The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, June 29, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Pfhen Grandma
was a Girl-
It seems so far off and yet, when you consider it,
It was only a short while ago. Do you know the
story of her Romance? Did Grandad have to travel
miles and miles on horse-back to get the best ring
that money could buy for the "dearest little girl In
all the world"?
He wouldn't have to now-a-days, for all the finest
productions of the country's best manufacturers, are
to be had in our store. '- -
Sregoncjty s"Qpnwfc
pmmmm in... .. ,
a jCocai Tfews Stems a
Mrs. Kate Roll, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Cooper of Oregon City
who has been seriously ill at the Good
Samaritan hospital has improved so as
to be able to be taken to her home.
She stiir has a special nurse. The
children, Elma, Buddy and Elizabeth
are staying with the .grand-parents
during the convalescence of their
Curtis Dodds a resident of Twilight
and who is assisting auditor of the O.
R. & N. Company has gone to Omaha,
Nebraska on business for the com
pany. Misses Mildred Smith and Frances
Bowland and Raymond Howell spent
Sunday in Portland as guests of Miss
Smiths' aunt.
Mrs. H. S. Anderson of Oregon City
spent several days last week in Port
land, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Leland Hendricks.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Moehnke and
daughter Catherine and Margaret of
Oregon City motored to Willhoit Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. George Boylan spent
the week-endin Portland where they
were guests of their daughter Mrs.
George Simmons and family.
Billie Bly who is spending the sum
mer with his grandmother at Kalanm,
Washington, spent a few days last
week at Oregon City, visiting his fath
er Frank Bly.
Dr. George Hoeye, a member of the
Oregon State Chiropractic Board at
tended a call meeting of the board
which met in Portland last Friday.
Mrs. Harry Porter, a former resident
of Oregon City but now of Canby was
an Oregon City visitor on Thursday
of last week.
Season tickets now on sale at Bank
of Oregon City and Huntley-Draper
Drug Co., Adults, $2.50, child' 7 to 12
years, $1.25. Write to Attorney, Ar
thur G. Beattie, Bank of Oregon City
Building for a program. A Chautau
qua season ticket is an investment
in pleasure and education. (6-22-2t).
Mrs. Frank Shoenborn was called to
Carus Sunday morning by the illness
of her father.
Mrs. Melvin McCord of Brighton,
Oregon, has returned to her home af
ter visiting her mother, Mrs. W. W.
Samson of Oregon City.
Mrs. . Scoggin accompanied By her
sister, Mrs. T. Andrews of Barlow
were visiting the formers daughter,
Mrs. Lena Spangle at Oregon City one
day last week.
Mrs. Willjam Hammond and son
Billy and daughter Dorothy have gone
to Hood River, for the benefit of
Billy who is suffering from a severe
attack of asthma.
i Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barney and lit
tle daughter who have been in Leban
on where they have been visiting Mrs.
Barney's parents have returned to
their home.
Miss Beaulah Morgan, formerly a
teacher in the Oregon City high school
has been a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hal E. Hoss.
I A little son arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haack of John
Adams Street on Tuesday of last week.
I Season tickets now on sale at Bank
of Oregon City and Huntley-Draper
Drug Co., Adults, $2.50. child' 7 to 12
years, $1.25. Write to Attorney, Ar
thur G. Beattie, Bank of Oregon City
Building for a program. A Chautau
qua season ticket is an investment
In pleasure and education. (6-22-2t).
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reder and
Mrs. John Ball who are residents of
Greenwood were transacting business
in Oregon City on Friday of last week.
Oscar Lawrence Woodfin a talented
musician, formerly of Oregon City,
who has been at Kentchikan, Alaska,
the past two years has returned to
Portland where he will take up his
work of teaching piano.
Mrs. George Brown who has gone
to the Sanitorium at Hot Lake, Ore.,
for the benefit of her health is Im
proving. She was accompanied 'to
Hot Lake by her mother, Mrs. L. M.
Ford parts, like almost everything else
worth while, are counterfeited. Imitation
parts are manufactured to SELL at the
; highest possible rate of profit and the
grades of steel used are consequently not
the same high quality, specially heat
treated alloy steels specified in Ford
formulas for the manufacture of GEN
Don't be misled Insist upon GENUINE FORD
PARTS made by the Ford Motor Company. By
so doing you will get from 35 to 100 per cent
more wear from them, and you will pay the
lowest possible cost the same everywhere.
