THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 Don't Forget Your Coupons A chance with e.very dollar purchase Friday and Saturday. WIN THE FORD A Host of Bargains awaits the Carniyal Buyers. SEE THE MERCHANTS WINDOWS Oregon City Seventh at Main Street "The Qyality Store of Clackamas County" tore Enters Into the inis m uy er s Garnival JD With a Host of Bargains from Profit by These Extraordinary Every Values Department. Gome! , Friday and Saturday Carnival Buyers SALE of Coats, Suits and Dresses All Women's Summer Coats at 1-4 Off $12.50 Coats ...$ 8.38- $17.50 Coats $13.12 $24.50 Coats ' ......$18.38 $30.00 Coats .....$22.50 Final Clearaway of Silk and Wool DRESSES Values up to $30" Just 47 of these dresses in materials ' of Crepe de Chine, Taffeta, Satin, Serge, Tricotine and Tricolette. Sizes 1 6 to 42 in the lot, but not in eveify style. Come early for these as we expect a big run. -( Women's Summer SPORT SUITS Up to $37.50 values $12.50 . Big assortment at this special price for the Buyers Carnival. Colors oi Rose, Green, Orchid and Blue in mater ials of homespun and herringbone. Two Piece Guimp Suit Dresses $8.75 In colors of brown and French Blue. Just the thing for the summer outings and motoring. Dress Ginghams 15c Yd. The famous Virginia Dress Ginghams, pretty plaids and checks, 32 inch. Cretonnes ....39c Yd. Large selection of cretonne, light and dark colors for draper ies, Aprons, etc. Reg. values to 75c. Extraordinary Values for Carnival Buyers From the Wash Goods Section Tissue Gingham 49c Yd. Regular 5rc quality all new, summer patterns of checks and plaids, 32 inches wide. Dress Voiles ...... ...49c Yd. Light and dark colors for sum mer dress frocks, 36 inches wide, many attractive patterns. Renfrew Devonshire and Kiddie Cloth 33c The genuine, 32 inches wide, for children's garments. Imported Organdie 89c Yd. Swiss made, . permanent finish, all the "high" summer colors, 44 inch. Transparent Organdie....49c All Ae new summer colors, -38 inches wide, the regular 59c value. Bleached Muslin.1l 9c Yd" Soft finish, good quality, full 36 inch. Regular 25c value. Curtain Goods.. ..21c Yd. Mercerized Marquisette in cream and white, 36 inch. Reg ular 30c quality. Toweling 15c Yd. Part linen roller toweling, 17 inches wide, short lengths of Jhe 22c quality. Summery Blouses of Lawn and Batiste $2.35 Just arrived a large ship ment of these practical blouses and waists. Very attractively trimmed with ruffles and checks. Exceptionally good values at $2.35. Silk Gloves $1 pr. Fownes silk and filo sette gloves ; colors of sand, grey, beaver, also white and black. . Regu lar values $1.25 and $1.50. Gingham Dresses -' 75c : A final cjearaway of gingham dresses for chil dren of 2 to 8 years. Reg" ular values $ 1 .50 to $2.25 choice 75 c. Holeproof Silk Hose $1.00 pr. An unusual special value for the Buying Carnival. Come in black, white and cordovan," plain and drop stitch effect. Regular $1 .35 value. . Mina Taylor Summer Dresses at 1-4 Off Wear Mina Taylors for every daytime occasion. The most attractive, colorful frocks .made. Styles and colors to suit every fancy. Sale Prices: $1.50 Regular, Now....$1.12 $2.00 l3ular: Now....$1.50 $2.7S Regular. Now....$2.06 $3.50 Regular. Now....$2.67 $5.00 Regular. Now ..$3.75 You'll need several for the summer's out-of-doors activities. Save dur ing Buyer's Carnival. " BUNGALOW APRONS $1 .50 value..... ..........89c At the Height of . the Season this SALE of CLOTHING will be of especial interest to the Buying Garnival Patrons Every Suit in the stock for Men and Young Men to be sold at these prices. 