Page Six THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 J gt8 d$t iS d& d$ t WILSONVILLE ifjfj,ifjfasf'f,jfjJ,K' Mrs. Ernest Nicholson and Miss Margaret Batalgra were delegates from the Rebekahs and George Bat algra and Albert Camehl from the Odd Fellows to the Grand Lodge which was held at Eugene last week. They went Monday and returned Thursday evening and reported a busy instruct ive time. . They are very enthusiastic about the drill teams and the beauty of the work. The Double Six of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, will meet in Aden's hall June 17. Local lodges will entertain the members and prospective mem bers. The committees" are busy mak ing preparations. Viedemann - Broh renorts a eond business In carnations during the sea son, xney wm now have other art flowers. This dry windy weather is harrl on vegetation. News has been received that V.ftio Waymer has been elected teacher of the 2nd grade in the Pine Grove school near Hood River for the next year. She will be graduated from the Tetcher3 Training Course at Lincoln High, Portland, June 16, having practically worked her way during the 4 years. Donald Say will be graduated also on June 16 from the same school in the Scientific course. He too has earned the money to carry him through. He will undoubtedly attend O. A. C. next year. Many boys and girls from this vicin ity have attended High School in the cities, some going back and forth in the train night ' and morning, others working for room and board. Th ere is about It must be made from crudes carefully selected for their "cffiness and stabili ty. These crudes mu be refined to preserve their original characteristics and to make them pure. In selecting crudes for Zerolene the Standard Oil Company has the advan tage of its own large production of practically every type of crude. The company is not compelled to use any particular crude because it happens to be the only one available. Crudes selected for Zerolene are brought to oar refineries in special pipe lines. They are refined by our own patented, high-vacuum process which preserves their "oiliness" and stability. No other refiner on the Pacific Coast uses any form of vacuum distillation. No other refiner in the United States uses as high a vacuum as this company. Purity Essential Zerolene oils are pure. This company has al ways considered the removal of all detrimental properties and compounds as essential in mak ing Zerolene. ' Because of their "ofliness," stability and purity, Zerolene oils give perfect lubrication, and per mit the development of the maximum power, speed and gasoline mileage of the car. STANDARD OH. COMPANY ICaUfomla) more powerspeed less friction and wear thru Gnrect Lubrication est tc t$ k tl tl JENNINGS LODGE Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck 5 & tf 1e l ti S Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Bechtel and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts who mot ored to Tillamook last Tuesday re turned home Friday evening. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Snider, accom- 1 Gdapted from J3y arrangement tarffi KateCbxkm' With CI Han and Dorothy QLrh He kissed her and was exiled; braved death to return and sought her to tell his love anew, only to find he had led enemy spies to arrest and send both to the guillotine. Then comes rescue. Playing Sunday and Monday at the LIBERTY Thesei new models are true musical instruments Victrola No. 240 1! VlctroU No.180 New in design, but with the same pre-eminent Victrola .quality. Their gracefulness of design evidences the craftmanship of master cabinet makers. But combined with this are the indispensable knowledge and ex perience of nearly a quarter-century devoted to the intricacies of the sound reproducing art. They embody the exclusive Victrola features which give the Victrola its leadership among musical instruments. Hearing is believing. Stop in any time and we will gladly demonstrate these new Victrolas. Victrola No. 240 - $115 Victrola No. 300 - $250 Victrola No. 260 - $160 Victrola No. 330 - $350 Victrola No. 280 - $200 Other Styles $25 up All Sold On Easy Payment Plan ; HUNTLEY-DRAPER DRUG CO. ! Exclusive Victrola Dealers For Clackamus County I ? 1 panied by the latter's mother, Mrs. Pafton of Cherryville went on a six weeks vacation trip. They will first visit Kennewick and from there will go to Grant's Pass. Mrs. David Clemens spent Monday visiting her niece who has been con fined to one of the Portland hospitals for three months. