THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922 Page Fiv6 AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK NEWS Up-to-date Information to Help Develop Progressive Farming O. A. C. CORRESPONDENCE STATE SCHOOLS INCREASE OUTSIDERS' TUITION FEE Non-resident fees for students in the college and university were increased from $60 to $105 a year, effective, with the opening of the next fall term, by action of a joint committee of regents of tooth institutions in Albany. The two Oregon institutions by this action, taken as a means of reducing the burden of state taxation, puts the two Oregon institutions on a par with the state universities of Washington and California in respect to non-resident tuition. In each of the neigh boring states the differential between the charges paid by the residents and those ppid by students from outside the state is eaual to the $106 to be charged in Oregon. , Odaduat studnets in both institu tions will be exempt under the new fee. The committee of regents em phasizes that the increased fee is not retroactive; any non-resident who hah entered the university or the college under the present fee of $60 la year will be permitted to finish his course at that rate. To put the fees where they would be iprohibitive and at the same time would be on an even basis with other states, so that the flow of non-resident students would neither be entirely cut off nor become a flood "Which would tax the institutions' fa cilities, was the aim of the committee. . Members of the joint committee com stdering fees were J. K. Weatherford of Albany, chairman, C. E. Woodson of Heppner, W. S. Gilbert of Astoria, and President P. L. Campbell from the University. , HOG RAISERS SHOULD PLOW UP BARN LOTS EACH YEAR Hog raisers may accomplish two de sirable results by plowing up, the barn lots at least once a year, says the Unit ed States Department of Agriculture. In the first place, hogs need good suc culent pasture as much of the time as possible, and in the second place they need protection against internal para sites, such as roundworms, the eggs of which remain in the soil. Turning over the soil in the lots helps to get rid of the pests and the crop of forage makes it a profitable operation. In ad dition to providing cheap, protein feed, pasture crops aid as a laxative and re ore! ;the hogs to take a certsjirf amount of exercise which is necessary to breeding animals and growing pigs. Rye is probably the best crop to use L Quality The impression your printed message will make depends on the skill and knowledge of the Printer. We are proud of the quality of every job that leaves our shop. It is the result of thoughtful care and years of exper ience. Let us co-operate with you on your next print ing. You'll like our work and our prices. THE BANNER - COURIER for fall, winter, and spring pasture for hogs. Throughout the corn belt it may be sown from August 20 to about Octo ber 1, depending on the latitude. In warmer climates the crop may be put in at various times up to as late as De cember. By putting in successive plantings from 2 .to 4 weeks apjart it is possible to have fresh pasture all the time. , Seeding for, pasture should be much heavier than for a grain crop, from 3 to 4 bushels per acre on a good soil. Pasturing can probably begin 6 weeks after seeding, and. may continue if the rye is not covered with