Page Two The banner-courier, Oregon city, Oregon Thursday, july 20, 1922 4tl!iiiliililllllliitii THE PENCIL THE MILLIONS The pencil for you : to clip in your pocket, to fasten onto your '.ralcli . chain. Sold rompieis with enough to write 2S0,0C0 words. Extra Uad3 lZi tho box. Meshaaicaiiy per fect. ' Many stylc3. Gold, silver end enamel. A wide range of prices, OREGON CITY OPTmt$ HMir w jCocal 9ews Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thomas and son .Billie of Vallejo, California, who have been in Oregon City where they have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leo "Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall left Mon day for their home. They were accom panied by Mrs. Bert Hall and little son Jimmie who will visit her . mother Mrs. M. A. Bidwell at San Diego and other relatives at Vallejo, California. They made the trip by . automobile. Mrs. Hall will be gone a month. Mrs. Arthur Beattie who is cantp- ing at Chautauqua had as her guest on Tuesday of this week, Mrs. Oral Welch and baby daughter and Miss Hester Jane, a professional nurse form Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Armstrong and Mrs. W. S. McGeehan of Youngstown Ohio, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. M.McGeehan of. Oregon City have returned to their home. Mrs. Arm- strong and Mrs. McGeehan ar cous ins of Mr. M. McGeehan. On Friday of last week they were taken over the Columbia highway in" the McGeehan auto and both ladies wer delighted with it. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones of Fort Worden, Washington, have arrived in Oregoa City and are visiting at the borne of Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Woodward. " Mr. and Mrs. Jones came to Oregon City by automo bile making the trip of 250 miles in one day. Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Frost and daughter- Dorothy of Corvallis were week-end guests of Mrs. Frosts' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Andrews of South Oregon City. Mr. Frost is edi- "tor of the Benton County Courier at Corvallis. Mrs. C. J. Stafford who accompanied Dr. and Mrs. Sherman W. Moody on a motoring trip to Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia has returned to her home at Oregon City, after a few days in Ore gon City Mrs. Moody left for their thome at Eugene. I Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Thomas and daughter Lillian, who have been resid 'ing at Ocean Falls, B. C. for the past three years are in Oregon City where they ar visiting Mrs. Thomas' parents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Woodward and Mr. Thomas' mother, Mrs. Emma Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas may decide to stay in Oreogn City. Leonard Cannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cannon who is a life guard at Bar yiew, Oregon, has returned to re sume his duties after visiting his par ents at Oregon City. Mrs. Henry McKinnon and little son Harding who have been in Oregon City the P&st month visiting.her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harding have returned to their home at Baker, Ore. Price Bros. Department Store is offering 20 per cent Reductions on the replacement of clothing and household articles lost in the Laundry fire. children, Edwin, and Norma were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eichman of Portland. Mrs. Eichman and Mrs. Griffith are sisters. A little daughter (arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Green on Thursday, July 13. The young lady tipped the scales at 8 pounds, and has been given the name or Phyllis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alldredge, Mrs. A. O. Alldredge and the formers son Beldon, have returned to 'their home at Oregon City after a two weeks outing at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Wilson and daughter Lucile and Miss Gretchen Hartfta have gone to Seaside, Oregon, where they will enjoy a few weeks outing. ' . : History Recorded in Tree's Rings Mrs. Charles Leonard, formerly Miss Ruth Brightbill of San Francisco has arrived in Oregon City and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bright-bill. Arthur Elwwood of Ellwood Station who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. W. A. Allen at Oregon City has return ed to his home. