THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON OTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 Page Three Service Day and Night Best EquTpped Garage Clackamas County's - I1" s .NILL l ncdrpdraVeD' Every ned of an automobile c ARMY AL SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY June 9th and 10th Here are a few of the many bargains offered by our store during this 2 days sale With each $1.00 cash purchase you -will receive a ticket entitling you to a chance on a Ford Touring Car to be given away Saturday. Don't fajl to take advantage of this sale. AUTOMOBILE JACKS Regular $32 5, sale price $1.98; reg$5.50, sale $2.98; reg $5.00,. sale :. $2.75 STICK A LITE, TROUBLE LAMPS, regular $2.50 on sale for ...... $1-79 BIG REDUCTION on baseball gloves and mitts. OREGON 1925 BOOSTER PENNANTS, reg. 60c on sale for 29c wire; L. A. Morris guy wire; and Rev. Caradoc Morgan, insulation wire. Work On Rest Room Urged The matter of plumbing and wir ing for the rest room for which space is planned in the approach of the new bridge was brought up at the Tuesday luncheon and M. D. Lasourette was appointed to bring this matter before the county and city officers before further completion of this part of the bridge. . If doaengar-the work wll cost much less than if done later. The rest room proposed will com prise two compartments one for men and ffie other for women, the latter in charge of the W. C. T. tJ. which now maintains a rest room near the site of the new one. The estimated cost fof the plumbing complete is $1000 and includes standard lavora tories and toilets and accessories. Valadictory ' address, Edward Zir- laskowski. Presentation of Diplomas, Mr. E.. L. Pope. - Flower3, Little 'Girls. The Commencement address was given by F. J, Tooze, editor of the Banner-Courier; The class acquitted themselves with high credit in ftiis their graduating program as they also had acquitted themselves during their school year. ' One of the very pretty scenes of the presenting bunches of flowers to fhe occasTorrwas several little girls busily class. Scarcely larger than the bunch es of beauty they carried for nearly a half hour and which fairly deruged the graduates, their part in the program was, most unique and beautiful. . Oswold Jensen, principal ras, in hcarge of the exercises. . EIGHT GRADUATES AT PARKPLACE SCHOOL THIS YEAR On Friday last occurred the Park place graduating exercises. The Ball was beautifully decorated in the class colors and filled to capacity with relat ives and fne"nds"orthe class. The graduates numbering eight as sisted iby Therous Orchestra and local musical talent rendered an excellent program: , ' Music, Orchestra. March, "CIHS3 T3f .l922". Presentation Mr. Jensen. Welcome address, Hazel Felth. Musfc'fTrchestra. , " Class History Blanche Johnson. Solo, Mrs. Rita Holmes Brunner. Class Prem, Cecil Fischer. Class song. All. Arranged Blanche Holbrook. Horoscope, Olive Schlegel. Music, Orchestra. Alphabet, Norman Glass. Class Will, Lester Memdel. Solo, Vera Anderson. Mrs. E. S. Wormer of Estacada who has 'been at Corvallis for the past two week3 at the bedside of her son Paul Wormer who has been critically ill. with pneumonia has returned to her home. On her way home she stopped in Oregon City and visited her daughter, Mrs. Roy Woodward. Mr. and Mrs, -vTatts who have been residing at Molalla have moved back to Oregon City and have rented one of the Green apartments on Seventh and Mrs. Frank Cross who were former residents of Oregon City, but are now making their home in Port land visited relatives in Oregon City one day last week. Among them Mr. and Mrs. Guy Profitt. TheJatter a daughter. They were accompanied to Oregon City by Mrs. Mary Curtis, motheroLMrs. Cross, who will visit her grandjdaugEter Mrs. George Woodward. Mrs. F. S. Baker and daughters Miss Julia and Charlotte, former resi dents of Gladstone but now of Port land, visited Mrs. Barry of Eleventh and John Adams' street on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Barry are sisters. We are glad to see the familiar faces of Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hedges again on our streets: TTre two couples left Oregon City on February 22 for a trip abroad Among some of the far East ern cities they visited are TTaples, Italy, Amsterdam, Holland