snow, until the following April, i ORCHARD PESTS By C. C. Vincent My gooseberries and red currant bushes are covered with a little green worm about an inch long which has lit tle black specks on its back and has a black head. They have eaten off the leaves. What caiI do to get rid of them What will kill common ants that make ant hills around the house? P.B. The imported green worm which is feeding on your gooeberrie and red currant bushes is the larvae of the adult saw-fly. When they are first hatched they are small whitish larvae and as they increase in size the color changes to green and after the first molt they become covered with many black spots and the head is black. While small they feed in colonies, 30 4 on a leaf, which is soon consumed As they increase in size they become more destructive and soon strip a bush of all its leaves. The larvae may be readily destroyed by spraying the bushes with arsenate of lead, 4 pounds to 100 gallons of water. This applica tion should be made early in the spring before the berries begin to form. After the fruit has reached any maturity. The Idle Broody In the State .Agricultural College at Athaca, New York, they have a habit of putting a celluloid leg band on. a hen's leg every time she goes broody. Some hen's go broody several times a season while others of the same breed do not stop laying. The hens that idle away their time on the nest may at the end of .he season have on as many rings as a rich woman, but the more rings they hav the less suited they are for a place in the chicken house. A slatted bottom coop swung in the shade where the air can circulate around her is'a help in causing a hen to change her mind about rearing a family. Killing Cabbage Worms Cabbage root maggots may be con; trolled by applying about a half cup of corrosive sublimate solution to the base of cabbage or cauliflower plants, The corrosive sublimate solution should be made at the rate or one ounce to twelve gallons of water. Three applications at ten-day intervals are advisable The Time to Buy Is when others are not buying. when money 1b rather close and prices are low. When spring opens there is always a buyers' rush, and prices always follow demand. If you want a city home, a farm or any property, look- them ' over now and sava mone.y. Come in and Sea what I have. Insurance that Insures Seven strong companies, fire, accident, burglary, forgery, causality, auto. E. E. TEEPLE 71 94 Main, Oregon Or. Recipes New Potatoes Scrape and cook un til tender in boiling, salted water to cover. Drain and put into the serving dish, then pour over them a white sauce to which has been added chop ped parsely. New potatoes may be cooked with neas or young carrots and seasoned with white sauce for a change. Milk Pudding To about a quart of luke-warm milk add sugar and flavor to taste, then dissolve a piece of ren net taDierahout one-halt the size of a dry pea, add this to the milk and stir well and jour into saucers. If you care to make it fancy add cake color ing and serve, with whipped cream. (Plain cream is also very good Edi tor.) This makes a delicious pudding, If it becomes watery you have used too much rennet. The rennet tablets ma"y be had for 25 cents a dozen at any drug store. "ANNIE LAURIE" Wash. Add Soda to Green Veaetabl wnen -cooKing green vegetables a mall particle of soda added to the Doning water just ibelore