Ask for Parte Price List
When your Ford car, or Fordson tractor needs
attention, call on us. For remember we are prop
erly equipped, employ competent mechanics, and
use Genuine Ford and Fordson parts in all
repair work: -
Park-Shephard Motor Co.
Main Street at Fourth Phone 355'
McKinne. .
Mrs. E. G. Larkins a well known
resident of Hoff, Oregon, was an Ore
gon City visitor on Friday of last
Mrs. Robert iBeattie, Jr., of Beaver
Creek visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. Burke at Oregon City on
Monday of this week.
Season tickets now on sale at Bank
of Oregon City and Huntley-Draper
Drug Co., Adults, $2.50, child' 7 to 12
years, $1.25. Write to Attorney, Ar
thur G. Beattie, Bank of Oregon City
Building for a program. A Chautau
qua season ticket is an investment
in pleasure and education. (6-22-2t).
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peterson, who
live at Parker, near Independence,
have returned to their home after
spending a few days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard, where
they have been visiting their grand
daughter, Dora Lucile Peterson, age 5
and Frances Lorene, aged 4,
Miss Abbie Scouton, who has been
visitine- hr brother. Frank Scouton
and family the past week, where she
attended the rose show has returned
to her home at Oregon City.
Mr. S. D. Simons has had as his
guests his brothers, Andrew and Har
ry Simons of Tacoma, Wash. While
here the brothers all attende the Rose
show in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Robey and daughter and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Igo and baby spent
Sunday on the Molalla picnicing and
Mr. asd Mrs. Stanley Platz, whose
home is at Coffeyville, Kansas, are in
this city where they are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Osborn. Mr. and Mrs.
Osborn are going to take their guests
on a number of enjoyable motoring
trips. Mrs. Platz is a niece of Mr. Os
born. . - -
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell, accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dryden
left Oregon City Saturday night for a
motoring trip through the White Sal
mon country. They returned Sunday
evening having had a delightful time.
Mrs. Harry G. Nevill and little
daughter, Clara Pearl who have been
spending several days in Portland
visiting Mrs. Nevills mother have re
turned to thei rhome at Redland. The
Nevills were formerly Oregon City
Mrs. C. J. Staats and son, George
of Redland, were week-end guests of
relatives at Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cooper accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Lunceford
Schockly and daughter Lucile, motor
ed to McMinnville one day last week.
Orville and Edwin Cox sons of Mr.
asd Mrs. George Cox of Oregon City
left on Tuesday of last week for Fort
Worth, Texas, where they will visit
for several weeks with their grand
parents and other relatives.
Mrs. Frank Bigger whose home is at
White Horse, Alaska, has arrived at
Gladstone where she will spend the
summer with her mother, Mrs. Daven
port. She will also visit Mr. Biggers
parents at Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Howland
and Ci'ren, Elizabeth and James
were Rose Show visitors on Friday
of last week.
Walter Branat and son Milton, who
have been at Fossil, Oregon where
they have been visiting Mr. Brandts
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brandt
and his sister. Mrs). Omel Derrick
have returned to their home at Mt.
View. They made the trip by auto
mobile a distance of 500 miles.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strong and Mr.
and Mrs. S. L. Perry and son Loren
whose homes are at Spokane, who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alec
Cannon of Oregon City have returned
to their homes.
Mrs. Arthur Sherry, a resident of
Seattle, Washington, who has been vis
iting Miss Vera Canfield during the
Rose Show has returned to her home.
Mrs. Ella Scouton, Mrs. Madge For
tune, Mrs. Lillian Limbrocker, Mrs.
Brenton Vedder, Mrs. David Lund and
Mrs. Madue Rittenhouse went to Sil
verton on Tuesday of last week to at
tend the Royal Neighbors convention.
Ms. E. L. Moore and her uaghter,
Mrs. E. A. Miller went to Portland on
Wednesday of last week where they
attended the wedding' of Mrs. Moores
niece, Miss Elizabeth Garlock,"who
was married to Glen Schumacher of
Portland .
Mrs. E. H. Deddaway of Milwaukie
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Warnock at Mt. Pleasant, Monday.
