The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, June 29, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Page Three
dnmmutttitj Wxit
. News From Over
I sister to Mr. G. R. Gwilliam of this
vicinity. Mrs. Howell was a visitor
rere two years ago.
Mr. William Turner of Seattle and
Oscar and Arthur Erickson were din
ner guests at the Spanlger home Sat
urday, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Fisher and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Beatle, Jr., went to
Willhoit Springs for the weekend.
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Mrs. Bert Smith, of Collins View,
has visitors from Spokane for the
Rose Festival. Her nephew, Mr. Thos.
A. Gregg, with his wife and their little
daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. Gregg's fath
er, Mr. C. E. Weseman. After a week
in Portland, they will go to Seaside
and return home by way of Seattle.
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, June
27, the mothers of the "Brownies" are
invited to meet at the home of Mrs.
George Hartman. Mrs. R. Bruce Hors
fal will give a talf on the work of
the "Brownies" and Girl Scouts. Re
freshments will be served.
The meeting of the Girl Scouts, Dog
wood Troop No. 7, has been changed
to 9:30 Monday mornings.
Mr. and Mrs. McGraw, of Alta Park,
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Copp,
and their daughter Beatrice, and Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Finke, of Kilpatrick
Collins, Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Conrad Price, and her son Tre
vor, of Overlook, were the guests of
Mrs. George Hartman last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Watson, of Col
lins View, spent the Sunday visiting
at Scappoose, Washington.
Mr. F. Dempsey, of the Collins View
Grocery, has recently purchased a
nifty Dodge truck. Mrs. Dempsey is
much better, and able to be up.
Mr. Carl Duhi,Qop, is spending the
week on a fishing trip near Mt. Hood,
while his wife with her son is visiting
her parents in Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Waltt-. Novak, of Kil
patrick Collins, have returned from a
fishing trip to Summitt, near Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Duhrkoop have
returned fro ma two weeks trip to
Cannon Beach, where they stayed at a
cottage which they have recently pur
chased. Mrs. Duhrkoop's mother, Mrs.
William Reid, of Portland is visiting
there now and Mr. and Mrs. Duhr
koop expect to moto rdown again with
in the week.
The "Brownies" met last Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
R. Bruce Horsfall, for ritual work.
Mrs. La Vay Kohlhase, of Capitol Hill
has been appointed Lieutenant, to as
sist Mrs. Horsfall. The time of meet
ing has been changed to 9:30 Wed
nesday mornings. The girls are plan
ning a picnic for the near future.
The Boy Scouts Troop No. 105, of
Carson Heights, has erected a wall
for wall scaling practice). Once a
week, the Troop takes a hike, recently
going to Mt. Sylvania, where they
practice camp work.
Mr. Robert Meyers, senior patrol,
and Mr. R. Bruce Horsfall, Junior,
are acting guards at the Finley and
Bowman Display of Bird Pictures, put
on by the Audubon Society, in the ex
hibit at the Armory for the Rose Fes
tival. They also have been actively
engaged in helping build the display
of the Boy Scouts at the Armory.
Sister Stanislaws, Sister in the
House of Providence, in Vancouver,
Washington, is stuaTmg at St, Mary's
Academy. Last Wednesday, Sister
Stanislaws visited her mother, Mrs. P.
Kuczma, of Kilpatrick Collins.
Miss Helen Klett, of Carson Heights,
expects to take training to become a
nurse, at the Good Samaritan Hospit
al, this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull, of Collins
View, 'have returned from their trip
to The Dalles, and Mrs. Hull's sister,
Miss Evelyn Fernly, is visiting at their
Miss Hollis Bowman, formerly of
Carson Heights, while visiting her sis
ter in Sherwood, fell and Severely in
jured her knee.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tipsword, and
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Doern, with their
children, expect to leave shortly on a
motor trip to Cannon Beach.
Mrs. Harry Stillwell, formerly of
Capitol Hill, is seriously ill at her
home at the Imperial Arms, Portland.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society, of the Carson Heights com
munity Church, are planning on giving
a Pageant for their next meeting in
Anyone who loves flowers would
be interested in seeing the rare and
beautiful "Black Idol" lillies in the
garden of Mrs. Kyser, of Capitol Hill.
Several years ago, Mrs. Duett, who is
an extensive fravelor, saw these lillies"
blooming in China, and was so en
raptured with them, that she brought
a number of the bulbs with her upon
her return to this country. Mrs. Ky
ser received as a present, six bulbs,
which are blooming. The lilly is shap
ed similar to a calla lilly, the corolla
being nearly a foot long, tapering to a
point, an dan exquisite marron color,
witfTthe-pistil, nearly as long, being
a dead Black color. A curious fact
of this plant is that the calyx is shaped
like a cup, and the first few days the
flower blooms, it gives off a strong
odor, which attracts flies and bugs,
and draws them down into the calyx;
where the plant feeds upon them. As
many as -a cup full of flies have been
seen in one flower.
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J Geo. B. Frank J
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" Mrs. M. Mowready is entertaining
her daughter in law from Portland
for the week-end.
