The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, July 27, 1922, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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Page Seven
The County Court
(Continued from page 5)
Messenger? $3,99; A. Wetmore, $12.47;
P. Henrici, $4.99; O. B. Olinger, $9.98;
R. Holmes, $9.98; W. C. Martien, $6.98;
L. France, $1.49; C. H. Cousell, $3.99;
Stanley Gibson, $30.40; S. L. Mullan,
$30.40; A. Bouchel, $30.40; S. Cook,
$30.40; Elmer Frossard, $22.80; I. W.
Schuld, $46.00; W. Everett, $3.49; Ar
uen Perry, $3.99; Earl Strong, $3.49;
A. Heft, $3.49; John Heft, $6.99; J.
Margeson, $5.23; J. W. Young, $5.23;
A. M. Groshong, $5.98; Oscar Vorheis,
$3.73; C. D. Groshong, $2.49; G. M.
Groshong, $6.23; Ernest Sowa, $3.73;
Frank Sherman, . $4.99; Fred tins,
$38.39; Frank Almert, $27.39; Henry
Klinker, $12.45; Wm. Lins, $17.46; P.
T. Monroe, $18.93; Nels Christensen,
$4.97; H. H. Udell, $1.99; H. R. Devlin
$2.49; H. C. Wintersteen, $2.49; D. L.
Erdman, $3.99; H. Bronner, $4.99; C.
Krebs, $4.99; G. Notdurft, $3.98; Hogg
Bros., $126.00; Feenaughty Machinery
Co., - $33.20; Howand-Coaper Corpora
tion, $62.00; Pacific Highway Garage,
$5.70; L. W. Young, $5.00; Chris Klink
er, $39.99; Douglas & Cluster, $34.86;
Kaake & Jubb Lumber Co., $12.60;
Willamette River Lumber Co., $53.11;
Standard Oil Co., $13.23; Oregon Port
land Cement Co., $23.73; Willamette
Valley Southern Railway Co., $30.00;
W. H. Bonney, $163.75; Lensch Bros.,
$9.00; A. R Aylsworth, $3.58; W. H.
Bonney, $515.57; Loggers & Contract
ors Machinery Co., $1421.72; Bureau
of Labor, $30.00; Howard-Cooper Cor
poration, $170.18; "Road Builders'
Equipment Co., $36.50; Fairbanks,
Morsey& Co., $41.72; Union Oil Co., of
California, $223.80; "H. E. Cross, $10;
J. W. Miles, $19.95; T. C. Campen,
$26.50; Union Mills, $88.40; State Land
Board, $1264.62; Louis Welsh, $15.00;
Oregon City Enterprise, $50.00; W. C.
Cowgill, Jr., $31.20; DoIly.Pratt, $100.
Tualatin Garage & Repair Shop, $3.50;
Karl Korman, $1.50; Wilsonville Gar
age, $.50; Pregon City Sand & Gravel
Co., $2.50; G. J. Friedrich, $36.00; Abe
Gilbert, $178.99 ; Board of Water Com
missioners, $22.52; Oregon State High
way Commission, $170.96; The Cascade
Sales 'Co., $102.04; Pacific Highway
Garage, $10.35; Park-Shepherd Motor
Co., $19.87; Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph Co., $10.00; C. G. Miller Co.,
$24.62; State of Oregon, Bureau of
Labor, $10.00; W. Waldorf, $1.50; Ore
gon City Retreading & Vulcanizing
Works, $35.75; Road Builders' Equip
ment Co., $21.00; Russell Grader Mfg.
Co., $57.95; Francis Welsh, $41.01;
Howard-Cooper Corporation, $2332.757
Standard 'Oil Co., $781.11; Hogg Bros.,
$947.05; W. E. Godsey, $5.26; Fee
naughty Machinery Co., $46.20; M. D.
Say, $100.00; C. G. Miller Co., $3.40;
Wilsonville Garage, $44.42; Art Dear
dorff, $17.50; Frank Ott, $24.20; E. R.
Kilgallon, $50.00; Floyd Byron Holder,
$7.50; Williams Plumbing Co., $35.00;
J. W. Miles, $48.98; G. D. Hammond,
$47.41; C. A. Wells, $32.44; E Paddock
$2.49; George Pennell, $97.95; W. C.
Cowgill, Jr., $84.99; H. Cochran, $19.20
W. H. Rambo, $64.50; Chas. Simmons,
$42.24; E. W. Paddock, $19.96; G. Wil
son $16.88; L. Hull, $16.88; John Heft,
$104.85; Aruen Perry, $50.60; A. Heft,
$52.35; Earl Strong, $35.64; Thomas
Perry, $27.92; W. Everett, $54.09; Bert
Wallace, $24.43; F. L. Rambo, $24.43;
W. T. Monteith, $3.49; William Rob
erts, $12.21; JohnlScheer, $10.47; C. A.
Wallace, $44.91; L. F. Rambo, $35.91;
. F. Kliager, $4.48; M. Kay, $4.98; W.
