Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1922 Our Wedding Rings are hand-carved (not stamped) from the finest 18K gold metaL Four little Orange blossoms connected by a grace ful wreath encircle the band. They are made in white and green gold and plat inum. Come in and examine them. Then place your order in ample time for us to very carefully engrave the initials of the "contracting parties" and the Wedding Date. afe OREGON CITY tOPTKOlfS Cmmrasttftg SJtf t News From Over, CLACKAMAS COUNTY (C ttS f CANBY ' ' " ' Dr. John Fuller JP IP IP' If " " IP IP is' ' Mrs-. L. Austin or Molalla, on her ' way to Newport, Ore., to spend a month with her daughter, Mrs. S. M. McMillan, stopped over for a few hours in Canby, a guest of Dr. and lvirs. uuer, tii uie cottage iioiei. E. F. Hove left last Saturday for a months vacation, which he will spend with friends in Seattle, Tacoma and other points on the sound. The brightness of our Canby sKy is made dim this week by the pall of smoke from forest fires. ' A former citizen of "The Sun Flower State", dropped into our office, this week, and with a slouch hat, fanned his face open wide enough to say, "Pamfit aint as hot as Kansas." Yes, the temperature is high, it's hot But, don't need to swear about it. Just go try the other place. You'll come back if they let you out. F. L. Newstrum and family are spending a couple of weeks with friends in Kelso, Wash. Last Saturday, Ralph Swanby, had a public opening day for his new grocery store in the Kohler block. Lemonade and cake were served free to the public, who took advantage of special sales upon this occasion. Mr. Swanby says the opening was a success, and he thinks the outlook hopeful for a nice business in his new store. W. A. Gilmore and family of Ho quiam, Washington, is visiting relat ives in Canby this week. Epsie and. Lola Lee of Elma, Wash., are Fourth of July visitors in Canby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemmons of Newberg, are spending a few adys In Canby. Walter Peterson of Portland is a vis itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. War ren Kendall. On the Canby diamond Sunday af ternoon, the Canby baseball team de feated the Union Hall team. The score was 10 to 0. C. E. Widdoes, of Spokane, Wash., field man-for the federal loan system is registered at the Cottage hotel and will be-in Canby a few days in inter est' of his work. T. P. Jones of Hinghowa, China, gave an illustrated lecture at the M. E. church last Thursday evening. He re ports great progress as having been made in mission work in China during the last decade. Mrs. Fred Howard and daughter of Willard, Wash., are visiting home folks in Canby this week. Canby's Fourth of July celebration is in full swing, as these lines axe be ing written. It consist of 85 degrees F. in the shade, closed doors, a bunch of swimmers on the Molalla, another bunch gone to Wilhoit Springs, me staying at" home, busily engaged with my pencil, my wife picking briers from her fingers as a result of last evenings pick in the berry vines; and some one trying to sell sandwiches at a stand on the fair grounds. Here is hoping we w'll all get our can full of all we have on the program. Sunday morning at 8:30, a fire broke out in the Joe Gibson store at Max burg, on the Molalla road, four miles from Canby. Nearly all the goods were saved but the building and household goods in the living rooms were a total loss. The fire boys of Canby and Aurora, made a record run, in response to the call for help, but owing to the distance and headway the fire had made, were unable to save the building. It was due to the quick action of these boys however and the prompt use of the Chemical tank used by the Aurora boys, that the store and dwelling house of Mr. George Skrandling just across the-street were saved. As it happened there was only slight damage to these buildings from the excessive heat. No one seems to know anything as to the 'origin of the fire. On Monday evening at 8:30 a call came for help in a fire which was discovered in the John Henderly house one mile east of Canby. The house was occupied by Wm. Mainwood and is said to belon gto a Mr. Powers at Wasco, Ore. - By the time the large crowd who responded to the call had arrived, the house and also the 'barn was beyond rescue, and were entirely destroyed. No one was at the house when the fire started, and so far, its origin is a mystery. It is said that there was no insurance and the property, including the household goods is a total loss. June Brides - , Stewart-Oleson At the home of the brides parents, in Canby on Thursday, June 29. Harry J. Stewart and Miss Clara Oleson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sebert Oleson, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Skilbred, pastor of the Lutheran churchy An appropriatly decorated table was spread for the "bounteous, four -course repast, which followed the ceremony. - '7 "Many friends and relatives of the bride and groom, from Cafcby and Portland were present to enjqy the occasion and bid God speed , to the respected young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart wHl make their home in Portlands. Hutcheson-Drum Frank Hutche&on of North Yakima, Wash., and Miss May Drum of Canby were married in Portland last -week. Miss Drum is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drum of Canby, who came from Colorado two years ago and purchased a house in east Can by. Mr. Hutcheson is a civil engineer and is engaged in construction work in Portland, where they will make their home. Mr. William Edwards, who has not been in very good health there last few weeks, has gone to Wilhoit Springs, where he has rented a cabin, in hopes of returning to Carus much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler, -nephew Phillip and daughter Helen and Mrs. McDowall were visitors at the Davis home one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Leary were Portland customers on Wednesday. The canning club consisting of Grace Ingram, Katherine O'Leary, Emily and Gertrude Griffiths and lead e rMrs. G. R. Gwilliam met at the church for future instructions. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Russell from Portland were callers in Cams Sun day. , Last Friday evening a group of Young folks called at the home of Melvin Stewart very unexpectedly. A fine time was had by all. The follow ing guests called: John Stier, Arvel Beach, John Lehman, Delores, Dons and Lester Witherbe, Katherine O' Lery, John Bliss and Emily Griffith's Phillip Yergen, Adrian Jones Richard Gwilliam and Willie Miller. Miss Ruth Honsen from Portland was a guest at the Gwilliam home Sunday. "Hay making" and "road work" is the rage here in Carus. Miss Virginia Spangler, after an absence of two weeks, returned home Sunday. Miss Spangler was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Glen Yergen of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Magness have j gone to the cost to spend their fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler went !to Autora to visit relatives Sunday. by Robert Murray and has taken pos session. Mr. ' and Mrs. Murray will reside in Portland for the present. A cash prize of $10 offered at Woodburn's Fourth of July, cele bration and annual Artisan con clave for the best Artisan float in the parade was captured by Myrtle As sembly No. 155 of Canby with" a float' designed and decorated by Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Boehmer. There were 35 floats and decorated automobiles in the parade. About 65 Canby artisans attended the conclave which lasted three days. S?8 tt to t$ CARUS ! John Lehman St j? j? j? jsp aPjPaPjPiPPPjP jp Mrs. McDowell from San Francisco, spent Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day at the Spangler home, also Mrs. J. R. Lewis and Mrs., John Griffiths spent Wednesday afternoon there. A most pleasant time .was enjoyed at the party of Misses Gertfude and Emily Griffiths Tuesday evening. Ice Cream added a favorable relish, Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss, John and Wilma were evening callers at the Irish home Monday. . , The following people of Carus were Oregon City customers last week. C. Jones, Hugh Parry, Richard Davis, Mrs. George Ingram, John Lehman, Phillip Yergen, Mrs. J. R. Lewis, Mrs. John Griffiths and daughter Emily, Maude O'Leary, Erma Caseday, Floyid Traften, and Bill Christner. Miss Maude O'Leary was a ooller at 'the Caseday home Saturday. v t$ t2& v& t$ t t$ v& t$ it0 io J8 WILSONVILLE There will be a picnic at Wilsonville July 15, given 'by the Farm Bureau. Everybody is welcome. Haying is pretty well along in this community. Every' one rushed to get through by the Fourth. Wilsonville has no celebration this year but a dance in the evening. Tual atin and Sherwood celebrated at Tual atin. Frog Pond Grange will have, a big picnic and dance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedemann and family returned from their trip Sat- uiday night. They visited Tillamook iNeitarts, Seaside, Columbia Beaches ! and Astoria, returning on the Colum bia Highway.' The traffic Highway was almost as conjested as in the city. Mr. Wiedemann stopped to rest and ! counted the-machines which passed I them. In 30 minutes, 132 passed go ing west and 30 going east. Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Thornton gave a dinner party at the Cottage hotel, to about 15 of their friends. The farm, bureau held a meeting Thursday night. About 15 were pres ent. I. O. O. F. and Rebecca held a joint installation Saturday night. Mrs. Max Say was elected Notile Grand ; yirs. J. R. Peters, vice Grand; Mrs. F. Wag ner, conductor; Mrs. Dwight Seely, warden; Henry Moulton Noble Grand; Ernest Nicolson, vice Grand; Judd Judd Seely, chm.; Walter Shark, sea; Dwight Seely, treasurer; Mack Say, warden. The Rebecca club will meet with Mrs. N. Eilers, Thursday, July 5. -V-'A l e iX.... .-; a rv .Hi! a N -Tr 4fiSS';s5 ill .- '- 1 1, im The Genie of the Wires Aladdin summoned the genie of the lamp and any wish was immediately gratified. At your command there is the genie of the wires. He will take your voice instantly without regard to distance wherever you may desire to send it. You are familiar with the conveniences of local telephone service, but have you ever thought of the pleasure or profit available in the use of the long distance lines? The genie of the lamp was the servant of a single individual. The genie of the wires will respond to the call of every telephone user. Every Bell telephone is a Long Distance station. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company tft JljP ' MOLALLA & Mrs-. A. D. Courier jp jp a? j? ip jp j? jp j? jp r jp ip jp jp'-V Troy Kay and family are visiting at the home of his parents O. F. Kay for a few days. 4 Bill Paulsen of Baker City, Oregon, is visiting his sister, Mrs. L. A. Shav er. