The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, July 27, 1922, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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    Page Kins
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Sandy Department
........... t
, Surprise Party .
A merry crowd of youngsters stole
a march on Loyd Maybee last Satur
. day afternoon, giving him a surprise
party in honor of ihis fourteenffi
After surprising Loyd at the home
. of his sister, Mrs. Alma Maroney,
where he is visiting, th party went
to Meinig's grove where the .after
noon was spent in playing games, fol
lowed, by the serving of delicious re
freshments. ,
Those partaking in the afternoon's
' fun were: Ruth Esson, Ronald Esson
Jr.. Marguerite, Mildred and Ruth
Barnett, Helen Scott, Richard Maroney
John Shelley, Henry Dittjert, Wini
- fred and Elmer Glockner,- Forest and
Lawrence Shaw and Mabel, Margu
erite and William Frace.
Annual Reunion ,
The thirty-first annual reunion of
the' Stevens family was held at the
home of Mrs. Rebecca Mount, at Sil
verton, Oregon, Wednesday, July 19,
with nearly. two hundred members of
the clan being present.
Mrs Mount, Mrs.' Jennings Smith,
Mrs. .Sarah McCubbins and Mrs. Chr.
Esson, mother of R E Esson, ar the
onlp living children of Hanson Stev
ens, who crossed the plains with an
ox team and settled on Howell's prai
rie in 1852.
Mrs. Rebecca Mount ttold at the
reunion how her mother "Mrs Han
son Stevens, alone brought her two
children, sick with typhoid fever,
down the Columbia river on a raft,
landing at the mouth of the Sandy
river where they were joined by Mr.
Stevens and their oldest" son Isaac
who had brought their livestock over
land. r
The family then journeyed overland
to North Howell's prairie where Mr.
Stevens took up a donation land claim
and upon which claim, Isaac Stevens,
two sons, Ellis and Willard, still re
side. The descendants of these pion
eers number over five hundred.
Dr. H. S. Mount of Oregon City was
reelected president of the clan, his
wife, being reelected secretary, after
the sumptous repast which followed,
several interesting addresses were
given. The next annual reunion will
be held in Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. R E Esson and child
ren of Sandy were among those at
tending the celebration.
The all-day services held in the
Lutheran church grove last Sunday
were fairly well attended,' people be
ing present from Cottrell, Pleasant
Home, Dover, Cherryville and Bull
Run. In the forenoon, Rev. Thomp
son of Gresham spoke, while Rev.
Pitts of Sandy was the afternoon spea
ker. The entertainment given at Cottrell
last Friday evening for the purpose of
raising funds with which to paint the
church was well attended.
Music and readings constituted the
program, the Sandy quartet contribut
ing one number and Dr. Sture and Mrs.
Esson rendering a duet.
Mp and Mrs. J. Scales, Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Esson and son Ronald Jr. and
Mrs. Blanche Shelley motored to Wil
hoit Springs Sunday. While there
they visited Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon
and daughters Pearl and Hazel; Mrs.
Dixon who has -been at Wilhoit Springs
for her health returned to her home
yesterday in an improved condition.
The Sandy baseball team defeated
the Springdale team last Sunday by
a score of 26 to 3.
The P R L & P company has a
force of men at work installing the
poles and were for the street lights
for which Sandy has been waiting so
The Community' club met last
Thursday evening in the city hall, with
C. O. Duke presiding; routine busi
ness was the order of the evening.
Mildred Frace, second daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. R C Frace fell from a
porch bannister Saturday and broke
her wrist. Dr. Williams was called
" and set the injured member, which
is doing well.
The regular meeting of the Pa'fWf
Teachers association will be held in
th city hall Friday (this) evening.
Several important matters 'will be dis
cussed, so plan to be there.
Reliable Dentistry ,
Nerv Blocking
Residence and Office Phone
Sandy; Oregon
Sandy Drug Store
Weatherly Ice Cream
Eastman Kodaks, Films and Supplies
Tires and Accessories
Auto Repairing
Blacksmithing .
R. S. SMITH, Prop.
Mrs. Louise Barker of Portland was
in Sandy last week visiting friends.
Mrs.. Barker will be remembered as
Mrs. Bea Aaron.
Packer was in from Ford Prairie
Monday with a string of six pack
C O Duke and mother spent Satur
day night and Sunday, the guests of
Mr. Rutherford, who has a summer
cottage on Alder creek.
Miss Marguerite Miller and sister
Elsie and friends of Portland, were
dinner guests at the Duke home Fri
day evening. , .