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Roake accom- V panied by the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roake who have been on a .-J motoring trip to Seattle, Washington, have returned to their homes at Ore- : E. A. Osborn, Fred Humphrys and George Lennox of Oregon City,, left Sunday morning for a. trip to Crater JfLake and the Bend country where they will fish in the Deschutes river. They , will be gone two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore of Ore ogn City had as their guests on Sun day, Dr. Roy Prudden and san David, Miss Nettie Rosboom and Mrs. Franc es Gooding of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ely and daugh ter Dorothy accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mattley motored to Camas Sunday. Mr and Mrs. George Griffith and - - -- Price Bros. Department Store is offering 20 per cent Reductions on the replacement of clothing and household articles lost in the Laundry fire. Mrs. Harvey Scheubel, Oregon City visitor on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boylan who were married at Cathlemet on Thurs day, June 13th spent their honeymoon in Oregon City where they visited Mr. Boylan's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Boylan and his aunt, Mi's. W. C. Green. Flossie Blackburn, who has been vis iting her aunt Mrs. Willis Yonce and other relatives at Oregon City has re turned to her home" at Corvallis. - Mrs. George V. Ely visited her daughter, Mrs. Frank Juhnke at Mult nomah station, Wednesday last week. Sufferers in the Oregon City laundry fire may have their supplies deplen ished at Bannons Store this week at a straight discount of 20 per cent from regular prices. This applies to Pe quot sheets, sheetings, pillow cases, towels, handkerchiefs, hosiery, under wear, collars and shirts. Cut this an nouncement put, present it as Bannons and receive your discount. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. M. E Walker and son Marion of Glen Echo have gone to Cannon Beach where they will enjoy an outing for a few weeks. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carroll have moved to Oregon City from Willamette. r7 X 11 i -IMfI! Iff riqrfl'.''' till IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby requires to appear and answer the complaint of. plaintiff.tfiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before sue i weeks from the date of July 20, 1922, i that beinjr the date of the first pub- i lication of the summons herein, and , f you so fail to appear and answer, for -want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint, to-wit, for a de cree dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing for the restoration to plaintiff of her maiden name of Evalynne R. Todd, between plaintiff and defendant in this cause, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and This Is the b.utt of the giant sequoia of Yosemite National park which came to an end in the prime of Its life when It was felled by a storm in 1919. At that time it was only 996 years old. Some trees In Yosemite are between 3,000 and 4,000 years old. For the benefit of visitors, the park naturalist, Ansel F. Hall, has nleasured off on the trunk the rings which mark the years when the Battle of Hastings was fought, America was discovered, and the Declaration of Independence signed, as well as other epochal years. The space between the thumb and forefinger measures the span of the human life. Miss Anita McCarver left on Satur day morning for Seaside with her niece, Mrs. C. A.. Babcock of Portland for several week's stay. Vetch Seed in Demand NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final report in the estate-of James T. Grace, deceased and the Court has set Monday, the 21st day of Anust, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock m. on said day in the County Court Room in the County Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final report, and the discharge of said administrat or. . , EDWIN E. GRACE, Administrator of the estate of James T. Grace, deceased. Date of first publication, July 20, 1922. Date of final publication, Aug. 17, 1922. G. B. D1MICK & W. L. MULVEY, Attorneys for administrator. 7-20-5t Mrs. Charles Surfus, guest of Mrs. Brendle of Gladstone on Thursday of last week. A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buston of Oregon City on July 11. She has been given the name of Barbara Lucile. .Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Oakes and lit tle son Stillman Jr., of Oregon City for the last three months at the home of Mrs. Oakes mother Mrs. M. C. To ban left on Saturday for their home in Portland. Helen and Hazel Jean Woodward daughters of Mr and Mrs. Roy Wood ward, , are visiting " their aunt Mrs. Edna Wilcox at Garfield and at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Warner at Estacada. GETTING STAuD OF ALFALFA Hairy vetch is- in demand as a seed crop. Western Oregon can grow It. Oregon Experiment Station. . SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon far Clackamas County. EVALYNNE R. COKER," plaintiff, vs. JOHN M. COKER, defendant. . TO JOHN M. COKER, the above named defendant. Wednesday, July 26 You are cordially in vited to attend the big gest picnic that has ever been staged at Glad stone Chautauqua Park . You will see some thing different than you have ever seen at any picnic. Come and bring your friends. - Our Store Will Be Closed All Day, Wed nesday, July 26. Hub Grocery On the Hill Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman and nephew Gordon Green motored to Cor vallis Sunday where they .spent the day sight seeing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and daugh ter Anna Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freytag, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Freytag and Gladys Christensen spent Sunday on Rev. Oakleys farm on the Aber- nathy. Iowa Farmers Secure Best Fields by Seeding During August and Without Nurse Crop. v Experience of many Iowa farmers and of the Iowa agriculturnl experi ment station is that thf. surest method of getting a stand of alfalfa is to seed during August without a nurse crop I on land which has been plowed in ; early summer and cultivated at ten- day intervals to kill weeds and con- j serve moisture. Objections to this ! method are that the . land does not yield returns during the season pre- i ceding seeding, that it requires ad- ' dltional labor, and that grasshoppers. frequently damage the alfalfa con siderably on small acreages. However, general experience In Iowa justifies the method above' suggested as It pro duces the best fields of alfalfa. Banner-Courier Clasified ads bring home the bacon. .."Miss Valeria Meyer who has been spending her vacation at Powell river, B. C. for the past two weeks Ct the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ketchum has returned to her home at Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Waddell and daughter Gertrude accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roney of St Johns motored to Salem Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Mount and three little" daughters have returned to their home in Oregon City after spending three' months in New York with Mrs. Mounts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Delias Armstrong "are building a new bungalow on Ninth and Pierce streets. They expect to faSe Possession of it soon. Price Bros. Department Store is offering 20 per cent Reductions on the replacement of clothing and household articles lost in the Laundry fire. iiiiiiii I!!! J I jj f J lii'iiiillli G- Howland A. J. BQCKIIOLD WM. M. SMITH - REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 620 Main St. Oregon City, Ore. rx t 1 Shop worn and Second-hand at" n ri yzn SPECIAL PRICES Every summer we close out at special prices all second-hand and shop-worn Ko daks. This is an opportunity to get a good, serviceable kodak at one-third to one-half its actual value. Every one car ries our personal guarantee. N No. 2 Brownie Kodak 3A Brownie Kodak -Vest Pocket Kodak Rexo Vest Pocket Camera Rexo V.P. Camera, F.7.5 lens Ansco Pocket Camera Seneca Pocket Camera with carrying case 3A Pocket Kodak ' ... Century Plate Camera, with case CONDITION Slightly used Old style model Slightly used Shop-worn only it .i Second-hand SIZE 2 1-4x3 ;i-4 3 1-4x5 1-2 1 5-8x2 1-2 3 1-4x4 1-4 3 1-4x5 1-2 REG. PRICE' $ 2.00 14.50 8.00 9.00 -13.50 " 17.50 ciPEC. PRICE $1.25 7.25 6.00 5.95 9.95 7.50 Slightly used Used ' , M Old style, but good condition 4x5 22.50 15.00 22.50 15.00 25.00 2.50 Come in and look them over Free instruction with all sales. Huntley-Draper Drug Co. Kodak Headquarters equitable in the premises. cessive weeks, in the "Banner-Courier" This summons is served upon you a weekly newspaper of general circula by publication, pursuant to the order Hon printed and published in Clack of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of amas County, State of Oregon, the above entitled Court, which order Date of first publication, July 20, 1922. was made and entered on the 17th day Date of final publication, Aug. 31, 1922. of July, 1922, and which order directed G. B. DIMICK & that service of summons in this cause " W. L. MULVEY, i be made upon $ou by publication Attorney for Plaintiff, thereof, for six consecutive and sue- . 