putting in the vegetables will keep them in fresh color. To Get Rid of Cockroaches Make a strong solution of alum in hot water and pour it into cracks and crevices where pests hide, or else brush it in liberally with a paint brush. The County Court (Continued from last week.) Road District No. 60 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $27.25. Road District No. 62 James Kuzer, $4.98; E. D. Worden, $9.98; T. John son, $9.98; C. Kaullermeier, $9.98; D. O. Day, $7.98; C. E. Day, $4.98; Frank Fisher, $9.98; Frank Fisher, Jr., $4.98; H. Johnson, $.22; G. N. Gill, $7.97. Road District' No. 63 Hogg Bros., $1.20; G. Nordurft, $31.91; G. Vlahos, $14. 97; J. Erickson, $4.35; F. Kaiser, $17.46; F. Kelenhofer, 12.47; F. Heinz, $7.47; Chas. Heinz, $11.20; J. Noturft, $4.99; W. Yeomana, $4.98; G. Teske, $14.9; 7 J. Mantha, $4.98; F. Kaiser, $9.98; H. Yeomans, $9.98. Road District No. 64 J. R. Pitts, $4.38; M. Ansve, $32.40; Fred An derson, $1.25; Thorston Anderson, $11.24; Athur Anderson, $8.75; L. D. Parmentor, $27.59; E. Burtleson, $9.96; W, D. Miles, $24.95; Joe Miles $19.92; E. Babbs, $24.26; George Vetatoe, $6.73; L. L. Parentor, $103.85. Road District N V. Carmich- ael, $9.25; John McHolick - & Co., $284.48. Road District No.4 2 City of We3t Linn, $1247.08. . Road District No. 12 Oswego Trans fer, $48.00; The Good Roads Machin ery Cp., $28.40. ' Road District No. 16 Schuld Bros., $50.00. Road Distict No. 26 Sandy Lumber Co., $6.96; W. A. Stone, $48.36; Sam Rowen, $39.92; Fred Gertsch, $18.67; Ed. Sladky, $19.92. . . ' Road District No. 35 Standard Oil Co., $13.91. - - , Special No. 11 Nichola Casciato, $4,798.27. ' Special No. l V. Ct Jackson, $5.25; F. H. Bardsley, $17.50; Arthur Smith, $1792.56; R. Irving, $36.90; A. Hein rich, $32.50; J. Sigrist, $65.77; C. M. Reborts, $87.77; H. Kenick, $125.77; A. Worthington, $187.71; A. Keinrich, $380.35; F. H. Bearsley, $388.81; J. E. Giesy, $4.48. Special No. 13 A. F. Kiser, $14.94; A. Tomas, $14.94; C. Kiser, $9.96; A. A. Wood, $1.99; Harry Jost, $2.49; H. Heater, $4.98; G. Baker, $4.79; G. Bat-i algia, $2.49; R. Baker, '$3.73; A. A. : Wood, $6.49. Speical No. 14 Fred Bker, $12.46; Frnk Oldenstdt, $84.83; Ed. Selge, $104.79; $104.79; C- C. Schroeder, $64.87-; Bob Schatz, $44.91; S. Turner, $44.91; Mike Aldridge, $99.80; A. Del- ker, $76.85; O. Pamperin, $92.31; L. Bruck, $9.98; V. Bruck, $4.99; Ervin Sharp, $47.40; Adolph Delker, $54.89; R. W. Oldenstadt, $22.45; C. Tieder man, $112.27; G. Oldenstadt, $64.87; Ed. Pamperin, $44.91; Ed. Woodwerth, "$9.96; A. R. Chapman, $9.96; W. Waite $14.94; G. Selge, $7.47; Ernest Wilkey, $46.06; Bert Schatz, $54.78; Bill Olden stadt, $54.78; Lee Borland, $53.53; C. Thebold, $52.29; Erl Oldenstadt, $37.35 A. H. Borland, $59.85;. Norman Turner, $34.86; A. Alshire, $22.41; Bob Payne, $4.98; C. O. Perry, $2.49; W. Wooliver, $2.49; Ott Oldenstadt, $7.47; C. Eisele, $3.73; H. Turner, $11.20; T. Turner, $7.47; H. Koch, $67.36;" Ed. Wood werth, $12.45; A. Chapman, $9.96; Bill Setge, $7.47 ;. J. M. Turner, $93.76. Special No. 16 O. P. Rothe, $129.87; D. J. Abbey, $71.88; John Baumgard ner, $74.87; E. E. Roethe. $71.88: G. O. Skoog, $35.94; J. S. Booth, $38.87; A. G. Galison, $38.87; Ira Hart, $47.84; H. Faulk, $12.45; E. D. Roberts, $19.92; Wm. Davenport, $321.00. , Special No. 17 James A. C. Tart & Co., $11.60; Pacific Asbestos and Sup ply' Co., $54.81; East Side Mill & Tim ber Co.i $82.