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller, accom panied by Mrs. Murphytmotored to Sil verton Sunday to visit their sister, Mrs. Klopfenstein. Mr. and Mrs. George Blatchford vis ited Mrs: Blatchfords mother at North Santiam on Saturday last Dr, and Mrs. F. E. Humes and fam ily motored to Newberg last Monday .to attend the wedding of Miss Harriet M. 'Ford to John Strand of Tillamook Mrs. Strand is a sister of Mrs. Humes. . Mr. Frank Schultz gave a barn raising last week. Seventeen made quick work and the new barn was nearly done when evening came. Mr. and Mrs. George Kay and daugh ter Bettie Jean ar visiting his parents this week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sherwood of Sat sop, Washington are visiting at the home of his uncle J. W. Brewer. C. A. Holmes father of F. T. Holmes has been visiting his son. Miss Bessie Echard of the Good Samaritan hospital is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Echard. Miss Clara Courter who is attend ing summer school in Monmouth came home Saturday to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Courter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spovis motored to Portland Saturday and attended the adventist Camp meeting. jtiJ .jt (j8 tJ jjit 1 j$ - PARKPLACE f Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh jt - j, jp jr aP ip jp ? jp jp j? j? 'j? tr jr a? Mrs. Herman Kreugar was out of town on Friday. Mrs. Williams of the Heights visited in Portland on Wednesday. Mr. Peckover, carpenter is employ ed in Portland. John Weigle, has disposed of his stock and has gone to Eastern Oregon to work in the" harvest fields. Mabel Kerns is spending her sum meh vacation with an uncle at Mc Minnville. Samuel L. Jones, laborer is impennel ed on the Hecker jury. Mr. Bill Smith has recovered from an operation performed on his ' nose by Dr. Mount of Oregon City. Mrs. Young had business in Portland on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mays are vis iting friends in Hillsboro. Mrs. Dora Burns shopped in Port land last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E.. L. Pope are enjoy ing a vacation in the vicinity of Mt. Hood. Miss Laura Purcell, has arrived from Eastern Oregon to attend Chautauqua after which she will be the guest of her father, Dan Purcell of Clackamas Heights. John Frederick Ketels residing on R. F. D. 6 and Mrs. Marie Roche of Gladstone, a popular .member of the office force of County clerk Fred A. Miller were married Thursday after noon at 3 o'clock at the home of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Hardie Connor of Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreugar are entertaining their daughters, Mrs. T. K. Cheney of Pendleton and Mrs. Mel vin C. Smith of Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. S. Warrick were in Oregon City last Wednesday on 'busi ness. Mrs. TillitSOn of Dreerm CM-& called on Park Place friends last Friday. Mrs. h. O. Rosebraugh and daugh ter Marguerite enent Werinesdav in Portland. Several residents of Park Place at tended the Band cbncert at Oregon City on Friday night, Mrs. Edwin P. MwaHa la ill at hnr home. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Li. Wallace of Corvallis formerly of Park Place have been called- to Glad stone. Several members of the P. T. A. listened to discourses'on "The Needs of the Juvenile Court." at th& nnpnine session of the Gladstone Chautauqua on Saturday. The speakers were Judge Jacob Kanzler of the Court of Domestic Relations and Miss Frances Hayes an expert in child welfare work. A letter received by Mrs. Minnie Knapp from her daughter, states that Mr. and Mrs. Henry w. Strebig ar rived in Braun Schweigh, Germany on June sixth after a pleasant sea voyage. Mrs. Fred Smith and daughters are making an auto trip to points in Cali fornia. Mr. Earl Morse an dKenneth Morse are home from the camps, and are spending the Fourth with their sister, Mrs. EffiB Smir-. D. B. Heath, retired postmaster of Raymond, Washington, las purchased the grocery store, formerly conducted Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and sons, Dwight and Kenneth; Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers and sons, Oliver and Clarence of Sellwood; Mr. and Mrs.. C. A. West, of Portland; Mrs. Emma Johnson and daughter, Winnifred, of Pendleton. ' The "Helping Hand", class of the Christian Bible school and a number of friends surprised Mrs. K. E. Bauers- ield Friday afternoon, the occasion be ing her wedding anniversary. A num ber of beautiful gifts were presented the hostess. Mrs. E. E. Teeple and Mrs. G. Bauersfeld served delicious refreshments. R. M. McGetchie returned Tuesday from a fishing trip along the Des chutes river. Mr. McGetchie was ac companied on the trip by J. E. Ham mack, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Uren .have as their guest during Chautauqua, their daugh ter, Mrs. McComment of Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Eby and family spent the Veek-end in Zena, Oregon, the guests of Mrs. Eby's father, John Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Legler had as their guests last week, Mrs. Leglers' uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Francis, Byron Francis, Misses Alice land Blanche Francis of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stapp, Frances