Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922 1 ; ' , . i New THE EDISON William and Mary Console at the i Remarkable Price of $325 A home that reflects, good taste in all1 of its ap pointments is an ideal setting for beautiful music. And this New Edison, in a William and Mary Con sole, is designed with the charming simplicity that suits its style to any room, whatever the general furnishings may be? If you are a discriminating lover of music, you will appreciate the superior qualities of this Official Laboratory Model It brings great artists right into your home. As a result of Edison achievement, we are able to offer you this desirable model at the remarkable price of $325. OREGON CITY "OlVI(W$ -hi Father and Sons Graduate Together Anions the Krailuating cluss at Georgetown university tliis year were a father and two sons, each of whom received a law degree. Through the years of study father and sons have worked together with tie same idea In mind of tinaliy having a law firm all in the family. Left to right they are Allen C. Kynearson, Benjamin F. Rynearson. Sr., and Benjamin F. Rynearson. Jr Mrs. Ed. Edwards of Gladstone, who San Diego, California, who are visit- G-aorge Kelland of New Era and Tom Kelland of Twilight, visited friends in Oregon City on .Thursday of last week. has, been very ill at the Oregon City ing the formers son, hospatai was awe to e laxen 10 ner home last week. Miss Mae Hinchinan and Mr. Bowes were Oregon City visitors last Satur day evening. While here they visited Miss Florence White. Mr. and Mrs. Schuebel motor ed to Astoria one da? last week re turning home the next day Mr. Scheubel had business to transact at Astoria. A son arrived at the Oregon City hospital on July 14 for Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Warren. The iittl3 fellow has been given the name of William Lee Warren. Mr. and M" Wiltiur I'.-bori? and cliildre.i Wiibur Jr -rnl vl!.'itn Tier fy of Se.vlt s. !- In r-. . "y visit'-ie j Mr. Roberts parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eu i gene Roberts. & 58 S JENNINGS LODGE J Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck J A pleasant family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrici last Sunday when six of Mr. Henrici's sisters, and a brother with their families gathered at the Henrici home at Hull avenue and enjoyed an all day picnic - Games were played with dancing on the lawn and a picnic dinner was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newcomber and two sons of Seattle. Mrs. James Francis and little child of North Yak ima. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey of Gladstone. Mr and Mrs. Fred Henrici and son Lloyd of Lents. Mr. and Mrs.y Fred Von De Ahe of Milwaukie. Mr. and Mrs Warren Denny of Errol Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas West of Sellwood, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A Barry and children of Oregon City-. Mr. and Mrs. Will Denny of Errol Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey of Sell wood. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrici and son Walter Henrici. and answer the complaint of plaintiff, j filed against you in the above entitled i suit on or before six weeks from the j date of July 27, 1922, that being the i date of the first publication of the i summons herein, and if you so fail to ' appear and answer, for want thereof tBe plaintiff will apply to the Court , for. the relief the com plaint, to-wit, for a decree dissolving fne marriage contract heretofore and ' now existing between plaintiff and de fendant in this cause, for the care, , custody and control of LaNorma Dev ers, minor clflld of plaintiff and fie1 fendant, for the sum of $25.00 per month for the care and support of said , minor, and for such other and further relief as to this Court may seem meet Evan Frost who hab been manager of the West Union Telegraph Company at Enterprise, O.'ego'i has arrived in Oregon City where h-3 will visit his parents, Mr. and Airs. Jac's Frost and his sister Mis Ethel. Mrs. E. T. Viass accompanied by aer daughter, Mrsi Cla.-once Landsverk and little grand dauater Alpha Hri'en of Oak Grove were guests at the home of Mrs. A. Fromou? of Willamette on Monday. and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to the order of the Hon. J. XJ. Campbell, Judge of the aoove entitled Court, which order was made and entered on the 24th day, of July, 1922, and which order directed that service of summons in this cause be made upon you by publication thereof, for six consecutive and suc cessive weeks, in the "Banner-Courier"; a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Clackamas County, State of Oregon. G. B. DIMICK & W. L. MULVEY, Attorneys for plaintiff. Date of first publication, July 27, 1922. Date of final publication Sept 7, 1922. T-27-7t To Get Rid of Cockroaches Make a strong solution of alum in hot water and pour it into cracks and crevices where pests hide, or else brush it in liberally with a paint brush. SUMMONS Mr. ?rd lAia. t rank 'Crc?s. i. and Mrs Ct-ays o! Oregon I'itv anl Mr. and Kf 'sei Tabrr of G'en Kcho were Suu.H visll---- at Wilhoit Spirngs. ' Mrs. H.