The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, July 20, 1922, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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Page Seven
t1 - - - - -
Sandy Department
- - .0
Young Miss Entertains ,
Helen Scott entertained a number
of her friends at her home in Sandy
on the afternoon of July 11th, form
three until five, the occasion being her
fourteenth birthday. A number of
nice presents were received. Dainty
refreshments "were served to the fol
lowing: Johnie Shelley, Lucile Dod
son, Richard Moroney, Loyed Maybe,
Heinie Dittert, Arthur Frace, Mabel
Frace, James and Nora Kesterson,
Margaret, Mildred and Ruth Barnett,
Ruth Esson, Winnifred Glockner, Ken
neth Scales, Laura Hoffman, Arletha
Proctor and Helen Scott.
Entertainment Pleases
The morris quartet, billed as "The
Rocky Mountain Warblers", entertain
ed a fair sized crowd at the M. E.
church Thursday evening. This guar
tet, consisting of three young men and
an older one, are able, versatile Per
formers. The program, which con
ssteid of quartettes, solos, readings
and selections on various musical in
struments was surely appreciated by
the audience, and Sandy considers it
self fortunate in being among the
places favored by these entertainers.
Should they ever have a return date,
they will undoubtedly play to a capa
city house.
Little Miss Beers At Home
little Lois Beers was "at home"
on the afternoon of July 12th at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Beers. Many little iriends
called during the afternoon bringing
remembrances and best wishes on this
her fourth birthday. A delicious cake
bearing four candles, was the center
of attraction. Ice cream and cake
were served to the following: Sterns
and Mary Eason, Donald, Vernon, Les
ter and Stanley Dahrus, Margaret and
Pauline Bell, Arletha Proctor, Peggie
Dodson, Amanda, George and Ruth
Perret, Johnie and Joe Hookes, Shel
ley, Betty Jean Schmitz and Lois Beers
Reliable Dentistry
Nerve Blocking
Resideuc-3 and Office Phone
Sandy, Oregon
I have some very good buys
in farm land on the Mt.
Hood Loop. Now is the
time to buy. Also hotels,
stores, acreages, timber. If
you want to do business
come to SANDY HOTEL,
Ask for or write
Phone 67
On your way to
tail! Hob
stop at
Sandy, Oregon
and Meals
Phone 5X2
Sandy Drug Store
Weatherly Ice Cream
Eastman Kodaks, Films and Supplies
- Tires and Accessories
Auto Repairing"
R. S. SMITH, Prop.
Assisting in the serving -were, Madame
George Beers, E. Beers, E. Harris, F.
Schmitz and Shelley.
Road Work Goes On
A. E. Palmer, who has been award
ed the contract for surfacing the lower
unit of the highway from Sandy to
the Multnomah County line, was out
a few days ago looking over the site
on Tickle creek where his rock crush
er will be located. It Is probable the
work of rocking this section will be
gin within the next two weeks.
A. D. Kern, who has the upper units
is assembling- two crushes between
Cherryville and Government Camp,
and actual work will soon begin.
Confectionary Changes Hands
Casper Junker has sold his confec
tionary stor and lunch room to Mrs.
Moss of Wisconsin, Mrs. Moss taking
charge Monday. This store has been
under the direct management of Mr.
Junker for several years, and has al
ways maintained a high standard of
quality and service.
Mr. Moss, with his wife and four
small children are temporarily ahome
in furnished rooms in the -iuixker
home. v
High School Water Supply Good
The Union High School has its wat
er system installed and the supply of
water is most satisfactory. They hav
a pressure pump and a tank holding
between six and eight hundred gallons
of water.
Well Played Game Sunday
The Carus nine came to Sandy Sun
day and proceeded to wallop the home
bunch up to the seventh inning, the
score stood four to nothing in favor
of Carus. Then the Sandy team woke
up, rolled up its sleeves, pushed back
its pompadore and waded in. Things
began to happen. Sandy batted one
home run after another and when the
game closed the score stood six to five
in favor of Sandy.
Jersey Jubilee Attracts
Quite a number from here attended
the Jersey Jubilee at the Carl Hanna
man farm at Corbett. Those attending
were Mr. and Mrs. W. Bosholm, Mr.
and Mrs. Atone Malare, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Powers, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark.