and Eden borough, Scotland. They also visited many of the battle fields ofTrance and Belgium. v Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Moore of Sal em have returned to their home after visiting Mr. Moores neice, STrsTArtliur Beattie. They aTso attended the Scheubel Caldwell wedding. Miss Elma .Woodward of Mollala has been vising her cousins Helen and Hazel Jean Woodward in Oregon City. Among the out of town guests, at the Scheuber-Caldwell wedding were Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Moore of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert Beattie and son Ronald of Monmouth an3 Mrs." James Smythe of Tacoma. Misses Glyde and Ruth Scheubel have returned to resume their studies at the TTnTversity of Oregon at Eugene. They spent the week end at Oregon City with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Scheubel and also attending the wedding oFTheir sister, Mrs. Roberta Scheubel Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles WTBOylan and son Bobby of Portland motored to Oregon City Sunday and visited the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boylan. - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson and little son William Edward, who have been making their Borne in Oregon City have moved to Salem wEere'Mr. Johnson has taken .a position. , Nr. and Mrs. E. W. Scott, parents of Mrs; June Johnson, accompanied them to Salen, making the trip in the Scott automobile. Mr. Harry Calvert, who was oper ated on at the St. VinceniTTSspital six weeks ago has improved so as "to be Swart z leads in values during the POCKET KNIVES, regular prices up to $3.00 -sale price . ..' $1.49 POCKET KNIVES, regular price up to $2.50 j sale price 98c GOODYEAR TUBE REPAIR KITS, regular 50c on sale 39c AUTOMOBILE PUMPS, regular $3.25, two cylinder on sale $1.98 AUTOMOBILE PUMPS, regular $4.75, 3 cylinder on sale . $3.55 MARVEL JUNIOR VULCANIZERS, reg. $1.00 orysaler . : , 85c DAISY AIR RIFLES, single shot, regular- $2.00, sale , . $1.48 DAISY AIR RIFLE, 500 shot, regular $3.00 sale - . - $1.80 DAISY AIR RIFLE, ,1000 shot, regular $3.25 . sale ! $2.48 DAISY PUMP GUN; regular $4.50, sale $3.79 CLOSE OUT SALE OF LADIES CAMP CLOTHES This merchandizing event will be one of the greatest ever held in Oregon City. Tale advantage of j it. Make this city your trading point and my store your store. .A. Great B3TD. S S"O.H ALL WOOL GOOD FIT Commtutttij HZtfe News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY at fcjt 8 S GLADSTONE . J Alice Freytag J Jt J $1? H" jf j? if jp a? f jp Jf5 Mr. MoGetchie In Iowa Mr. John McGetchie is in Algona, Iowa, on a busines trip and while there is the guest of his brother, Royal Mc Getchie. Mr. , McGetchie was accom panied by his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Parker. Mr. and. Mrs. J. V. O'Dell left Sat urday fbr Yakima, Washington, whfixe they will make their home. Miss Genevieve Evon left Saturday for Bellingham, Washington, where she will attend summer normal school. Mrs. H. P. Bestow, of Husum, Wash. Is the guest of Mrs. J. McGetchie this week. The members of the Christian, church will give a reception in honor of Rev. and Mrs. G-. E. Williams Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Pace and daugh ter,, Miss Pauline, were the dinner guests 5f Mr. and Mrs. R. Freytag, on Sunday last. IT Miss Fayne Burdon had as her ,r luncheon guests Sunday evening, the members of the Ladles Quartette "of. the Christian church. Attending were Miss Nofa""Webster, Mrs." R, M. Mc Getchie, Miss . Veatrjce Rauch, and Mrs. Ralph Johnston. Miss Rosamond Ginther, of Wash ington, D. c, is the guest of her sis ters Mrs. C. Grasier and Mrs. J. W. Benawa. -; PETITION FILED FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR A petition carrying eighty signatures of voters of this 'city for E. T. Beverlin for school director has been filed with the school clerk, at the Enterprise office. , The election will occur on Monday the 19th of this month. The director whose term of office expires at this time is J. E. Hedges. Mr. Beverlin is a successful "busi ness man of fBe city, is interested in matters. He pledges a policy of pro gress and efficiency for the schools and, a courteous, business administra tion of them. Liv Wires Elected At the last