Page Thrd Community Sfetus News From Over CIACKAMAS COUNTY jt jt ,M ,st j jt , jit jt t WEST LINN J Dennis Kidby J Mr and Mrs." Vic Gault and family are spending their vacation on a .house boat up the Willamette. Mrs. Edith M. Wambough, an Ore gon City mail carrier, has purchased a home in West Linn in the block op posite the Clark home. She is at'present on her vacation and is overseeing the work of remodeling the home as she has it planned. ! Mrs. Mary F. Schultz, -who has. been acting postmaster for two months has received the appointment as postmast er.. v Mrs. Schultz has lived in Oregon - City and West linn for five years previous to that she was in charge of the Redland Phone xchange. The last stretch of unpaved High way west of the bridge is now to be paved. The work of grading and of moving the poles is rapidly proL gressing.. Jt & Jt Jjt Jt Jt jt .Jt J J .M Jigf' CARVER Mrs.. J. J. llatton 0 Mrs. Margaret Brown and daughter June and. Mr. Lyt'ord all of Portland are visiting at the home of Mr. and Ms. Iver Tolsted. . Mr. and Mrs Otto Titus and Valder us Weatherly returned from Wasco, Idaho. Paul Mumpower has been very busy the past week selling water melons and canteloupes. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Byers have been very busy the past two weeks build ing a new barn. J. J. Hattan has been assisting him. M. and Mrs. W T Mumpower and Mrs. Sol Wheeler spent the week-end at Seaside while there visiting Mrs. John Stewart Mr. and Mrs Lie Simmons of Park place were visiting with the home folks for the week-end. A email fire that burned a hole in the roof of th school house on the 4th of July is being repaired by a new roof. Mr. Fry is doing the work. Market road No. 7 east of Carverwill be ready for gravelling by the middle or the last of next week Mr. Mitchell of Pulman, Washing ton was the guest of his uncle, Mr. J. A. Byers antl the Misses Madge and Olive Byers on Sunday. Mrs. Bunting, who visited with her son and family, H. Bunting the week end returned to her home at Forest Grove, on Monday accompanied by her little grand-daughter Hazel Bunting. Bessie Hattan was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. K. Dart and Mrs. Xj W Watts at Molalla last week. -She re turned on Saturday, having had her tonsils removed by Dr. Hyde and is now convalesing at her home ' Rev. D. O. Sommers of Lents held services at the church Sunday morn ing Sunday school was well attended by the -children. Rev. J. A. Ware after a months ab sence held service in the evening at the school house, giving the audience a brief account of the conference held in the east where he attended , Pleasant hour club will hold a spec ial meeting on Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. E. Loomis on Thursday at the hom,e of Mrs. R, E. Loomis to make arrangements for their annual picnic to be held in August. , With the passing of Mr. Fred Gerber the community looses a very respected citizen. A real neighbor and friend. The many friends join in their heart felt sympathy for the bereaved family. Little Robbie Loomis has been quite ill with a severe cold but is im proving. . , J 1$ t& v& v qfi OSWEGO Sf? j? if j? j? P j? I? ? s? A meeting will fce held at the Od3 Fellow's hall on August 4 for residents of Oswego, Old Town and South Os wego to vote on the question of an nexation of the section lying east and south of Oskego Lake as far westas McLean Camps. There is a general sentiment in fav or of combining all these districts info one city, thereby lowering taxes and keeping road money for city streets. Gas and city water wouET also be pro vided for the districts not now in the city. Miss Mary Wilson was hostess for a dinner party at "Oswego Lodge. Fri day evening. Mrs). Curtis Merrick chaperoned the party. Miss Mary Dell Walling has return ed to her home in Redland after a weeks visit with Miss Roma Coufer. Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles of Sandy motored to Jergen's park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton of Portland, have moved into their new home on A. avenue . The Oswego woman's club held a , special meeting Trursday at the home of Mrs. Robert Fulton for the purpose of making plans for a joint picnic to be held with the Oak Gove Woman's club, August 4. Mrs. G. Howard Pet tinger, Mrs. William Schauper ai Mrs. Robert Fulton will have chafrge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steffens and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bethke motored to Rock away last week. Henry, Lillian, and Edith Bickner are leaving for a month's stay in Ash land. A number of Oswego people attended a radio lawn party at the home of Mr. i and Mrs. C. P. Johns of Lake Grove, Wednesday evening. Mr. A. V Clancy visited his parents Mr and Mrs. John Clancy over the week-end. 1 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Underwood, July 9. Mrs. Carl Bethke .and mother, Mrs. John Haines Sr, motored to Port An geles this week. Miss Katherine Wessling and Miss Helen Wessling entertained a party of friends at the Heilig Theater, Tues day. . , , Miss Julia Wilson and Miss Ruby Stark weather are spending their va cation at the home of Miss Wilson's aunt, at Ocean Park, Washington. Mr. A. J. Howie, of McMinnville is visiting his daughter Mrs. Tom Cline felter this week. , Mrs. Grace Burke and son Maurice are on their vacation at Ocean Park, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanen of Port land were the guests of John Ferguson. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Haines and, Mrs. Etta Davidson went to Jergen's park for a picnic Sunday. vestment. Jonsrud and son, are now manu facturing broom handles. . u. B. Splawn met with a serious accident here Sunday. He was boss of the machine grader and while moving it the tongue in the rear section got entangled and -became broken! and flew up and hit him in the back of the head, inflicting a bad injury. He was taken to the hospital. : 5 feN Ci5 CHERRYVILLE Parnell Averill J Jt & Dry weather still continues. Ranchers are busy putting up a small crop of hay. Archie Averill and wife were on a visit to the Bungalow over Sunday They were so unfortunate as to lose their infant son last week. R. C. Murray spent Sunday at home. He is employed at Multnomah Falls on bridge repairs. V. A. Peacock came down from Multnomah Falls over Sunday on a visit. " Mikelson and Nelson of the Sandy Lumber Co. Mills have recently en larged their plant by the addition of a much larger engine and boiler, a big demand for lumber prompted the in- 5t 8 J$ 8 8 8 5 GLADSTONE Alice Freytag J &f? j? K" i? Jf f jf j? j? a? Miss Winifred Smith and Miss Olive Smith of Vancouver, B. C. who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie of Portland were the honor guests on a motor trip along the Columbia river Highway, Sunday The party Jeft Gladstone at six o'clock. Breakfast was served at Wahkeena Falls. The party hiked from Eagle Creek to the Devil's Punch Bowl after which din ner was served at Eagle Creek. Those making the trip were Mr. and Mrs. C. E McGetchie. of Portland; Misses Win ifred and Olive Smith, of Vancouver, B. C; Mr. E. C. Lindley, of Portland; Mr3, Roscoe Aimes of Albany Ore. ; Mr. O. A. Pace of Oregon City; Mrs. II. C. Parker,' Mr aria Mrs. R Frytag, Miss Alice. Freytag, Ernest Freytag, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. McGetchie and Mr. and Mrs. R. .McGetchie. Mrs Millard Gilette is the geust of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mjpran. Mr. W. H. Wilson has resumed his position a clerk at the Crown Willam ette -Inn after a two week vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, and son, Parker, spent their vacation near the South Forks of the Clackamas. The violin pupils of Andrew Emile Deschamps appeared in recital at the Christian Church Wednesday evening. The program was well received by a large audience. Mr. Deschamps was assisted by Miss Elenora Scaieve, ac companist, and Miss Cecilia Tenney pianist both of the Becker Conserva tory of Music in Portland. Mr. Des champs is a student of Miss Susie Ten nel Pipes, of Portland. The pupils presented were Elmo Eby, Thomas Patterson Robert Wi'.son, Maolyn Meyers Alden Rivers, Jeanie Patter son Nettie Laidlaw John Laidlow, John Patterson. ' The ushers were Miss I-eona Adrin and Miss Emily Nioxn of Bolton. Richard Thompson 2i yars old son of , Mr. and Mrs. ElWJ3d Thompson died in the Oregon City hospital Sat urday evening from heart trouble. iV'is. E. I. tu o- .;h-.'is:ui'o is ttic .' of Hichari Thor.iic;i Funeral serviced were M do.