7-20-7t The United Brethren church, peo ple are planning .to build a Manse, near the United Brethren church. Rev. Marsten has arrived and will take charge of the church for the next year. Sufferers in the Oregon City laundry fire may have their supplies deplen ished at Bannons Store this week at a straight discount of 20 per cent from regular prices. This applies to Pe quot sheets, sheetings, pillow cases, towels, handkerchiefs, hosiery, under wear, collars and shirts. Cut this an nouncement out, present it as Bannons and receive your discount. Adv. Ginger Cookies One cup of shortening, two cups of sugar, one cup of molasses, one tea spoon of soda dissolved in a cup of hot black coffee, three eggs, three tea spoons of ginger, one cup of rolled oats flour enough to make handling easy, and bake in a moderate oven till well doce. ro we Acires Although they are moving fast, we still have some choice tracts for sale at attractive prices. V jsSf! This is fine lymglarid, virgiffsoll, fronting on Molalla roab!, four miles from Oregon City. We are selling in tracts of 5 and 1 0 acres, as follows, $60 per acre w per acre. MmMm . 10 Acres $600 .$300 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. - : 10 Acres $1250 $625 cash, balance three years at 6 per cent - 5 Acres 300.00 $150 cash, balance three years at 6 per cent . 10 Acres $1000 - 500 cash, balance, three years ate per cent ; 40 acres $000; $1000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent S . O; blLLMAN, Real Estate -7 ' Phone 427 214 Seventh St. Oregon, City August Records Are Here! New Soto Releases by - ' Theo Karle Richard Bonelli Virginia Rem Marie Tiffany Mixed Quartet with Elizabeth Lennox Richard Bonelli Theo Karle Dance Hits of the Minute Carl Fenton's Rudy Wiedoeft'e Bennle Krueger'a and Oriole Terrace Orchestras ' Margaret Young with Orchestra New Brunswick Violinist, Fredric Fradkin The World's Clearest Phonograph Rcccnfs BRUNSWICK RECORDS PLAY Ot ANY PHONOGRAPH Artist. - Popular Dance Hits Selection No. . Stae Price Oriole Terrace Orchestra. . . . Soothing- Fox Trot Lovable Ere Fox Trot From "Make It Snappy".. Bwanee Bluebird Fox Trot. . Sweet Indian Ham fox Trot Sons of Persia Kox Trot" farsde of the Wooden Sol dier Fox Trot From "La Chauve Souris" Where the Tolas Flow Fox Trot- goes Fox Trot...... Arrit Songs Concert and Ballad Selection Z2SO 10 .75 Bennle Kraefer Orchestra Carl Fenton's -Orchestra. . BndT Wledoeff s CaUfornians. . . 2281 10 2282 10 2288 '10 .75 ,5 Theo Karle The Mosle Art Sincere Tiffany-Lennox-Karle-BonelU Blehard Bonelli. Virginia Bea Within the Garden of My Heart Tenor Kon e r (T1 Not True) Tenor. Good Night Qnartet From "Martha" Mixed Quartet. Uulrinl HVOTn "The Mikado" Mixed Quartet.. J Gypsy Lore Song From "The 1 Fortune Teller' . rsantone Bedonnj Love bong Baritone Serenade (Sing, Smile, Slum ber) Soprano; Flute Obbll-, gato The Swallows Soprano 13050 .10 1.25 1S051 10 L25 Sill 10" 1.00 B142 10 LOO Instrumental., Selection George G Joseph Green.;.. Fredrle Fradkin. . . . A Bunch of Roses (El Punao de Rosas) Spanish March Xylophone with Orchestra. intermezzo (introduction to v. gge ig ACl 111 J riuuit the Madonna" Xylophone with Orchestra........ trimm nr lln Wnm "Mile. Modiste" Violin Solo 2279 10 of rnardy Violin Solo Artist Hargaret Toons with Bennle Krueger'a Orchestra Ernest Bare........ Charles Hart and Elliott Shaw. Billy Jones. Popular Songs Selection Btumhltng Com.dinns. " Hobody lotos me now Comedienne.. - Just a Little Lore Sons Baritone Only a 8mo Baritone. ..... Indiana Lullaby Tenor and Baritone I Certainly Hast Be In lore Tenor ....... . I 228 10 .T5 .15 .IS Y 22U 10 ,W 220 10 .78 , Jones Drug Co. Bridge Corner' - Oregon City ijiiiiiiiiliiiiilliliuiiilllliiliiiliiliii V' . .