meeting of the live wire branch of the Commercial cluTr on Tuesday this week A. A. Price was elected main trunk; Ben Harding, ub trunk; Charles Gratke, transmission I i j BBamBaBBamBBH mi; X; , hi 1 - 'At A$ h " '"4 I Made of heavy-weight I J$k' ' - ' til Wue denini with or fW -f m ;4 x - ( witnout did, well maae, ?t well known branrJ.s. ' Sold ordinarilv fnr i f; "V'KifHF; '-50- ; fef f : A Sale of Slt I and we expect them to go fast at 1l'iL'yaliWit,l!lW'i , able to be brought to nis home at Ore gon City. A son autived at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R, All dredge, Sunday morning, May 4 for Mr. and Mrs. Delias Armstrong. The young man has been honored with the name of John Alldredge and his weight was 9 pounds. He is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Alldredge and they are veryTSTOudgfandprents. Mr. and Mrs. Tex Guyens and, .son motored to Hood River Sunday, where they visited friends. They also visit ed some of the orchards there. Mr. and Mrs. A.JQ. Bertelson, accom panied by Mrs Bertelsons sister, Miss Myrtle Erickson of Oregon City spent Wednesday of last week at Gresham where they visited friends. Miss Rosemond Ginther, . whose home is at Washington, D. C, arrived in Oregon City Monday, at the home of her sister Mrs. Frank Shoenborn. She is to tnake an extended visit in Oregon and will visit other sister3", Mrs. Francis McGaheney of Beaver Creek, Mrs. Chris Grasier and Mrs. Dr. Benewa of Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pr Chapman, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. John V. Green, and Gordon Green motored to Lebonan Sunday and visited Mrs. Chapmans brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Green. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wentworth and son Eugene accompanied by Mrs. Wentworths sister and neice, Mrs. W. L. Medlam anddaughter Miss Emily of Baker City and Gerald Johnson of Klamath Falls motored to Salem Sun day. Mrs. G. Lee Harding and children have returned to their home in Port land afterjvisiting Mr. Hardings par ents Mr. andlilrs. George Harding of Portland;' . . t Mr. and Mrs. Louise Funk, whose home is at Redland were in Oregon City, Friday night coming to attend the graduation exercises of their daughter Alice. The Rev. H. G. Edgar preached the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates of the Mollala high school last Sunday evening, Rev. Seeley of Portland filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian church in Oregon City. Mrs. Leo. Burdon and little daugh ter Maribel of Vancouver, B. C. are visiting Mr. Burdons parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A- Burdon of Gladstone. Dr: and Mrs. George Horye motored to Salem Decoration day and while there visited among friends. "The Coolest Spot In Town" DORX3THY GISH 1 cfn D . W. GRIFFITH 'S ?ORP,HAN.&, OF. THEi TOR-M. . ADMISSION" Adults 50c Children Under 12 25c Regular $30 nd JUNE 9th-10th The Big Price Reduction on the fine merchandise in my store will justify you in buying heavily for present and future needs. Read them carefully. JpHINK of getting all wool suits of the Swartz standard, at the lowest price in years, every suit guaranteed fit, good service, good appearance styles to please every one; Browns, Greys, Blues, Mix tures, Tweeds, etc., Come in and see them for yourself. ALL OTHER SUITS HERE AT A BIG SAVINGS Men's Heavy Overalls Men's Work The famous Uncle Sam work shirt in blue chambray, khaki, twills, etc., full size, fast color, well made. Sold here and elsewhere at a dol lar. Now Men's Percale Shirts Fine Percale Shirts, the Manchester make, fast color, full size, pretty patterns. Men will be quick to take , advant age of this sale, regu lar $2 kind $ H .35 . Men's' Union Suits Good quality Union Suits for summer, the kind for the most ser vice and comfort. Cooper's brand, $1.50 kind, now Men's Fine Corduroy Pants, we have aboftt 500 pairs of these fine well made corduroys, the $4.00 kind (S0 A Extra Trousers All Wool Pants, very good quality and make, all col ors and sizes, our $5 and $6 kind. dQ : . Special at Other Pants reduced in proportion. ONE CHANCE ON THE VALUABLE PRIZE WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE SIXTH AND MAIN STS., OREGON CITY, OREGON The House of Kuppenheimer Clothes