Stapp, Mrs. McNab, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie of St. Johns, and Miss Alice' Freytag, motored to Spring- water Saturday where camp life was enjoyed on Clear Creek. The party returned Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meads have had as Iheir guest, the latter's sister Mrs. Carl Walters and daughter, Hel en, of Whitebush, Montana, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simmons return- j8 1$ q$8 j$f& GLADSTONE Alice Freytag jp iPtPjiriPiPtPjpjPiPaP j? j? t? j , Mr. and Mrs. R. McGetchie were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hammack of Portland Wednesday eve ning of last week. A most enjoyable picnic took place at the Legler camp at Chautauqua park Thursday evening. Those at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Myron Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ganz meier, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Decker, Sr., Mr. ani Mrs. Leonard Decker, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harve Wilson, Parker Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Legler and Mildred Legler. Mrs. H. C. Parker and Miss Alice Freytag were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie, of St. Johns, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Catto returned Sunday after spending the week at Newport. The marriage of Mrs. Marie Roche and John F. Ketels took place at the home of Mr. Ketels' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ketels, Friday afternoon at three o'colck. The impressive ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Har die Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Ketels are to make their home on the farm of the former in the Holcomb district. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ketels entertained at dinner Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ketels were the guests of honor. Mrs. Ketels was assisted in serving by Mrs. Anna West. , Other guests were William Schwabauer, Miss Erma Roche, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wellman,.; of Damascus; William Schwabauer, Hardware Accessories Genuine Ford -Parts - Expert Repair Work Storage Goodyear Tires ATTENTION I" have some very good Buys in farm land on the Mt Hood Loop. , Now is the time to buy. Also hotels, stores, acreages, timber. If you want to do business come to SANDY HOTEL, SANDY, ORE. Ask for or write " GEO. BEERS SANDY, ORE. Phone 67 ed Wednesday fro mSilverton where they have been the guests of the lat- ters brother. Homer Shockley. Mrs. C. Strickland has as her guests this week, Mrs. Susie Sarver and Mrs. . Alta Starr, of Estacada. Rev. and Mrs. G. K Williams and Mr. and Mrs. T. E! Gault motored to Turner Sunday to attend the State convention of Christian Churches. There will be no, services ali the Christian Church during Chautauqua except the communion service which will be held at the church at 9:30. Mrs. Otto Schemann has returned to her home i Salem after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. O. L. Weddle, who is quite ill. Mrs. F. Brendle, Miss OUie Aman, Manard Brendle, Clay Brendle, George Thompson, juanita Brendle, Rex Brendle, Mrs. Sara McManus, Clarence McManus, Florence Randell, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Morad motored to Paci fic City Saturday, where they remain ed unitl Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. C. Parker spent last week end in Seattle where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. R."Fry. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Meyer,.of Oregon City, Mrs. Hattie Pecht, of Austin, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. R, Freytag motor ed to Wilhoit Springs Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Leete and chil dren, Thelma and Wayne, of Portland, Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Striger, of Yocalt, Washington,, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leete at a river beach dinner party, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Swift and children, Elizabeth and Kenneth re turned from Neatarts Tuesday evening where they have enjoyed an outing of several days. ........ . - On your yay to Mount Hood stop at Junker's Confectionery Sandy, Oregon for Refreshments and Meals CASPER JUNKER, Prop. Phone 5X2 vwwvw m VWVW "Equipped to serve YOU BEST" At Elevator - Phone 390 Oregon City, Oregon . .. .. . -. .- .. .. .. I ; y X X f f f ? X HOT WEATHER CALLS FOR Fresh Vegetables and Fruits We have in stock, fresh raspberries, gooseber ries loganberries grape fruit, cherries, canta loupes and water mel- ons and in vegetables, X lettuce, cucumbers, car- X rots, beets, onions, rad- X X ishes everything n( t essary for the hot wea- A V $ ther menu. t X X i The Hub Grocery ON THE HILL 7th & Center Oregon City If? i frli i ' H . m fi iLff ml; i I . - Il fi I i - i i ' II I i '4 i - U I THE X y Queen Anne runswick $235 A MASTERPIECE of Brunswick de sign and construction with the perfec tion of Brunswick reproduction devel oped to the highest degree. An instrument which will harmonize with the finest surroundings and which will never grow out of date. Plays any records, but the best results will be obtained with ' Brunswick re cords. Let us demonstrate y f y y y v X y X y X ? t y y y t X y t y y x JONES DRUG CO. Bridge Corner Oregon City X y x x y t y i X y X y I y