Mr. and Mrs. C -Bowers and relat
ives from California, numbering 23,
went up the Highway last Sunday.
On Wednesday of last week the re
latives left for their homes in Cali
fornia. Last Sunday, relatives from
Portland came and the day was spent
on the Sandy river fishing.
Little Heinie Dittert hurt his head
quite badly Monday ' evening. Play
ing with a bunch of children, a stick
flew from the hands of one of them
hitting Heinie on the top of the
head and' cutting quite a gash.
Mrs. Shaw left for Fairview Mon
day evening to care for her mother
who is quite sick.
Walter Dodson who is in Portland
with his grandmother, is reported as
being slightly improved; some time
ago he run a rusty nail in his foot,
and has more or less trouble with
boils and carbuncles since. Mrs. 'Dod
son was called in Sunday evening.
J ' Scales and son Thomas spent
Monday and Tuesday in town.
Mrs. Nef Bell spent Saturday niht
with the A C Thomas family at Bull
Run; her daughter, Margaret, return
ed with her, after a visit with her
cousin Elsworth Bell, who is recov
ering from a severe hum a week ago
last Saturda, he jumped bare footed
into an aln thill, which 'had. been
Most of the younger set attended
the dance at Eagle Crest last Satur
day evening.
The Kubitzer family entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Junker, Henry Junker,
Mr. and Mrs. Sharnke, George and
Barbara and Mr. Dittert, Sunday af
ternoon and evening.
Miss Lillian Carus, accompanied
by her brother, Dr. Clarence Carus,
of Portland, were Sunday guests at
the Ed Wolf home.
Mrs. Carl Aschhoff and sister, Miss
Nettie Schimitz, spent a day in town
last week, also the Henry Perriet
The Nick S'chmitz family were
pleasantly surprised Sunday when Mr.
and Mrs. Worms and Mr. and Mrs.
Kitel and children of Portland came
out to spend the day.
Jt John Lehman Jt
jf jf if Jf if if if if if if if if if if
The Girl's Canning Club met at the
home of Mrs. G R Gwilliam for de
monstration on canning cherries. Miss
Calgier and Mrs. Purcell in charge.
Those present were Grace Ingram,
Gertrude Griffiths, Emily Griffiths and
Gertrude Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spongier attend
ed the Jersey meeting at Oregon City
Mr. John Pretie and nieces Gelendia,
Emma and Maria Fellin, have gone
to Portland to make their home.
Misses Virginia and Helen Spangler
have left us, gone to Portland for a
week. They are guests at the Rose
Wednesday evening an "occasion"
of ' considerable interest took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Brown. The Ladies Aid held its
'.one" year anniverary, cake and Ice
cream was the surprise of the even
ing. Thirty-six were present. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the
year: Mrs. John Kline, president;
Mrs. George Ingram, vice president;.
Mrs. G R Gwilliam was elected sec
retary Base ball Oh, yes, it was a penny
game Sunday Carus played Canby
"over there"; the score was 5 to 2 in
favor of Carus."
Mr. Tom Jones from Portland visit
ed, his daughters and son, Evelyn, Ma
ragret and Herbert. The three child
ren are staying at the Griffiths.
Mrs. Caldwell from Nevada is vis
iting Carus. She is the guest at the
Ingram home
Mr. John O'Leary was a, Portland
visitor Wednesday. ' '.. -
Mr. Nathan Coseday was at Martains
Friday. .
" Mrs. Hunter Ingram from Portland
is building a cozy little log house here
in Carus. Mr. Ingram, it is rumored.
will live here this summer in bis new
Mr. Henman Fisher, sons Ray amd
Albert, have gone to the mountains
for a brief stay.. ' -' '
The Carus young folks all regret
the leaving of Misses Elsie and Flor
ence Weisser; the girls are going to
Mrs Edgar and granddaughter May
ana from Portland are guests at Mag
nesses. jl 8 tjt d$t (,$8
jt jt
Lyle Hasselbrink has been ordered
to bed for a couple of weeks for per
fect rest on account of a stiffness in
the knee; . jusf what the trouble is,
has been hard to decide.
Wednesday night a board meeting
was held at the school house when
M a Hoiorook was sworn in a new
director and C JT Wagner" took the
oath of office as clerk for the 33rd
Quite a number of the Wilsonville
and Frog Pond people attended the
dances at Aurora and Ladd Hill, re
ported a fines time.