'f Clothcraft and other good makes. Values up to $27.50. Serges, wosteds, and a big selection of first long trousers for youths. Clothcraft, Michaels Stern, serges, cassimeres and striped worsteds. Values to $35.00. yi"L- f itT!Jy o3 Michaels Stern Tweeds in a va riety of summer weight, all wool fabrics. Values to $40.00. Buys any Hart Schaf f ner & Marx suit in the stdck. You know their value and guarantees-satisfaction or money back. Our guarantee goes with every suit sold! at this store. Satisfaction and Fit or Your Money Back Sizes and styles for every man.' The Shoe Section comes forth with Real Money Saving V alues-f or Garnival Buyers Get your Coupons with every One Dollar Purchase Tennis Shoes and Oxfords Specially Priced Flapper Pumps. - $3.95 Brown Calf, Goodyear welt, rubber heels, for grow ing girls, sizes 2 to 8. Patent. Flappers - $4.85 Patent cut out flapper sandals. One of our clever est styles that has just arrived. White Kid Flappers $5.85 Very new is this Grecian sandal flapper. Cut out Vamp, low covered heel. Men's Shoes and Oxfords .$3.65 English or bigh toe, Goodyear welt, ubber heels. Solid leather thruout. Men's French Toe . Oxfords $4.85 A clever dress Oxford of brown calf leather, rub ber heels and the new French perforated toe. Men's Athletic Union Suits $1.00 Fine Nainsook ,best qualities, of Coopers, Richmond and. Mesco makes. Regular $1.50 and $1.75 values. An extraordinary special for men at the Buyerss Carnival. Sizes 34 to 46 Summer Furnishings For Outing and Work at Special Prices Wool Shirts .......$3.00 Oregon City made, all wool outing shirts, '$4.50 and $o.0(l .values. For the Buyer's Carni val only Overalls $1.00 Well made 2-20 weight, blue denim Overalls for men and boys. Exceptional value. Wash Suits $1.95 Boys' Kaynee wash suits, sizes 2 to 8 years. Regular values to $3.25. Rompers $1.00 Brown Khaki rompers for boys and girls. 1 to 8 years old. Khaki Pants ...$1.49 Men's good weight Khaki pants for outing and work wear. All sizes 29 to 42 waist. Sample. Sweaters i Less $1.00 to $5.50 Work Shirts $1.00 Good Cbambray, Uncle Sam and Duracoat makes. Special value. . Dress Socks, 2 pr 25c Lisle socks in black, brown, navy and grey. Regular 25c value. " Sport Oxfords Genuine "Regent Keds" for outine and sDorts wear, rubber soles and heels, black or brown trimmed Nubuck Oxfords -1 $4.85 Sport Oxfords of Nubuck, trimmed with black or brown saddle straps; rubber heels. $3.85 Men's Outing Shoes $2.65 Scout model outing shoe, brown chromed elk. A shoe for service and comfort. Children's Patent Sandals at Special Prices Children's ; Vacation Hose 2 prs. 25c Black cotton, good wearing. Buy the vacation-time supply at this low price. Shopping Bags $1.00 Made of good wearing, patent finish leatherette. Just the thing for shopping or that short outing trip. Little Things at Little Prices Creme Oil Soap 16 bars I ,..$1.00 O. N. T. Crochet Cotton 12 balls $1.00 Hump Hair Pins 3 packages - Bone Hair Pins Talcum Powder, can Magic Dye, package. Tooth Brushes, each 1-in-1 Oil, bottle Romona Rouge, box 10c 15c 5c 5c 5c 8c 5c Men's Golf Shirts $1.45 Collar attached, Broadway button cuffs, plain and striped materials. For summer comfort they are ideal. Boys' Knickers . $1.00 Knicker pants for boys, sizes 4 to 18 years. Values to ?3.00. - Special Selling of STRAW HATS $2.00 - Broken lipes and sizes in many styles. Now in the time to get that straw hat. Values in the lot up to ?4.50. Sailors Toyo Panama, Sen nets, etc. Special for the Buying Carnival BOY'S SUITS $975 : Most Have 2 pairs of Pants 1 The boys', suit for vacation wear should be strong and sturdy to stand the hard wear a real boy will give it. These areall wool materials, strongly made to give ser- Sizes for bovs from 5 to 1 8 vears old. r vice.