Clausen, $7.47; Ed. Rundle, $4.98;
Chas. Garrett, $2.74; Paul Wallace, $2;
S. Holstine, $4.99; H. H. Dahl, $9.98; j
Wm. Chilcote, $9.98; Joe Nondling,
$9.98; W. W. Wallace, $14.97; Joe
Lilly, $129.74; J. S. Heddin, $82.74; H.
Oakes, $67.28; N A. Eckles, $57.28; F.
E. Hartsell, $72.27; Jack Varley, $9.96;
Arthur Smith, $7.47; Dick Williams,
$74.74; A. Colman, $7.47; H. Howell,
$114.28; C. Stocker, $34.38; Roy Quick
$73.25; E. M. Wadsworth, $62.78; John
Berg, $69.75; J. Wicklina, $46.34; W.
A. Snider, .$19.43; George Daniels,
$2.99; Willis Higgers, $14.95; H. Haas,
$8.97; O. T. Wells, $47.84; C. Bennett,
$2.99; L. Bailey, $20.93; C. Moran,
$2.99; C. A. Betz, $2.49; H. W. Kanne,
$19.95; Christ Miller, $16.85; Carl
Loudree, $11.78; C. R. Jackson, $16.85;
Chris Miller, $143.47; Carl Laundree,
$143.47; Glenn Loundree, $100.35;
Chas. C. Cash, $94.23; C. H. Farmer,
$167.75; Jim Margeson, $195.82; L.
Wallace, $4.98; Frank Jones, $2.49;
Win. Roley, $4.99; A. R. Silver, $4.99;
Philip James, $8.71; Garnet James,
$4.98; Andrew Larsen, $7.47; H. Z.
Hoylman, $12.45; E. J. Faust, $12.45;
R. Schuebel, $35.42; Claud Henrici,
$55.86; C. W. Nelson, $3.00; Walter
Henrici, $71.82; H Henrici, $44.91; C.
W. Carter, $35.88; C. H. Henrici, $13;
State Industrial Accident Commission,
$1011.14; Canby Concrete Works, $35;
Ev Shepparl, $28.40.
Market Road No. 1 Paul Dunn,
$7.30; E. L. Palfrey, $6.80; B.. Chan
green, $3.00; D. T Meldrum, $12.20;
Tom Johanson, $100.00; Dick Striker,
$49.90; Otto Striker, $43.66; W. S. Gor
bett, $29j66; D. R. Dimick, $37.42; W.
A. Beck, $5.98; Delbert Fisher, $4.98.
Market Road No. 2 A. W. Anderson,
$15.05; Stenstrom Bros., $6.50; C. L.
Shaw, $4.95; Stenstrom Bros., $433.44;
Paul R. Meinig, $1.65; H. H. Udell,
$47.88; H. R. Devlin, $27.65; A. W.
Anderson, $2.39; H. L. Guthrie, $37.42;
J. M; Parks, $31.39; William Hanson,
$28.64; Frank Miles, $19.92; Herbert
Udell, $52.39; Ray Hanson, $52.39; T.
C. McKay, $52.39; Millard Parks,
$15.64; Joseph DeShazer, $5259; Chas.
Updegrave, $52.39; Karl Bestul, $12.45,
Tomy McKay, $12.45; Earl Peterson,
$26.14; H. C. Wintersteen, $13.59; Web
Roberts, $19.30; Ralph DeShazer, $23;
James Lamper, $8.71; Jay Morrison,
, $14.94; John Motejl, if 7.47; Feenaugh
ty Machinery Co., $34J)0; Joe Wieder
t hold $88.93; Estacadt Telephone &
Telegranh! Co., $1.65; Smith Hardware
Co., $9.91; Jo Wiederhold, $22.75;
A. Mather, $107.80; Standard Oil Co.,
$28.05; Cascade Garage, $21.31; Chris
Klinker, $7.46: E. Hinkle. mnn-
Berge Torkleson, $89.80; John Mar
shall, $64.74;" Albert Lins, $64.74;
Albert Lins, $64.74; Clarence Guber,
$54.78; A. H. Miller, $89.79; Gua
Zweirman, $9213; Louis Ochs, $3755;
Ray Miller, $39.84; Wm. Lins, $14.85;
Fred Lins, $1618; a P. Califf, $37.35;
d. Harders, $71.84; Robert Miller,
$19.27; Lester Crawford, $9.96; Paul
Holm, $20.53; Roy Miller, $23.65; Al
bert Hubert, $6.73; Joe Richley, $10.47
J. H. Tracey, $36.16; Norman Tracey,
$18.71; Otto Paulsen, $16.71; Harold
Joyner, $14.97; Win. Held, $18.71; Pet
er Ruhl, $18.71; iC. A. Johnson, $18.71;
Henry Schmidt, $34.93; J. R. Reed,
$75.94; Ted Harders, $2151; The A. H.
Averill Machinery Co., $78.00; Howard
Cooper Corporation, $27.80; Coast Cul
vert & Flume Co., $476.48; iRoad Build
ers' Equipment Co., $179.00; Portland
Railway, $1.70; D. T. Meldrum $21.10;
J. W. Miles, $16.50; W. C. Cowgill, Jr.,
$9.00; J. W. Miles, $2612; G. D. Ham
mond, $4.99; C. A. Wells, $19.96; Chas.