$3; Oregon City Sand-and Gravel Co., $380.50; Schuld Bros., $469. Oregon Portland Cement Co., $571.53; L. G. Harrington, $8.85; W. E. Godsey, $45.30; H. Henrici, $64.87; W. J.' Hen rici, $19.96; A. Schear, $15.96; C. Bftt ton $13.96; Sam Schlegal, $13.96; E. Webb, $20.93; A. L. Pittman, $11.96; A. Hartley, $8.97; W. Marn, $11.96; W. S. Daywalt, $11.96; J. Schear, $11.96; 'w. Imel, $11.96; John Young, $11.96; W. Young, $14.95; C. W. Carter, $20.93 C. Cash, $17.45; H. Imel, $77.87; John Stutz, $28.31; S. Imel, $48.87; Arthur Leavitt, $47.92; Jack Young, $54.85; W. Imel, $29.90; Marvin Pittman, $32.89; R. Johnston, $69.8$; Ancil Pitt man, $29.90; W. S. Daywalt, $29.90; J. N. Young, $26.91; O. Welch, $58.76; W. Young, $23.92; L, Jones, $73.24; C. H. Counsell, $67.83; W. Marks, $2$.93; C. Henrici, $51.87; S. L. Mullan,. $401.34; Dan Mazzie, $104.92; Art Wetmore, $28.44; J. W. Schuld, $31,18; F.-Henrici, $24.95; O. B. Olinger, $26.19; L. France, $7.45; C. E. Battin, $3.49; E. L. Blackburn, $20.94; Stanley Gibson, $196.70; A. Bouchel, $196.20; S. Cook, $206.40; Elmer Frossard, $226.20; I. W. Schuld, $184.98; H. Messenger, $16.95; W. C. Martien, $31.41; R. Holmes, $14.97; R. R.eed, $13.96; John Shields, $29.95; M. Pittman, $5.98"; H. Imel, $29.95. . Special No. 18 Art Deardorff, $150.50. Special No. 20 Ed. Moore, $32.37; M. Hemrich, $14.97; C. Hemrich", $24.95; Kent Fish, $49.9$; Walter Young, $77.88; Walter Hal, $19.92; Wm. Doilley, $49.90; L. Stradley, $9.96 C. C. Young, $19.92; Wm. Svendsen, $27.44; S. C. Young, $29.94; John Moore, $24.95; Elmer McMurray, $7.47. . Special No. 21 C. S. Mudge, $19.60; Jake De Young, $121.20; Arthur Gran, $42.33; John Anderson, $32.89; Albert Hoffineister, $47.79; Gus Lingle, $32.89; ; Hadden Johnson, $27.39; Philip Schantin, $89.82; Fred Ander son, .$47.82; J. E. Berkstrun, $49.90; Georeg Derrick, . $22.45 ; John Hoff meister, $14.97; Walter Welch, $7.47. - Special No. 24 J. H. Bradbury, $27.93; J. Hafner, $14.94; H. Warren er, $14.94; K. Krettler, $6.22; C. Houde, $13.59; L, Thomas, $12.45; J. H Bradbury, $9.96; P. El Struck, $22.45; G. Wilkinson, $24.95. Special No. 25 John McHolick, $142.88; Wm. Extrum, $173.60; C. L. Shaw, $2.45; Paul R. Meinig, $39.15; A, C, Thomas, $75.30; C. Donahue, $4.98; T. Bacon, $43.57; L C. Moulton, $4.98 A. J. Sloop, $31.39; S. Robertson, $17.43; Tom Hagan, $33.51; L. Lay man, $19.92; Bud Martintfale, $28.51; R. H. Klingler, $13.59; W. Gauger, $15.44; Ona Clark, $12.45; E. East man,, $12,45; L Hanjabergy $14.94; George A. Ten Eyck, $116.28; L. W. Tice, $64.74; Loren Sloan, $37.35; R. W. Akin, $74.84; T. McGuire, $90.43; Fred Gilbert, $49.80; Joseph Vaeretti, $88.57; A. Klingler, $74.85; Miles Ten Eyck, $32.37; Glen Ten Eyck, $64.87; W; Schreiber, $32.37; E. E. Easton. $24.90; R. Shipley; $73.29. Special No. 28 W. Widmer, $80.01; Gust Finger, $32.36; Will Bill, $54.88; H. Lubke, $9.96; Will Andreson, $55.86 Author Frenz, $23.02; John Macho, $8.71; Henry Herman, $27.44; Edward Flatau, $8.71; Henry Gierke. $17.46, Special No. 29 D. L. Erdman, $37.90 H. Bronner, $57.38; R. Krebs, $14.94 F. Carlson, $54.89; E. Borling; $22.41; H. Ackerson, $44.89; H. Swanson, $5.22 L Bartlemay, $13.59 r C. Hanson, $9.98 C. Johnson, $14.94; D. Fosberg, $13.69 Special No. 31 Frank Hatton, $38; Milo Mumpower, $38.87; Owen Hat- ton, $32.37; Henry