The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, June 15, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
At this time of year
every house wife
lays plans for the
coming season.
She checks up her
silver and herlinen,
she considers the
p o s s i bilities and
tries to get her en
tertaining equip
ment in first class
There are a lot of
new conveniences
for the table. May
we show you some
of the new things
in silver, at prices
surprisingly low?
News From Over
Hi !iTSIiT7WSil77l'lTO!ff
,.J Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt jt0
jf Jt
jt Parnell Averill Jt
jt . Jt
& t? t? n? t? t? i? i? &
A little girl stranger came to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Folsen.
Mr. Folsen is employed at the Sandy
Lumber Company's plant.
The land appraisers lor the soldiers'
loan were out here last week and in
spected the land owned by Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. Green, two miles south.
They also looked at the farm of Paul
Kock, one mile west.
Banker Stephens of Estacada was
out Sunday and gave the final inspec
tion to the land owned by the Greens
and P. Koch.
A couple of Deputy sheriffs were
here last Saturday. They were look
ing for moonshiners but reported no
Harry Dodsen of Sandy is now car
rying the mail from Sandy to Welches
and back. His contract did not be
gin until July but Mr. Smith turned
Jt over to him one month in advance.
People along the route were always
well pleased with Mr. Smith. Dodsen
is also a good careful man and will
doubtless give satisfactory service.
Tt 8 8 8 (,$8 6 8 j8 8g
w Mil). J. l. XlUCLOil
jf j? ? :? ? a? ? a? a? j? a?
Mr. A. C. Smith of Long Beach, Cal.,
was a visitor at the home of his broth
er Otto Smith last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Teathers, Mr. and Mrs.
Hoffer, Mrs. and Miss Brasch all of
Montavilla were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Peakd They enjoyed
the day picnicing on the river.
Evert Hagan of Twin Falls, Idaho,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Can- the past week. Mr. Hagan
and Mr. Carr are cousins.
Miss Pearl Carr left for Portland
last week to accept a position in the
office of a hospital.
Mr. J. L. Budding, wife and children
of Forest Grove have moved to Carver
and have located in the Hull resi
dence. Mr. Budding is employed at
the Cannery.
Mrs. O. W. Hattan and Son Arnold
visited with her sister Mrs. Adams
and father of Portland on Tuesday.
Allen Hutchins," wife and son Lloyd
of Sellwood spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Hutchins.
Mrs. Eva Hardy and daughter Gol
die of Gladstone have moved out to
Carver for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Brady and Mr. Lar
kins of Marquam visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Mumpower on Sunday.
Earnest McFarland visited with the
home folks for the week end. Mr. Mc
Farland is employed as a time keeper
for a logging company at Yacolt, Wn.
Mrs. Dunlap, daughter, and daughter
in law, all of Portland, have rented the
Jewett place for the summer and ex
pect to .raise chickens.
Canning Season Commenced
The Carver Cannery is running full
blast and by the end of the week ex
pects to have taken care of about
fifteen tons of strawberries. There
are twenty people working and will
have more help as the berries are
brought in. Paul Mumpower is can
vassing the marquam and Monitor
country for berries and" expects quite
a supply from those parts.
g8 8 8 (8 8 8 c8 8 8 8 8 c8 8 8
Jt L. K. Davidson . Jt
Jt Jt
3$iP aPaPaPaPafaPafaPafafaPaPa? aP
Mrs. Etta M. Davidson
Receives Post Office Appointment
. Mrs. Etta M. Davidson received the
nomination for Oswego post, office
Tuesday when her name was sent to
the Senate for .confirmation. Mrs.
Davidson has been connected with the
Oswego post office f$r a number of
years. Her husband Edgar L. David
son was postmaster until his death
and Mrs. Davidsontook his place as
acting postmaster for a year until
In the final analysis of things earth
ly, about the most important business
of all is the "business of living." At
least this is the belief of Dr. Lydia
Allen DeVilbiss, noted New York phy
sician, who will discuss this very vital
suDjeci before Chautauqua folks on
the fourth afternoon. Dr. DeVilbiss
is an important figure in the medical
world. . She is medical editor of the
Woman's Home Companion Better
Babies' Department, and director of
the New York State Board of Health,
Division of Child Hygiene.
Wl III Win WW M Bin inn mil Hill niiuuxj-,
Miss Mary Peynbrook, now Mrs. Les
lie Savage became postmistress. Dur
ing the greater part of Miss Peyni
brook's term Mrs. Davidson was as
sistant. Before Miss Peymbrook re
signed she again resumed the duties
of acting portmaster.
She won the appointment in a com
petitive examination over L. Ken
neth Davidson, her son, and Walter S.