Wm. Flick of Union Hill district
passed away Friday morning; he
leaves a wife and son to mourn his
loss. He was a charter member of
the Wilsonville Grange. The funeral
services were held Monday.
Mrs. M. Hanson who thaught the
primary room at Wilsonville last
spring, ,was elected to a position in
the Newberg elementary school.
The dredge is busy in the river near
Wilsonville discharging gravel into
waiting trucks. Th gravel is going
on the roads near Malloy and Sher
wood. The roads to Ladd Hill are
being widened and graded, the hills
are being lowered to an accessible
The Wilsonville Grange held its
postponed meeting on the 22nd ; an in
teresting time was had. It was not a
large meeting, as so many men are in
the harvest fields.
July 31st McAllister represented
the Union Stock Yards, will give a
picture show at Malloy hall, illust
rating the hog industry.
Wednesday Vera Wagner returned
from Hood River where she had been
for three weeks.
jgt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jy
Jt Delia -Vallen J
t? jf f If Jf f if if P'Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf if
Ed. Hodgkiss, who is working for
Frank Bittner; has been laid off for
a. few days with tonsilitis.
Walter Cox, who is working on the
Columbia for Peters, came home for
the week end, owing to a breakdown
on th donkey engine.
Orel Vallen visited his grand par-
nts for a couple of weeks at the home
of his uncle Will Henderson in Oregon
Rev. J O Staats is staying in Port
land where h is receiving medical
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stahlnecker and
Delia Vallen motored to Oregon City
Sunday to see Mr. W T Henderson,
who is in a critical condition.
Mr. and Mrs. John Park, injured in
an auto accident several weeks ago,
are improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Leymour Lankins
and sons Lee and Claud motored to
Walton, Oregon, last week on a visit
among relatives and in search ' of
work, also made a tripj to the coast
accompanied 'by Mrs. B Looney.
A U Boyden made a business trip
to Oregon, City Thursday.
Mrs. Ciara Rosebraugh
fi ifjPjfifjfififjfififjfif if jf
Mr. Joseph Brunner and sons, Clar
ence and Lester, motored to Dallas, on
Sunday. .
Mr. Alfred Ladd, has sold his home
on the heights to Earl Hitchinan, who
will take possession in the near fut
ure. Mrs. W. W Holmes and Mrs. War
rick were in Oregon City on Wednes
day Mr. R. Freytag of Gladstone and O.
A. Pace of Oregon City were among
the visitors at Eagle Creek on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Hem'y Mays are spend
ing a vacation at the coast.
Robert Murray of Portland was call
ing on friends Thursday afternoon.
B. A. King is assisting during July
and August in the Post Office at Ore
gon City.
H O. Rosebraugh and family, with
Mr. and Mrs. George Thofas of Os
wego, - motored over the Columbia
River Highway to EagleCreek on Sun
day. v
Canby Department
Dr. John
Of the numerous auto accidents in
and near Canbyt in recent weeks, the
"most" pafnful injury was received by
P. C. Beecher. last week. (
Mr. Beecher, who is employed by
the Haynes Foster Bakery Co.', of Port
land, had just crossed the highway
bridge south of Canby, when a bread
box'dropped from his car. After stop
ping his car. and replacing the box, he
was looking over his engine, for some
minor adjustments, while standing by
his car for this purpose, a Paige car,
driven by Mrs. C. T Welch of Montana
south bound, being crowded by a iarge
Arrow caf, driven toy Mr. J. M. Meany,
northbound, turned to avoid a crash
and struck Mr. Beecher a glancing
blow on the right hip, crushing him
between the two cars, and laying the
fleshy part of tihe thigh and buttock
open to the bone. '.-,.'
All assistance possible was given by
thg parties to the accident, after which
Mr. Beecher was taken to the offices
of Drs. Dedman and Hemstead, in
Canby, for further attention, and later
sent to "a Portland hospital. As the
law indicates, Mr. Beecher should not
have parked his car on the pavement
as there was plenty of room to get off
of it, at this point.'
The driver from Montana, seeing
the other car approaching, should have
stopped behind Mr. Beechers car un
til it p'assed. The other driver seeing
the impossibility of passing in such
close quarters should have' turned out
at least one foot to the right, as there
was an abundance of room to safely
do so and thus avoid this injury to
both car and drives. Recent accidents
in and near Canby, has caused some
ccimnient and notations!, and thjere
seems to be a tendency to look upon
Canby with censure.
The writer wishes to- state that the
people of Canby have had no serious
accidents. Our roads are good and on
the average our drivers' are careful.