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barry were din ner guests at the home of the latters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henridi last Wednesday. The Community club held the reg ular business meeting Wednesday evening. The County Council of the Parent Teachers Association met June 1 at the home of Mrs. R, Frohman at Wichita. A, picnic lunch was enjoyed. Mrs. John Risley gave a report of the state meeting recently held at Ta coma. A committee was namedto re commend a uniform dress for students Of high schools. Clubs from the fol lowing places were represented: Wichita, Milwaukie, Oak Grove, Jen nings Lodge, Concord and Ardenwald. A letter received from W. I. Blin- stone who with his family are touring Central Oregon announces that they would return home June 7. From the Dallas they will be accompanied home by his brother, who is enroute from Sparta, Wisconsin, to the West Mrs. Florence Moore, one of the teachers of the Jennings Lodge school will leave June 25 for Boston where she will attend the N. E. A. conven tion. From there she will go to New York where she will take a course in art at Columbia University. "Sirewill be accompanied to the convention by the dean of women of the Franklin, High school. tC Jt tB 5 8 S CLARKES Albert Gasser Jit Jit jt Jjt Jtg Mr. Ringo Back From Tillamook Mr. Clyde Ringo was one of Clack amas County's pure bred Guernsey Breeders, who took in the Gurnsey doings at Tillamook last week. He was very well pleased but said, "Give me Clarks for a Home." He thinks Clarks is wonderful and he is about right. He also had a pure bred Gurn sey cow at the Gurnsey sale at Port land last Monday. Sunday School Picnic Last Sunday the Sunday schools had their annual picnic here and it was a very successlul affair. Everybody was present and a very large delegation from Colton came up also The weather man was very good to them and so eveyrbody enjoyed the good things to eat and the whole picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffiths took in the school doings at Oregon City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, and Grand daughter ' were Oregon City visitors last week. Ed and John Leichtwers were in Oregon City last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke were in the County Seat last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke were at Oregon City on business last Sat urday. Mr. George Rogers was in Oregon City iast Friday. Miss Rogers came home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Elmer visited Ore gon City last Saturday. gCC tfi ft (pi ft f& (t fft fgi PARKPLACE Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh s? ? a i? ? f Mrs. Warrick has been in McMinn ville the guestof her sister. Mr. James Tobbin and family have moved from the Brunner home into the house formerly occupied by Carl Butts. Mrs. Bert Murray was in Portlanc! on Tuesday. A lighting system is being installed into the Krugar home on thVHeights. Miss Glace Malo will spend her summer vacation at the Bearhes. Mrs. Izanna Exton and family after spending the winter with her mother, Mrs. Sylvia Munger, has joined her husband at their farm in Buxton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rosebraugh and family motored to Vancouver on Tues day. Dr. Coltman of Portland, preached MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE ZEROLENE M I I m t f . t j&on for wis sip at Gangs and other dealers They will fiuth your crankcaie with Calol Flushing Oil afe, thoronga and refill with Zerolene for Cor -ect Lubrication. TA.NDARD OH. COMPANY (California) 5S5z255zz5z Buyers Carnival Specials Drag Co,, Real bargains in well known brands of merchandise picked at randon from our stock for this big co-operative sales event. Prices cut one-third or more. Buy now for future needs. . REMEMBER , With each $1.00 cash, purchase you get a chance on the Ford which will be given away Saturday afternoon. - LADIES HAND BAGS MENS LEATHER PURSES All one-third off regular price. Priced From 25c to $10.00 HAIR AND CLOTH BRUSHES One-third off regular price Combs, one-third off Ivory Goods, one-third off RAZOR SPECIALS Auto Strop Safety, reg. $1.00, spec. 73c Gillette Safety, reg. ,$1.00, spec. 78c New Style Gillette, reg $5.00, spec $3.75 New Style Auto Strop, r. $5.00, sp. $3.75 Eveready Safety, reg. $1.00, spec. 73c Gem Safety, regular $1.00, special 73c CUTTERY SPECIAL Knives Shears Regular 50c Regular 75c Regular 1.00 Regular 1.50 Regular 2.00 Regular .65 Regular 1.00 Regular 1.25 Regular 1.50 Special .33 Special .47 Special .63 Special 1.00 Special 1.33 Special .40 Special .75 Special .75 Special 1.00 Stock and Poultry Powder Special Regular $1.25 Special $ .85 Regular .60 Special .45 Regular .30 Special .23 Special Price on 25 lb. Pails. Pen and Pencil Tablet Special Reg. 5c pencil tablet, special 2 for 5c Reg. 10c pencil tablet, special Reg. 10c ink tablet, special Reg. 15c ink tablet, special . Reg. 25c ink tablet, special Reg. 15c envelopes, special 5c 7c 10c 17c 7c THERMOS BOTTLES 1 Pint, reg. 1.50, spec :. 