Simmons, $15.36; W. C. Cowgill, Jr.,
$6.53; W. H. Rambo $45.71; H.och
ran, $3.84; G. Wilson, $16.88.
Market Road No. 3 Stenstrom Bros.
$1304.64; H. H. Udell, $17.95; H. R.
Devlin, $7.47; A. W. Anderson,$67.75;
H. L. Guthrie, $17.46; J. M. Parks,
$10.46; William Hanson, $11.20; Frank
Miles, $41.09; Herbert Udell, $22.45;
Ray Hanson, $22.45 T. C. McKay,
$22.45;. Millard Parks, $6.70; Joseph
DeShazer, $22.45; CSarles Updegrave,
$22.45; Karl Bestul, $22.45; E. Young,
$12.45; Earl Peterson, $11.20; H. C.
Winterstein, $11.20; Tomy McKay,
$2.49; A. Mather, $69.55; Road Build
ers' Equipment Co., $25.75; Coast -Culvert
& Flume Co., $65.85; D. T. Mel
drum, $10.70; J. F. Schultz, $69.25; R.
Naylor, $43.57; W. J. Evans, $42.33; C.
P. Murphey, $53-53; Chas. Murphey,
$41.08;. W. Nelson, $47.31; G. Hoff
meister, $41.08; George Baker, $26.62;
W. CanCurran, $37.35; Dave Evans,
$J1;j6S; Join (Evans. $1158; J. Ei.
Guirt,. $18.05; Wm. Douglass, $29.93;
W. H. Doglass, $146.01; F. HoffmeisJ
er, $92.31; W. R. Woodle, $41.15; F. B.
Young, $6.10; L. J. Ruclfer, $59.88;
Roy Douglass, $39.92; E., N. , Naylor,
$64.87; Carl Rheberg, $83.57; H. S.
Gibson, $77.34; J. W. Miles, $6.60; J.
S. iles, $13.13; G. D. Hainmond, $4.59;
C. A. Wells, $4.99.
Market Road No. 4 A. H. Borland,
$4.49; John Raicy, $10102; R. C. Paine,
Borland, $48.55; H. Gebhardt, $36.48;
$53.58; A. W. Borland, $9.96; Lloyd
J. A. Bushbaum, $14.97; H. Gebhardt,
$295.90; N. S. Oldham, $288.75; C. G.
Miller Co.," $.35; Coast Culvert &
Flume Co., $55.83; Valvaline Oil Co.,
$9.25; D. T. Meldrum, $8.20.
Market Road No. 5 J. I. Case
Threshing Machine Co., $38.60; A. M.
Groshong, $7.20; Paul Dunn, $7.30;
Howard-Cooper Corporation, $5.58; J.
W. Miles, $7.20; W. C. Cowgill, Jr.,
$7.80; Coast Culvert & Flume Co.,
$628.69; D. T. Meldrum, $18.50; O. M.
Murphey, $3.75; The Cilverton Meat
Market, $20.10; Giger Bros., $128.85;
G. J. Friedrich, $35.17; iS. Ames, $4.05;
John Thurman, $34.93; Bill Brown,
$42.41; Jim Verstegg, $49.90; Olaf 01-
sen, if 47.40 ; Clarence Thomas, $59.86;
Joe Oster, $64.87; Henry Aspboe, $24;
Bill Geiger, $19.92; Rex Albright,
$14-24; Norman Olsen, $24.90; Ed. Ho
bart, $4.99; Geo. Jack, $13.59; Chas.
Dicken, $9.96; T. ,C. Bentley, $4.99;
Larance Bowman, $8.30; A. P. Aspboe,
$4.98; Tom Brown, $64.74; G. C. Bent-
ley, $52.39; G. C. Wooster, $17.43; Roy
R. Ridings, $103.74; Clarence Erickson
$44.82; Leonard Erickson, $47.31; A.
Barth, $9.96; O. L. Hmmond, $112.27;
Albert Carpenrter, $97.30; Jay Bentley,
$7.47; Stanley Ray, $7.47; Peter John
son, $24.90; J. L. Jones, $19.96; Dick
Strieker, $106.03; Otto Striker, $106.
03; W. S. Gorbett, $102.27; C. A. Wal
lace, $92.31; L. F. Rambo, $65.83; O F.
K.linger, $24.66; Fred Burns, $2.24; J.
W. Miles, $9.79: G. D. Hammond.
$2.49; C. A. Wells, $7.48; E. Paddock,
$2.49; W..C. Cowgill, Jr., $6.53; W. H.
Rambo, !$4.99; Chas. Simmons, $3.84.
Market Road No. 6 D. T. Meldrum,
$12.20; Hogg Bros., $48.90; Standard
Oil Co., $7.50; J. I. Case Threshing
Machine Co., $168.00; Concrete Pipe
Co., 1193.60; Aden's Store, $26.45; J. I
Case Threshing Macvhine Co., $2.00;
Jos. J. Thornton, $15.35; Road Build
er's Equipment Co., $147.00; Wilsonvil
le Garage, $28.00; Canby Hardware
Implement Co., $2.89; Walter Schlick-
eiser, $116.74; Ed.' Dill, $52.89; J. F.
