, THE BANNER-COURIEK, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1922; N 1 f At Salem on Thursday of last week at the home of Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Miss- Ruth Wilda Singleterry Was united in marriage to John Myers of Oregon City. The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Singleterry of Sellwood, the former a brother of the bride. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Alta Singleterry and has resided in Oregon City eight years. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Myers of Oregon City and is one of the Myers clan. After a brief honeymoon they will be at home to their friends at their new bungalow on Eleventh ad Polk streets. " At the Methodist Mause on Tuesday of last week a very pretty wedding was solemnized when Miss Maude Syl via Davis of Oregon City was united . in marriage to Harry G. Elligsen of Stafford. Rev. A. H. Thompson per formed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis of Oregon City and has been teaching school in Central Oregon the past year. The groom ia a prominent young farmer of Stafford. Mr. and Mrs., Elligsen have gone to Tillmook and after their return will make their home at Stafford. One of the prettiest weddings of the season was performed at St. Pauls , Episcopal church Saturday evening at '" 8:30 o'clock. Miss Genevieve Jones ,,. was united in marriage to Chester Crowell of Portland. Bishop Summer I - - - - " - of Portland assisted by Rev. Cleland of Oregon City performed the cere mony. Miss Helen Ann Jones sister of the bride was maid of honor and the groom was attended by his cousin Wil liam Grieves of Spokane. The bride is a well known and a very much re spected young lady of Oregon City a graduate of the Oregon City high and for the past year has been supervisor of physical education at La Grande, Oregon. The groom is a graduate of Washington high in Portland and also from Oregon Agricultural College, Mr. and Mrs. Crowell will spend the sum mer n Redwoods, California. A very pretty church wedding was solemnized at the St John's Catholic church on Monday morning, June 12 when Miss Marie Frederick and Henry Endres were married. Father Jonas performed the ceremony in the pres ence of many fiends and relatives. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Mary Endres sister of the groom and Vern Busch cousin of the bride. Following the ceremony a re ception was given at the home of the bride's mother Mrk Marie Frederick at Park place. Mr. and Mrs. Endes have gone to Seattle, Wash., and Vil toia, B. C. on their honeymoon, and on their return, will reside at Park place for a while and later will make their home in West Linn. Camp Meetings Open Soon Lebanon Local cannery will - dis tribute about $200,000 to farmers this season. EE a RICE BROS. The Quality Store of Clackamas County Oregon City . : 7th at Main A Sale of Bathing Suits OFF TO THE BEACH camping on the shores of a placid lake, or motoring overland, stopping wher ever fancy dictates, usual ly near where a swim the most invigorating of all sports may be indulg ed in. A positive neces sity is the swimming suit for any and all summer's out-of-doors activities. The mental serenity and physical comfort that comes with the possession of a good all-wool suit of pleasing colors, is a gen uine satisfaction. Here you will find just what will please both men, women and children. FOR FOR FOR WOMEN CHILDREN MEN $2.00 to $6.00 $1.50 to $3.50 $2.00 to $6.50 A Timely Sale K Khaki xar Outing Clothes Just arrived and placed in stock at special prices Genuine Army Khaki breeches, trousers, O. D. shirts and Trench shoes Bought at a price concession fro m Depot Quartermaster jobber making possible reductions from regular prices averaging 25. Men's Heavy Duck Khaki Breeches, $3.45 Extra heavy, laced to knee, practically water proof. All sizes, 29 to 40 waist. Trench Shoes Hobnailed $3.85 Some of "The Boys" know how these wear. Fine for farm work. Away underpric ed at $3.85 pair. Genuine All-wool O. D. Shirts $3.45 Reinforced at elbows, double, muslin linedx, chest, all-wool shirting