But we are wandering why people
come from Portland, California, Mon
tana and other points, to act the fool
on our roads.
Lodge Doings
At the I. O O. F. hall last Friday
night at regular session of the lodge,
the following officers were installed
for the ensuing term: Noble Grand,
Wm. Yeary; vice grand, Melvin Moh
lum; Warden, Virgil Skinner; Conduc
tor, Wm. Werner; Chaplain, Dug Dim
ick; Inside guard, Dewey Burright;
Outside guard, Jas. Mahlum; Right S.
S Elroj Bates;. L S S, Clarence Eid;
Right supporter to N. G., Tom Hamil
ton; Left to N. G., C L Bates; Right
supporter to vice grand, Melvin Eid;
Left supported to vice grand, Ben
Kirk Rebekah Lodge No. 124 instal
led the following officers for th
ensuing term on Tuesday night July
18th. Mrs. C L Eid, Noble Grand; Mrs
L. Lents, vice grand; C. L-.EId, sec;
Mrs. H H Eccles, treas.; Mrs Anna
Freeze, Warden; Mrs. R Swanby, con
ductress; Mrs1 C L Bates, chaplain; C
L Bates, outside guard; Ralph Swan
by, inside guard; Mrs. L White, R S
N G; Mrs. C Fuller, ESVG.
Following the installation services, a
repast was served, by the committee
on entertainment Adjournment was
taken to August 8.
Chas. Kenutson, died Tuesday morn
ing at his home in east Canby, follow
ing a brief illness of a few hours. He
worked on Monday, doing some paint
ing on the new house, he had under
construction, and toward evening was
overcome by a distress in the stomach
culminating in a hemorrage, from
which he died. Mr. Kenutson was
born in Norway, May 8, 1866. H came
to the United States with his parents,
when four years of age, settling In
" He came to Canby in 1909 and set
tled on a fanm south of town, from
which he moved less than a year ago,
to the city property, where he died.
Besides one brother and' two sisters,
he leaves a wife and eight childern to
inourn his death. Funeral services
are, "being planned for at the M. E.
churqh in Canby, and will be conduct
ed by "Rev. Skilbred of the Lutheran
church. '
On Thursday, July 20, the patrol
team of Al-Azon Pyramid No. 1 o
Portland met with Myrtle Assembly
No. 155, United Artisans of Canhy,
ter enjoying a chicken, dinner, a beau
tiful street parade was given by the
Portland team, followed by Initiatory
degree work at the hall. After which
the social committee took charge of
the free dance.
Every phase of the occasion was
beautifully arranged, ,a harmoneous
time was enjoyed by all, and the visit
ors from Portland returned to tnel?
homes, with praises for the Canby peo
ple in the excellent way in which they
were received and entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wilkeowski of
Molalla on their return from a hiking
trip to Baesby Springs. Elk Lake and
Breightenbusch Hot Springs. Stopped
over night in Canby. They went into
the mountains from the Molalla Bide,
crossed the range, to Brightenbusch,
and back iby way of Albany and Salem,
making the trip on foot and living the
out door life. They report a fine time
and a successful sojourn.
Among those coming and going, dur
ing the past week were: ,
Fred Lents and family on vacation
to eastern Oregon. Miss ' Leola'
Campbell of Clackamas is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles.
On their way to Wilhoit Spring, Mr.
C S Huntly and family of Portland
called on Mr and Mrs. C. H Shelton. '
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Batty of Cali-
fornia, is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C N Wait ' Mr. A Rothen
berg made a business trip to Oregon
City Wednesday afternoon.
John Samuelson, has gone to Port
land. '
Martin Wktdows, who is working for
the S. P company, received painful in
juries, while lifting a steel rail in
place last week. In some way the
weight of the rail came in contact
with his foot, mashing three of his
toes He will be laid up for several
Nels Digeness and two daughters,
are visiting old friends injanby this
week They were former residents of
this community and now live in Port
land. .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knight were week
end visitors at the home of I F Fisher
and family. . -v
Charles Prauty left on Friday for a
ten days outing" at Seaside
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W D Rider
a daughter. Mother and baby both
doing well in an Oregon City hospital.
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Johnson ot
Eugene, ar visitors at Ithe home
of Herbert Johnson in Canby.
Mrs. L J Mothew and Mrs Fortmil-
Ler of Leboneji were visitors last Wed
nesday with Canby friends.