Oldham, $56.02; Jack Crane, $2759;
Bill Kruger, $27.39; Archie Stahlneck
er, $2644; R. C. Smith, $62.25; Bill
Baker, $9.96; Geo. Brooks, $42.33; Al
bert Swartz, $2.49; Clyde Swank, $51,
04; George Stahlnecker, $64.87; Henry
Reisner, $12.45; Daniel Brown, $39.83;
Berg Torkelson, $26.94; Reuben
Kramein, $38.59; Roy Hacker, $48.52;
Bruce Case, $66.03; D. R. Dimick, $86.'
57; Ted Bruck, $63.84; Bruno Strube,
$37.35; A. O. Westgate, $39.84; Walt
er Murrey,$27.39; Bill Ridder, $24.95
Norman Johnson, $12.45; J. J. Taug-
bert, $7.48; Frank Kiser, $9.98; Robert
Stahlnecker, $58.58; C. C. Hocks,
$37.04; Rufus Stahlnecker, $46.73;
Hjalmar Johanson, $48.55; George Bal
ahlga, $22.45; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $5.10;
W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $6.53; G. Wilson
$4.22; Chas. Simmons, $3.84; L. Hull,
$4.22. . "
Market Raod No. 7 Paul Dunn, $8
Frank Tiffany, $97.29; J. K. Brown,
$41.08; T. E. Brown, $56.82; W. C
Cowgill, Jr., $77.44; A. W. Cooke,
$5.50; D. T. Meldrum, $11.50; A. H.
Smith, $1639.12; W. C. Cowgill, Jr.
$77.44; W. H. (Rambo, $9.98; Chas
Simmons, $30.72; E. W. Paddock
$34.93; L Hull, $16.88.
Market Road No. 8 D. T. Meldrum,
$6.60; Paul Dunn, $5.60; Howard-Coop
er Corporation, $10.60; J. T. Fullam,
$5.50; Cosby Smith, $41.95; Fred
Fleuckiger, $51.62; S. F. Scripture, $3.
50; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $35.20
C. R. Livesay, $7455; E. Hinkle, $2.50
Dav Williams, $312.00; W. T. Sher
man, $7.38; Hogg Bros., $12.80; Howard-Cooper
Corporatios, $16.14; Otto
Fischer, $24.95; Abel Norman, $24.95
Emiel Larson, $24.95; John Hindle,
$24.95; Ernest Evanson, $12.45: John
Hindle, $23.94; Otto A. Fischer, $58.
58; Guy Upterove, $95.94; John Kelley,
$7.47; Gus Lesch, $38.87; Albert Frick,
$53.59; A. Ramberg, $4.98; Cecil Hal-
liman, $6.20; Lewis Funk, $14:97; Pat
Ot;onnor$53.53; Walter Funk. $12.45
Gilbert Fischer, $14.97; Wm. Braatz,
$62.05; Walter Spatz, $9.96; Guy
Brown, $19.92; John Phillips, $9.98
Hartley Johnson, $32.37; John Bogin-
ke, $24.95; A. E. Johnson, $32.89; Lew
is Norman, $19.92; H. Ellenson, $17.94;
Wm. Carlson, $14.95; Frank Allen,
$14.94; Ray Brown, $14.94; Win.
Brown, $12.45; Allison Allen, $28.63;
Ivan Pulley, $3995; Carl Staats, $12.45-.
John Stenetz, $24.90; Fred Mueller,
$24.95; J. W. Miles, $9.08; G. D. Ham:
mon, $4.99 ; C. A. Wells, $4.99. ... ,
Market Road No. 9 D. T. Meldrum,
$14.70; Otis Engle, $12.45; George C.
Purude, $19.96; Floyd Emert, $22.45;
Floyd Farmer, $9.66; Gust Fahl, $19.
32; A. Baufman, $4.98; Wnt Baufman,
$4.98; John Mchollch & Co., $2441.14;
John Mcholich & Co., $1000.00; J. W.
Miles, $12.23; Cecil Wells, $4.99; C. E.
Johnson, $4.99.
Market Road No. 10 Paul Nau
. T. Meldrum, $4.60; J. W. Miles,
mann, $1.50; Austin C. Taylor, $,500.00;
$6.30; G. E. Wyland, $99.75; . G. E.
Wyland, $119.76; Wm. Dseher, $49.90;
A. Mitts, $94.83; Paul Yoder, $108.52
B. Yoder, $114fT7; Jesse Mitts,,
$131.76; Floyd Lenhardt, $114.77; J.
Schwabauer, $59.88; Ernest Thiel, $1.
35; Claude Yoder, $59.76; George Gott
wald, $59.29; Ed. Mitt, $58.39; Cecil
Lenhardt, $62.53; Melvin Mitts, $88.56;
Wm..Stuwe, $104, 79; Chas. Taylor,
$2.49; F. S. Hart, $24.90; M. G. Smith,
$59.88; 'Ed. Wormdahl, $39.92; G.
Stuwe, $19.96; Dave Swanson, $5.00;
Frank Taylor, $37.65; E. Gudatt,
$43.90; Otto Lubcke, $70.46; OskerJa
cobson, $42.30;, M. T. Jacobson, $6757;
Leon Judd, $66.12; Finas Cooper, $62.