serge, regular $5.00 value. Heavy Duck Khaki Trousers, $2.45 These will give the maximum of service, tear proof, best double stitched, a regular $3.50 pant. SUITS For Men and Young Men In Two Special Groups $15.75 All-wool materials, Finely Tailored Big Selec tion to Choose From Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back Canby, VOre., 'June 21. The 49th annual encampment of the Clackamas County Spiritualist Religious Associ ation will be held at the camp ground at New Era from July 9 to August 6. Mrs. Anna Snyder, message bearer, will be at the camp during the last ten days of the meeting. J. Willard, trumpet medium, will be the pianist for the mid-week meetings and there will be dances .given each Saturday evening in the pavilion. There will be no charge made for those desiring to camp if bringing tents and cooking utensils. The Sunday meetings will start at 10:30 a.m. ad 2:30 p.m. and the message meetings each : evening wil 1 be beld at eight o'clock, except Saturday evening, when the time will be devoted to the dance. Following is the program, beginning with Sunday, July 9. , Sunday, July 9. Services conducted by the Church of the Soul, Portland; Rev.- Mr. Angus pastor, assisted by Sophia. B. Seip, Leroy Whiddon and Clara Halsey. Sunday, July 16. Services conduct ed by Scientific Spiritualist Church, Portland; Rev. R. M. Singleton pastor, assisted by Mrs. Fanny Sherwood. Sunday July 23. Services conduct ed by the First Spiritualist Church of Portland ; Rev. J. Willard Hills, pas tor, assisted by Mrs. Anna Snyder and Mrs. M. J. Downs. Sunday, July 30. Services conduct ed by the Personal Message Church, Portland; C. W. Shaw, pastor. Lec tures and messages by well known mediums. Special musical program, directed by George Cassiday. Mem orial service at 2:15 -o'clock for those who hae passed into spirit life. High School Tuition Fund Private Tuition Loans Sale of Manual Training Lumber ' .. - Insurance on Barclay bldg.. School Dist, No. 43 fund trans ferred to Dist No. 62 Refund from State Accident Commission ; Refund from Teachers Styles and Freeman 8.000.00 311.00 39,063.67 107.10 3.192.27 17.40 CHAUTAUQUA Season tickets now on sale at Bank of Oregon City and Huntley-Draper Drug Co., Adults, $2.50, child' 7 td 12 years, $1.25. Write to Attorney, Ar Jmr G. Beattie, Bank of Oregon City Building for a program. A Chautau qua season ticket is an investment in pleasure and education. (6-22-2t). t t$ t tc 1$ t$ t$ tl 8 9 SANDY Blanche Shelley jf j? jf s? j? j? j? a? jf K" s? J? J? J? Pannings From Whisky Gulch Percy I. Shelley, who is just back from a three-days celebration at Can yon City, gives the following account of the celebration and pony express race from The Dalles to Canyon City, a distance of 189 miles. Mr. Shelley reports that McCarty, winner of first prize in this race, rode the last change fom Brager ranch to Canyon City, a distance of 24 miles, in one hour and 14 minutes. Owing to a cloudburst Carty was held at Mitchell about two hours. A great many people were gathered at Dayville, where the Mitch elll road intersects the John Day high way, waiting for the horses to pass. Much excitement prevailed and many thousads of dollars were wagered on the outcome. At Brager ranch, Mc Carty and Price were only five miles apart. Price, who won second, picked a bad horse on the last lap and was thrown, delaying him for some time. 1.50 10.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS, . 107,133.91 DISBURSEMENTS Teachers' Salaries 54,496.00 Apparatus, General Auditing Books Clerk's Salary Fuel Furniture , . Insurance Interest on Loans " Janitors Salaries Light, Power anl Gas Miscellaneous Printing and Advertising Repairs and Improvements - Repayment of Loans . Stenographer Supplies, Chemical Supplies, Domestic Science Supplies, General Supplies, Manual Training Telephones Water Rent . TOTAL DISBURSEM'T (6-22-lt) 6.30 25.00 540.00 1,875.25 501.75 483.50 2,842.19 4,150.00 742.41 2,059.08 461.80 2,747,67 32.007.14 852.00 340.16 301.68 . 