The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, June 08, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Are Your Most,
Precious Possession
Since so many of the pleas
ures of life depend upon
Eye-sight, every precaution
should be taken to guard
and care for it.
With our modern equipment for testing
Eyes and fitting Glasses we are able to
render you reliable aid in preserving
your Eyes.
Glasses recommended only when x neces
sary. .
cCocai 9ews Stems a
; i
Mrs. A. B. Lamont, accompanied by
her children, Miss Clarabel and Rod
erick, of Portland, have returned to
their home alter spending a few days
in Oregon City visiting Mrs. Lanionts
mother, Mrs. Eosina Fouts Evans.
Mrs. B. H Stewart, accompanied by
her son James, who are residets of
South Oregon City, visited friends at
Hedland on Monday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Park, Mrs.
Mae Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wal
dron, Mrs. Agnes Buckley, Mrs. Clar
ence Farr. Misses Maude'Park, Ellen
Vierhus, Margaret McCullock, Frances
Bowland, Jessie Bowland Lela Reed
and Hazel Farr, motored to Seaside,
Saturday to spend the week end.
Mrs. Gilbert Bobbins was hostess at
the W. C. T. U. rooms on Thursday of
last week Mrs. Robbins home is at
Maple Lane.
The Banner-Courier has the largest
circulation and is tEe"BestAdvertising
medium fn Clackamas county. Only
$1.00 for a year subscription, this
Mrs. J. R. Caine, whose liome is at
Vancouver, Washington has returned
to her home after visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bierman and her
sister, Mrs. Frflnk Mulligan of Oregon
City. V
Thelma Wilocx whose home is at
Estacada is visiting her aunts, Mrs.
Roy Woodward and Mrs. C. A. Baxter
at Oregon City for a week. She was
one of the Eighth grade graduates
which held their exercises at the
Chautauqua park at Gladstone last
Saturday; ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Ely and daugh
ter Miss Eloise, motored to Mult
nomah Station Sunday and visited
their daughter Mrs. Frank Junke.
Read the Banner-Courier editorials
Independent, Pithy, Progressive
special subscription rate J1.00 this
Mr. and Mrs. Don James rsf Oregon
City went "to Multnomah Sunday and
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. Swenson.
Miss Audrey Tour has returned to
her home at Millamete and will spend
her summer vacation with her parents
there, after teaching a very success
ful term of school in Dallas
Mrs. Henry Fisher and Miss Ruth
Fisher, who are students of Cams,
were Oregon City visitors Monday of
this week.
The Banner-Couirier publishes all
the worthwhile news, markets, and
correspondence fro mevery part of
Clackamas county, only $1.00 a year
for two days this week.
Miss Dorothy Terril, daughter of
.Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Terril of Oregon
City, tfeft Tuesday morning for Kalis
pel, Montana, where she will spend
several weeks with an uncle, Dr. H. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson of Al
bany were Sunday guests of Mr. and
For Friday and Saturday
Save Your Coupons for a Chance on the
Ford Car
White Shoes and
We are placing on sale for
these two days a large as
sortment of men's and wo
men's White Shoes and Ox
fords and Tennis Shoes and
Keds. Come in and let us
show you our stock.-Broken
lines and odd lots, but all
good, standard brands.
Prices cut from One-Third to One-Half.
Edmonds' Foot Fitter
A good, substantial semi
dress shoe for the man
who must, have comfort,
style and durability. Built
to stand up and look well
under hard wear. ,
Ask to See our DRY-SOX SHOE For Men
Lageson's Shoe Store
is a
Rule to
Stop anr'. think wheth
er you have been '
coming in to Battery ;
Headquarters regu- -laxly
every two weeks
to have your battery
tested. If not
Look at the level of the
solution in the bat
' tery to make sure
that it entirely cov
ers the plates.
Listen carefully to the
man who tells you
that battery care is
an absolute necessity
, if you want to get
from your battery at
lowest cost per month
and per mile.
We recharge and repair all
makes of batteries, all Rubber
Radio Batteries, Radio -wire and
Con. Hilgers
. Battery Rebuilding and Repairing
Twelfth and Main Oregon City, Ore.
Willard Storage
- Batteries
Mrs. Charles H. Canfield of Oregon
Knights Visit Hubbard Lodge
Several auto loads of local Knights
of Pythias visited Hubbard Lodge
last Thursday night. Degree work
was exemplified the hosts entertain
ing loyally also.