Burlingame, former mail carrier.
Oswego's great ball team lost its
weekly game Sunday to the American
Hailway Exchange team of Portland.
" Mrs. Lloyd Harbin, is going to Cali
fornia on a visit.
Orville Davidson and wife visited
Willamette Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolwell are going
to move away some time in July.
Edna Elator of Seattle visited her
parents Sunday.
j 8 j8 8 18 6 8 6 8 8 8 j6 8 8 0
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Paul Jaeger has been home from
Eastern Oregon, for a few days, visit
ing his relatives and friends. He
likes his new home very much. He
will make a successful farmer any
place. As a boy he took prizes at
the puvenile fairs in the community,
county an dstate fairs.
The picnic given by Mr. and Mrs.
F. Miedemann in- their grove, Wed
nesday, June 7 was a success and en
Joyed by all the children and the P. T.
A. Games were played and swings
swung. Ice cream and cake being serv
ed. A nice, much needed shower came
up suddenly and sent the picnicers
scurrying into their homes.
Mr. Slyter is doing a flourishing
business in his pool room, , Women
and men enjoy the privileges of his
tables of which he has three.
H. D. Aden and family attended the
graduating exercises at Kimball col
lege Friday, June 9 in honor of our
Pastor, Rev. Alfred Bates.
Mr. Charles Thompson was laid to
rest Monday afternoon in the Stafford
cemetery, having passed away, Sat
urday p. m. A very large concourse
accompanied him to his last resting
place. Mr. Thompson was a man of
sterling character. He' was well
known and respected all over (the
country having lived in this com
munity for many years. He was dep
uty assessor for a long time.
Saturday night the Ladies Aid gave
a strawberry social in the basement
of the Wilsonville church, which nett
ed them about $18.
Monday evening, June 19 the annual
school meeting will be held at the
school house at 8 o'clock p. m. Every
one who possibly can, ought to come
and take part in the proceedings.
Mrs. Norman Say is again able to
be about. She has been ill for a
number of weeks.
Mrs. Mallory of Junction City has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. R.
Peters, she took her younger son, El
mer, to Oregon City to have his ade
noids removed, last Tuesday.
jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt afi
jT jt
Jt Mrs. V. G. Benvie Jt
Jt Jt
The Parent-Teachers held its last
meeting for the summer last Friday.
The Association will have a mid-summer
picnic, they purchased during the
year a large stage curtain and back
settings for the assembly room in the
The first, second and third grades,
gave as fine an entertainment last
Friday evening as was ever witnessed
at the school house given by the little
folks. Much credit is due the teachers
for the pupils were well coached.
There were tableaus, dances, dia
logues, fairy plays.'doir lullabys and
the playlet "Prices of dolls reduced,
half price to-morrow" would have done
credit to much older pupils, the assem
bly room was packed,"" standing room
was at a premium.
Mrs. V. G. Benvi visited Gladstone,
The Social service club met with Mrs.
Ettie Druman last Thursday. Valira
G. Benvi presented the club, with a
flag which was accepted by the presi-
f ;V
V.-:-.-: :fSWIItw,n' .
' . L
dent in behalf of the club. Mrs. Emily
Peck, delegate to State Federation
gave a good report. The president Mrs.
Mattie Pierce also reported eome of
the interestingieatures and business
of the state federation.
Wm. A. Fowler, who was reported
ill last week, passed away at his home
Saturday morning. He leaves besides
his widow and an aged mother, sever
al children residing in Idaho and Ore
gon with two daughters and a son at
home. The funeral was held Monday
from the church. - A large number of
sorrowing and sympathizing friends
attended. Floral tributes were many.
Mr. Fowler had resided in Oak Grove
six years, coming here from Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Dillman, enter
tained friends at dinner last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas of
Portland were Sunday guests of Mrs.
V. G. BenvL
Elizabeth K. Matthews visited Port
land, Monday. , ,
The grocery stores and meat mar
ket closed Monday in honor of the
field day exercises at the school. The
stores close on field day each year,
ntenin Runner was enioved bv narent'3
land pupils and teachers which is also
(an annual fete.
I The seventh and eighth grades put
Ion a splendid entertainment Monday
ight at the school house with a large
crowd in attendance. Beside song and
resitations the comedy playlet entitled
"Bargain Day at Brumsteen's Store"
was well played.' . .
Mrs. H. R. Pixley returned from the
hspital Saturday.
g(j8 8 8 (8 478 j8 8 8 8 8 8 ,58 8 58 iStf
aP .
aP aPaPf'fSif,sf?J??f'J? jp
' Mary Alice Holman is spending a
week at the home of her parents be
fore ging to Berkeley where she will
attend summer school.