1,888.61 375.94 216.93 220.50 107,133.91 STATEMENT OF BOND ACCOUNT (from County Treasurer) BONDED INDRRTTCTNF,SS 5 per cent bonds due April 1, 1929, 2,500.00 5 per cent bonds due June 1, 1930 28.000.00 5 per cent bonds due Aug ust 1, 1935 ; 14.000.00 5 per cent bonds due Oc tober 1, 1939 35,000.00 79,500.00 79.500.00 TOTAL FLOATING INDEBTEDNESS 6 per cent loans 45,740.56 125, 240. 56 GYMNASIUM BUILDING & EQUIP MENT BONDS Unexpended balance in hands - of county treasurer 100.00 Respectfully submitted, ALENE PHILLIPS, District Clerk. (6-22-7t) NOTICE OF BOND SALE SUITS $24.75 Lfl George Sharnke and the Gray boys came down from Sandy Lumber Co. to spend Sunday at home. Mrs. Scales had as guests Tuesday and Wednesday her mother, Mrs. Blackhall, her niece and nephew, the Bay children from Portland, and her sister, Mrs. Reed, and children from Corbett. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Man with small tow boat for towing and rafting hardwood logs. Write Hall, care Banner Courier giving price' on towing from Oregon City to Portland. 6-22-2tpd. WANTED To buy, alder, maple, oak and ash stumpage or on the road in eight foot lengths. Address Hall, Banner-Courier. 6-22 5t pd. ? CHAUTAUQUA .Season tickets now on sale at Bank of Oregon City and Huntley-Draper Drug Co., Adults, $2.50, child' 7 to 12 years, $1.25. Write to Attorney, Ar thur G. Beattie, Bank of Oregon City Building for a program. A Chautau qua season ticket is an investment in pleasure and education. (6-22-2t). REALTY TRANSFERS Weekly Record of , Property Changes Compiled From County Recorder's Office. List Includes Transfers up to Each Wednesday A. C. and Lode C. Howland to W. L. Permenter, Gladstone. Emma M. Hicks to A. and M. Gett man, lots 6, 7, 8, block 16, Milwaukie Park. Stanford Ely to Leonard R. Nelson, lot 11 and 12, block 7. Mt. Hood View addition to Oregon City. Robert E. and Gertrude Myers to Ceirlia Beeson, lots 9 to 24 inclusive block 64, Minthorn. Frank Russell to Mabel L. Smith, lots 4 and 5, block 9, Oak Grove Park. Mary E. Co to J. and E. Mottl, lot 1 and 2 block 77, Minthorn. Gladstone Real Estate Ass'n to Walker H. and Jessie Eickmeyer, part of lots 1 and 2, block 77, Gladstone. Roy A. and Casson B. Baxter to J. W. McConnell. lota 2 and 7 hlnolr AK j Oregon City. Orpha F. and H. E. Cross to Philip and C E. Hammond, lot 2, block 123 Oregon City. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the 10th day of July, 1922, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said county issued for the construction of permanent roads therein in the sum of one hundred fifty-three thousand nine hundred fifty ($153,950.00) dol las, Clackamas County 5 Road Bonds dated July 1, 1922, due serially -as follows: $13,500 to run to May 1, 1928. $30,000 to run for a period of nine years. $25,000 to run for a period of ten years. $25,000 to run for a period of eleven years. $25,000 to run for a period of twelve CHAUTAUQUA Season tickets now on sale at Bank of Oregon City and Huntley-Draper Drug Co., Adults, $2.50, child' 7 to 12 yearsf $1.25. Write to Attorney, Ar thur G. Beattie, Bank of Oregon City Building for a program. A Chautau qua season ticket is an investment in pleasure and education. (6-22-2t). DISTRICT CLERK'S ANNUAL REPORT ' To the Honorable Board of Direct ors and Taxpayers of School 'District No. 62, Clackamas County, Oregon. I respectfully submit the following as my annual report of the finances of School District No. 62, for the fis cal year ending June 19, 1922. RECEDPTS State School Fund .3,271.84 County School Fund 21,861.73 Special School Tax 23,411.43 Elementary , School Fund 7,885.97 We Give Standard Willard Service on AH Batteries With our experience and equipment We have a notion that we could f work out a pretty fair sort of battery service without much help. But we alsohave an idea that it wouldn't measure up to the brand of service de veloped for our use by the Willard Storage Battery Company. As Battery Headquar ters we have the benefit of their years of experience, and of the definite national standards of service they have been able to develop as a result. Come in! No matter what make of battery you happen to have it needs the sort of attention pro vided