The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, June 22, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
in the Heppelwhite Design at a
Saving of $22.50 '
t j
The recent adjustment in the
price of this popular design
has created new values for a
truly remarkable instrument
The Heppelwhite Model of
the New EDISON, formerly
sold at $167.50, is now, offer
ed for $145.00, a saving of
If you are a lover, of good
musiff you will appreciate the
superior tone qualities of this
fine model of the New EDI
SON. But you are very likely a lov
er of both, and so we suggest
merely that you see and hear
this model, remembering that
it is now offered at a new
price of $145 and may be
bought on our BUDGET
jCocai Tfews j
Misses Glyde and Ruth. Schuebel,
have been attending the University of
Oregon arrived home Friday.
Funeral services for the late Victor
Erickson who died at a Portland sani
tarium Saturday evening, will be held
from the family home at Meldrum,
Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The
interment will be in Mountain View
White Kids, Mary Janes and Belles,
one-half price. Largesons Shoe Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Welch and daugh
ter Jeanette, Dr. and Mrs. Oral A.
Welch and daughters, Barbara and
Pauline, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Welch
motored to McMinnville Sunday and
spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Durant.
Mrs. M. J. Mooreland a former resi
dent of Oegon City was visiting old
friends a few days last week and has
gone to Lewiston, Idaho, where she
will visit her daughters, Mrs. William
son and Miss Leila Mooreland.
' Dr. and Mrs. Carl H. Meissner and
son William who have been in San
Francisco for a week attending the
Shrine convention have returned to
their home in Oregon City. Dr. Meis
ner is a member of the Al Kader
shrine of Portland.
A few pairs of mens button oxfords,
$2.50, worth from?6 to $8. Lagesons
Shoe Store.
Mrs. M. D. Phillips and aaughter
Alene have returned to their home in
who haev been attending the Univer
end in Albay visiting relatives. They
made the trip by automobile.
Mrs. Henry McKinney an!dj little
son Harding of Baker, Oregon, are in
Oregon City, where they are visiting
Mrs. McKinney's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Harding. Mrs. McKinney
came to attend the wedding of her
sister Miss Evelyn Harding.
Mrs. O. A. Pace, accompanied by
her daughter, Pauline left Oregon City
on Thursday of last week for Spring
field , Iowa, where they will spend the
summer visiting relatives. They will
be joined by Mr. Pace in August.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Salem were
in Oregon City Sunday where they
visited Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Scott and her sister,
Mrs. Wm. Wilson. Mrs. Johnson was
Miss June Scott before her marriage.
Miss Lillian Harris who has been
a student of the Oregon Agricultural
College the past year was in Oregon
City visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Beatie on Thursdav of
last week.
Small sizes in ladies oxfords, while
they last, 50c. Lagesons Shoe Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt J. Kanrllo of
Highland were transacting business in
Oregon City one day last week.
Miss Eloise Reed of Portland was a
wee.k end guest at the home of Mrs.
C. I. Stafford. She attended the re
cital given by Sadye Evelyn Ford at
the Methodist church Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller of
Portland were in Oregon City Sunday
where they attended the morning ser
vices of the Presbyterian church, of
which they formerly were members.
Mrs. H. J. Begger has nearly re
covered from a severe illness of in
fluenza and pneumonia of six months
Marvin Eby. son of Mr. and Mrs. n
D. Eby of Oregon City, a student of the
university ot Oregon, after spending
a few days of his vacation with his
parents, has gone to Camn Lewi a
where he will go into the officers
training camp for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben HavhnrKt and
children left on Saiurdav of last wppIt
for Grants Pass, where Mr. Hayhurst
win De manager of the Pacific Tele
phone company.