Improvements On Bluff Road,
Martin Mikkelson, who recently sold
his home place in Lover's Lane to his
father is building a four room cottage
on his land on the Bluff Road. This
is just across the road from "Strong
hurst" and commands a - magnificent
view of Mt. Hood and The Sandy Riv
er canyon. Robert Jonsrud's dwelling
near by is rapidly nearing completion.
Basket Picnic
There will be all day services and a
basket dinner in the grove back of the
Lutheran Church Sunday, July 23rd.
At 11:00 a. m. Dr. A. Thompson, of
Gresham, will speak and at 2 : 00 p. m.
Rev. S F. Pitts, of Cottrell will talk.
There will be special music by the
Sandy Quartet and others. 'Brjng
your lunch basket "and join us.
Mrs. Norma Gardiner, of Southern
Illinois passed through Sandy, Monday
for Little Sandy Ranger Station where
she will be the guest of her brother
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. David Pence,
for a few days. Mrs. Gardiner, with
her two small sons, is spending the
summer with her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Edward W. Pence in Portland.
Dont forget the community club
meeting in the city hall next Thursday
evening. The question of financing
the auto park improvements will come
up. Plan to be there.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Updegrave are
receiving congratulations on the ar
rival of an eigrt and a half pound
daughter born July 4th. She has been
named Dorothy Eunice.
Mr. Scotts and family' are moving
into Mrs. Wilson's cottage. Mrs. Wil
son retains one room for living pur-
Mr. and Mrs. Bowers are entertain
ing relatives from California.
Parents! send your children to the
dentist now nd avoid the rush the
week before schoo Ibegins. Pd. Adv.
Mrs. Blackhall, who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Scales, for sev
eral days, left for Corbett Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pridemore, of Govern
ment lcam(p passed through Sandy,
Monday on their way to Portland, one
hundred and fifty Mazamas climbed
the mountain from Government Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Palmblad, from
near Gresham, attended the entertain
ment at the M. E. church last Thurs
day evening. . Mrs. Palmblad and Mrs.
Sture are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Eason entertained the
Bartons, ifrom Salem, at breakfast j
Sunday. The remainder of the day
was spent on Cedar Creek.
Mrs. R. E. Esson recently had a
letter from Mrs. Hornicker in which
she says her health is some better.
They are thirty five miles from a town
She also says a recent letter form Mrs.
Ruth Reed was mailed at Boise, Ida
ho. The Reeds are touring the coun
try via automobile an dare headed for
Yellowstone Park. They expect to be
gone about three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinefelter are tenting
near Junker's pump house.
Mr. and Mrs. Steelheimer and
daughted Gretchen of Portland are
visiting the home folks on the Powers
ranch for asfew days. Mr. and Mrs.
Steelheimer will attend "Buyer's
Week" in Seattle while little Gretchen
will remain with her grandmother.
Mrs. Alice Shipley, who is threaten
ed with nervous prostration is in
Gresham at the home of A. Shipley,
where she is under the care of Dr.
Mrs. Alexander Beers, of Seattle, ar-.
rived Wednesday to spend the remain
der of the week visiting relatives.
R. E. Esson and daughter, Dorothy,
were town visitors Monday.
Mrs. Sharnke and Barbara sent Sun
day at the Max Kleigle home at Kel
so. Miss Hazel Dunn is spending her
vacation with the home folks at Kel
so. Miss Dunn, who has been em
ployed at Limpan-Wolk for two years
is on a vacation with pay.
Dr. Helen Cdyster - and family, of
Portland, are at their summer ljpme
on Cedar Creek. The- Chyslers own
the Skidmore Drug Store. Dr. Crys
ler is a practicing chiropractic.
Jack Barnett spent Sunday with his
family in Sandy.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and small
daughter have moved into the Maroney
cottage recently vacated by the Scott
The Purcells are spending a few
days i nthe city .
Mr. and Mrs. Lex Schmitz and E.
Beers came home from Linton for
Dr. A. Williams and Jack Scales
were Portland visitors Monday.
I &
"Some letter" it was which Sara
Schoofal's "sweetie" wrote her irom
Russia, for it carried Russian stamps
measuring more than six feet in length,
costing SOO.OOO rubles. The ruble has
depreciated to such an extent that a
cartload is required In Russia to buy
Live Stock pro
fits are certain
only when you
are fully protec
ted against loss
Mortality Live Stock
Mortality Live Stock Insurance
in the Hartford. Live Stock In
surance Company gives you the
assurance of getting the money
you have invested should calam
ity befall your stock.