Mr. George Frank and wife cele
brated their thrity-sixth wedding an
niversary last Saturday. Ice cream
and cake were enjoyed and a good
time reported by all present
Mr. M. Robbins is still quite sick
at this time but is gaining.
The strawberry crop in this vicinity
is about over as the. dry weather cut
the crop 6hort,
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bass
of Maple Lane, June 20.
The Maple Lane Grange held an
open meeting Saturday earring, June
24. A program was enjiyed, after
which refreshments were served.
Mrs. A. Kruse is spending1 the week
in Portland with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Car" Barney have re
turned to their home after spending
a week at Lebanon.
.The Maple Lane ball team played
a good game at the home grounds Sun
day, with the Gladstone team, 6Core
9 to 5 in favos of M. L.
Oscar May and family have moved
on to the Lee farm, formerly occupied
by Gus Robertson.
Maple Lane will hold a real old
fashioned celebration the Fourth of
July. All kinds of games and races
for everybody. Ball games, horse
(races and other amusements. Bring
huuuu.u mm vujuj c &7JL
time with us.
to Tillamook, where he has lumber in
terests. Our business houses closed Friday
to give the clerks a chance to see the
Rose Festival parade.
Mrs. J. A. Kuhs of Morrow county
and formerly of Oak Grove, was call
ing on friends here last week.
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J Delia Vallen J
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This hot dry weather is getting
the best of fruit and grain some of the
farmers are beginning to cut hay.
Mrs. Norma Ginther and daughter
Gertrude of Portland spent a few days
at the home of Mrs. Ginthers father,
A. Vallen, last week.
. The L. Keith family have moved
back on their homestead. ,
Mr. Ed. Hodgkiss, has resumed his
work at the T. Bittner mill, after a
few days lay otf from an injury re
ceived while working.
. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Downing are
the proud parents of an 11 lb. baby
girl, born at the home of Mrs. Down
ings parents, S. Lankins, Thursday.
The name is June.
Mrs. Lilly Park had as Sunday din
ner guests Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cado
nan and two children, Irvin and Avis
of Estacada, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keith
'and daughter Ellen of Cazadero, Mrs.
Barbara Half erty and two sons of
Seattle, Washington.
Richard and Wilbur Halferty, sons
of Mrs. Barbara Halferty of Seattle,
Wash., have come to spend the sum
mer with their aunt, Mrs. Lilly Park.
Mrs. Halferty was formerly Miss Bar
bara Cadonan and is a trained nurse.
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jt John Lehman J
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Phillip Yergen from Aurora is a
visitor at the Spangler home.
Miss Beth Brown, who has been
working'-WOregon City, Came home
last week.
Mr. Jones and Otto Miller were
Portland visitors attending the Rose
Festival last week.
Carus played ball with Molalla last
Sunday. Molalla won by ' a close
score of 4 to 2.
Mrs. Roy Baker of Mt. Pleasant,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Fishers.
Miss Florence Jagger is home from
the University of Oregon on her vacation.
Mr. Herman and Erich Fisher made
a business trip to Portland Wednesday
Melvin Stewart returned from O. A.
C. Summer school Saturday. Melvin
reported . having a splendid time and
hopes to go again next year.-
Mrs. Frank Hopp, accompanied by
Mrs. A. Schief, Mrs. Wieland and
daughters and Mrs. C. Bayer of Oregon
City were dinner guests at the home
of Mrs. Herman Fishers' Thursday.
Mr. N. W. Caseday had a barn rais
ing last week.
The Community of Carus gave a
strawberr yand cream social last Wed
nesday night. The program was short
but well enjoyed. This social was giv
en to raise money to present a purse to
the Sheppard family, $48 was raised.
Misses Florence and Elsie Weisser
are visiting relatives in Portland.
.Two marriages of considerable in
terest to the Carus folk occurred last
week. Floyd Traften and Miss Gwen
Evans were married on Wednesday
and what do you think of this, Mr. Ed.
Brown, told Carus he was going East
to visit, but he forgot to tell us he was
going back to get a wife. Yes, isr,
thats just what happened, he Married
Mrs. Margaret Howell of Colorado,
J Mrs. V. G. Benvie
& t
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Mrs. V. G. Benvie left Friday for Al
bany on business and on Monday at
tended the convention of daughters
of veterans at Newport and on Tues
day attended the department meeting
of the Ladies of G. A. R. at same place
She expects- to return Saturday.
Mr. J. Norberg has moved his family
; Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck
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Mrs. Coffman of Pasco, who has
been spending the past three weeks
with her sister Mrs. L. D. Newell, has
returned to her home.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kern
of the River road, at St Vincent's
hospital . Thursday, June 22, a son.
Verne Hopkins son of Mr. andTMrs.
Thomas Hopkins who suffered a re
lapse after returning from the Mil
waukie Open Air Sanitarium is rapid
ly improving.