Alberts Lotions for Poison Oak is in
. a class by itself. There is- none so
good. Inquire Ford Hotel. 6-22-2t-pd
Miss Lorraine Lee whose home is
in Canby was an Oregon City visitor
on Friday of last week, Miss Lee
who possesses a soprano voice of high
quality has just returned from Los
Angeles, Calif., where she has been
Miss Veda Andrus of Willamett who
is in the tax department at the court
house is spending her vacation at Yon
calla, Oregon, where she is the guest
of Mrs. Homer Kruse.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Calto accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Calto
and Everett Calto of Portland motor
ed to Astoria, Sunday and visited the
formers brother, William Calto 'and
wta cool clean kitchen
Pearl Oil, burned in a good oil cook
Stove, is an economical as well as a
clean and convenient fuel
You are rid of the drudgery of feeding
and cleaning out a range and your
kitchen is cool and comfortable. You
work with a clean, intense cooking
heat concentrated directly under the
burner where it is needed.
To be sure ofbest results in your stove,
use Pearl OiL It burns cleanly no
smoke or odor
Dealers everywhere. Buy it by name
Pearl OiL
Mrs. W. B. Eddy accompanied by
Miss Liota Perry of Sherwood have
gone to Seaside where they have tak
en the Will Moeanke cottage ior a
month. i
Mrs. Fletcher Mighella vof Maple
Lane attended the recital given by the
pupils of Sadye Ford at the Methodist
church on Friday night of last week.
Mrs. Margaret Engle and Miss Clara
Engle of Molalla were Oregon City
visitors on Thursday and Friday of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Moehnke who
have been quite ill at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Will Moehnke are
very much improved. Mr. Moehnke
suffered from blood poison in nis
Mrs. Robert Yoder who is a resi
dent of Molalla was an Oregon City
visitor on Thursday of last week.x
Miss Ruth Roberts who has been
teaching school at Marquam, has gone
to Monmouth where she will continue
her studies at the summer school.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beattie motor
ed to Rhododendren Friday and spent
the week end at the C. Scheubel cot
tage. They made the trip to Govern
ment Camp where Mr. Beattie got a
good string of fish.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Latourette and
sons Edward and Lin wood accompan
ied by Mrs. Latourette's mother, Mrs.
Hattie Daulton and sister Mis sHelen
Daulton motored to Salem Friday and
spent the day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Vernett.
Mrs. William Tipton who has been
ill at the Oregon City hospital for
several weeks has improved so as to
be able to be taken to her home on
Center street
Mrs. Georgiana Beals whose borne
is at Tacoma, Wash., Is at the home of
her sister, Mrs. J. E. Jack, where she
will visit for eome time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shield who have
been visiting Mrs. Shield's sister Mrs.
E. M. Sconten of Oregon City, have
left for their home in Ashton, south
Dakota. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Verner who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. V.
Francis of Mountain View have return
ed to their home at Chehalis, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Pierce and
daughter, Miss Martha who are resi
dents of Seattle who have been visitng
Mrs. Pierces sister Mrs. J. E. Hedges
and family hve returned to their home.
Mrs. Will Medlam and daughter who
have been visiting friends in Portland
and Mrs. Midlam's sister, Mrs. Walter
Wentworth in Canemah for several
weeks have returned to tieir home at
Baker, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Justin and lit
tle daughter Muriel left Sunday morn
ing for an auto trip to Langlois, Ore
gon. On their way they will visit
Bandon and Roseburg, and several
other southern towns.
Miss Naomi Wilcox was one of the
graduating class at the Lincoln High
Auditorium, June 14th She has been
taking a business course.
Eldon Tillman of Lorraine, Oregon,
is visiting his uncle, W. H. Tillman of
Jennings Avenue.
Warren Swart made a business trip
recently to Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hampton, have
been enjoying a visit the past week
from their son and his family from
Mrs. Mansfield who has been oc
cupying one of. the Blinstone apart
ments on Hull avenue will visit with
friends a few days before returning
to her home in Minneapolis, Minne
Mrs. Charles Starker visited her son
Carl Starker, Sunday. In the after
noon they motored to Wood burn.
elected director to succeed P. B. Gray.
