THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 ' Page Five BANNER THOTS IN - POETRY a? isjf is a? jp 1? r a? i? if ? j? j?1 YOUR MOTHER Ah, girl) look on this woman in your home As you have never looked at her be fore; Scan well this mother-creature of your own. And pause a while to ponder o'er and o'er . The things that made her make her what you know Those things that work unseen within the heart She was a girl a few brief years aga, mi. 1. i . luuugu uuw ol youm sue seems 10 have no part. She, too, loved well the beauty of attire, Her pulse was quick with all the joy you feel. Her crave was for the baubles you ad mire, Though she. too, had to conquer their appeal; There lived in her the selfsame hun , ger; shilling , - . Within her were the visions you be hold, But life came by, its sterner truths defining. And now you see a woman, sagged r and old. . Through all your helpless babyhood she hovered Above you, giving of her strength alone, , Through all the years you've lived she's bravely smothered A thousand longings you have nev er known; Think you a woman's eyes fogret their seeing, j When springtime finery is on display? At the foot of Singer Hill Mil ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN No matter how careful you dirve, you can never tell what the other fellow may do. Be sure you are in the right in entrusting your car to a repair man. After the work is done it's too late to change. We guarantee satisfaction. CAPITAL GARAGE Less Crawford, Prop. 10th and Railroad 0 Oregon City Think you she has no crave within her being For gowns and bonnets, though shs old and gray?- Ah, little girl, she heeds your tones of pleading, She senses many things you've never guessed, And, underneath, her heart is oftimes bleeding. Although she answers curtly your request; ' Go home tonight, whatever be your sorrow. And kiss your mother. Note lier brimming eyes, And then observe, tomorrow and to row. The heart that she's been keeping in disguise. You've taken blindly all her love and serving, You've angry grown because it was not more; What have you done, to make you so deserving? What have you given save heart aches, score on score? Denial is harder far than generous giving. And hearts that love you shrink from such a task;. Trust in your mother's love; and in ' life's living Play fair! and seek to serve as well as ask. By Grace E. Hall. Bonden-Plant of Cedar Mfg. Co. installing machinery. Attalia Oil drilling operations re sumed. ' Gresham Improvements"" being made at cannery. Eugene Bids being called for new $70,000 hospital. THE PEOPLE'S SAY County Road Bonding Program (Continued from last week) It would seem that our friends at Oak Grove could look ' away from Portland, ae well as toward it, and see that it would pay them to de velop taxable property in other parts of the county, toward an equality with their own. It is difficutl to look through their eyes and see an ad vantage to anybody in moving a large section of Clackamas county into Multnomah thus adding to the politi cal and economic power that is not now wisely and properly used: Maybe the advantage is to be to the head of the Jackson Club in giving him a chance to strengthen his political ma chine and give a better chance to claim the spoils that Andrew said be long to the victor. It would foe -an advantage to have the bedroom and the place of business in the same county. But then, do not build too many air castles for the bonds are opt going to be recalled and that fact will automatically prevent the Jump into Multnomah as it did before. The delay in carrying out the road program, so far, has been a blessing in disguise as it has saved most of us from making the mistake of try ing to make permanent paved roads with asphalt, which is a well proven impossibility. If asphalt was the only material for Ipavements, well made macadam would be preferable and more economical in the end. Con crete is now being contracted at less than asphalt and a 9 foot povement 7 1-2 inches thick, can be made with in the limit of $11,000 per mile and with the aid of the market road funds, can 'be made wider-' though I think it would be better to make it 9 inches thick, leave the macadam at the cen ter of the road and plan to build an other 9 foot pavement at the other side in the future, which would make an ideal road. Let us, from all ections of Clacka mas county, get together on this road program, talk together, act together, work together and stay together for the common good. Let us realize that cooperative self preservation is the final law of nature. Let us do unto others as we would have others do unto us and let us love our neighbors as ourselves. .Finally, fellow democrats, when it comes to selecting candidates and of ficers, I believe in a guaranteed anal yses, truth in fabrics and I always lookt beneath .the party label to see whether the contents are true to name, and ' I think we should tell Mr. Starkweather to go 'back and sit -on the probationer's seat until he can de velop his talent for leadership along true democratic lines. I have always admired his talents anl if my political aspirations took the form of office seeking, I should envy his opportunH ties for advancement. But talents wrongly used are worse than wasted and opportunities can be thrown away. There has been many insinu ations against lawyers but I will take a good lawyer in preference to a poor politician, a statesman and an honest man. He combined all four in one character and so there was but one man buried in his grave though all four may be inscribed on his tomb. The man counts more than the occu pation. O. D. BOBBINS. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE is hereby given that by I virtue of an order, decree and license of the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, made and dated on the 8th day of March, 1922, in the matter of the Guardianship of Amos Martin, -Noel Martin, Blanche Martin, Edwin Martin and John Martin, mi nors, I will on Saturday the 3rd day of June, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the East door of the courthouse in Oregon City, Ore gon, sell at private sale to the high est bidder for cash in hand, subject to the confirmation ' of the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, all of the interest of the above named minors in and to the following des cribed real property, lying, being and situated in Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wit: An undivided one-eighth inter est in and to the South Half of Claim No. 47, known as the Runa Mattoon Claim, being part of Sec tion 15. T. 3S. of R, 3 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Clacka mas County, Oregon, and contain ing 160 acres more or less. Dated this -4th day of May, 1922. . JOHN T. MARTIN, Guardian of the person and estate of Amos Martin, Noel Martin, Blanche Martin, Edwin Matrin and John Mar tin, minors. HARE, McALEAR & PETERS, Hillsboro, Oregon, Attorneys for Guardian. (5-ll-5t) Wipedput! Such a report after a fire has frightful sound. Home owners have no excuse for negligence in insurance matters. Service plus a policy in the Hartford Fire Insurance Com pany means fair and full pay ment of losses. Call on this agency. oWland "Well Balanced living 90 for Expenses: 10 for Saving. JO MATTER what your salary, you should save at least 10 per cent, of it. By de positing it in our Savings Department, it draws 4 per cent: interest and you can with draw part or all of it without delay. ONE DOLLAR will start you such an account. 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS. FEDERAL RESERYF Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent, $2.50 Per Year and Up The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY n REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 620 Main St Oregon City, Oregon THE Pleasure of driving avcar is twice as great when that car is in first class condi tion not only mechani cally but also as to appearance. A dirty looking car never attracted attention: Let us do your automobile painting. Our experience enables us to do better work than is found on most new cars. . i OREGON CITY AUTO PAINTSHOP Main Street at Ninth Oregon City EC -3 Westinghouse 1 1 HI Radio Fans, Attention! , DROP IN AND HEAR OUR MAGNAVOX From far and wide come reports of what wonderful progress has been made with the Radiophone and what countless, edu cating and interesting pleasures it is af fording the proud possessors of these wonderful instruments. We carry the Westinghouse line of Radio sets and a complete line of all parts necessary in the assembling of a com plete sending and receiving station. Ear phones, 2000 Ohm .... Ear phones, 3000 Ohm ..... Condenser 1 Variometers .... $9.00 to $12.00 Eveready B. Battery, 22 volt $3.00 Vacuum Tubes ' $6.50 $6.00 $7.00 ..$4.50 to $5.00 TESTED FISHING TACKLE Time and again fishermen have told us that the satisfaction they get from the use of our fishings tackle makes it the best investment in real sporting pleasure they have ever made. Our tackle is all guaranteed. . Trout Rods Split bamboo $3.00 up Steel i x $2.00 up Trout line, 25 yd. length $1.00 up Flys, complete assortment Reels .. ; $1.25 up Baskets $2.50 up Visit the OREGON CITY AUTO CO. MAIN NEAR SIXTH DURING THE OREGON CITY MERCHANTS Buyers Carnival Friday and Saturday, June 9 and 10 With each dollar cash purchase you receive one chance on the Ford Touring Car to be given away on the last day. This applies to any cash purchase in any of our departments on these two days. ' x jj "c Auto Accessories Be sure you are well supplies with extra tires and tubes, tools, emergency tire patches and repair , ma terials before starting on your vacation. Our line of accessories is one of the most complete in town and every item is of the best quality obtainable. Is your car equipped with the latest electrical safe guards such as Spot and Stop lights." Stop Lights : $2.50 . Spot Lights $5.00 We also carry camp stoves, luggage carriers, vacuum bottles and many other useful helps for the vacationist. HERE YOU ARE BOYS All the newest and best in baseball and other athletic goods at prices way below what they were last year. Call on us and let us show you our line before selecting that new outfit. Finger Mits 75c to $5.00 Bats Selected ash and hickory, 25c up Catchers Mits VJ $1.50 to $20.00 Wilson's, Official League Ball $2.00 , v v Masks $2.50 up Uniforms Let us outfit your Baseball and Running Shoes team $8.50 up . $4.50 to $12 AUTO REPAIRS We maintain a fully equipped repair department in charge of competent mechanics whose years experience makes possible the highest class of work manship. You can not be to careful in choosing your repair man. Our repu tation for good work at fair prices has been built on service give us a trial i you want to know what real satisfaction-means. Columbia Batteries Sales and Service i Our ibattery department is fully equipped to repair and recharge any make of battery made for a motor car or motorcycle. If it is possilbe to repair or reconstruct your battery we can do it, but if it is ho longer economical to do so we will advise a new battery, a Columbia.. 39 99 SEE