The members of Grace Guild met
with Mrs. Frank J. Coovert, east of
the Chautauqua grounds last Wednes
day. There was a goodly attendance
ipfsiifn w "n
Qhmigh fir Jhedqy
Your day's work is shortened and
made easier when you have a good oil
cookstove. Burn Pearl Oil for fuel and
you no longer have coal and wood to
fcarry or ashes to shovel out
You work with a clean controlled
heat that is concentrated directly un
der the utensil where it is needed
and your kitchen is kept cool and free
from dirt.
pearl Oil is the clean-burning, uni
form, economical kerosene refined
end re-refined by a special process.
Dealers everywhere. Order by name
C-Pearl 00. -
Order Repairs Now
and Get Genuine
IHC Repairs for
International Machines
We Sell the Genuine
Why Take Chances
With Any Others?
o o
W. E. Estes & Son
7th & Molalla Ave.
Farm Machine Headquarlers
Financial Freedom
The goal of every right-thinking, fore-sighted man or
woman should be Financial Freedom Independence
from financial troubles and worries of every kind.
.Make the declaration to yourself today that you will
practice Thrift whenever opportunity permits and
.thus assure yourself of that freedom which makes for
a bright and comfortable future.
Our forefathers had to practice Thrift in many ways
before they were able to attain personal Liberty for us.
You have but to save a small amount each week, place
it in a Savings Account with us, and thereby gain that
goal that all seek Financial Liberty.
Once an account is started, you'll find it easy to keep up
The Bank of Oregon City
Safe Deposit
Boxes for Rent,
$2.50 Per Year and Up
' J&Z ik V WiA
I Wv
1 wssm
slRiP M V2d
. : Don't swelter and fag yourself -out trying-to
take care of your household duties with the pers
piration streaming from you and every particle
of clothing oppressing you.
An Electric Fan will give you the comfort that
will make your work a pleasure.
Portland Railway, Light
&Power Co.
and a pleasant afternoon was enjoyed
by those present.
Noah Bechtel of Ashton, Idaho, is
visiting at the home of Shelton H.
Mrs. George Card was pleasantly
surprised by a number of her friends
Wednesday afternoon,
Mrs. Florence Moore left Monday
evening for Boston, Massachusetts
where she wil lattend the National
Educationa IConvention.
Fred Bretschefr ihas purchased la
new Chevrolet car.
E. (E. Hammond has commence
work on the foundation of his new
home on Riverside drive.
William B. S. Booth of Jennings
Lodge and brother Henry Booth of
Portland enjoyed a weeks end fishing
trip near Newberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ouelette of Hull
avenu emotored to Norton Saturday
where they will enjoy a"weeks comp-
Mrs. Lucy Allen who has spent sev
eral months at Corvallis will spend her
summer vacation with her daughter,
Mrs. W. I. Blinstone.
Miss Vada Bluhm of Beaver Creek is
spending the week with Mrs. Henry
Henrici of Hull avenue. Miss Bluhm
is a violin student of Miss Maxine Tel
ford and will have charge of her class
during the latter's vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hampton and
children, who have been visiting the
formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, L,
Hampton, have returned to their home
in Pendleton.
Albert Koenig of Minneapolis, who
has been looking over the White Sal
mon fruit farms with a view of pur
chasing, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Woodbeek last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts spent
Sunday in ortlanid at the home" of
Arthur L. Roberts, woh recently re'
moved to the Richmond district
The young members of the junior
Theroux orchestra re practicing dil'
igently and making rapid progress in
their work.
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The county "caterpillar" grading
outfit is working on market road No.
8 and will be through some time this
week. ,
Haying is in progress with about a
half crop. Should this dry weather
continue late sown grain will hardly
be fit to cut.
Redland played Logan at Lower Lo
gan recently. Batteries for Redland
were Carsland and Churchill who
played good ball until the 7th inning
when they "went into the air". Socre
16 to 9 injavor of Logan.
June Kirchem gave a party Saturday
night to a number of her friends.
California-Oregon power line being
constructed from Prospect to Eugene.
Portalmd Bank, of California will
erect new $225,000 building. .
Nature's Most Wonderful Laboratory
and Out-of-Door Paradise
The-wildest geysers in the world, dancing amid thous
ands of boiling springs, their basins arrayed In george
ous colors like gigantic flowers.
Here, too, are hills of sparkling crystals, hills of sul
phur, hills of glass, mountains of every style of archi
tecture, icy or frosted, mountains boiled soft like po
tatoes and colored like 4 sunset sky. John Mulr the
great naturalist.
Portland to West Yellowstone
Operated by the
Union Pacific System
First Car Leaves Portland 5:00 p. m., June 18th
Round trip rail fare from Portland to West
Yellowstone $38.25. Sleeping car fare one way
$10.80. This does not include the hotel or camp
expense while in the Park, which will depend
on th length of stay!
3. H. O'NEILL, Traveling Passenger Agent,
with headquarters at 701 Wells Fargo Building,
Portland.-will be glad to call personally on any
one wishing to visit Yellowstone and arrange
all details. Drop him a card, or address