H. Walker, that a grand daughter had
arrived at Fullertos, California, for
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knick on Satur
day, June 24. The mother of the new
arrival was Miss Louise Walker before
her marriage. Mrs. Sophia Chairman
is a great grandmother, Mrs. Walker
is with her daughter in California.
Mrs. Mary Williams and daughter
Leona Miss Naomi Lewis, Mrs. M. A.
Lent and son Harold John and May
Tobin were guests of John Lewis on
the U. S. S. Connecticut on Wednesday
of last week, where they had the pleas
ure of inspecting the ship of which Mr.
Lewis has been a steamfitter. Miss
Naomi Lewis and Mrs. Williams are
sisters of Mr. John Lewis.
To those who so kindly assisted dur
ing our recent bereavement, aryL for
the expressions of sympathy and beau
tiful floral offerings, we desire to ex
press our sincere thanks.
I Bifocal g 3,Bifocal I
Of the many different types of
Bifocal lenses the KRYPTOKS
are the only ones which are in
visible when worn. For certain
special uses other kinds are
more suitable.
If you have reached the age of
forty-two it is time to think
about bifocal glasses and when
you bring your troubles to me I
will advise what is best for your
particular needs. Expert ser
vice the result of 19 years
study and practice assures good
results to you.
Over 11,000 cases treated
Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist
505J4 Main St., Oregon City
KgpAfter July 1 will be at my
new location 207 Masonic Bldg.-
Mrs. A. D. Courter Jt
Mr. Arch McCord went to Portland
on business Monday.
C. G. Gullifin of Woodburn was in
Molalla the first of the week engaging
pickers for his loganberry crop. He
says his berries are doing fine, de
spite the fact rain is badly needed.
Jack Frost of Oregon City was in
Molalla on .business the first of the
Rupert Anderson, who recently re
turned from New York is visiting in
the vicinity of Molalla. .
Mr. and Mrs. Lennox have purchas
ed the Jackson place west of Molalla
the place is one of the nicest around
Molalla it consists of twelve acres,
the Lennoxs come here from Belling
ham, Washington. Before coming
west they resided at Swanville, Minn.,
he has spent considerable time on the
coast looking for a location.
Mr. Cecil Rofcerts Who has just
cloged a successful term of school at
Condon, Oregon, has been in the Mol
alla neighborhood visiting friends be
fore returning to his home at Goldhill,
Molall ball team played a very suc
cessful game of ball Sunday with Car
us the score was 4 to 2 in favor of
The Willhoit Lumber Co. property
has changed hands, the present firm
are J. R, Kenny, presidetn and manag
er, Robert E. Baker, secretary, Schil
ler B. Herman, treasurer. They are !
installing a large logging donkey.
They have many orders ahead and aim
to keep a crew of twenty-five men
busy all the time.
. Mr. and Mrs. Hult are enjoying a
visit from Mr. and Mrs. Olson of Mt
Vernon, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Winter were week
end visitors at the home of Dr. Prehn.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hendrickson
of Alsee are spending a few days vis
iting friends in and near Molalla.
Eldon Backs, who has been working
near Astoria, is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Parks. ,
Mrs. Wm. Stewe and little daughter
are spending a few days in Portland.
M. G. Sanders brother of Mrs. Dor
Sailor was here visiting her a few
days last week has just returned from
Mrs. Henry Caster was" called1 to
Yoncolle, Oregon, by the serious ill
ness of her mother. "
Thei Molalla grammar school played
the final game of the season at Glad
stone lat Saturday winning the game
and the county championship with a
score of 32 to 11. They have not last
a game this season.
Mr. Vanhouten wh is working in the
Drug store during Mr. Cockrels vaca
tion spent the week end at Kelso,
Washington, withbis family.
Beldon McGregon who has been
working in the logging camps near
Astoria has come home for the fourth.
Flies are
Dangerous because they are
disease carriers of the worst type.'
They should be destroyed as soon.;
Its they appear on the premises.!
' - '..
jf jc ? i? j? j a? r f j? jr
A number of people from Mulino at
tended the ball game at Molalla Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard White return
ed Sundy from a visit to her mothers.
Mr. Jesse Daniels and Eddy Ber-
dine started for the coast Monday to
take up their job of carrying mail.