It carries your risk and prom
ises indemnity for the value of
those animals you lose through
deatn from any cause.
A small annual premium buys
this worthwhile protection
against loss.
owLan P
Phone 377 20 Main S
Oregon City, Oregon .
3r . H
i? tlA t ill
I (" 111
Family Did Full, War Duty.
Joseph Jacohsen, a former service
man of the United States
jfullinjr in an army airplane at Tow-
pra Frnnpc in TVfnv IQIfi K K i
" i . ..'f ucio uctrii ill
ten hospitals, four since the first of
this ,year. Seven Jacobsen brothers
served In the AVorld war, and were
contenders for the championship for
the largest number of a single family
in the service.
Couldn't Speak fcnglish.
"Edward," asked a teacher In a
school on the East side, "why were
you absent from school this morn
ing?" "Oh,, some one stole me coat on
"What's that? Stole your coat 'on
you?' "
"Aw, teacher," interjected Edward's
brother. "He's ignorant; he can't talk
English. He means some one stole
his coat off him." - '
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
In use. for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
jf - on the wrapper all these years
CtscXJj??--. 3ust t0 protect the coming
T-tuzrrr. 'UcA4M generations. Do not be deceived.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Never attempt to relieve your baby with a
remedy that you would use for yourself.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic . and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids '
the assimilation of Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The Quality Store Of Clackamas
County Since 1895 '
The Home of Hart,
Schaffner, and Marx
Queen Quality Shoes
For Women
7th at Main Oregon City
All White
Opposite Court House
"Service with a Smile"
All new equipment
$ P '
Every Merchant "and Every
Customer Should Demand
of Oregon City
Safety, Honesty, Court
esy, Service
4 p. c. paid on Savings
512 Main St.,
Oregon City
Hardware, Furniture
Everything For The
8th at Main, Ore. Qity
"The Bank That Backs
The Farmers Y
New location, Bank of
Commerce Building.
Oregon City
Seventh and Main
Mrs. R. B. Gibson
A very pleasant time was spent by
the friends and neighbors of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Paddison at their home on
Thursday evening. The time was
spent in social chat, playing games,
tards and in dancing. A delicious
supper of coffee, cake and candwiches
was served.
Eagle Creek Garage held its ergu-
i lar meeting last Saturday. After par
taking of an excellent dinner a short
business meeting was held. James
Bell was a welcome visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeiter were
the Sunday guests of the latter's par-
for Fletcher's
Signature of
The Financial Resources Of A Community Are The
Barometer Of Its Prosperity.
'Add to these resources and you quicken its ad
vancement. "Detract and you proportionately ob
struct its progress.
This should evidence to all of us our individual responsibility to
ward our home town and its people. Thesei people are your friends and
neighbors. YOUR INTERESTS ARE KINDRED. Thus you should
take no personal action in any community matter (without taking into
consideration just how it will affect all those living here.
You can safely bet, folks, that every Dollar you remove from J;he
commercial and industrial life of Oregon City deprives just that much
employment and vocation from someone who needs it And when you
remove employment and vocation, you will remove from our midst
' those individuals who are dependent upon it for the sustenance of their
You may think we have enlarged updn this matter, folks, when we
refer to your INDIVIDUAL ACTS as being so highly important to the
welfare of Oregon City. To the contrary it should make plain the
paths that are opened to 'all of us in extending the co-operation we owe
this wonderful community. ''
To begin with when you need Merchandise or Service BUY IT IN
OREGON CITY. This simple procedure keeps your money at home,
banks it here, pays the obligations of our people and thus finds itself
on its way back into the channels of local commerce and trade and
even back into your own pocketbook from whence it came.
Stop and think a njpment, friends, of the transactions involved in
a procedure of this qind. THINK OF THE EMPLOYMENT MADE
POSSIBLE in the handling of these Dollars and the business transac
tions ensuing as a result of keeping them among ourselves.