37; Wayne Jackson, $4.98; A. C. Tay
lor, $54.89; A. E. Taylor, $54.89; H. L.
Jackson, $14.95; Jo 'Dawson, $32.42;
Bud Jackson, $7.47; E. Fuher, 327.44;
John Shumacker, $18.08; Arthur Coop
er, $16.18; John Gregory, o$5758; W.
Hastie, $4.00; C. F. Jackson, $79.31; A.
Cooper, $1.49; Crarley Taylor, $4.-
98; E. Conrad, $4.98 John Kurtz, $45.
55; 'L. G. Wrolstad, $45.55; J. W.
Miles, $6.53; G. D. Hammond, $4.99; C.
A. Wells, $4.99.
Market Road No. 11 D. T. Meldrum,
$10.30; Edward BquI, $122.25; George
Clark, $134.50; Tommy Parry, $52.29;
Albert Gasser, $61.50; Richard Grif
fith, $151.50; Ernest Berger, $40.36;
Charles Marshall, $53.88; Julius
Schieve, $97.30; Arthur Pack, $58.51;
John Gard, $119,76; Jackie Gard,
$59.76; Fred Bruner, $68.77; William
Griffith, $122.25; Wm. Walter Griffith,
$30.50; Lawrenc Mugget, $61.00; Les
lie Gard, $30.50; Jessie Eddington,
$21.16; John Wiegle, $2.99; Ben Lin-
dau, $65.78; Hosie Rogers, $3.73; Le
roy Hull. $78.67; Charles Gasser, $43.-
57; William Bottomiller, $39.92; Wil
liam Wallace, $22.41; John Buche,
$14.94; Clayton White, $10.92; J. W.
Miles, $92.82; G. D. Hammond, $34.93;
C. A. Wells, ?49.90;
W. H. Rambo, $6.
George Pennell,
53; L. Hull, $4.22
Market Road No. 5 Lane and Pas-
senen, $1140.24
Election A. H. Finnigan, $3.00; The
Molalla Pioneer, $4.20; C. G. Miller Co.
$6.60; E. C. Lakin, $4.00; C. W. Fried
rich & Son, $4.80; Geo. A. Brown, $4.00
W.'W. Smith, $3.00; D. B. Fox, $1.20;
Scrool District No. Ill, $3.00; Canny
Herald, $"4.20; Banner-Courier, $4.20;
Western Clackamas Review, $4.20; R.
M. Getchie, $3.00.
Sherrif The Western Union Tel.
Co., $4.05; D. M. Marshall, $4.00.
Clerk regon City Enterprise, $55.00
County Clerk, $13.50; Huntley Draper
Drug Co., $3.00; Naomi Warren, $69.
Recorder G. J. Noe, Co. (Recorder,
Treasurer Mary Confer, $81.41; G.
W. Zerr, $3.00; Oregon City Enter
prise $.45; Clackamas County Treas
urer, $1.50.
Assessor Huntley-Draper Drug Co.,
$5.00; N. R. Graham, $120.00; Victor
Thompson, $102.00; D. F. Leferve,
$96.00; P. J.' Scrneider, $115.00; H.'N.
Everhart, $120.00; W. H Enle, $94.00;
Leonard Hallinan, $95.00; Won. Mor
G. Hayman, $90.00; W H. Joyner, $27.
and, $130.00; W. H. Holder, $40.p0; J.
County Court W A. Proctor, $80;
W. F. Harris, $80.00.
Court House Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
$75.35; Jones Drug Co., $10.00.
Circuit Court Oregon City Enter-
pnes, ?15.UU; J. u. .Bower, ?4.uu; Mrs.
Lawrence A. Milner, $7.20; U..G. Blake
$2.80; Mrs Mapes, $3.20; E. C. Fisher,
$16.00; F. A. Mitchell, $7.00; Robert
Li Benson, $45.00; Donald Ryan, $4;
Hazel A. Benson, $5.00; Charles V.
Robinson, $5.00; Pauline Rauman. "$18:
R. H. Craddock, $7.00; C. E. William
son, $18.00; Percy M. Johnson, $169.40
Lawrence Milner, $5.00; Ira M. Cole
man, $22.00; H. C. O'Neill, $12.00; Nell
M. Lainhart, $11.00; Gus Schram, f?;"
Lawrence B. Johnson, $8.40; Maxwell
A. West, $9.00; C M. Cason, $5.00;
John Goltz, $5.00; Mrs. Ira M. Cole
man, $22.00; Frank Beaty, $5.00; H.
D. Green, $5.00; Multnomah County
Jail, $18.00; Frank Foster, $7.20; John
Firestein, $22.00 P. E. Noble, $5.00;
Grace Herbert, $9.20; Mr. Mapes, $3-
20; Charles V. Robinson, $9.00; E. E".
Hammond, $2.80; Nora Mann, $2.40";
Bert William, $2.50; Sydney Baker,
$2.50; Carrie S. Turner, $4.80; Mrs. H.
H. Hurlburst, $2.50; Mrs. Ed. Raugh,
$2.50; Mrs. Hulda Homes, $2.40; J. H.