-.dai afitinoou Mrs itoi; Aime.-- whe nas been the guast if M:s it Cramer ':aro ed to her :mme a' '.."any V.c-dsiesday The linrary is Oe'.a- i pntnaiied during the summer months. Two State books are missing which the li brarians are anxous to have returned as the State Library has called for them. They are, "The Red Record of the Sioux" and "The Parsons Miracle." 58 8 8 ,8 8 8 3 $8 8 8 8 $8 8 8 JENNINGS LODGE Mrs. W. V. Woodbeck Miss Helen Laiwisborg of Salem, Vir ginia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rob ert D. Rogers of Meldrum. Mrs. George Fox has returned to her home in Myrtle Point after a weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Ellen Eads of Meldum Mrs. Edith Truscott and daughter Miss Ruth are with the G. R. Thomp son family at Oak Point, Washington. Born to Mr and Mrs C R- Hollaway, Sunday, July 23rd a daughter Mrs. Bess Bruechert is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Tripp of Salem. Calvin Dill Morse of Portland will spend a week with his cousin while his parents are on a business trip to Yam hill county. Mr and Mrs. Carus who recently sold their property have moved into the cottage formerly occupied by the Blake's. j. Louise and Flora Alice Morse of Ir vington have been spending the past week with the Bruechert family. , Mrs. Olin Ford and children with Mrs. Paulus Edwin Newell of Portland, '''1!!''TI!'II1II1SIIII1 lllliiililiiiiiliiil fx rowsi Acres Although they are moving fast, we still have some choice tracts for sale at attractive prices. This is fine lying land, virgin soil, fronting on Molalla road, four miles from Oregon City. We are selling in tracts of 5'and 10 acres, as follows, $60 per acre to $125 per acre. I.ii. motored to Ilwaco, Washington, where they are assisting in caring for Mr. Watson, husband of Gladys Newell Watson who is seriously ill from an attach of .dropsy. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Newcomb who have spent several months visiting with their son, have returned to their home in Ohio. ' " Virginia Card has returned from her vacation spent at Battle Ground. Washington. , ' Hugh B. Fleming, enjoyed a visit with his brother, Robert Fleming of Seattle who recently returned from a trip to Alaska. , . Alex Gill is building a modern brick residence on his property on Addie street between Hull avenue and Meldrum. tjHS 8 $8 8 $$8 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 j8 8g WILLAMETTE Beulah Snidow Beulah Snidow ' ' Jt The friends and relatives -of Mrs. H. Leisman who helped her cele-brate hjer birthday last Wednesday were Mrs. John Ream, Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. Clem ' Dollar, Mrs. Ewald Leis man, Mrs. Harold White, Mrs. M. Doty, Mrs Herman Pejer, Mrs. Neil -Whitney, Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. R. A. Junken, Molly Wilson, Mrs. Albert Adamson, Mrs. A. P. Tuor, Mrs. Louis Shipley", Mrs J. L Gay, Mrs. Y. W. Daris, and Miss Mary Lusin. .. Harry Tuor spent Sunday visiting his pjarents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tuor Mrs. M E Wallis of Portland spent Sunday at the home of her son, Mr. H. E Wallis. ; At the school election held last week a new director was elected to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Mr. Mitchell. Mr. D. Gross -as elected to fill the vacancy. , Mrs.- Lydia McCormick of -Washing- church Sunday morning and in the afternoon baptismal service was held at the mouth of the Tualatin river. Mrs. Mootry was bautised. . Mr. L. G. Barnes returned home Fri day evening after spending some time in California where he visited rela tives He was Called there on account of the illness and death of his sister. Mr. Biggley, Mr. Del Overton, Mr. Frank Shipley and Mr. Carpenter have Old Age Protection When you are young and your earning i.iower is at a maximum is the time to save your money. Then as it accumulates invest it in stand ard Bonds that will yield you a substantial income when you have passed the producing stage of life. . This, entire institution is at your command to Kelp you to decide upon a savings plan suited to your needs and we will also be glad