Raymond Johnson and Reuben
Chindgren returned last week from
O. A. C. for the summer's vacation.
District mission meeting will be
held at the Lutheran church Tuesday
and Wednesday, June 20 and 21.
M. C. Lundstrom drove to Newberg
Saturday bringing back with him his
'mother and father.
Mr. Loch were visitors Sunday at the
Peter Dunrud home. - -
A. E. Anderson, M. D. and H. H.
IChindwren attended Field Day at,0.
A. C. last Saturday and report a very
instructive trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson were Port
land and Oregon City visitors Monday
'and Tuesday.
The IColton Oratorio chorus wil
journey to Estacada Sunday evening
where an oratorio will be rendered at
the M. E. church.
The Engbretson sisters, Laura,
Clara Amanda and Dagny of Minne
sota are visiting the Dunrud family. ,
Miss Alma Lizberg who has taught
the past year in the Meadowbrook
schools left Saturday for her home
at Oregon City.
The alumnae of Colton H. S. follow-,
ing custom, took the esnior class of
1922 on a trip last Sunday. The ex
cursion was made in Mr. Wall's "red
devil" truck and Gordon Creek was the
destination. .
Dorothy Hill is spending her vaca
tion at htr home in Colton.
The Luther League held its regular
social meeting, Wednesady evening
at the home of M. D. Chindgren.
Mrs. H. C. Kleinsmith of Clarkes
gave a very interesting talk on poul
try before the Farm Bureau, Friday
Mr. I. O. Orem and son Richard are
making a number of improvements in
the mill recently purchased from
Grover Freidrich.
The death of Mr. J. Fellows occur
red at his home Monday night. Burial
took place Wednesday at the Dix cem
etery. Mrs. Jorgenson and little daughter
of Ketchikan, Alaska, and Mr. Thron
son and son ef Rainier, Washington,
have been visitors at the A. Thronson
home. -
A joint vocal and piano recital will
be given Thursday evening, June 15,
by Mrs. Mildred Anderson Hult and
Myrtle Jannson, at the high school
auditorium. Mrs. Hult is the popular
instructor in music at the Colton high
school and Miss Jannson is a senior
piano student. The program is as
follows: 1. a. Pale Moon, Logan; b.
Honey Suckle Lane, Fletcher; Good
Morning Brother Sunshine, Lehman;
vocal, Mrs. Mildred Anderson" Hult.
2. Fantasia and Sonata XVIII, Mozar.t;
instrumental, Miss Jannson. 3. II Bac
tio, Arditi; vocal, Mrs. Hult 4.' a. On
the Mountain, Grieg; b. March of the
Dwarfs, Grieg; instrumental, Miss
Jannson. 5. a. Some One Worth While
Stephens; b. Morning Wind, Brans
combe; vocal, Mrs. Hult. 6. Prelude
in C minor, Rachmaninoff, instrument
al. Miss Jannson. 7. a. Song of the
Robin, Anna Case; b. The Quiet Road.
Ole Seaks; c. Cuchoo Clock, Grant
Schaefer; vocal, Mrs. Hult 8. a. Bar
carolle, Tschaikowsky; b. Witches
Dance, McDowell" instrumental, Miss
Jannson. 9. Cncerto Opus 40, Men
delsson. Allegro Appasionata; double
piano number, Mrs. Hult and Miss
jt jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt jt
Jt Maud B. Hunter Jt
. jt
aP aP aP aP aPaP af aP aP aP aP aP aP aP aP"
B. F. La Ford has sold his ranch and
will reside with Mr. Bierce for the
The blue bird club held a meeting
at the home of Mrs. Helsra Krincle-
hede Wednesday.
August Dahlstrom has sold his farm
receiving tnree thousand, five hundred
dollars for it
The Freeman Rowan saw mill Co.
has installed a nev planer and are
putting out a fine grade of planed
Will Freeman of Camp Lewis is
home on a furlough. He has purch
ased a Dodge automobile and an
nounces his intention of driving to
Camp Lewis soon.
M. Raymond Johnson is home from
O. A. C. .
A number of Colton business men
and farmers were in Oregon City Mon
day; among them Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Johnson, Mr. Andrew Swanson and
Alex Erickson. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Haw-
kinson and daughter Isabel! of Port
land were.' week end visitors at Mr.
J. Ai Walls. .
Mrs. Margaret Niles and Mrs. Addit
Symns left Wednesday lor the Easi
where they will visit relatives in sev
eral of the Eastern states.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Wilson enter
tained at dinner at the Crown Wil
lamette Inn Saturday evening. Then
guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Legier,
Mis3 Mildred Legier, Miss Alice Frey
tag, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ranch.