Mr. John Bounds asd Rbert Snod
grass went to Oregon City Monday.
The Ladies club gave a farewell
party on Mr. and Mrs. Berdine Satur
day night. .
Mrs. J. O. Bounds went t Oregon
City Saturday.
Mr. H. H. Perry from California has
been visiting old friends here.
Storage Battery
A full year
Every need op an automobile
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon, Administrator of the estate of
Isola J. Burke, deceased, all persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same
to me or at the office of my attorney,
O. D. Eby, in Oregon City, Oregon,
duly verified' as by law required with
in six monhs from date hereof.
Date June 29, 1922.
O. D. ELY,
Attorney for Administrator.
First publication Juse 29, 1922.
Last publication, July 27, 1922.
h a liquid preparation for keeping
away flies. Can be used anywhere.'
Sprayed on cattle and horses and!
diet live stock, it keeps the animals'
in pood health a herd of cows will
yield torn iofo to 2ofo more milk,
when freed from flies.
Use Fly-Spray for stables, stalls, in-'
tenor of hen houses, outbuildings. ;
Drug Co.
The eoL fi
y u S U U U
13 Big Days
Gladstone Park.
JULY 1-13
13 Big Days
Gladstone Meat Market
Adam J. Cramer, Prop.
Dealer in all Fresh and Cured
Meats and Sausages
I pay highest prices for Beef, Veal, Pork, Poultry
and Eggs
Phone 362J
- -. -- -. .L -- -.-
Great assembly of talented and noted people at big
50-acre park near Gladstone, Oregon, tent city, of
thousands of campers. Daily programs in commod
ious auditorium.
Daily Bible Hours, Dr. B. Earl Parker, Leader.
Daily physical training classes, large outdoor gymn.
Norman Allan lmrie, .
J. C. Herbsman
Arthur Walwyn Evans .
Chancellor Geo. H. Bradford
B. F. Irvine
Chaplain W. S. Gilbert
Opie Read
Dr. Elmer Lynn Williams
Dr. Lydia Allen OeVilbiss
Private Harold Peat
l : Je"snrv am k . 'mi 'Ifo - '?
I I i 1
u 1 8 1
A I t
i (I II
Dr. B. Earl Parker
Musical Attractions and Entertainments
Paul Fleming and Co., magicians,
Lorraine Lee and Co., musicians
Stearns-Hellekson Trio
Patton Bros., trio
Oceanic Quintet
The Watteau Girls, musicians
Percival Vivian Players in
"Cappy Ricks"
Electra Piatt and Vernon Stone
entertainers. y
Gilvan Opera Co.
Steelman, Marriner, Taylor Trio
Edna Eugenia Lowe, reader.
Glenn L. Morris Co, scientific
Jugo-Slav Tamburicans,
(Minstrels of the Balkans)
Keighley Broadway players, . in
"Turn to the Right."
Batting-Mahler Duo., funsters
New York City Concert Quartet
A Mather Hilburn, master enter
tainer. -
Margaret Garrison, reader
Vancouver Military Band
Colton Oratoria Society.
"Cappy Ricks" and "Turn to the Right"
The Gladstone Chautauqua is an institution of 29 years standing.
The assembly is held la a big 50 acre park of natural Oregon Timber,
one mile north of Oregon City and within the corporate limits of the
City of Gladstone. The Park is reached by paved roads from Portland,
the River Road and the East 82nd Street road. Tents and camping
equipment can be rented from the association, if reserved in advance.
Tickets on sale at Meier & Frank Co., and J. K- GMT,, Huntley-Draper
Drug Co., and Bank of Oregon City in Oregon City.
Adults . $2.50
Children $1.25
Adults 35c
Children . 20c
The Organization is a Public Spirited, Non-Profit Institution' and pro
duces the Best Entertainment at the lowest Possible Prices.
For information or programs write to
. - The Bank of Oregon City Bldg.
Oregon City, Oregon.
ueen Anne
A MASTERPIECE of Brunswick de
sign and construction with the perfec
tion of Brunswick reproduction devel
oped to the highest degree.
An instrument which will harmonize
with the finest surroundings and
which will never grow out of date.
Plays any records, but the best results
will be obtained with Brunswick re
cords. Let us demonstrate
Bridge Corner
Oregon City