Swales, $84.37; John Holcomb, $4.98; John Moser, $22.41; Gilbert Riebhoff, $24.90; Paul Scheff, $49.89; Carl Durig, $19.88; Clarence Swales, $9.96; VaHno Thomas Kelly, ,$24.90; Joe Schriner, $12.45; John Tschopp, $7.47. Special No. 33 Oregon Sand and Gravel Co., $390.10; R, Mattoos, $364.92; C. R. Livesay, $23.93; H. D. (Marsftn, $24.90. Specioal No. 34-C. W. Friedrich & Son, $.50; Frank Busch & Sons, $1.50; W. Lewis, $5.80; L. O. Nightingale, $10.75;, C. T. Blackburn, $89.76; A. Trafton, $11.82; D. Evans, $19.32; N. Christner, $19.96; G. Roberts, $4.99; Wm. Roberts, $2.49; J. Roberts, $5.43; E. O. Hughes, $24.27; R, Bohiander, $24.27; W. Fisher, $29.92; G. Holman, $14.97; F. Steiner, $14.95; F. Shaw, $4.99; Wm. Parry, $4.99; Chas. Jones, $53.49; ' John Schram, '$24.27; Wm. Psfry, $4.99; Chas. Jones, $53.49; John Schram, $24.27; Wm. Daniels, $16.18; E. .Roberts, $48.55; W. Bohiander, $56.02; N. Oassidy, $20.92; A. Thomas, $40.99; E. Sheppard, $14.94; G. Staben, $19.29; H. Kamrath, $13.06; F. Kam rath, $92.76; F. Kamrach,-$19.28; J. Leathexberry, $8.71; J. Hughes, $43.56; D. L Jones, $9.98; D. L. Jones, $31.39; Fi Kamrath, $69.88; E. Sheppard, $28.40. Special No. 35 Dave Williams, $416.13; Wm. Braatz, $58.37; John Spatz, $44.82; Walter Spp,tz, $31.12; Guy Brown, $39.84; Ray Brown, $39.22; Lewis Norman, $39.88; Emiel Larson, $74.85; H. Ellenson, $50.83; Wm.. Carlson!, 50.83; Abel Norman, $58.64;' Otto Fischer, $56.14; Fred Mueller, $56.14; Walter Wahling, $53.65; John Stenetz, $29.88; Allison Allen, $28.63; Ivan Pulley, $103.87; Ernest Evanson, $26.77; Frank Allen, $17.43; John Kelly, $27.39; E. Ahlberg, $26.77; Tom Berly, $29.88; O. Ahlberg, $11.20; Carl Staats, $27.39; H. Coop. $27.44; John Kindle, $42.41; John Phillips, $29.94; John Baldwin, $12.41: Johnson Hartley, $7.47; John Schnied er, $18.63; Guy Uptergrove! $191.88; John Hindle, $47.88; A. E. Johnson, $32.89; Cecil Halliman, $13.64; Grif fith, $19.91. Special No. 36- C. R. Livesay, .$42; E. Hinman, $14.90; F. Cumin, $14.94; C. Lander, $36.10; J. McComb, $22.41; J. E. LaCroy, 63.84; T. Jubb, 21.16; E. BaTeson, $14.94; J. Sevier, $23.65; E. Ficken, $49.90; J. Mattoon, $29.94; E. Lankins, 39.92; J. Hamilton, $32.43; H. Tanler, $39.92; R. Bateson, $24.95; H. Huber, $19.96; E. Hartman, $19.96; J. Ficken, $7.48; J. Mattoon, $27.44; E. Ficken, $32.43; E. Hartman, $24.95; I. Ficken, 14.97; W Williamson, $19.96; H. Tanler, $24.95; E. Lankins, $27.44; L. S. Penny, $7.99; E. Bateson, $13.59; W. Bateson, $2.49; E. Himan, $13.59; J. E. LaCroy, $24.93; T. Jubb, $11,207 H. Huber, 54.89; E. Lankins, $9.98; T. Magasawa, $9.98; I. Keller, $14.97; F. Trachsel, $7.46; E. Hartman, $4.99; John Mattoon, 1.49; L. S. Tenny, $8.71; I. McComb, $17.43; J. Sevier, $26.14; Sam Jacobson, $8.71. Special No. 38 Barney Schoenberg, $1.24; P. T. Monroe) $1,99; W. A. Bard, $7.49. Special No. 39 Cascade Garage $76.95 ; Smith Hardware, $3.46; Harold E. Wooster, $18.00; W. S. Morgan, $13.99; IClyde Davis,' $42.33;' Ralph Wade, $69.59; Newton Boroman, $10; J. F. Snyder, $9.98; W. A. Osborn, $44.91; F. H. Davis, $24.91; W. K. Cor- bin, $44.91; Joe Michal, $44.91; Fred Davis-, 21.16; H. W. Davis, 17.39; E. E. Pinkley, $17.43; N. G. Henrickson, $4.98; M. M. Duncan, $112.43; S. E. Bracy, $9.88; Arthur Kelley, $7.47; J. J. Whitley, 44.91; Ward Jones, $82.33; G. I. Dart, $69.86; E, T. Davis, $84.37; R. G. Palmateer, $72.34; W