Mrs. Carrie E. Terry has been ap
pointed water collector, to take effect
July 1, 1922.
Mrs. Carrie N. Parker has as hei
guest for the summer, her sister, Ms.
May Whitcomb of Minneapolis. Mrs.
Whitcomb spent the winter in Los
Angeles. - ,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Chappell are
receivfng congratulations upon the
arrival of a son, born Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hornaday wili
leave this week for Washington, D. C.
and epect to be gone about a year.
The Ladies Aid and Missionary So
cieties of the Christian church heid an
all day meeting at the home of Mrs.
John Hollowell, Wednesday. A delic
ious luncheon was served at one o'
clock. Parker Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harve Wilson, who underwent an op
eration for the removal of tonsils and
adenoids at the Oregon City hospital,
Monday is recovering.
The Gladstone baseball team played
Beaver Creek Sunday. The score was
16 to 3 inJJladstone's favor.
Mrs. L. P. Harreschon, of Seaside,
Orgeno, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. T. F. Meeds last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Butler entertain
ed at dinner Thursday evening when
their guests were Rev. and Mrs. Har
die Connor.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Legier, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Rauch, Mrs. W. H. Wilson
and son, Parker, motored to Hillboro,
Thursda evening where they were the
guests of Mr and Mrs. Alex Legier.
Mrs. Julia Williams and son. Ken
fort, have returned to Vancouver, B. C.
after spending teh winter with her
sister, Mrs. W. H. Wilson.
A picnic in the form of a farewell to
Mrs. O. A. Pace and daughter, Miss
Pauline, was held at Chautauqua Park
Mrs. Pace and Miss Pauline will
leave for the East Thursday and will
be jointed by Mr. Pace the first of
August. Attendin gwere Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc
Causland, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Pace,
Misses Annalon Meyer, Dorothy Ely,
Florence McGeehan Valera Meyer, Mr.
Everette Freytag, Mr. James, Mr.
Geeham of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. Freytag, Miss Alice McKinnon,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Freytag, Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Legier, Ernest Freytag,
Misses Mary Louise Merrick and Alice
Freytag, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, of Cal
ifornia, who are the guests of Mr.1 and
Mrs. O. E. Freytag this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Parker had as
their dinner guests Sunday, Rev. and
Mrs. Hardie Connor. Mrs. Parker was
assisted by her mother, Mrs. Moir.
M. and Ms. Cheste Prater enter
tained at dinner at their home in St
Johns, Tuesday. Mr. J. H. Prater
was the guest of honor, this being his
seventieth birthday anniversary. Cov
ers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Prater, Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, Mr.
Scott, Mr. Rich and Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Prater.
Mr. and Mrs. George Green and son
left Wednesday on a motor trip
through California, where the will vis
it relatives of Mr. Green.
Mrs. J. Caughlin rtturned to her
home here Sunday after spending
some time in Southern California for
the benefit of her health.
. Rev. and Mrs. Hardie Connor had as
their guests Monday and Tuesday,
Rev. and Mrs. Dean Hamilton, of Fres
no, California. ,
Mrs. A. Schroer has returned from
the Oregon City hospital where she
underwent a very serious operation
many weeks ago. Mrs. Davis, of Carr
ver, is caring for her.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jordon are the
proud parents of an eight pound son,
born Thursday.
The annual school meeting of the
Gladstone district will be held in the
school house Monday evening, June 19,
at which time a director will be elect
ed to succeed Brenton Vedder, who
has declined to run, and a clerk to suc
ceed William Rivers.
" Mr. and Mrs.7 Chas. Daueley had as
thei rdinner guest. Wednesday evening-
Miss Hazel McMillan of Port
land. .
Mrs. Green Returns Home
Mrs. Mary Green of West Linn, has
returned to her home after an 18
months visit, at Detroit, Michigan,
with her daughter Mrs. J. J. Talbot,
formerly Miss Annie Green, Mrs.
Green also visited relatives in Minne
sota. Her daughter, Miss Gladys
Greena-graduate of St. Vincent hos
pital, who accompanied her mother
us co-operate with you in selection of stock, comp
osition and cuts to make your advertisements or
circulars more attractive. .
' The same careful attention given to large and
smaU jobs: '
East remained in Detroit having tak
en a position as city school nurse and I
also is taking a curse of child welfare j
vork with the Detroit board of health. '
Water "For Oak-Lodre District
Whether or not Milwaukie wil lfur
nish water to the Oak Lodge district
will soon be decided by the Milwaukie
city council.
