5V Page Eight THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922 ACID SOILS FOR CRANBERRY CROP Extension Workers Discuss Ad vantages and Drawbacks of Industry in United States. PREPARATION IS EXPENSIVE All Trees and Roots Must Be Re moved From Marsh and Burned, and the Fields Graded, Ditched, Diked and Sanded. (Prepared by the United Statu Department - of Agriculture.) Cranberry culture Is recommended as a profitable Industry under suitable conditions and In certain climates by specialists of the United States De partment of Agriculture. At a recent conference of extension workers the possibilities, advantages and draw backs in cranberry growing were dis cussed. The bulk of the, present cranberry crop is grown on the acid soils and peat bogs of Massachusetts, parts of New Jersey, and New York, Wiscon sin, Michigan, and na the mouth of the Columbia river in Washington and Oregon. Some cranberries are also grown in the mountain districts in Virginia and West Virginia. Preparation Expensive Process. Preparation of the land for cran berry growing Is an expensive proc ess. All trees and roots have to be removed from the marsh and burned, and the fields graded, ditched, dyked and sanded. Before the war. swamp land could thus be Cleared and pre pared for about $300 to $700 per cre. At present prices of labor and ma terials, this work will cost anywhere from $600 to $1,200. The ground ' must be suitably lo cated and prepared carefully because it is important to Jiave a good water supply and good drainage facilities. The water is also used for controlling insect enemies. It is necessary to have a reservoir from which the bog can be flooded. In New Jersey some grow ers say that leaving some weeds in the bog is not objectionable as they sup ply, shade for the plants. In Wiscon sin Indians from the reservation pick the berries. In New Jersey thousands of Italians come out to do the pick ing. In Massachusetts Portuguese do most of the work. Ward Off Pests and Diseases. It is essential that the cranberry grower be prepared to ward off In sects and diseases, both of which are very destructive. In New Jersey, where conditions are favorable for the development of certain fungous dis eases, proper spraying with bordeaux mixture was found to control the dis ease and is generally practiced. Ordinarily, the price of cranberries per barrel is from $8 to $10, although during the past year as much as $40 per barrel was obtained for small lots. The number of barrels produced per acre ranges anywhere from 15 or 20 to 100 or sometimes 200. A reason able expectation under good condi tions and management, however, would be from 35 to 40 barrels per acre. ELEVATOR FOR HAY OR GRAIN Invention of Idaho Man Intended to Take Product From Rack and. Deliver to Wagon. The Scientific American In illustrat ing and describing a hay elevator, the Invention of J. J. Huston of Huston, Idaho, says: , An object of the invention is to pro vide a side-delivering hay elevator, in which the hay or grain is taken from a side delivery rack device and deliv- A Rear Elevation of the Device, ered without waste to a wagon. An other object is to provide an elevator in which a pair of endless drapers are used to take and convey the load laterally of direction of travel and dump the same into a delivery wagon or, receptacle. " - KEEP YOUNG FOWL GROWING Profits Depend Largely on Correct Supply of Material-Standard Missouri Ration. Feeding the growing chick correctly Is absolutely essential, both to the im provement of the laying flock and to the profitable growth of the cockerels for sale as broilers. The necessity for liberal quantities of animal pro tein In the ration is urgent, says T. S. feathers which require large quanti ties of animal protein. The standard Missouri ration for growing chicks includes the same mash as for laying hens; that is, a mixture of 100 pounds bran, 100 ponnds shorts and 50 pounds of tank-' age. In addition to this the growing chick should receive cracked corn and whole wheat or kafir, both the grain and, the mash being provided in self feeding hoppers. nuTAniAucs ur IsUliivhiiui? It Helps to Keep Weeds Down and Conserves Moisture Necessary for Vegetables. Keep the hand cultivator going 'to preserve a dust mulch and to kill weeds. ' Either pull or hoe the weeds out of the vegetable rows. The best time to kill weeds is when they hav Just pushed through the top of the ground. Frequent shallow cultivation will do this1 as well as conserve moisture. HABITS OF STARLING BENEFICIAL TO MAN Biological Survey Has Made Ex tensive Study of Bird. . In State of Maine They Are Given Pro tection While Not Destroying Crops--Two Ways of Break- ing Up Their Roosts. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Contrary to popular opinion, the starling is not an undesirable bird alien, according to the biological sur vey of the United States Department of Agriculture. Most of its food hub Its have been demonstrated to be either beneficial to man or of a neutral char acter.. The time the bird spends de stroying Cherries or molesting other birds is short compared with the end less hours it spends searching for In sects or feeding on wild fruits. To determine what should be the at titude of the public toward the star ling, in respect to protective legisla tion, the biological survey lias made an extensive study of it. The starling secures less than 6 per cent of its yearly food from cultivated crons. The Starling Secures Less Than 6 Per Cent of Its Food From Culti vated Crops. The bluebird and the flicker suffer most at the breeding season from the starling's attacks on their nests. In most states where starlings are present, even in moderate numbers, they have been placed on the lfist of exceptions to protection. In Maine they are given protection" subject to a provision whereby they may be killed when destroying crops. The depart ment recommends this type of law in justice to the farmer whose crops are threatened by a local overabundance of these birds. Roosts . of starlings may be broken up by frightening the birds with the persistent use of fire arms or Roman candles, but vigilance Is necessary, to prevent the re-estal)-lishment of roosts by removal to other places where they would be equally objectionable. POISON KILLS GRASSHOPPERS Paris Green or Arsenic Added to Wheat Bran Will Destroy Large Number of Them. A very effective grasshopper poison Is made as follows: To 25 pounds of wheat bran add one pound of Paris green or arsenic, six oranges or lemons finely chpppeil ; two quarts of low grade molasses and from two to four gallons of water. If this Is thoroughly mixed and then scattered over grasshopper in fested areas, it will dispose of larpe numbers of them. The mixture may be scattered in the morning; unless it is very dry when it should be put out In the evening. It may be scattered through a regular oats seeder, set to sow about three bushels of oats per acre. . ADJUST HARNESS ON HORSES Practically No Trouble From. Sots Necks If Hames Fit Animals' Necks Properly. If the hames fit the horses and they are properly adjusted there will be practically no trouble from sore necks, collar bolls and galled shoulders dur ing the summer season when horses do their hardest ' work. The most im portant part of the harness is the collar. A broad-faced collar Is one to be preferred. It should fit snug or al most tight when new. The same col lar should be used on the same horse from day "to day. The next Item is the . regulation of the hame string both at the top and the bottom to fit the collar snug. Any variation will pinch the neck or bruise the shoul der. LITTLE WORMS KILL CHICKS Gapes Destroy or Stunt Thousands of Young Birds Every Season Hard to Dislodge. Thousands of promising little chicks are stunted or killed by the ravages of gapes every season. Such chicks mope around, frequently gape for breath and cough or sneeze In an ef fort to dislodge the gapeworms which have attached themselves to the chick's windpipe and Irritate it. Gapeworms are so small that one or two of them might not harm a chick much, but they are rapid multipliers and soon the windpipe becomes filled with them and the lining becomes in flamed and breathing difficult. - it F you want what pou want when pou want it in the printing line J i 'si 1 WE HAVE IT! FREE RANGE OF IMPORTANCE Chicks Confined Continually in Brooder Do Not Secure Proper Amount of Exercise. Healthy chicks are very active. Chicks that, are confined in a brooder house continually are not apt to have sufficient exercise, which frequently gives rise to toe picking, feather pull ing and other brooder evils. Free range gives them something to do and keeps them healthy. REMEDY AGAINST LAWN ANTS Entomologists Recommend Drenching Nests With Boiling Water , or Using Kerosene. To get rid of lawn ants entomolo gists of the United States Department of Agriculture suggest drenching the nests with boiling water or pouring in a small quantity of kerosene oil. Sim- UraVERSflY-OKECON The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contains: The college of Literature, Science and the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi tecture Business Administration Education Graduate Study -Law-Medicine Music Physical Educa tion Sociology. The 47th Year Opens October 2. 1922 For acatalogue or any information xorile The Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. Reliable Abstracts If -you are thinking of making a loan or selling your property, come in and see us about an ab stract. We try to give prompt and efficient service. Oregon City Abstract . Co. Opposite Courthouse OREGON CITY, OREGON About Battery Life Insurance The wording of a battery life - insurance policy may sound pret ty good, but you can be sure it isn't a bit better than the company back of it. The great strength of Willard Battery insur ance is in the reputa tion of the Willard Storage Battery Com pany for building the right kind of product, and then backing that product by the right kind of policies, and the right sort of. an organ ization. Our service is the 'Willard Standard in every particular and that means caring for all makes of batteries alike and giving all owners the same