Prater, $2.50; H. D. Marston, $2.80; W.
W. Smith, $2.20; Bernice Dais, $2.30;
Dorothy Hitchman, $4.80; Florence
McKinnis, $4.80; Violet McKinnis, $4.
80; Mrs. Charles Straight, $2.20; Mrs.
C. Grazier, $2.50; L. A. Harmes, $11;
L. V. Jenkins, $11; W. A. Barqer, $9;
Clifford C Westbrook, $22.00; Cora
Huntly, $2.00; Fred Mallett, $1.25;
Fred Mallett, $11; Frank Albee, $6.20;
Hugh Parry, $16.60; Lizzie Bonney,
$17.40; John G. Edwardson, $16.80;
Robert Y. Appleby, $16.60; Chas. L.
Horstman, $4.20; Ernest Berger, $2.80;
Walter Watson, $660; Fred Lins, $10;
Stev P. Londergan, $16.20; Wm. E.
Bonney, l$8.0fl; Wm. Boyd, $16.20; C.
R. Hunter, $16.00 Thos. E. Brown, $25.
40; Louise Kamrath, $47; Augusta B.
Haberlach. $46; William Lewis, $28.
40; Sam J. Jones, $45.40; Adam Bell,
$35.00; Grover C. Pomeroy, $39; Eliza
M. Ingram, $46.60; Robert D. Wilson.
$33.20; Clara E. Anthony, $46.20; W.
F. Hartnell, $30.20; Aurie Draper, $33.
20; Mary R. Caufield, $33.20; Maggie
Johnson, $34.40; Fred C. Goodridge,
$34;Edgad C. Brown, $7.80; Lillian
McCormack, $3.00; Emma Romain, $3;
W. R. Wentworth, $2.00; C. A. Frost,
$3.00; F. B. Madison, $2.00; Harry
Greaves, $3.00; L. Stipp, $50; Wm. J.
Wilson, $5.00; Mike Mooney, $3.80;
Julia B- Mooney, $3.80;AugustRothen-
berg, $3.60; R. I. Garrett, $3.50; Clara
C. Patterson, $3.70; Margaret Warring
ton, $10.00; T. E. Davidson, $2.00; T
F. Ryan, 2.20.
. Justice of the Peace Banner-Courier,
$10.80; E. J. Noble, $98.70; J. E.
Noble, $98.70; J. E. Bauer, $1.20; Reta
Ruconich, $1.20; W. V. Ruconich, $1
20; Roy Woodward, $1.20; Frances
Rintoul, $1.20; A. D. Wells, $4.50; D.
M. Marshall, $6.50; F. C. Burke, $1.70;
C. E. Carothers, $1.20; R. N. Sheldon,
$1.20; H. Henningsen, $1.20; J. S.
Manningsen, $1.20; J. S. Manning,
$1.20; K. Koellermeier, $1.20; F. T.
Curran, $1.20; Charles Straight, $1.70;
Sam Finucane, $1.70; Dub. Finucane,
$1.70; D. McNabb, $1.70; L. E. Staple
ton, $t.70; Oregon City Enterprise,
$2450; F. E. Lowe, $7.60; Ed. For
tune, S77.50. '
Coroner O. A. Pace, $27.00.
Surveyor D. T. Meldrum, $17.20; A.
W. Cooke, $15.00; F. M. Townsend,
$14.40. . - , !
Insane Dr. M. C. Strickland, $15;
Dr. Edward McLean, $5.00.
Supt. of Schools Brenton Veddar,
$60.88;. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F.
and A. M., $15.00; Bertha Vedder, $9;
Agnes M. Buckney, $29. 17;-Huntley-Draper
Drug Co., $26.50.
' Board of Healtr Guy Elliott, $8.50;
Dr. 0. A. Welsh, $51.45.
Cattle Indemnity J. p. Poor, $1.21.
Indigent Soldier Mead Post No. 2.
$65.00; Holman & Pace, $60.00.
Poor J. K. Ely, (Mrs. Frederberg)
$9.05; Jones Drug Co., (Medicine)
$7.90; W. H. Curti3, (O. M. Smith)
$2.50; Bannon & Co., (Clothing for
Poor) $1.54; Drs. Strickland & Huy
cke, (Myrtle Dunn) $2.50; Mrs. W L.
4ooheen, (Nelson Boys) $20.00; Mrs.
Frank C. Schell, (lone Bybee) $15; J.
Bickner & Son, (Mrs. Gaither) $15.00;
C. E. Walstrom, $10.00; for Mrs. Rob
erts; Anna Lowery, (self) $10; Ella
Ormiston, (George Lowery), $5.00;
Mary' F. Carothers, (Anna Penning
ton), $45.00; M. E. Wilson, (Sidney
Kelly), $24.00; A. C. Erickson, (E. B.