98c 1 Quart, reg. 2.50, special $1.75 SPRAY PUMPS Regular 75c, Special 50c PUTNAMS HAT DYE Regular 25c, Special 15c ALARM CLOCKS Westlock, reg. $2.00, spec $1.33 "Sleep Meter", reg. $2.00, spec. $1.33 Big Ben, reg. $3.50, spec $2.35 Baby Ben, reg. $3.50, spec. $2.35 America, reg. $1.50, spec. $1.00 Flash Lights, 13 Off. COLD CREAM SPECIAL Marvelous Palmolive Kathlee Sanatol Regular 50c, Special 34c SPECIAL TOOTH PASTE Regular 50c sellers Pebeco, Pepso- dent, Chioradenta, Ipana, 3 for $1.00 10c . 13c 27c .. 33c 49c Reg. 15c tooth brushes. sDec. Keg. 25c tooth brushes, spec Keg. 35c tooth brushes, spec. Reg. 50c tooth brushes, spec. .. Keg. 75c tooth brushes, spec. One-third Off On All Box Stationery 75c lb. Stationery . 50c 50c lb. Stationery . 33c SPECIAL SOAP SALE Armours Big Bath, r. 10c, sp. 14 for $1 falmolive, reg. 10c, spec. 14 for $1.00 Cashmere Bouquet, reg. 15c, spec. 10c Cashmere Bouquet, reg. 25c, spec. 17c L-ava Soap, reg. 10c, spec. 14 for $1.00 Castile Soap, reg. 25c, spec 15c Jerens Bath, reg. 10c, sp. 14 for $1.00 Colgates Turkish Bath, reg. 15c, 12 for : $1.00 Jergins Tar Soap, reg. 10c, sp. 14 for $1 SPECIAL HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES 17c 15c 16c 23c Glycerine, reg. 25c, spec. Witchhazel, re.g 25c, spec. Castor Oil, reg. 25c, spec. Boric Acid, reg. 35c, spec. Tincure qf Iodine, reg. 25c, spec. 17c Epsom Salts, reg. 10c, pec 5c Borax, reg. 10c, spec , 6c Bay Rum, reg. 25c, spec . 16c Rose Water and Glycerine, r. 25c, s. 16c Denatured Alcohol, reg. 25c, spec. 15c Denatured Alcohol, reg. 50c, spec. 33c Massage Alcohol, reg. 75c, spec. 50c Toilet Paper Bargains Cameo Tissue Toilet Paper Regular' 2 for 25c, special 12 for $1.00 Tokalon Tissue Toilet Paper Regular 3 for 25c, special 14 for$1.00 Best Crepe Toilet Paper Regular 10c a roll, special 14 for $1.00 . Tiger Crepe Toilet Paper Regular 3 for 25c, special 16 for $1.00 KRESO SHEEP DIP One gal. reg. $2.00, spec $1.50 One at. reg. 75c, spec 50c Fishing Tackle, 13 Off. at the Congregational church, Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith ana iamilv drove to Mafiallum, Deceration day with Kenneth Morse. , Mrs. Sylvia Munger was a recem. Portland visitor. , Gold and yellow, the colors of the graduating class of the Park Place schools, artistically decorated the auditorium last T?riday night for the annual commencement exercises. The music for the occasion was lur- nished by Thoreaurs orchestra or Jennings Lodge. Senator-elect J Tooze of Oregon City delivered the address of the evening. Children's Day will be observed in our Sunday school next Sunday with appropriate exercises. We sure had some hot weather lately, 92 in the shaae. Eli Fellows is doing some repair work on his property in Oregon City. Dan Fellows and Bert Cota went to Portland last week. Vohs' gave a large 'Barndance last Saturday which was attended by a large crowd from nearly .alKover the country. Mr. and Mrs. C. Garinger visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Grossmiller at Schuebel last Sunday. Memorial Day wae observed here by several families" visiting the cemetery and cleaning up the graves and plant ing flowers on them. LOWER HIGHLAND J Mrs. Dan Fellows 5V p je ? a? a? ? ? Bert Cota had a gang of men doing mad work last. week, thev were fixing nr summer roads which were badly needed in some places "SPECIAL" Now is the time to equip your Car with new Tires, then you will be free from Tire trouble for the rest of the season. We are giving a special reduction on all Tires for Friday and Saturday which will pay you to investigate before buying elsewhere. We are going to make this the TIRE HOUSE if quality and price will do it. We have several different makes of Tires to select from and all Tires of Standard Quality. HALL ;& SON We Give Tickets Entitling the holder to chan ces on the Automobile To be given away during Buyer's Carnival Tickets giyen with all purchases of $1.00 or over Hardware Repairs Accessories Tires Gasoline Oil WtraU NcSOO IsSESvb Elevator Oregon City Phone 390 12th. and Main St.