In contrast, picture in your, minds the result of spending or send
ing these Dollars away from our city. By so doing you have side-traded
in a single action, a substantial portion of our commercial industry
and transferred to some distant community assets that are a DIS
We claim the keeping of our money at home, friends, is th first
step in the building of a "real city." And from the standpoint of youT
self should be the easiest. To begin with, MERCHANDISE AND
SERVICE IS HERE IN ABUNDANCE. There is not a business man In
Oregon City today but who is ready to serve you to your utmost satis-wii?si4.-.t:
i ' i k i i to. i i "iMW fit
factionJoth in quantity quality and price. -
BEFORE YOU TURN THIS PAGE we want you to glance through
the list appended herewith and realize this is so. And. they are only
-S3 j . -.-ug.flntuini"
part of the entire number who are ready, not only to serve you, bumiSS
our community, Oregon City. Think it over. '
WANT ADS in these columns COST
RATES For first insertion 25 cents; for subsequent Issues one cent a
word. Ads received too late for this column will be classified elsewhere.
For Sale Miscellaneous
mond, Lawyer, Beaver Building,
Oregon City, Oregon. 5-17-4L
TO TRADE Well located eSgbit
acrea, near McMinnville, Yamhill
county, for Oregon. City residential
or acreage property. This place
has good buildings, with city water
and lights in house and toajn. Fine
place for berries and chickens. One
mile from West Side Tualatin
highway; seven mile's from McMinn
ville. Write or see L. J. Bennett at
Banner-Courier office.
FARM FOR SALE 20 acres cleared,
balance pasture all fenced good
spring of water and well, close to
Sandy, Oregon, fair 5 room house
and barn, orchard, price $1500. $500
'down $150 each year' after at 6 per
cent. Write, George Beers. Sandy,
Oregon. ltp
Wanted Real Estate
MONEY TO LOAN on farms of over
ten acres at 6 per cent. Long time
ioans on easy payments. Federal
loans a specialty. Alfred Graham,
Canby, Oregon. 3-10-tf
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Dduglass.
! George Douglass was in the neigh
borhood Saturday looking for thresh-
, ing jobs.
! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and
children and Ed. Chapman were the
dinner-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Bell Sunday.
! Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans and children
Mrs. Rhenstrom and children. Mr.
and Mrs. Perry Murphy and baby
j Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson spent
Sunday evening at the horn of Fred
In the Circuit Court of the State of
i Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
i ; VS.
' ANAST DRAKAS, defendant
; TO ANAST DRAKAS, the'defendant
above named:
OREGON, You ar hereby required to
appear and answer the Complaint filed
For Sale Horses'
FOR SALE One mare, 1000 lb., 6
years old, and two cows. Chas. Mei
nike, Elwood, Oregon. 7-6-22,
FOR SALE 1 head young, large
horses, sound and true, leaving coun
try, prices reasonable if taken at
once. Stopping at Red Front Bam,
Oregon City. " 7-20-lt-pd.
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED To buy second hand
. goods. Will pay cash for used fur
niture,' tools, or any thing of com
mercial value. Large stock of goods
for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St.
WANTED To buy, alder, maple, oak
and ash stumpage or on the road in
eight foot lengths. Address Hall,
Banner-Courier. 6-22 5t pd.
WANTED To bear from owner of
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn.
MIDDLE AGED woman wanted for
housekeeper in family of four.
Phone 417.
against you in the above entitled court
and cause on or before the 2nd day of
September, 1922, and if you fail so
to appear and answer, the plaintiff will .
apply to the Court for the relief prayed
for in her complaint: that the bonds
of matrimony heretofore and now
existing between plaintiff and defend-
ant be dissolved, and that she be per
mitted to resume her former name of
Madeline Valleur.
This summons is served upon you
by publication- thereof, once a week
for six consecutive and successive
weeks In the Banner-Courier a weekly
newspaper of general circulation pub
lished and circulated in Clackamas
County, Oregon, by order of the Hon.
J. U. Campbell, judge of the above en
titled court, which order was duly
made and entered on the 17th day of
July, 1922.
Date of first publication, July 20, 1922.
Date of last publication, Aug. 31, 1922.
515 Railway- Exchange Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Jones Drug Co.
"In business for your
Try our delicious foun
tain lunch
Frank Busch &
"The Home of Good
"The Winchester Store"
Visit our model grocery
Dr. S. R. Smith
Relieves All Chronic
Office Oregon City
Bank Building
Overland $695
Maxwell - $1060
Willys-Knight $1595
F. O. B. Oregon City 1
three leaders
Motor Cars
Phone 750. 1114 Main.
No Water No Acid
-No Attention
Distributors for
Clackamas County
Green Point Garage
Phone 680-J
Beautiful but built to
stand the "Gaff".
May we take your fam
ily for a ride?
Weismandel and Payne
Phone. 284, Main and 11