Stark), $35.61; Ms. Cora B. Wash
burn, (O. M. Smith) $10.00;
Oregon ',
City Hospital, (Ward Service for
Poor) $161.00; Mrs. IsaSroggins, (Ben :
Landes) $10.00; Samuel Grey, (Stark j
family) $5f00; D. W. Griffin, $6.00)'
for Beers family; W. E. O'Donnell, (W. j
L, Reynols) $8.00; Twentieth Century
Jail F. C. Burke, $120.00; William
J. Wilson, $102.89.
Juvenile Court Park Shepherd Mot
or Co., Inc., $24.90; Minda E. Church,
$63.07; Walter E. Henpstead, '$5.00. ,
Printing and Advertising Banner
Courier, $96.80; Oregon City Enter
prise, $97.50; The Daily Record Ab-1
The Quality Store Of Clackamas
County Since 1895
The Home of. Hart,
Schaffner, and Marx
Queen Quality Shoes
For Women
7th at Main Oregon City
All White
Opposite Court House
"Service with a Smile"
All new equipment
Every Merchant and Every
Customer Should Demand
of Oregon City
Safety, Honesty, Court
esy, Service
4 p. c. paid on Savings
512 Main St,
Oregon City
Hardware, Furniture
Everything For The
8th at Main, -Ore. City
"The Bank That Backs
The Farmers
New location, Bank of
Commerce Building. '
Oregon City
' Seventh and Main
stract, $26.60.
Sealer J. F. Jones, $4053
Tax Department W. J. Wilson, $10;
M. Dion, $85.00.
Prohibition L. Stipp, $25.00; H. A.
LaBarre, $6.00; D. M. Marshall, $5.00.
Health Clackamas County Health
Association, $100.00.
Audit of Books John Y. Richardson,
$51.00. I
Emergency Mrs. Bertha Wells,
$37.50. i
Insurance E. H. Cooper and Son,
Agents, $50.40; Phoenix Insurance Co.,
$58.80. -. . .
Dog Fund R A. Wright, $16.00;
John O. Jones, $23.00; Solon A. Brady,
$39.00; Owen Parry, $4600.
Grocery, (Mrs. Roberts) $5.00; Shel
don Drug Co., $15.80 for medicine for
poor; Wm. Danforth, (Self) $10.00;
Boys and Girls Aid Soc., $10.00.; Anna
Wettelin, (Self) $10:00; Mrs. Sarah
Solomon, (Self) $15.00; Mrs. Elizabeth
Saunders, $5.00; Ella Tracy, (Eunice
Horner) $10.00; Mrs. Lillian M. John
son (self and children) $15.00; George
H. Newsome (Self) $15.00; Ada La
Baw, (Self and children) $8.00; Katie
Pluard, (Self) $10.00; Wallace R. Tel
ford, (Michael Boyles) $12.00; John
and - Wm. Beers. $20.00; Mrry Lock,
$25.00;oJ. G. Wke, $15.00; W. Witch
man, $50.00; Ole Josendall and August
Johnson; Mrs. SBeckman, (Ben Mun
son) $25.00; Fred Wyder, (Self) $12;
Karl Buse, (Albert -Veisen) $10.00;
Maud Williams, (Child in care of)' $2;
Thomas I. Frederburg, (Self) $12.00;
John Nieland, (John Morris and Jas.
Seehorn and A. Nelson) $75.00; Geo.
Bolin, (Self) $15.00; H. Sturdvant,
(Self) $30.00; Chas. Krebs, (Tony Mil
ler) $30.00; Mrs. J. E. Mumpower,
i (Dick Myers and Matheson) $60.00;
! Hilda Granquist, (Selr and children),
$25.00: JohnMelin, (Self) $5.00; Anna
Lowery, (George W. Lowery) $15; A.
i C. Erickson, (E. B. Stark and wife),
$25.00; Icy Bargfeld, (Self) $10; Ella
Ormiston, (George Lowery) $10.00.
Advertising Pays
"Churches may well follow the ex
ample of the famous Oregon Agricult
ural college strain of hens and adver
tise," suggested Frank L. Snow, pro
fessor of industrial journalism in
speaking before members of the Pres-
byterian synod'. "To say they should
'advertise to beat th devil' might not
be inappropriate! .
" What's the use of letting' the devil
Price Bros. Department
Store is offering 20 per
cent Reductions on the
replacement of clothing
and household articles
lost in the Laundry fire.
HEARTS. Neither are we an exception. Oregon
City folks have, as a rule, always, been of this dispo
sition and this has Been one of the contributing fact
ors to the upbuilding of our city and its institutions.
WILL BE OF THE FUTURE. The relations of the
Business Men of Oregon City and its citizens have
been peculiarly interwoven in the wftrk which has al
ready been done towards our city's advancement.
But we feel it to be your desire and theirs to have
even a better understanding prevail THAT WE ALL
timately acquainted or not it is one thing which all of us Oregon City
people possess for each other in the fact that we are all Oregon City
folks. It isthis idea that prompts us to urge a greater allegiance to our
ESTS. " -
Isn't it worth something to you, friends, to spend your money
with Oregon City; business institutions whose owners are Oregon Cjty
men and' women like yourself Isn't it satisying to you to feel that
when you hand over your money in exchange for Merchandise or Ser
vice, that you are handing it over to someone who is, at heart, INTER
Doesnit it make your blood surge a little more rapidly to know
that this transaction between individuals is not just a cold, lif eles's
happening of business but instead is warmed by the knowledge THAT
TOWN; that you are dealing as friend with friend and to" the mutual ad
vantage of both yourself and your community.'