Mrs. J. M. C. Miller was unanimously
elected clerk to succeed herself. The
clerk's annual report was read and ac
cepted. The directors present and the
voters discussed the needs of the
school and the advisability of hiring
a man as principal of the grade school.
It ia a regrettable fact that so few of
those most vitally concerned, take
enough interest in school affairs to
attend the school elections. ' In the
voting for one new High school direct
or to serve five years, H. Judkins of
Cottrell received 17 votes and H. H.
Walkins one.
and walked off easy winners, the score
being 11 to 2.
Team Work Put On Well
The degree team of the Boring I. O.
O. WF. Lodge met with the Sandy
Lodge Monday evening and put on the
second degree, in very fine shape. A
fair sized crowd was in attendance.
Commission Revises Call For Bids
The State Hiehwav commission has
revised its call for bids on Units Nos
1 and 2 of the Mt Hood Loop in Clack
amas County. The Multnomah county
line to Sandv unit -.alls for fi.2 milps of
surfacig with 15,000 cubic yards of
sunacing materials. The cherryville
Forest boundary section calls for 10.7
miles of rock surfacing with 24,000
cubic yards of materials. The latter
unit formerly extended from Cherry
ville to Brightwood, leaving the section
fom Brightwood to the boundary of the
Forest out. The bids are to be opened
at a meeting in Portland June 28.
Local Man Under Orders
R. E. Essn, who holds the rank of
1st Lieut, in the Regular Army Re
serves, has received his notice of ser
vice and number and orders to report
at Presidio, San Fancisco, July 9.
Same of the Reserves are ordered to
report at Camp Lewis. It is probable
they will be given an intensive course
in training.
Blanche Shelley
J ! Jt
t$ jr jp k jc jp j? je jp a? jo if f a? i? ff
Annual Meeting Poorly Attended
The annual meeting of Sandy school
district N. 46 was held in the school
building Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
Fred L. Proctor was unanimously
On your way to
Mount Hood
stop at
Sandy, Oregon
and Meals
Phone 5X2
I have some very good Buys
in farm land on the Mt.
Hood Loop. Now is the
time to buy. Also hotels,
stores, acreages, timber. If
you want to do business
come to SANDY HOTEL,
Ask for or write
Phone 67
Sandy Maids Honored
Mayor. Junker received a letter
some time ago from the Rose Festival
committee asking that three young
ladies fro mthe Sandy community be
sent to Portland one day during the
Rose Festival as guests of the City of
Portland. The Woman's Club selected
Miss Gertrude Meinig, Miss Hazel
Beers and Miss Bernice Dixon. Owing
to Miss Bernice being unable to at
tend, her sister, Miss Josephine was
chosen, and Tuesday morning, the
three left for Portland where they
spent the day and evening.
Ball Player Meets With Accident
During the ball game at Gilles last
Sunday Melvin Ray one of the Sandy
players, suffered a serious injury
when the tendons in his leg were torn
loose. Owing to the nature of the in
jury, it is impossible to tell whether
any bones are broken. Mr. Ray is out
on crutches.
Sandy Boys Bat Some Good Ones
The Sandy nine crossed bats with
the Gillis team at Gillis last Sunday
Community Club Meets
The Sandy Community Club met
last . Thursday evening with the Pres
ident, Cecil O. Drake in the chair.
The most discussed topic was the auto
park which all felt should be put in
shape and thrown open to the public
as quickly as possible. Mr. Meinig
has donated the use of the park,
fenced it and the community will see
that electric lights, water and brick
ovens are installed when ready for
use, it will be an ideal spot for the
tired traveller to pitch his tent in and
lie down to pleasant dreams.
Dancing Party Enjoyed
The Woman's club was hostess at
a dancing party in the I. O. O. F. Hall
last Saturday evening in honor of Mrs.
Thelley and Mrs. Hornicker, who are
soon leaving town for the summer.