L. Shriner, $17.43; Chester Dean, 32.37; J. Whit field, $44.82; T. Eash, $44.82; Arthur Bowman, $17.43; Walter Lemon, 17.43; C. G. DDanielson, $62.33; W. M. Pink- ley, 42.33; L J. Palmateer, $59.33; Earnest Amacher, $22.68; L. A. Dun can, $100.87; $59.88; Curtis Wilcox, $44.88. Special No. 40 Cascade Garage, $17.65; Frank Ochs, $24.95; Harold Joyner, $24.95; Otto Paulsen, $24.95; Wm. Held, 24.95; C. A. Johnson, $24.95; Leo Rath, $24.95; Peter Ruhl, $24.95; Wm. Lins, $24.95; Henry Schmidt, $24.95; Ed. Guber, $24.95; Henry Klinker, $24.95; Louis Weisen- fluh, $13.7$; Ralpfc Chaney, $19.95; Ed. Harders, $22.45; Louis Ochs, $12.45; Henry' Joyner, $12.45; Ray Miller, 12.45; Carl Lins, $12.45; A. H. Miller, $13.96; Ted Harders, $29.18; J. R. Reed, $103.93; Robert Miller, $19.91; A. H. Miller, $7.97; J. H. Tracey, $2.49; Otto Paulsen, 2.49; EdT Grafenhain $5.59. Special No. 41 Harry Hanson, $9.68 H. L Guthrie, $19.96; Ralph De Shazer $4.99; G. Lavery, $4.98; H. H. Udell $40.03; H. R. Devlin, $48.16; H. C Wintersteen, $24.90; James Lamper, 12.45; Jay Morrison, $9.96; Irvin Up- degrave, $19.96; Herbert Udell, $39.92; Charles Updegrave, $46.15; Ray Han son, $46.15; T. C. McKay, $34.93; Jos eph DeShazer, $39.92; A. W. Anderson, $44.91; J. M. Parks, $26.91; William Hanson, $14.94; Millard Parks, $21.41; Earl Peterson, 16.18; Victor Bodley, 9.96; H. S. Gibson, $19.92. Special No. 42 Jeorge Williams; $14.97; Tom.Johansen, $47.41; Perry Williams, $22.41; Walter Beck, $37.91; C: Beck, $2.49; F. Crane, 14.44; E. F. Wallace, $37.43; C. Anderson, $26.15; E M. Fellows, $34.86; T. Fellow3, $196, J. D. Crawford, $94.81; A. Svenson, $82.34; Alfred Svanson, $39.92; Alex Erickson, $74.85; John Jones, $34.93; Albert Harris, $74.85; N. A. Sorenson, $2.49; Hugo Wicklund, $52.29 E. Han Zen, $52.29; Axel Johnson, $29.88; O. Bask, $34.86; Rex Gorden, 14.95; E. Austin, $21.17; Ed. Johnson, $89.78; John Carlson, $19.96; Chester Dalmas, $7.47. - - Special No. 43 George Blatchford, $38.35; W. J. Avison, $5$.0$; Milton Strean, $12.47; Steve Hordichoke, $62.25; Jack Long, $18.67; Gust John son, $87.78; Ed. Feyrer, $95.76; C. B. Mann, $48.86; I. L Boyer, $10.47; Wil liam Feyrer, $66.31;: D. E. Pendleton, $73.29; Jack Feyrer, $139.82; C. N. Nugen, $87.45;' Feyrer Bres., $104.95; Mervin Newell, $87.32; Shade Long, $42.41; John Norman, $54.89; J. W. Standinger, $34.93; B. C. Palmer, $37; Clay Engle, $39.92; Art Scott, $124.75; George Boyer, $6.22; T. T. Boyeil, $28.75; John Norman, $11.20; Jessie Lett, $28.63; J. O. Johnson, $32.37; P. C. Cogar, $2.49; Math. Nelson, $44.82; Shade Long, $7.47; G. R. Cogar, $4.98; Bill Loury. $4.98; E. P. Pendleton, $12.45; Alfred Pendleton, $12.45; Olaf Nordquist, $19.92; M. Brunam, $52.29; Roy Olsen,. $58.51; Elmer Widstrand, $59.76; C. B. Mann, $19.92. . Special No. 16-HGrover Freidrich, $73.81; Fred Molzan, $7.74; Charles Gelbrich, $3.49; Almon Johnson, $15.47 E. Sauers, $14.96; Melvin Mahlum, $19.95,- Chas. Thomas, $7.46; Earl Bowlsby, $12.32; Paul Bany, $13.45; H. A. Warrington, $8.71; Frank Zelin- ske $15.70; George Meyers, $6.22; A, Kraxberger, $6.22; Ralph Koehler, $13.20; James Mahlum, $3.73; Moxley Mack, $3.73; Wm. Beeson, $4.98; Geo. Koehler, 17.95; A." B. Cole $14.21; C. Kraft, Jr., $3.15. - . Special No. 48 R. W. Zimmerman, $49.86; L. G. Ziegler, $37.99; G. Stuwe, $9.98; F. E. Mills, $50.60; Roy D. Zim merman, $z.4. Special