4f 1 a 8 t$t it fcjt it iC it iC fcjt (bJ0 Tl?XTXTTXTrC T ThT? jC j iM 8 v pl g7 J tfi (jC t 1 gfl I jfr J w EAGLE CREEK .. . Mrs. K. B. Gibson ...J J - J afafafafafafafafafafafafaf CLARKES Albert Gasser Jt af af af af f af af af af af af if i? af l .411 1.1 All is. Vv. W. Woodbeck f J af jfafjfafafafafafafafafafaf af Little Katherine Meons, grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mil ler who has been confined to the house with an attack of scarlet fever is im proving. ' Mrs, Ora Coffinan of Tacoma is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Neweu. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hinds and three children of Ben,-former residents of this nlapft were Sunday visitors at J. W. Dains. They are camping at Glad stone Park. Aurdey Tillman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tillman, was presented in a piano recital in Portland Monday af- , ternoon by Mrs. Anna Holcomb. I Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth and Miss Helen Whitworth were guests of Mr. , and Mrs. Dan Jones,. Monday. I Mrs. Ella McHargue went to Brownsville last Thursday to attend the Pioneers reunion. , Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Hampton of Muneie, Indiana, are visiting the . formers brother, A. L. Hampton of Mrs. Olive Kessi made a business trip to Corvallis, the past week return ing Friday. Colonel Douting of Garfield, Wash ington, visited S. H. Bechtel the past week. C. R. Holloway has been engaged as instructor at a private summer school in Irvington Park. Mr. and Mrs. Asel Taber have taken possession of their new home at Glen Echo. Wesley Baker and Robert Russell members of the Oregon National guards have gone to Camp Eewis for a two weeks training course. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stone and Leyon "Etherton visited at the home of Mrs. Bess Pruechert last Sunday. Mr3. A. Monad of Kansas, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Jones of Hull avenue was the honor guest at a family reunion held at the Jones home last Sunday. Mrs. Monad is 84 years of age and made the trip to the west alone. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Blinstone and family accompanied hy Mr. Blinstone's brother Clyde who is here from Sparta, Wisconsin, visited Salem last Thurs day returning home Saturday evening. Mrs. A. B. Smith and the members of the Girls chorus of Grace Commun ity Church enjoyed a picnic at Sell wood Park last Friday. ' The families of Orton Randall, John Roberts and George Card, made up a picnic party spending last Sunday at Clear Creek park. " . Mrs. Robert Joblmg and children accompanied by Miss Mann left last Saturday on a motor trip though Cal ifornia. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Shepherd and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Madden and H. Kolb, motored to Cascade Locks last Sunday to attend the dedication of the Bridge of the Gods. . Mrs. W. J. Sit.evens was elected school director for a three-year term at the annual school meeting held Monday evening. Rotit. D. Rogers was re-elected clerk. Following the school meeting W. J. McLaren, social wcjfare worker of Portland, addressed the patrons of the school on law en forcement in Clackamas county. Fol- . lowing this refreshments were served by members of the Parent-Teacher association. Mrs. Ray Woodle, son Leslie, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall left for Mrs. R. B. Gibson were calling on Mrs.J an extended visit to Canada. They Roy Douglass last Tuesday afternoon, had a farewell party Sunday before H. S. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. their departure. Everybody wishes Gibson, Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and them" a good time and safe arrival son Victor, were Estacada visitors last home again. Wednesday I Mr Marshall came from Canada Eagle Crek Grange held its regular !more than 30 yeanj ag0 and gettled mccniig u me vuauge uan ii oatui- ln neighborhood day. But, owing to the busy season, there was a very small attendance. Alter partaking ot a fine dinner, a He made a success here in farm ing. The aged couple had a longing to wt e00cM wo hirt tt, see their old homes again and so their topic, "Pesk", was discussed during lonS felt wishes are to become a re- lecture hour, Henry Udell nd family and Mrs. Iva Parks were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and chil dren and Robert Moehuke motored to j Shuebel, Sunday and spent the day ' dren and Robert Moehnke motored to Mr. Moehuke's birthday and his chil- j dren came home in honor of the occa sion. I Mrs. Viola Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. ality. ' Mr. and Mrs. E.' Cummings and fam ily from Hillsdale, Oregon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schewie last Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Goodman from Cali fornia visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goodman last week. ;Jake Gard visited Oregon City last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Berger and son, Will Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ?ls Mrs- n? transacted bus- i Douglass, daughter Florice and Ed. Chapman, Fred Hoffmeister and fam- iness last Friday at Oregon City. Mr. " Fred Lindan was a Portland ily attended the strawberry festival ; visitor last Friday. given by Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell of Sandyridge, Saturday evening and all reported a good time. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haley and Mr. and Mrs. Pleas Douglass were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoff meister, Sunday. Mrs. Nora Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilcox and children were calling on H. S. Gibson Sunday afternoon; Mrs. Viola Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass, Ed. Chpman and Mrs. R B. Gibson were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass Sunday. The school meeting of District No. 50 was held at the school house Mon- last Sunday. Claude Bottemiller is driving truck for Molharke Bros. - Mrs. Libbie Lee visited her sister Miss Grace Sager last Sunday. . .Alva Gard from Eastern Oregon is visiting his parents John L. Gard and family for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elmer and Mrs. Brookes visited W. H. Bottemiller and family last Sunday afternoon. A. L. Amerine is working on W. H. Bottemiller's new barn. Walter Lee and Miss Dora Wallace of Oregon City were out in Clarkes day night, to elect a clerk and a di rector. H. S. Gibson, clerk and Fred Hoffmeister, chairman of the board, going out of office. . Mrs. Roy Douglass was elected clerk and R. B. Gibson was elected director. 9 tC tl? LOWER HIGHLAND Mrs. Dan Fellows jfafafafafaffaffafafafafaf af Mrs. E. S. Holmes and daughters are visiting in Washington for a few weeks. . Mrs. Amanda Creason has returned home from for the summer. She has been working down near Astoria. Miss Van Hook is visiting with the Voks family. Miss Helen Staub is staying in Port land for a few weeks at the home of her grand mother, Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cola visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rambo last Sunday. Mrs. Mary Fellows and son Stephen and Mrs. Amanda Creason and daugh ter Blanche called on Eli Fellows last Sunday. Wool Shipment Commenced On Thursday, June 22, all members of the Pacific Wool Growers Associa tion delivered their wool at Beaver Creek to be taken by truck to the company's ware house in Portland. The stork flew over our heads last week and landed at the Oregon City hospital, leaving a son for Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Grossmiller. Both mother and son getting along nicely. Albert D. Lee from Oregon City is visiting at the home of Geo. Rogers and family for a few days. A. I4 Amerline and eon Richard were in Oregon City last Friday. Born to the wife of Chas. Ralph, a baby girl on June 6th, Mrs. C. Ralph was formerly Miss Ida Bottemiller of Clarkes. - Chas. and Theodore Marshall are working for their brother John Mar shall in the sawmill. Kenneth Bottemiller was in Oregon City last Friday. Herman Buche is working for Hult Bros, of Colton in the sawmill. B. Sullivan made a business trip to Portland last Friday. Potato Demonstration Held County agent, Holt was out here last Monday morning explaining po tato diseases. A large crowd was present and learned something they will- not forget. The demonstration started at Mr. Marshall's place. Albert Gasser and- sons Otto and Silvan were at Oregon City and Car ver last Monday. jjujj t$ ff STAFFORD J M. A. Gage J Jt J jf af a? af af af af af af af af af af af af A fire started in Mr. Kellar's woods and burned about 40 cord of his wood but by strenuous effort the fire fight ers saved as much more and prevented it doing further damage. . Charles Thompson jwas buried in the Stafford cemetery on fTuesdajy CARUS - : John Lehman . . & af af af af af af af af af af af af af af af Friday afternoon, about 4, Mr. A. R. Sheppard and family met with very hard luck. Their home was complete ly destroyed by a fire that started in the flume. The furniture and articles were mostly all saved from the raging names. Melinn Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart of Carushas gone to O. A. C. where he is attending sum mer school for two weeks. This year he won first prize on his stock hog, entitling him to this trip. Melvin has been doing splendid work in the Boy's and Girl's Club. Fred Spangler is improving his home with a new roof. Tom Davis of Beaver Creek is helping. Mr. "E. C. Brown, one of our prune kings, has made a trip to Iowa where he is going to vtisit relatives and friends, Mr. Brown -will not return until after harvest. - Reed Jagger of this community was a Beaver Creek customer one day last week. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Erich Fisher last week. Mr. and Mrs. Seni Russell and daughter, Myrtle from Portland at tended the Childrens Day program and were guests at the Weiser home. . The following were Oregon City customers last week: Miss Gertrude Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Beach, Mr. Tom Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. Spangler, daughters Virginia and Helen and neice Jane Yergen and Mr. Carl Caseday. A pelasant surprise was tendered John Stier last Wednesday evening when a group of his friends called un expectedly at Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Fisher's' home. The following were there: Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Fisher, Mrs. Stier, Mrs. Herman Fisher, Paula, Lena, Ruth and Ray Fishe, John Leh man Gertrude and Emily Griffith, Richard Guilliam, Earl Davis, Adrian Jones, Delores, Doris and Lester With erbe, Katherine and Hugie O'Leary, Arvel Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Achil lis and daughters Mildred and Marion. Last Sunday Carus played ball at Clackamas with Clackamas. The score was 16-7 in favor of Carus. Mr. John Evans Sr. of Hazel dale, died at his home Saturday morn ing. Mr. Evans has been residing in Hazeldale for many years also has been ill for a long' time. The services were held at the Carus M. E. Church, Tuesady and the remains were taken to Canby for buiral. last. He had been our Deputy County assessor for many years and his kind ly presence is missed by many old residents of this part of the county but his mantel has fallen we trustupon a worthy successor in the person f his son who has been appointed in his fathers place. Harry Elligsen of Stafford and Miss Maud Davis of Oregon City were quiet ly married at the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday the 13th and took a trip to jTiliamook beach, returning on Satur Iday evening" and relatives and friends to the number of 50 met at the home of the groom's parents and gave them a hearty reception. Music, readings, good advice to the happy pair filled the evening. Ice cream and lemonade were served. A. M. Brook, who lived alone, on the old Evans place, was found dead in his house. He will be buried on Tuesday.