Mrs. Hornicker goes into the Blue
Mountains above Baker, where Mr.
Hornicke has mining -interests. Mrs.
Shelley goes tp Hood River, where Mr.
Shelley is ingaged in farming.
Sandy Still Investigates Water Supply
A representative of the Fairbanks
Morse people was in Sandy Monday
looking into the several sources of
water for the city. If we agitate it
enough, eventually we will have city
Club Holds Last Meeting
The Woman's Club met at the home
of Mrs. Sadie Bosholm last Thursday
when the annual reports of the pres
ident and secretary were read and ac
cepted. The president h'eld the honor
record for attendance, never having
misse da meeting. The secretary had
missed but two. After the business
meeting Mrs. Edna Esson read an in
teresting articla on the Bridge of the
Gods. Roll call was answered with
"my idea for next year's work" It
was voted to leave the matter in the
hands of the program committee. The
officers installed for the coming year
were: Blanche R. Shelley, president;
Ethel Thompson, vice-president; Mar
garet Gray, secretary; Alice Scales,
treasurer. This is Mrs. Shelley's
9th ear as president. At the close of the
meeting the ' club presented her with
a beautiful piece of hand work as a
token of appreciation. The hostess
served delicious, home made ice
cream and cake. This was the last
meeting of the club year.
Paul R. Meinig
Sandy, Oregon
Watch for the Red Baby Delivery
Paint Demonstration'
Saturday June 24
Do you know the difference between good paint
and poor paint why one brand of paint will give
you satisfactory service and protect your property
for years while another brand which may look the
same in the can will "go to pieces" in a short time?
If not come to our store on Saturday June 24; you
will learn something that will help you save money
when buying paint.
Representatives of the Sherwin-Williams Com
pany (the largest manufacturers of paints and var
nishes in the world) will demonstrate to you the rela
tive value of different paints and will tell you what
to use and how to use it to finish any surface in or
around your home and help you solve your painting
Toys Painted Free
Come and bring your kiddies and their toys. For one day only
we will refinish, free of charge, toys brought to our store by children
under 12 years of age, accompanied by their parents. '
Doll Chairs, Kiddie-Kars, Express Wagons, Tricycles, etc. made to
look like new.
Renew the finish on your furni
ture, floors, and woodwork with
Floorlac the all around Varnish
Brush ...
(reg. price)
tf "f
Floorlac Sample Coupon
Fill out this coupon with your name and address, bring it to
our store with Ten Cents and you will receive a Thirty-five cent '
can of Floorlac and a Fifteen cent varnish brush. This introduc
tory offer is limited Sign the coupon today.
Huntley-Draper Drug Co.
X The Electric Store
Paint Department
v v
- - - -
Chomirsl analysis shows that all lubricating oils are
composed of aboat 85 carbon and 15 hydrogen in
chemical combination.
All lubricating a&s form carbon when burned in the
combustion chamber. The important thing to deter
mine is the mmoant and kind of carbon formed by
the oil.
Some ails form a. good deal of carbon, some a small
amount; some produce hard, flinty carbon which win
cause a great deal of trouble; others produce a soft,
flaky carbon that will do no damage.
The important factors determining the amount and
kind of carbon formed by a rubricating oil are the
crude from which it is made, the process and care of
Brining h,its purity and stability.
AdronUzges of Crude and Vacuum Refining
Great care is exercised in selecting the crudes from
which Zerolene is made, to secure only those which
contain the most desirable lubricating values and at
the same time as little as possible, if any, of the un
desirable hydrocarbons such as wax and asphaltum.