No. 49 Christ Lorenz, 14.97, Jean Gribble, $12.47; Jullius Ganske, $12.47; Willie Gibson, $17.46; Adam Kalb, $4.99; Luther Lorenz, $6.22; Syl vester Gibson, 7.47; " Rudolph Klaus, $11.97; George Scheer, $26.20; George Smith, $24.95; P. J. Scheer, $29.95; Ed. Harnack, $29.95; John Kummer, $31.15; Ben Krause, $26.35; William Meyer, $20.75; George Krause, $14.94; Willie Rencken, $16.18; Fred Lamour, $14.94; P. J. Scheer, $4.99; Ben Krause $4.99; William Meyer, $2.49; Rudolph Klaus, $3.99;. Henry Drier, $14.98; Bruno Kraxberger, $7.49; Bruno Krax berger, $2.49; Raymen Heinz, $2.49; Rudolph Klaus, $7.98; Ralph Kehler, $13.96; Jullius Ganske, $4.50; G. J, Frederich, $317.53; Henry Gebert, $23.70; Wm. Gelbrich, $27.44; Wm. Gebert, $41.18; Erich Mertz, $34.93; Henry Johnson, $19.92; Christ Goebel, 31.12;. Rudolph Klaus, $79.8$; Ralph Kehler, $45.37; Wm. Gelbrich, $14.97; Louis Gelbrich, $12.00; G. L. Frederich $493.12; G. J. Freidrich, $125.00. Special No. 5$ Amel Veille, $14.97; Hoken Kilo, $5.98; E. Fuher, $25.48; N. C. Nelson, $3.75; F. Miller & Sons, $2.00; Leon Judd, $3.73; Joe Lehman, $14.97; Otto Lubcke, f -ST3; C. F. Jack son, $29.92; J.W. Watson, $2.49; "9. Westbostad, $2.49; John Shumker, $1.24; Carl Dromlich, $245.34. Special No. 51 Olaf Olsen, $39.92; Harry Aspboe, $38.67; Bill Brown, $10; Joe Oster, $4.99; Perry Campbell, $18; Clarence Thomas, $33.68; John Thur- man, $32.43; Norman Olsen, $17.43; A. W. Albright, $17.43; Walter Brown, $17.43; Elmer Kleinsmith, $9.96; iRex Albright, $6.22; Ed. Albright, $11.2$; Dan Edwards, $1.24; Charles McCon- nell, $37.42; E. H. Sloane, $46.68; Geo. Herbs, $16.18; Loral Lamb, $2.18; W. M. Frye, $7.47; Charles Logne, $15.55; A. Rich, $1.24; C. Stanton, $10.88; Er vin Lamb, $45.74; Levi Kellis, $20.22. . Special No. 52 J. W. Marrs, $17.95; Julius Ruhle, $17.45; IvanXacey, $3.T5. Special No. 60 Thomson Bros., $7.48; W. G. Randall, $9.00. Special No. 63 J. . Hays, $14.97; J. Notdurft, $6.23; L. Davids, $7.47. Special No. 35 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $88.07. General Roads Alaska Junk Co., $30.60; Millard Avenue Fuel & Ice Co., $91.00; Silica King Mines Co., $340,007 Milwaukie Fuel & Feed Co., $34.38 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $62.70 Union Oil Co. of Calif:, 7553.96; Schuld Bros., !$7.45; J. W. Hart, $3.00; Schuld Bros, $105.50; Standard Oil" -Co., $2, 628.01; S. L. Mullan Fuel Co., $96.00; Road Builders' Equipment Co., $46.90; J W. Schuld, $33.68; S. Imel, $39.92; Jack Young, $14.97; H. Messenger, $11.97; F. Henrici, $104.78;' A. Wet, more, $1871; O. B Olinger, $19.96; R, Holmes, $14.97; W. C. Martien, $43.62 L France, $1.49; C. H. Counsell, $11.97 Stanley Gibson, $45.60; S." L. Mullan, $45.60; A. Bouchel, $53.20; S. Cook, $45.60; Elmer Frossard, $53.20; L W. Schuld, $73.00; H. Henrici, $14.97; W. J. Henrici, $14.97; A. Schear, $11.97; C. Batton, $6.98; Sam Schlegal, $10.47; E Webb, $8.97; A. L. Pittman, $8.97; A. Hartley, $8.97; W. Marn, $8.97; W. S. Daywalt, $10.46; J. Shear, $8.97; W. Imel $8.97rW. Young, $7.47; John Young, $8.97; C. W. Carter, $8.97; C. Cash, $10.47; M. S. Glass, $8.97; Chas. Krebs, $27,72; Closner & Smith, $59.46 Abe Hepler, $115.32; Hogg Bros., $48.50; H. Henrici, $4.99; W. J. Hen rici, $4.99; A. Schear, $3.99; C. Batton, $3.49; Sam Schlegal, $3.49; E. Webb, $2.24; A. L. Pittman, $2.99; A. Hartley, $2.99; W. Marx, $2.99; W. S. Daywalt, $2.99; W. Young, $2.99; C. W. Carter, $2.99 ; M. S. Glass, $2.99; C. Cash, $3.49 Bill Everett, $6.98; Earl Strong, $13.96 Claude Henrici, $3.49; Aruen Perry, $24.43; John Scheer, $6.98; Albert Clebe, $3.49; Bill Roberts, $13.96; A. Heft, $31.41; W. Everett, $17.45; John Heft, $69.90; Thomas Parry, $6.98; Cras. Gelbrich, $15.7$; Fred Goebel, $2.99; Jean Gribble, $3.23; Jim Gribble, $3.23; P. B. Jensen, $13.72; John Heinz, $6.22; J. W. Schuld, $12.47; S. Imel, $4.99; Jack Young, $4.99; H. (Continued on Page Seven) Standard Berry Crates AND '. - - Folding Hallocks VEGETABLE PLANTS, FLOWER AND GARDEN SEEDS Dependable Poultry supplies and feeds are a large factor in : successful poultry farming. Our prices compare very favorably with pre-war times. Larson & Company 10th and Main Oregon City Insure with your Home Companies PACIFIC STATES . . for business risks McMINNVILLE or FARMERS MUTUAL for residence and country properties E. H. COOPER & SON Bank of Oregon City Bldg., Phone 366 S. F. Scripture GENERAL BLACKSMITH I NG AND HORESHOEING Automobile and Truck Springs Repaired I am selling the LAHER ELECTRIC BOLTLESS SPRING The best spring made, guaranteed Phone 276W 108 - 5th St. between Main and Water St Weatherall, $14.94; H. Luft, $44.91;. I L. Boyer, $41.08; H. O. Newell, $17; Store Now Opens at 9 A. M. Saturdays Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 The Most in Value n Quality The Best I IN VALUE " THE BEST IN THE MOST QUALITY Store Closes Daily at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. Home Phone: A 2112 "THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SFXLS FOR CASH" Two Special Styles in Women s Superior Hot Weather Hosiery Dainty sheer, web-like Hoseth at slips on-like a glove and gives that cool refreshing feeling to the feet fashionable, perfect-fitting and of worthy qusly. That is what you may expect from these superior sum . mer Stockings which w,e have so attractively underpriced. Silk Lace Insert Hose at 98c pr. A pleasing variety of patterns to select from in these fine Silk Lace Insert Hose made with seamed back, reinforced lisle sole, heel and toe; lisle garter top and wide hem. Sizes 8 to 10 in black. All-Silk d0 OQ - I Silk-Top Lace Hose at P.0 yail Included in this sale is our entire stock of Women's All Silk Allover Lace Hose, affording unusual oppor tunity for selection. All are made full fashioned with' reinforced sole, heel and toe. Colors are black, white, cordovan, gray, silver and gold. All sizes 8Y2 to 10. CO AQ Qulf Union Suits at 4?t Sizes 36 to 44 In Both Flesh and White Beautiful luxurious Silk TopUnidh Suits with mercerized lisle body garments of a well known make in styles with tight knee. All sizes 36 to 44 in flesh and in white in this sale at $2.49 a suit. Three Corset Specials, at $l.r9,$2.45, $2.95 The Best of Makes R. and Lady Ruth, Rengo Belt, Betsy Ross, Treo, Thompson, Lady Louise and Rivoli Eight guaranteed makes as li sted above and others equally as well known all in this sale at three especia 1 1 y underpriced quotations52 styles in all, with 19 models to select from at $1.79. Both" front and back lace, sport models, all elastic ifTodels, semi-elastic styles and others in fancy brocades, batistes, fine coutils, etc. Also 8 and 10 inch, all-elastic , sport girdles; all sizes. Extraordinary values at $1.79, $2.45 and .$2.95. s.