W. S Maple has bought from Mrs.
Ada LaBow, the property just across
tiie street from the Christian church
building, consisting of three lots and
a six room house . The transaction
was made through the G L Bates real
estate office.
Among the realty transfers made in
Canby during the past few days was
the sale of Mrs. A. Labow's residence
and two lots adjojning the property of
Major W. S. Maple. The papers pass
ed through the real estate office of
Charles T. Bates. '
(jjt (,$5 1 jt
J Mrs. A. D. Courier Jt
Jt J
jf afjfjfjfjfjfifififjfififjfjf'
Ralph Holman and family left for a
vacation at Rochaway last Wednesday,
Harold Riding pitched for Aurora
baseball team last Sunday at Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs Rudy and . son Robert
of Portland spent Sunday at their
ranch near Molalla.
John Shibb, George Baty and Gibson
returned Monday from Pacific City
where they took in the three days
round-up. "
George Gregory has commenced cut
ting teasls.
Oscar Stuve has gone to Eastern
Oregon to work through harvest.
James Courtes who has been spend
ing a couple of months in Molalla has
returned to Condon, Oregon, to work
through harvest
Mrs. D C, Murphy and daughter
Ruth Anna returned last Thursday
from a very pleasant trip to several
places on the coast they 'went with
D W. Shroek, Mrs. Murpjhy's brother.
Mr and Mrs Clyde Path of Portland
visited his sister Mrs Florence Vaughn
Born to Mr. and Mrs. R H Park Sat
urday, July 15, a daughter.
E G Miller and wife and son Edgar
have gone to Newport to spend their
Mr. and Mrs Carl Ritter of Seattle
are spending a few weeks with Mrs.
Ritter's parents Mr and Mrs Russell.
Otto Wilkowski and wife each with
a pack, started for th hills to spend
a week. They will go to Scenic Rock
and other places in the Cascades.
Mr. and Mrs Leo Shaver and little
daughter Virginia spent the week-end
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest McGregor of
Portland motored out from Redland
and took his mother hack with them
for a few days visit
Mrs. James Love and Beldon McGreg
or went to Portland Sunday for a few
day's visit with th latters brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnet -of Portland
spent the week-end in Molalla with
made by
Molalla, Oregon
J6 J
Jt Mildred McKillican Jt
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Draper enter
tained visitors from Portland, Monday!
Miss Ruby Hogan was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hogan of West
Linn during the past week-end.
Mrs. Ernest Bellvue at Portland was
the guest of Miss Mildred McKillican,
Richard Thompson, son of Mr. and
Mrs Ellwood Thompson died Saturday
evening at the-Oregon City hospital.
He had been ill for several weeks suf
fering rom heart trouble. Funeral
services were held Monday at the Hoi-
man and Pace undertaking parlors.
Jt Jt Jt jt jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt
Jt jt
Jt Albert Gasser Jt
Jt - Jt
if jfjfjfjrjfjfifjfjfjfjftfifif
Sam Elmer and D. Buol are cutting
their grain?
Mrs Ray Buchheit from Portland is
visiting her parents, W. H. Wettlanfer
and family for a short time
Walter Lee and Miss Dora Wallac
from Oregon City visited Claude, Mary
and Kenneth Bottemiller last Sunday-
Born to Mr and Mrs. John Weigle a
baby girl last week.
Mr. (Brooks bought a new Ford car
last week.
Mrs. George Kruse from Portland is
visiting her parents, W. H. Wettlanfer
and family ror a short time.
Ted Wolford, Ed Pfiefer and W. Wil
son are making poles on the Bottemil
ler place which they bought last week.
We are very sorry to hear that John
Marshall had bad luck when his house
caught pre and (burned down last
John Buche has gone to Eastern Ore
Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt jt
Jt Mrs. Geo. ilarunaa
Jt J
fitf ifififififK'Sflfififififif jf
Of interest to the people in Northrup,
Acres, Kilpat-Collins, and Collins View
is the fact that the P R L & P Co,
now having the required number of
contracts signed up for electric power
through out these districts They are
asking that everyone have their homes
wired as soon as possible, go that they
can start construction work at the
earliest possible time.
Mr. and Mrs. J H Pos, and their
daughter Josephine, spent the Sunday
with Mr and Mrs M L McGraw, at
their home on the Woushougal.
Mr. and Mrs. J J Kirker, are rejoic
ing over the birth of a little daugh-
Mr. and Mrs. O A Clark, and Mrs
ter, who will toe named Jean.