to tell you about the different Bond Issues which -make good investments. BANK OF OREGON CITY Oldfest Bank in Clackamas County !ll!l!!!!IIIII1!!ll!llllii!l!!l!l!llll!!!l!l!lll!lll!illlllllill!lllllll!IIH -uiiiHmniiNimiimimiimiimiiiiiiMmiiiiimiiimimimimimiiiniim gone to Bridal Vale to fight forest fires. Mrs. Charlie Colson and children Geraldine, Clintin and Lester of Dodd, Oregon, are visiting Mrs. Colson's father, Mr. Tom Johnson. They will return home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Runyfa. and children, Manua and Evelyn and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are spending their va cation at Rockaway and other beaches. Mrs. Kaldfleifch of Filer, Idaho is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Spatz. She will remain here for six weeks. - Mrs. Schwerin and' Frank Schwerin are spending a Week at their old home m Elwood.. Misses Beatrice Oliver and Anna Is roll, Emily Nixon, Margaret Hall, Clara icrinas, Zelma Picrinas, Mar jorie Parker, Harold Greaves, Kenneth Montgomery, Lowell Parker and John Lewis. KlliY There is KS 'Vf Wtf. keot tc area ya have B f V it if you u u II Ml HU How many, many times you need something of this kind. To kill lice on a colt or calf, to trea a case of mange or ringworm, to wash out a cut or a scratch, to disinfect a wound or a running sore or gall. How often you could N make good use ot a reliable anti- n KeepKresoDipNo.lonHand will find it the best kind of insurance loss from parasites and disease. a Real Necessity on Every Farm always good money in healthy, thrifty, well ck. Lousy, mangy, dirty, neglected animals losing game anytime and anywhere. Use a and you will have no trouble. He sure the right kind. No question about se Kreso Dip No. 1. r Sale by All Druggists 1 NTLEY-DRAPER DRUG CO, 10 Acres $600 $300 ash, balance three years at 6 percent 5 Acres $300.00 $150 cash, balance three years at 6 per cent. 10 Acres $1000 $500 cash, balanceTnree years at 6 per cent. 40 acres $20CD; $1000 cash, balance 5 years a! 6 per cent. 10 Acres $1250 $625 cash, balance three yean at 6 per cent. D Phone 427 illm&n, 214 Seventh St. .editor Oregon City BIG FO WER or SMALL CARS "Red Crown" enables your car todevelop the maximnm of power and per-gaHon mileage that its makers designed it to give. It vaporizes rapidly and taii formly in the carburetor that means quick starting. It is con sumed completely in the cylin-ders-r"thatxneans a steady stream of power and more mileage at less cost. Qhe Gasoline of Qualify Run your car with "Red Crown" And nothing else, and you won't have to bother with carburetor adjustments. Fill at the Red Crown sign at Service Stations, at garages, and at other dealers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) & Iwiiiiifl it fwiipii" ii iiiwi'''irwi!iii'Yi ,i 1 i"i I!!,H",I,!,!I1,!1! I" miii f iiiini'WilIfii'W iWTf Ifn'WHW W F'f 5i i !. iiiiiiiLml Lm,u Juaull i j ill Mi in illiill nil. mil ul i ilnniiUu uiiium i ii HI i m iimll il ui'ilu llliiiiiiuliiliilll Uiiilau iii liiiiiXUiiiilbiiiiiliiiiililliiUiiiiiUiliiiiiljuii ilIUA vacation i rips Cost Less This Year Why, not take advantage of this opportunity to realize big profits in transportation costs to Tillamook County Beaches , NewporWby-the-Sea Crater Lake National Park Oregon's Forest, Lake, River and Mountain Resorts Oregon. Caves National Park Shasta Mountain Resorts" Yosemite National Park Eastern Cities Via the Scenic Shasta Route On your way East stop over at I ' SU N SET Sar Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Visit- Three world famous and beautiful cities. -California's National Parks and Charming Seashore" Resorts "Oregon Outdoors" and "California for the Tourist," beautifully illustrated folders are FREE on request. ' For further particulars, ask agents . Southern Pacific Lines ' JOHN M. SCOTT, - General Passenger Agent At the Foot of Singer Hill I V AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING The one thing which we do claini to understand and to do well. , If you have not been satisfied with 'the s'ervice, trice or punctuality vou have been obtainino; elsewhere, give us a trial. - We refer you to any customer. CAPITAL GARAGE t ' Les. Crawford, Prop. 10th and Railroad, Dregon City