prompt courteous serv ice. We recharge and repair all makes of batteries, all Rubber Radio Batteries, Radio wire and parts. Con. Hilgers Battery Rebuilding and Repairing Twelfth and Main Oregon City, Ore. Representing the &1 STORAGE j BATTERY H y jp mi ilar treatment 'may be applTedTo nests between or beneath paving stones. Spraying the lawn with kerosene emulsion or with very strong soap wash is also recommended. t For large ant nests disulphid of carbon injected into the nest by means of an oil can or small syringe is recommended to kill the ants. The fumes of disulphid of carbon have a very 'disigreeble odor and are inflammable, but they are not injurious to higher animals in the open air. . ' , - '' Foreign Advertising Representative THS AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION 'reserving and a coo! Jyfchm Make canning time a real pleasure this year by using a good oil cook stove. " It concentrates a steady, controlled heat directly under the utensil.' Your task is shortened and your kitchen is kept cool, clean and comfortable. To insure best results, use only Pearl Oil the dean-burning, urd orm kerosene refined and re refined by a special process. Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Califbnms) PEARL (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT ill 1 i i.iiHlnii-i iiiiilii Successful Graduates ARE THE BEST RECOMMENDATIONS OF O. A. C. This institution offers a thorough, practical, and standard education at a cost within reach of the high school graduate It offers training for collegiate degrees in. ' Agriculture . Mines Commerce pharmacy Engineering and Mechanic Arta Vocational Educa"oa Forestry Chemical Engineering Home Economics . . Military Science and TactiC3 It offers training also in: The School of Music, Physical Education, Industrial Journalism. Fall Term Opens September 18 For circulars of Information and Illustrated booklet writ to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallie, Oregon I :,Qii i m Makes Comforts Clean and Keeps Them Fluffy The big problem in laundering "omforts Is not the -washing of ' them, but the drying of them. . It is no easy matter to force the thick,, dripping mass through a wringer, and drying the comfort by hand is even a harder task. . , . " But the Laun-Dry-Ette makes this work easy. It washes the v comfort for you, and then dries it, And the beauty of the ' Laun-rry-Ette Way is that the comfort is not flattened out by a wringer but comes out of the Laund-Dry-Ette clean and fluff y, and dry for the line. - . The LAUN-DRY-ETTE does your hardest task for you. It not only washes the heavy pieces, but dries them, too. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. PROVIDE RIGHT VENTILATION Leave Opening on South Side of House to Equal One-Tenth of Total, Floor Space. In providing ventilation, enough space should be left open in the south side of poultry houses so that the open front will equal one-tenth of the total floor space. This open screen ought to be near the bottom of the south side rather than at the top, so that the warm air from the roosts will not flow up and out of the open apace. ' time OIL STSNDARD OIL COMPANY mrfri mmnMmi Aiifc IiiiIi ilfrr 2 House Wiring. , Electrical Contracting AH Work Guaranteed Let us quote our prices and show you where money can be saved. New Location Former office of Hood Lumber Co. Phone 142 201-12thSt. i 4 r4 We are making-a lead of LUMBER j 4 2 4 We are putting out an exceptionally good grade at g 4 : g exceptionally low prices. In as much, as you can use this for the bulk of the lumber that goes into a house j it will pay you to see us and let us show you. r4 ' : : : 4 4 We can furnish all the lumber you heed to build 4 4 a house and give you the very besf service and price. f. V P g " WILLAMETTE RIVER LUMBER CO. J 5 4 4 Wholesale and Retail ' 4 4 4 4 Phone 63 16th 3nd Main Oregon City f. i 1" ' a For Satisfaction in Automobile Painting Bring your car to the Oregon City Auto Paint Shop Main at Ninth 1 4rt9494iTi' BANNER-COURIER WANT ADS BRING RESULTS OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO-DAY We are not seeking a great bulk of business from all over the country, but rather prefer the patronage and confidence of the good people residing in our own vicinity, who desire to do business with an institution ever ready and glad to render them every reasonable accommoda tion and service. We would be glad to have you open an account any time, but why not today? SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOfc RENT Four (4) paid on time deposits, CARVER STATE BANK Carver, Oregon GRANT B. DIMICK, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice-Pres. R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier v - New Gladstone Meat Market Adam J. Cramer, Prop. Dealer in all Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausages I pay highest prices for Beef, Veal, Pork, Poultry and Eggs QUALITY ANCv SERVICE MY MOTTO . Phone 362J ev lectric Company - 5 our No. 3 common lumber, g Guaranteed . CHOUSE PAINT $2.45 per gal- JOE A. BURCH 1017 7th St. ' Phone 57 i A I