth, Clairmount Smidth, Earl Davis, Ad rian Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Schmitke, daughters Mary," Mabel and Lou, Ed- win and Irville Beach. John Lehman was a Beaver creek customer on Monday. 1 Mrs. Kilgore and Charles were in .Oregon City transacting business one day last week. Mrs. Fred Spangler was a Tuesday caller at the home of Mrs. Lewellyn. Katherine Jones who has been visit ing D. L. Jones left one day last week for her home in Lents. - Mr. John Calvier was at the beach home for cherries. The following were Oregon City vis itors last week. Wayne Stewart, Ma bel Scheuborn, Emerson Edwards, John Loeburn, Gertrude Griffith and Bob Casseday. Mrs. John R. Lewis is visiting at the home of her daughter,' Mrs. Glenn Yergen at Aurora. Emely Griffith and John Lehman, are spending a few days at Tillamook beaches. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler were Friday visitors at the Glenn Yergen home at Aurora. " 'Mr. Tom Jones of Portland, visited his children at the John Griffith home. yt (j8 8 8 8 t8 8 8 8 58 8 8 8 t8 GLADSTONE .5 Alice Freytag Si? 1? ? r j" j? f jf f jv ! Jf jp5 Mrs. Richard Freytag and Miss Alice Freytag were hostesses at a picnic lunoheon Friday at JIawley's Park giv en in honor of Misses Winnifred and Olive Smith of Vancouver, B. C. After luncheon the party was shown through the Crown Willamette Paper Mills, which proved very interesting to the visitors. The luncheon guests were, Misses Winnifred and Olive Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie, Mrs. R. M. McGetchie, Mrs. J. McGetchie, Er nest Freytag and Mrs. H. C. Parker. The Misses Smith returned, to Van couver, B. C. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Legler, Mildred Legler; Mr and Mrs. S. V. Francis of Oregon City; Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Mott of Salem, Dr. and Mrs. V. L. Uocho, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dicker, Mr. and Mrs. Carl George, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ganzmeyer, Mrs. Mable Gerber, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanderhoff, Mrs. R. Koerner and George Hartwig of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Legle and Mrs. Frank Vanderhoff motored to Hills boro Saturday where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Legler. Mrs. W. W. Lette, who has been very ill, is improving. Miss Glyde Scheubel who has been J suffering from ptomaine poisoning is . improving. ' . Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson who j have tbeen making their home at As-. toria, have returned to Oregon City , and are at the home of Mrs. Petersons mother, Mrs. Fred Warner. Mrs. War-1 ner has been very ill but is improving, j Miss Ruth Scheubel, who has been spending her vacation at "the Scheubel TRY GOLDEN CRUST BREAD made by MOLALLA BAKERY Molalla, Oregon t u J ut 6 COLTON ' Maua a. iiunter .. J, I Threshing is in progress at Coltori. summer home at Rhododendren has ?- Mr. and Mrs. Alec Carlson the new returned to Oregon City, and will be in ,'lyweds have returned from hot springs her fathers office during the absence Mr. Melvin Hult has recently un of Miss Moore, who1 is the stenograph-' dergone quite a serious operation on er in the law, office of Beattie and : one of his eyes from a piece of steel Scheubel. V getting in his eye. Mrs. Willis Pettibone, accompanied Miss Helen and Alfrieda Becker and by her daughter Katherine and the Miss Nettie Nordine, nursea of Sel Misses iGladys and Addle Wright are ' wood hospital are honie on their va attendin gthe State Baptist Yourig Peo-: cation. dIgs AssGinbl'v 1 , , ,r ' ... The iweenie roast on canyon creek Mr. and Mrs. Dale Young and chil-',camp ground was a guccess , dren have returnes to their home in Mr Mrs Pet' Dhooghe visited Portland after visiting Mrs. Youngs Mr Dhooghes parents Sunday. aunt, Mrs. Walter Wentworth at Ca- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson recently nemah. . of Colton will start for Grand Rapids, s jt j jt jt jt & & & ' . j - WILLAMETTE Beulah Snidow . ' An ice-cream social was given by the Epworth league last Wednesday for the purpose of raising money for the payment on the piano. The social was held on Mr. W. W. Davis' lawn and was well attended by the town people. Besides the ice cream, cake amd candy donated by friends and members of the league were sold. . Mrs. Donohoe and son Harold Fran cis, have returned to their home in Washington after visiting Mrs. 'Hart-man. Miss Hazel Baysinger has returned to her home in McMinnville after vis iting Mrs. Clifford Williams. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Gary and children argaert and Everett, accompanied by Mr. Gary's mother and niece left Sun day for a two weeks vacation at Newport. A food sale was held at the church Saturday afternoon by the members of the Ladies' Aid. Mrs. .Poppleton and son Willard of Milwaukie spent several days this week visiting Mrs. Forsythe. ' Mrs. Balser and Miss Gladys Baker left Sunday for a six weeks vacation at Monmouth and Independence. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis and- chil dren Gladys and Bernard and Miss NEW LOCATION NEW EQUIPMENT BETTER SERVICE If you are one who has failed .0 get satisfactory Eye Service you owe it to yourself to consult hie before giving up entirely. Crosseyes Straightened ' Without Operation Or Pain 19 years experience. Almost 12,000 patients. Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist 207-8 Masonic Bldg., Oregon City, Qre.' Phone 380 for appointment WATERMELONS Your Choice The finest we have had this year and the biggest We also have a good stock of Cantaloupes and fresh Fruits of all kinds. The ideal hot refreshment. " weather Hub Grocery On The Hill . 'yy , ill isnli rm mm f Mai" ' 0re30n Ciiy' " Come in and see the for 1Q23 The Seasons finest arid most complete line of motor cars fourteen Distinctive Models 'Hal uj 11 Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Miranda bave returned from a two weeks vacation at Pacific City. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ranch, Misses Veatrice and "Vivian Ranch spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Knight. The regular monthly business meet ing of the Bapstist church will be held in the church parlor this evening. Lester Kerns left Saturday morning for Mare' Island, where, he has en listed in the navy. Mr. and 'Mrs. P. G. Smfth spent the week-end- at Seaside. Mrs Mary Whitcomb is visiting friends in Seattle where she went to attend the play, "The Wayfarer", giv en at the University Stadium. . Rev. and Mrs. Hardie Connor, Judge and Mrs. H. E. Cross, and Mrs. Carrie N Parker attended the Baptist Con vention at Columbia City, last week. Mr. S. A. Shroer motored to Seaside Friday, returning Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Beard and family, returned Friday from Oakridge where they spent their vacation. Mr. and Mrs R Freytag, Miss Alice and Ernest Freytag, and Mr. and Mrs. b. J. Meyer, of Oregon City and Mrs. Hattie Pecht expect to leave this week fnr Pnpifio fnr a four flavo Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McGetchie enter tained at idinner Friday evening. The affair was given in honor of the Miss es Winnifred and Olive Smith of Van couver, B. C. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie, of Portland Mr. and Mrs. J. McGetchie, Mrs. H. C. Parker, Miss Alice Freytag, Ernest Freytag, Mr. and Mrs. R. Freytag. f " ' " !tr 'v'v' rf s5 Along The Highway The Bell sign is a symbol of assurance to the motorist. It .means that he is in., touch with home and business. It means that anxieties can be eliminated changed plans 11 made Known emer gencies more quickly relieved. Every Bell sign marks the location of a long distance tele phone station. I ' The Pacific Telephone Arid Telegraph Company