In selecting crudes for Zerolene, the Standard OQ
Company has the advantage of its own large produc
tion of practically every type of crude oil. For this
reason the company is not compelled to use any par
ticular crude because it happens to be the only one
These selected crudes, carefully refined by our own
patented, high-vacuum process, produce in Zerolene,
oils of the highest lubricating value, which, when
burned in the combustion chamber, develop a very
mall amount of carbon of a soft, flaky nature, which
can do no harm and usually blows out entirely with
the exhaust.
mare powerfispeed
less fnclioo and wear
thru Gnred Lubrication
July: Records
On Sale Today
Giuseppe Danise Irene Williams Marie Tiffany
Dorothy Jardon Theo Karle Elizabeth Lennox
Margaret McKee and other world-, 'anted artists
also 14 NewestDance Hits by Isham Jones', Carl Fenton's,
Bennie Krueger's, and other Famous Dance Orchestras
Note Complete List rTT The World's Clearest
below Phonographic Records
&8&..A .
Giuseppe Dmnlae.
Operatic Selection
Barblere dl Slvlnlla Larito
al factotum (Room tor the
Factotum) (Act I, Scene 1)
Rossini; Baritone, In Italian
Ernani O de'verd' anni mlel
(Oh Bright and Fleeting
Shadows) (Act III) Verdi;
Baritone, In Italian
No. Size Price
50013 12 $2.00
WUlem WUleke.
f Evening Star
from Tann-
banser (Wagner)
Henuett (Haydn)
'Cello Solo
'Cello Solo
5139 10 1.00
Isham Jones'
Orchestra. .
Popular Dance Hits
Bennte Krueger's
Selvin's Orchestra.
Hawaiian Novelty
Carl Fenton's
Orchestra. . .
Isham Jones'
Orchestra. .
Body Wledoeft's
Dan Carroll and
Mario Perry...
Mario Perry
Snn God Fox Trot
High Brown Blues Fox Trot.
Stumbling Fox Trot
I'm Just Wild About Harry
Fox Trot From "Shuffle
Along j
Romany Iove Fox Trot
No Use Crying Fox Trot
Moon River Waltz
Hawaiian Nightingale Waltz
LoTey Dove Fox Trot From
"The Rose of Stamboul"
Yon Won't Be Sorry Fox
Some Sunny Day Fox Trot.
Don't Bring Me Posies Fox
Ring Song Man Fox Trot...
Little Thoughts Fox Trot...
Irish Reels Medley Violin
and Accordion
Irish Jigs Medley
Accordion ,
2271 10
2272 10
2273 10
2276 10
y 2277 10
2274 10
2275 10
r 2267 10
Songs Concert and Ballad Selection
Marie Tiffany.
Theo Karle.
Irene Williams. .....
Elizabeth' Lennox.
Criterion Male
Margaret McKee...
Little Alabama Coon (Starr)
Such a LIT Fellow (Lowell-
Dichmont) soprano........
Just That One Hour (Werner
Evllle) Tenor
If You Would Love Me (Ja
cob!-MacDermid) Tenor...
Angels Ever Bright and Fair
(Handel) Soprano
Oh, for the Wings of a Dor
(Mendelssohn) Soprano....
His Lullaby (Healy-Jacobs
Bond) Contralto, f
Last Night (KJerulf) Contralto
In the Garden (Miles)
Just Outeide the Door( Ackley)
Sunflower Dance (MacCly-
mont) Whistler with Orch. .
Song Bird (McKee-Appleftelu)
Whistler with Orchestra .
5X33 10
1 5 134 10 1.00
I 6135 10 1.00
5138 10 1.00
2268 10 .73
22E5 13 .75
Dorothy Jardon,
Brox Sisters with
Bennie Krueger's
Billy Jones and
Ernest Hare. .
Popular Songs SeiertVn
Gee, But I Hate To Go Hoar-e
Alone Soprano
Wake Cp. Little Girl, You're
Just Dreaming
Some Sunny Day Novelty
School House Blues From
"Music Box Revue" Nov
elty Vocalists
In the Little Red School Tenor and Baritone
Mibter Gallagher and Mister'
bhean Tenor and Baritone
'y 3140 10 1.00
2S7 10