The Oak Lodge district, newly form
ed consists of the valle territory be
twten Gladstone and Milwaukie.
The cost of an independent system
.'or this section being prohibitive, the
district commissioners opened nego
tiations with the Milwaukie district
and if sufficient water is available,
the extension of the service is practi
cally assured. . .
Surfacing Fod Mt. Hood Lcop
The state- highway commission at
its meeting, Saturday, ordered two
units of the Mt. Hood loop in Clack
amas county, "to be advertised for ' a
rock surfacing and bids will be opened
June 28.
To save the grade from ruin 11 must
be surfaced at once and the commis
sion decided to advance the cost of
this surfacing and look to Multno
mah county to provide the financial
assistance which it has promised.
Jt Jt. Jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jtg
Jt , Mrs. A. D. Courter jt
Jt jt
aP aP a? aP aP aP aP a? aP aP aP aP aP aP aP"
C. A. Purden who has heen in Pali- !
fornia attending Advent Conference
has returned.
Earl Davidson was taken to the
Good Samaritan hospital last Friday
where he will be under the care of
Dr. Akin.
Dorothy Nightingale is working, in
the Telephone office during Mrs. Hub
bards absence.
Kate Corbin is visiting her aunt and
other .relatives near Forest Grove.
Beatrice Tubbs was taken to- the
Sanatorium in Portland, Tuesday."
M. and Mrs. Elmer Worth is in Mol
alla visiting relatives and friends.
W. W. Everhart has been appointed
treasurer to fill the position vacated
by Miss Alberta Dunn.
Commencement exercises " of the
Molalla high school were held in the
auditorium Monday night The larg
est class in the history of the school
twenty in number was graduated.
Superintendent Abraham, presided
and the following program was rend
ered : -
Graduate Processional. Invocation,
Rev. S. J.-Kester. "Tis Morn", High
School chorus. Salutatory, Olive
Welch. Class history, - Inez Stipp.
Roses of the south, Girls Glee club.
Class poem, Earl Castor. Class Pro
phecy, Celia Worley. Class Will, Earl
Berdine. Valdictory, Beatrice Tubbs.
"On the Suuny side," Boys Glee club.
Presentation of Athletic letters. Ad-
Find" the utmost satisfac
tion in our cafeteria service
Whether you prefer a sim
ple lunch or a complete din
ner you will find the best of
food at reasonable prices,
cooked and served with that
attention to detail which
alone will produce
703 Main St.
Phone 44
Your announcements
express your ideas. With
good, printing you are
sure of best results. Let
The Falls
We have a good supply of
standard Victor Records
Our , latest sHpments of Victor records contain
many standard selections we have long been trying to
get. The numbers you have been wanting are likely
among them. Glance over this partial list:
Manovta Walts
: Tro
Sons of India Fo Trot
li u a
iui mi uomnt unta Be Uununt
1r7n.Vlrlran Judga Soond Saulon
""""Wbvbilan Judy. S.cond Sudan
. H. Was w K Ml A Ma
S4ii Absent
64181 Mother Machree
S4566 Ni4ttinvale Soo (Bird VoIom by
708 Sweetest SkorrErer Told
.-.716 Sine Me Lore's Lulls br
843 Dreaming Alone la ths TwiUght
If your record isn't listed above, you'll find it in
our stock any way. Come in and see. ,
If you haven't a Victrola, let us explain how easiX t
is to own one.
Prices $25 up. Terms as low as $5 a month.
dress, Hon. John H. Stevenson. Pre
sentation of Diplomas, Chairman, W.
W. Everhart.
J. E. Courter -who has teen working
near Condon for the past year spent
a few das visiting his parents, Mr. and -Mrs.
A. T. Courter of Mbllala.
wick design and construction
with ths perfection of Bruns
wick reproduction developed
to the highest degree.
An instrumsnt which will harmon
ize with ths finest surroundings
and which will never grow out of
date. Plays any records, but the
best results will be obtained with
Brunswick records.
Let us demonstrate
Bridge Corner
" Stawart-Harlan
U. S. Marina Band ;
U. S. Marina Band i
Piatro '
WHItaman'a Orchestra
Whitieman'e Orchestra ,
I Burr-Peerlaas Quartet
LBurr-Peerleaa Quarte. !
Arden-Ohmaa) ,
K Una-Baker
Klioe-Bakar '
No. 1
No. 1
Kelly- :
Victrola Dealer for Clackamas County
W. A. Courter who is working in
the River view creamery in Portland,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Courter of Molalla.
Miss Offa Adams returned Saturday
from O. A. C. -
(Continued on page 10)
. Anne
Oregon City