by the Willard Stand ard of Service. We recharge and repair all makes of batteries, all Rubber Radio Batteries, Radio wire and parts. . Con. Hilgers Battery Rebuilding and Repairing Twelfth and Main Oregon City, Ore. Representing Willard Storage Batteries m GET MOST FOR YOUR MONEY SWARTZ H ... igggffg ' j r77sj have no right to ask for your patronage on any other basis. Get the most for your money, most in style, fabric, quality, men's and young mens models in the smartest patterns and styles. We sell Kuppenheimer and Fashion Park Clothes. MODELS, sport models, single or double breasters, one, two or three button style and jazz models. FABRICS worsteds, flannels, serges, tweeds, gaber dines whip cords mixtures in all the snappiest patterns. I . :., - ,.. OTHER GOOD SUIT VALUES $20, $25, ..$40. SPECIAL Values in MEN'S OXFORDS These oxfords were made to sell for $6.50 but a 'special buy brings them to you at a saving. They come in black or brown, all sizes, solid leather. At '. $185 J iiii; OREGON CITY, OREGON EMISiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiniuniiiniiiiiiniTimiHiniiii Ml U (Mill IIHItlM tl IIIIIII II IM11I II lllllll Mill I 111 Iff years. f 35,450 to run for a. period of thirteen years. Said bonds to. bear interest at the rate of not to exceed five per cent (5) per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st days of January and July, principal and interest payable in United States gold coin of the present standard of value at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in New York City. Said bids must be unconditional and accompanied 'by a check certified by a bank in Clackamas County, of a draft upon a bank in Clackamas County for an amount equal to 5 of the amount bid. That upon the acceptance of any bid by the County Court, the check or draft accompanying the bid so accept ed be cashed by the County Clerk of Clackamas County, and the money held by him as a guarantee' that the party or parties making the bid so ac cepted will take delivery of the bonds under said bid; and, upon the failure so to take delivery of the bonds so awarded, the money held by the Coun ty Clerk to become the absolute prop-, erty of Clackamas County. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, June 21, 1922. FRED A. MILLER, County Clerk of Clackamas County. First Publication June 22, 192"2. Last Publication June 29, 1922. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County Madeline Amelia Remester, plaintiff, vs. " Charles Theodore Remester, defendant To Charles Theodore Remester, the above named defendant, in the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer tie com plait filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before August 3, 1922, that being six week from the date of the first publication of this sum mons thereof, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint on file herein, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony here tofore, and now existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever dis solved. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof, for six con secutive weeks in the Banner-Courier of Oregon City, Oregon, in pursuace of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell Judge of the above entitled Court, which order is dated June 22, 1922, first publication June 22nd, 1922 last publication August 3, 1922. EDWARD J. SHINNERS. Attorney for Plaintiff. 214-215 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon. (6-22-70 Guaranteed HOUSE PAINT $2.45 per gal JOE A. BURCH 1017 7th St. Phone 57 The exceptionally comfortable riding qualite" of the good Maxwell are a source of amazemen to all who take their first ride in this fine car. Cord tires, non-skid front and rear; disc steel wheels, demountable at rim ' and at hub; drum-type lamps; Alemite lubrication; motor-driven electric horn; unusually long springs. Prices F. O. B. Oregon City: Touring Car $1060; Roaster, $1060; Coupe, $1625; Sedan, $1725. STOKES MOTOR CAR CO. 1114 MAIN ST., OREGON CITY $1725 TheCood MAXWELL . MUiMMIJlMMaMww-jft. I I III III III IIIIMMUIIUII ir-m---mm A-