-W. White and Miss Marion White of Roland, Manitoba, Canada, have been visitors here during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bennett They toured Western Canada but a trip over the Columbia highway Sunday convinced them of the supremacy of Oregon scenery. In the Circuit Court of the State of. Oregon for Clackamas County. OLLIE E. DEVERS, plaintiff. j vs. j CLARENCE C. DEVERS, defendant. . j To Clarence C. Devers, the above named defendant. "n the name of the State of Oregon: ' You are hereby required to appear Among those from Oregon City and Gladstone to attend the funeral of Frederick Girfber, held at Logan on KTuesday of this week, were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Richard Freytag and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Freytag. . j cCocai 9fews Stems a C. E. Spence was an Oregon visitor on Monday. City Mr. Ed. Jack ij ao:-, I be out again after a severe i Iness of several weeks. Mr., and Mrs. Long, who have been spending a week at Seaside have returned to their home at Canemah. Mrs. Harold Miller of Salem has returned to her home after visiting her another, Mrs. C. L Stafford a few days. Misses Jessie and Frances Bowland spend the week-end at Rhododendren, stopping at the Rhododendren Inn. Mrs.' Lo'.tie Fischer a resident '1 Redland was in Oregoi City one day last week visiting relative. Mrs. Thail Nelson has gone to Rock away where she is spending two weeks with Mrs. Bliar. Mrs. Al. Diliman and son Bobby have gone to Ssasitie for a two weeks vacation. Mrs. J. S. McArthur, whose home is at New Era, visited friends in Oregon 'itv eTia doir laof lira it Lr 'Gladys, little daughter of Mr. and !IrB. Frank Parker of Oregon City is tc1 iu mill ijijuuiu icrci. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farr of Ore gon City will leaye Sunday for Wilhoit Springs., for a two weeks vacation. t A little daughter arrived at the Ore- for Drs. S. E. and Mabel Hardenhrook. Miss Julia Baker of Portland visited her aunt, Mrs. Barry and family on Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs George Summons and son Allen of Portland visited Mrs. Summons parent's Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boylan at Oregon City, Sunday. Mr. Clyde Miller of Spokane was a week-end guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tillotson of Sixth and Washington Streets. Miss Willa Woodfin a former resi mt of Oregon City was a week end y t of Mrs. Grant B. Dimick at Ore- kuny. f j and Mrs. Albert Schoenbom and ren Donald and Dorothy who are ents of Eldorado were Oregon visitors on Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wentworth and n Eugene, motored to Carlton, Sat urday and were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde French. Mrs. H. F. TUU'tson of Oregon City has gone to Cowards where she will spend a week at one of the .Sorority houses. Miss Katherine Edgar who has been ill .at her home the past week is very much improved and is able to resume, her work at the Oregon City hospital. Mrs. Susan Hess who is a resident of Park place has gone to Seaside, where she will spend a month with her daughter, Mrs. John Stewart. Mrs. J. M. Volkinnr a former Oregoi Hy resident, who- wa9 critically ill at the St. Vincent Nisfital la im proving and is out of dannot. Mrs. Elizabeth Glover who occupied the Woman's Relief Corps headquart ers at the Chautauqua park has re turned to her home at Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Anderson ol Logan were in Oregon City on Monday attending the funeral of Richard Thompson. Ray Cooper who has been at the training samp at Camp Lewis for the past two weeks has returned to his home here. Mrs. Fannie Lutke, of Portland, vis ited her sisters, Mrs. Frank Whiteman and Miss Rose Maris in Oregon City, Sunday. Mrs. BertvBarnes of Willamette, who underwent a surgical operation at the Oregon City hospital on Tuesday morn ing is getting along very well. Mrs. Millard Gillett who has been visiting her parents,, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Moran at Gladstone and her sis ter, Mrs Grace Ely at Oregon City, left Tuesday for her home in Seattle, Washington. Mrs. 11a Telford of Canemah is pend ing a few weeks at Seaside with her mother, Mrs. A. F Johnson of Port land who has taken a cottage at Sea side for the summer. ,Mrs. Majlie Cannon and daughter Gladys of Oregon City accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Portland, the latter also a daughter of Mrs. Cannon are spending a 10 days vaaction at Seaside, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Castle accom panied by the formers mother, Mrs. M. E. Castle of Woodburn, motored to Oregon City on Friday of last week and were week-end guests" of Mrs. Robert Summons, Mrs. M. E. Castle, Mrs. Summons' mother will remain for a longer visit. HEAVY DUTY CORD Oversize Mrs. Harry Paddock accompanied by her sons Willis and Hal of Marsh field, Oregon is visiting her sisters in law Misess Jessie