Contrast with this if you will the spending or sending of money
from Oregon City and you will instantly picture a business transaction
What happens to you, your family, your dollars or your property is
entirely foreign to this transaction. It is a severe, calculating business
procedure where both of you stand as strangers with no community oi
interests or aspirations. The dollar you send is the basis of oper
ation. A sordid business transaction the result . .
We want you to think about this the next time you make your
purchases. The Druggist, the Clothier, the "Baker, the Plumber in
Oregon City is at your service. Aha" we" might a3a" AS FRIEND TO
RL Every one of the business firms whose names'are. "appended here
with do business on this hasis, folks. And they are only ipart of the
entire number who go to make up, the personnel of the Oregon City
THIS HEART-TO-HEART PLAN. Notice this in the future.
z y
WANT ADS in these columns COST
RATES For first insertion 25 cents; for subsequent issues one cent a
word. Ads received too late for this column will be classified elsewhere.
For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Horses
FOR SALE One mare, 1000 lb., 6
M?iEJ TnnLfiNRM AND years old, and two cows. Chas. Mei
CITY PROPERTY Philip Ham nike ElwQOd Qregon 7.6.22
mond, .Lawyer, Beaver Building,
Oregon City, Oregon. - 5-17-4 1 FOR SALE 1 head young, larg
m , ., . J horses, sound and true, leaving coun-
TO TRADE-Well located eSghit r reasonable if taken at
acres, near McMinnville, . Yamhill , tjt. t.
. - . . ... once. Stopping at Red Front Barn,
county, for Oregon City residential Qreson Citv 7 20-4t-DL
or acreage property. This place ureSa "7- 7-20-4tpa.
has good buildings, with city water . -
and lights in house and barji. Fine
place for berries and chickens. One Wanted Miscellaneous
mile from West Side ' Tualatin .-
highway; seven miles from McMinn- WANTED To buy second hand
ville. Write or see L. J. Bennett at goods. WJH pay cash for used fur-Banner-Courier
office. niture,, tools, or any thing of com-
FARM FOR SALE-20 acres cleared, erc V!f stoot0
, balance pasture all fenced good for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St.
spring of water and well, close to WANTEDTo b M ma
j Sandy, Oregon, fair 5 room house and agn stumpage or on toe
and barn, orchard, price $1500. $500 eight f00t iengths. ''Address Hall,
down $150 each year after at 6 per Banner-Courier; 6-22 5t pd.
cent. Writ George Beers. Sandy,
0regn- ' lt:P WANTED To hear from owner of
rzz , , , good ranch for sale. State cash
Wanted Keal HiState price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
j , Minneapolis, Minn.
MONEY TO LOAN on rarms of over ,
ten acres at 6 per cent Long time
loans on easy payments. Federal, MIDDLE .AGED woman wanted for
ioans a specialty. Alfred Graham, housekeeper in family of four.
Canby, Oregon. ' 3-10-tf Phone 417.
! ' - '
i have all the good'things remarked one
! minister. And what is the use With
1 1001 counter attractions all clamoring
! for attention through printer's ink; the
church stands little show of success
ful competition unless it uses the same
methods of attracting attention of
letting the people know what it has
to offer.
"If -the church work is really worth
while then it is worth spending money
on. Display advertising pays and pays
well that is if the church investing in
advertising really has something
worthwhile to offer. It must first be
sure it can give the kind of service
that will make a person feel it will pay
him to-'go again. Then th adversit
ing will pay big dividends"
It would be well if every minister
could take a course in journalism,
thinks Professor Snow., The newspap
ers recognize th value of good live
church news but it is a lamentable
fact, he says, that the average minister
turns in copy that shows a sad lack of
knowledge of journalistic principles
and often is not legible.
"A minister who understands news
values, . who knows how to tell his
story briefly putting bait to catch the
attention of the reader in the first
paragraph and unfolding the details in
order of importance has at hs com
mand an excellent means of fEling the
pews," said the speaker. "He should,
above all things avoid turningi in ma
terial which is purely free advertising
on the face of it. Th should be paid
at regular sjace rates. He should al
ways have an exSuse for a story. This
excuse in the form of real news should
be given in the first paragraph or two.
Then later on in the article it might
be possible to bury a little informa
tion which might be classed as free
advertising. The news will carry it."
Price Bros. Department
Store is offering 20 per
cent Reductions on the
replacement of clothing
and household articles
lost in the Laundry fire.
Jones Drug Co.
"In business for your
Try our delicious foun
tain lunch
Frank Busch&
"The Home of Good
"The Winchester Storew
Visit our model grocery
Dr. S.R: Smith
Relieves All Chronic
Office Oregon City
Bank Building
- $695
F. O. B. Oregon City
The three leaders in
Motor Cars
Phone 750. 1114 Main. J
No Water No AcH
No Attention V
Distributors for
Clackamas County
Green Point Garage
Phone 680-J
Beautiful, but built to
stand the "Gaff".
May we takeyour fam
ily for a ride?,
Weismandel and Payne
Phone 284, Main and 11