P. W. Meredith was a caller at this
office on Friday last. Mr. Meredith is
experimenShg with several varieties
of grapes at his ranch at Mt Pleasant
and employs unusual methods in prop
agating and training the yines.
Mrs. John Hattan and Mrs. R. L.
Peake of Carver were callers at the
Banner-Courier office on their way to
Portland last week.
(Continued on Page Three)
One of the. prettiest weddings of the
season took place at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Scheubel, on fifth and
Madison streets, when their second
daughter, Miss Roberta Margaret, was
united in marriage to J. Burrows Cald
well by Rev. H. G. Edgar. The im
pressive ring ceremony was used. Misfe
Helen Case of Portland was maid of
honor to the bride and the groom was
attended by F Evans Carr of Oconto,
Wis. Little Misses- Roberta, Claire
Bequeth and Marceil Thomas of Port
land, dresed in flame colored organdie,
acted as flower girls. Miss Florence
Garrett of Hillsboro sang "The Sweet
est Story Ever Told," accomjanied by
Miss Ruth Scheubel, wEo-also played
the wedding march.
The Scheubel home was very beauti
fully decorated with Scotch broom,
potted ferns and palms. Refreshments
were se'rved with Mrs. W. Gilbert
Beattie, aunt of the bride, and Mrs.
Cora Roberts presiding at the table.
The bride's Alpha Phi sorority sisters,
including Genevieve Loughlin, Lucile
McCorkleGretchen Colton Lois Mac
ey, Eugenia Page and Christine Page,
assisted in serving and also in receiv
ing the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell left for a
short trip a part of which will be
at Rhododendron. They will make
thei rhome in Portland. Mrs. Cald
well is a graduate of the University
of Oregon, where she was very popu
lar. Her husband is from Chicago
and is advertising manager for the
Oregon State Farm Bureau in Port
land. Banner-Courier during "Carnival
Days", $1.00.
A very pretty wedding was sol
emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward L. Shaw on. Friday afternoon
of last week when their eldest daugh
ter, Sedonia, was united in marriage
to John Jackson of Portland. The
ring ceremony was used by Rev. A. J.
Ware, uncle of the bride.
The ceremony was performed under
a canopy formed of California poppies,
buttercups and sweet brier. Only im
mediate relatives of the bride and
groom attended the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson nave gone on
theid honeymoon which will be spent
at Crater Lake. They will reside in
Portland. , '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chinn enter
tained at dinner on - Siinrln v of last
week at their home at Central Point.
The occasion was in honor of Mrs.
Chims birthday. Mrs. Roberts moth
er or Mrs. Chim baked the birthday
Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Chinns and daughter Ruth. Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Chinn and Mrs.
Schwartz of Central Point. Mr. and
Mrs. Enyore Roberts and son Buddie
and Miss Ruth Roberts of Oregon
At a luncheon given last Friday
afternoon by, Mrs. Eugene Good at her
home in Gladstone, the engagement of
Miss Frances Cross ' to Winfield J.
Dryden of Los Angeles, California,
was announced. The wedding to take
place on June 10th. Miss Cross and
her. mother left this week for Cali
fornia. She is the youngest daughter
of Judge and Mrs. H. E. Cross of
Fire Destroys Ifoill
Fire of unknown origin early Mon
day morning, destroyed the sawmill
and yard of .the Jonsrud-Gunderson
Lumber Co., three miles from Sandy.
A $20,000 loss was sustained, none of
which is covered by insurance.
Eugene to get $50,000 hospital.
Owing to ill health and old age I am com
pelled to sell my 408-acre Farm on Molalla
Road, four miles from Oregon City.
This is fine-lying land, virgin soil, fronting on rock road.
Will sell in tracts of 5 acres to 10 acres as follows:
$60.00 per acre to $125.00 per acre.
5 Acres, $300
$150 Cash. Balance 3 years at 6 per cent.
10 Acres, 1000.
$500 Cash. Balance 3 years at 6 per cent.
10 Acres, $600
$300 Cash. Balance 3 years at 6 per cent.
10 Acres, $1250
$625 Cash. Balance 3 years at 6 per cent.
40 Acres, $2000.
$1000 Cash. Balance 5 years at 6 per cent.
I am unable to attend to details and have placed same
in the the hands of my agent, S. O. DILLMAN, 214
Seventh street, Oregon City. Phone 427.