Lue Vay Kohlhase and her daughter
Edith Vay, of Capital hill, were the
guests of Dr and Mrs. Burnett, Sunday.
Mrs Klumpn entertained for her lit
tle daughter, Louise, last Thursday,
with a children's party.
Grace McLafferty, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. McLafferty of Huddle-
son Tract is making an extended visit
with friends at Aberdeen, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs., B M Sanford ar re
ceiving congratulations upon the birth
of a fine toaby girl.
Mr and Mrs Sidney Lathrop and
family, of Capitol Hill, are motoring
up the Columbia Highway. With
them is Mr. Lathrop's mother, who is
visiting them from Tacoma.
Mr and Mrs. Fick, and their little
daughter, Barbara, spent last Thurs
day at Lake Grove.
Mrs. Dickinson, formerly of Collins
View, visited with Mrs. R A Watson,
for the day, recently.
Minnie Beckel is one of the lucEy
girls to earn a Jansen bathing suit in
the News contest Mr. Bechel is m'ucsli
better, and able to work again.
The river dance and party given by
the Parent Teachers Council of Port
land last month proved such a success
that they decided to giv another one
rast Thursday evening. Members of
the Capitol Hill Ranch spient a most
enjoyable evening, July 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Duncan of Kil
patric Tract are receiving congratu
lations upon th arrival of a fine baby
boy, last Friday, July 14. Mr. Duncan
has constructed a very fine radio set
5s nnnnnnnnirnnffl h?
; - irilllMI
, I'm
iL C. Howland
620 Main St. Oregon City, Ore. ' i '
Mrs. George Hartman entertained
Mrs-.' Ed. Schwab and her daughter
Geraltdine, last Saturday.
Mrs Manning Spiker of Capitol Hill
and her family, expect to leave Mon
day for a camping trip to Rockaway
Beach, in her Nash Six. ' Upon her re
turn Mrs. Spiker will join a party in
climbing Mt Hood. Elaine Spiker
was one of these forunat girls who
won a .Jantzen bathing suit in the
Telegram contest recently. . '
Mr. and Mrs. Winters of Capitol
Hill joined a party in a camping trip
to Netarts Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. R A Watson and fam
ily "spent a day last week at Gres
ham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moad 6T Collins
View are proud and happy over the
arrival of a dear baby girl last Mon
day afternoon.
Friends of Mrs. W B Baker ar
pleased to. hear that she is abl6 to
be home again. . '
Mr. G O Linehan, is having his va
cation and has gone on a - camping
trip with his wife, in their Chevro
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith Brown
were surprised last Sunday with a
visit from her cousins who motored
up from San Francisco, Cal. Mr. and
Mrs: Brown entertained them , with
numerous scenic trips of Oregon, in
cluding Clear Creek, Clackamas and
the Columbia River Highway to Hood
River. ' .
"Monday evening, July 17, the store
of Henry Achzig of Collins View was
robbed. The thieves forced the hack
door, and took 172 in currency, some
loose money in the register was left
and some spilled over the floor, which
would indicate that the burglar was
frightened away.
Mrs. Ed. Schwab and her daughter
Geraldine motored with friends to
San Francisco wher they visited her
mother and returned after a stay of
three weeks.
Theer was a good attendance at
the meeting of the "Brownie" Scout
Girls, held last Wednesday. The
meeting was in charge of the "Brown .
Fairy" on account of the absence of
the "Brown Owl."
Mrs. E E Kingsley and her daugh
ter Ramona attended the annual pic
nic given by the Portland Womans .
Research .Club held at Fenninsula
Park Friday afternoon.
Jt Mrs. R. B. Gibson Jt
Jt jt
S$ jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf if if Jf if if if if
Mrs. Rosa Baker and sons George
and Carl, Mrs. Lou Baker and daugh
ter, Lola and Murry Clark returned
home last Saturday from Newport,
where they spent a pleasant outing
of nearly two week3.
Mr. and Mrs. R B Gibson
Barton visitors Sunday, v
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglas and
daughter Florice, were the Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
C H Murphy had the misfortune
to get his foot hurt while working
the road the other day, smashed toy
a rock, but h is able to walk with
the assistance of a cane.
Tom Smith and family have moved
onto the Johnson place and John Gre
gor and family have moved on to the
place vacated by Mr. Smith
Miss Amelia Bestul was th Sun
day guest of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Bestul. i
Mrs. Carl- Rhenstrom has gone to
Astoria for a few day's visit
Banner-Courier clasified ads
home the bacon.