and Laura Paddock at Gladstone. Mr.ind Mrs. L. Adams, Mrs. S. A. Chase and her neices Misses Judith and Barbara Hedges who have been enjoying an outing at Newport, have returned to Oregon City. Mrs. Bjqy '.Woodward and daugh ters Helen and Hazel Jean left Mon day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones for Port JTownsend. The two families will return to Oregon Cfty next week, where Mr. and Mrs. Jones Intends To locate. Mrs. Kate Roll who. is recovering from a severe operation which was performed at the Good Samaritan hos pital is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eliner Cooper at Oregon City. Mrs. Russell Allen and daughter, Margaret of Troy City, Ohio, have ar rived in Oregon City to spend a month visiting her father, N. R. Reddick and brother Guy and family. Mrs. Allen was Miss Burse Reddick before her marriage. Miss Virginia Shaw who is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shaw , has accepted ' a position for the summer at the First National Bank. Miss Shaw is a stud ent of Washington State College at Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frederick and children Carl Jr., and Edwad of Butte, Montana, who have heen visiting the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullar left on Friday of last week for their home. M. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman and nephew, Gordon Green, accompanied by Mrs. Chapman's brother, Mr. W; C. Green and Mr. and Mrs. John V. Green all of Oregon City motored to Wilhoit Sunday and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kennedy and two daughters of Camas, Wash, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Kennedy's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Woodward of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. William Stone and daughter Norma who have been enjoy ing their vacation at Cannon Beach have returned to their home at Oregon City. ,. Mrs. Tillie Kent &iid daughter Maine of Fossil, Oregon, have arrived at the home of Mr. anl Mrs. John Kent of Gladstone fc an extended visit. , ::::-:x::.::::xxx:x F you want what you want when you want itin the printing line WE HAVE; IT! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirchem, and the formers mother, Mrs. A. Kirchem of Logan, attended the funeral of Rich ard Thompson at Oregon City on Mon. day of this week . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelland and daughters, Marjorie and Dorothy of ' f; YOUR investment in live stock is probably big. Us loss would mean a severe blow. Mortality Live Stock Insurance in the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Co., will make your invest ment secure and will remove the danger of financial privation. Should your live stock die from any cause, you have provided in demnity 'to cover the amount of the loss.. If it's live stock pro fits you expect, invest now in insurance. Ask for particulars and rates. ' -r oWland 30x3 32x4 33x4 i 34x4 $13.75 L 24.50 ! .i 24.70 j 25.35 Special features of the MASON Extra heavy non skid "M" tread, eight plies of cord or selected long staple cotton, ! each ply rubber coated. jThe.bead contains five I braids of steel wire, each ! braid in. wide with 21 I strands to the braid. North-West Tire Co. Warren & Blodgett Prop. 1 407 Main St. Oregon City ) e uKivnsAL car jp . I V'Vj II And remember the low- ji ' JkJSN l 8' r3' coat, the lowest ij ' llff&Vi'ijT?' I upkeep and the highest j ViTmThV ' I resale vtUae of any motor I 4l'ififl' j' or ever built. Equipped with Electric Starting and Lighting System, demount able rims, extra rim and non skid tires all around the Ford Sedan at $645 is the greatest motor car value ever produced an enclosed car of comfort, convenience and beauty. Reas onably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. Park-Shepherd Motor Co. (Tnc.) Fourth at Main Phone 335 Authorized Ford Sales and Service Pi llUlllillllUllllllilUIUIIIIlllllll!lU!UIU!li!l!lli:id!!llililil Now Effective fcf REAL ESTATE AND Phone 377 - Oregon City, INSURANCE - 620 Main S' Oregon New F on nee 4,'' jSjttJfeg', 1 t Your battery is the heart of your car UNLESS you keep your battery in good condition, you can't expect to get the most power, comfort and economy out of your car. Westinghouse Attention keeps batteries in the very best condition possible. No matter . what kind of battery you have, drive in and let us look it over twice a month. No obligation. Our job is to prevent trouble, because it saves you money. More and more motorists are getting the Westinghouse Attention habit. How about you? HODGSON GANNON ELECTRIC The Westinghouse Service Station ' 4th and Main. St ; ' Oregon City - WESTINGHOUSE BATTERIES CHEVROLET. Model 490 Touring - - - 490 Roadster - - - Utility Coupe - - - Coupe, 4-passenger - - Sedan, 5-passenger - -Delivery - - - F. B. Baby Grand - - Model G. 3-4 ton Truck -Model G., with express body Model G., body and top - Price $ 665.00 660.00 935.00 1067.00 1095.00 645.00 117000 885.00 998.00 1067.00 BERtHALL: Phone 503 Capital Garage 10th and Railway Ave. !!"'"!