Robert J. Brown
Thermos Bottle
Pt. size 98c .
Good Alarm Clock, 98c ;
Guaranteed for one year
Full Size Chamoi's Skin.
$3.75 Regular Price,
Carnival Price $1.69
Luxury Toilet Paper
12 Rolls for 98c
All Scissors : '
13 off Marked Prices
. 12 Rolls Crashlin
Toilet Paper
In a 10c carrying bag for
50c Bicycle Playing Cards
Drug Co.
25c MOUTH HARP 15c
- $2 Symbol
Fountain Syringe
$2 Symbol
Hot Water Bottle
50c Drapers Tooth Paste
35c Klenzo Tooth Brush
Both for 69c
Carnival Prices
, 25c Woodburys Facial 19c
Resinol Soap
Pears Unscented
Pears Scented
8 oz. Bar Glycerine
Cocoanut Oil Soap
Lux, 3 pkgs. for .
Fish Oil Soap
15c Boraxo - -30c
10c Baby Dimples
Satety Pins, pkg., 5c
pc Hairlox Rustproof
Hair Pins, 2 pkgs for 5c
Household Size, 39c
The Special Prices in this advertisement are
limited to the 2 days "Buyers Carnival" June 9
and 10. We offer them in the hope of making
your visit to our store profitable. Whether you
buy or not, come in and visit us. We place our
conveniences at your service A place to sit
down and rest; Ladies lavatory; the use of our
telephones ; a lpace to leave your packages ; our
Victor Victrola music rooms and any Victor
records you wish to hear.
Makes no difference whether you want a 25c
can of paint and a 10c brush, or a barrel of lin
seed oil and a ton of wtiite lead, you'll find here
everything that a good paint store ought to
Better yet, you'll find a real painter In charge who is com
petent to help you with your painting troubles. Come in and
talk -with him. ' .
Special for Friday and Saturday, we will sell
1 quart good House Paint and
a 2-inch Brush for..... '.
Your choice of color. - We are exclusive agents
for Sherwin-Williams Products.
mvmm or ' KlVIK
Shaving; Necessities
Special Carnival Prices
Auto Strop Razor 98c
Auto Strop Razor,
Khakie Style With
6 blades $1.79
12 blades - $1.89
Keen Kutter Razor 79c .
Imported Blades for
Gillette razor, 12 for 69c
Rexall shaving cream, 19c
Rexall shaving stick 19c
Rexall shaving pwdr., 19c
Williams barber's bar, 7c
Colgates barbers' bar, 7c i
Carnival Prices
50c Hinds Cream
Friday and Saturday you may choose from
our big stock of 1000 books for 75c each. You
will find among them stories of adventure, de
tective stories, mystery stories, lovS stories,
stories of the West, stories of travel and every
one a book that has had a large sale for no
others get into this edition. Take home 3 or 4
at 75c each.
Artieste Fabric Stationery
200 Boxes Of Writing Paper
With Envelopes To Match For 25c
This writing paper was bought to sell at 35c.
The shipment has just arrived from the factory
so that it is fresh and strictly up-to-date. There
are 4 color to chose from-White, Blue, Laven
der, Buff. Each box contains 24 sheets of folded
, paper with envelopes to match.
It's Extra Value At 25c :
20c Lord Baltimore Tablets, 15c
3 shapes to chose from
! 10c Wenlock Tablets, 6c
Letter or note size
35c Cutex Nail Prepar
ation . 29c
35c -Rexall Cream' Al
' monds - 19c
50c Pepsodent Tooth
Paste : :
30c Kolynos Tooth
Paste .
25c Klenzo Tooth Paste
, ; 17c
30c Lyons Tooth Paste
. 21c
75c Palmers Toilet
35c Palmer Toilet
15c Colgates Talc Pwdr.
: ? 8c
25c Mavis Talc Pwdr.
50c Charmonia Face
60c Djerkiss Face pwdr.
. ' 45c
25c Powder Puff 19c
50c Mulsified Cocoanut
Oil, shampoo, 39c
40c Marvo Cocoanut Oil,
shampo'o, : 29c
40c Violet Ammonia 29c
50c Santiseptic Lotion, 39c
50c Canthrox 39c
Hair Nets
3 for 25
Best Grade
. 75c bottle for49c
8th and Main St.
Oregon City.