The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, June 08, 1922, Page Page Eleven, Image 11

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Page Eleven
Sandy Department
Blanche Shelley
P. T. Holds Last Meeting
The Sandy Parent-Teachers Organ
ization held its last meeting of the
year last Thursday evening in the
City Hall and elected the following
officers for the coming year. Pres..
Mrs. Anna Duke; vice pres., Mr3. Mar
guerite Dittent; Sec, Mrs. Ruth Reed;
Treas., Mrs. Alma Maroney.
It was voted to turn the money re
maining in the treasury after all bills
have been paid, into the piano fund
for the grade, schools. IfTs" hoped to
have sufficient in this fund when
school opens in the fan tolmy a good
piano. "
Primary Room Picnics
The pupils of Mrs. "CBnnors room
went over to the old Proctor and
Strairs mill last Wednesday on an
outing. ' Accompaning them were
Madames R. S. Smith, J. Maroney, R.
F. Dittert, H Perret, C. Gray and
Miss Annie Maroney.
Grade School Program .
Friday evening at 8:30 in the I. O.
O. F. hall the 8th grade will have their
graduation exercises and the other
grades will put on a program. There
may be a speaker. After the exercises
there will be a basket social, the pro
ceeds to go into the piano fund.
Everyone is urged t oattend and bring
a basket.
Womans Club Meets
The Woman's Club of Sandy met at
the home of Madam Bruns last Thurs
day afternoon with the following
members present: Medames Shelley,
Smith, Gxay, Reed, Hornickes, Thomp
son, iBeers,. States, Bruns, Basholm,
Shipley, Eason, Bell Duke and Eason.
The following guests were entertained,
Mrs. E. Z. Beers, Mrs. J. C. Laundry,
Mrs. Bruns, "Mrs. J. M. C. Miller, Miss
Carolina Vaeretti and Miss Mildred
Busholm.. The officers elected for
the coming year were: Pres. Mrs.
Blanche Ii. Shelley, vice pres., Mrs.
Ethel Thompson; sec, Mrs. Margaret
Gray; treas., Mrs. Alice Scales. The
following program was enjoyed;
Topic, "The Battle Ship Oregon", Mrs.
Edna Esson. Topic, "Crater Lake",
Mrs. Aliije Scales. Topic, "Pendleton
Roundup", Mrs. R. S. Smith. Topic
"The Woman Suffrage Movement",
Mrs. Augusta Bruns. Topic, "Prohibi
tion Laws of Oregon", , Mrs. Sadie
Bosholm. Topic, '"The Deepest Can
yon in the World", Mrs. Shelley.
Topic, "The Interstate Wagon Bridge"
Mrs. Anna Duke. Vocal solo, Mrs. J.
M. C. Miller. At the close, delicious
refreshments were served. The Club
will meet June 15th at the country
home of Mrs. Sadie Bosholm. New
officers will be installed, officers re
ports will be read and plans for next
years work will be discussed.
0 Exercises At Gladstone
A number of people from Sandy and
vicinity acocmpanied the 8th grade to
Gladstone Park last Saturday where
appropriate exercises were held and
diplomas presented. The pupils from
Sandy were Milton Meinig, Geo. Dodd,
Thony's Scales, Kenneth Proctor, Har
old Krebbs, Clem Shaw, Bernice Dun
rnn Alhpvt Wnffman Vplma. Hensen
and Ivan Johnson, graduates from
Welches were in the bunch.
Special Meeting of Community Club
The Sandy Community Club and the
Womens Club met in special meeting
last Friday evening in the City hall to
, discuss the Question of entering a
float in the Floral Parade of the Rose
Festival, June 23rd. The members
generally favored the plan and the
president of the Community club,
Cecil O. Duke, appointed the following
committee to take charge, Mrs. Scales,
Mrs. Junker and Mrs: Jtyeinig. The
committee from the Womens .club to
cooperate with them is Medames Eas
on, Thompson and Scales.
Drive To Corvallis
Several 'Sandyites drove to Corval
lis Sunday where they spent the day
Visiting other Sandyites attending O.
A. C. Among those who went were
Mr. and Mrs. Albion Meinig and son
Milton, Mr. Paul Minig and daughter,
Frances. Mrs. Annoe Glockner, Hazel
Beers, Lucile McCarter, Glenn Laun
dry and Melvin Ray.
Protect young fruit trees from mice.
Wire screens about the trees are good.
Tramp the snow well about each tree.
This will often discourage the mice
working around it. They like to bur
row In grass and other refuse near
the tree under the snow and eat the
Sandy Wins On Diamond
Quite a spirited game was played on
the Springdale diamond last Sunday,
the contesting nines being Sandy and
Springdale. The score stood 19 to 17
in favor of Sandy. Several from San
dy motored over to witness our boys
make good.
Born to Mr., and Mrs. Logan, Sat
urday, June 3rd an 8 pound boy.
Al Edwards and son Lennis and
Bert Edwards of Vancouver, spent
Sunday at the Teke Beer's home.
The Firwood school is the proud
possessor of a new piano. ' It was put
in last Wednesday. This has been
paid for by socials of various kinds.
Little Ruth Barnett received a sev
ere flesh wound last Thursday eve
ning. While playing she fell and cut
her arm badly. Dr. Williams was call
ed and dressed it, Ruth carries her
arm in a sling now, but will be all
o. k. in a few more days.
R.. S. Smith, and family went to
Gresham last Monday afternoon to
look after the graves of Mrs. Smith's
mother and father. Brother Wm. H.
Cross of Spokane and 'Claude Cross of
San "Francisco, sent beautiful floral
Mr. King has taken over the Ujjiier
mail route, from Sandy to Rhodendron
and is using a Reo truck on the line.
jgiC 8 i& tS& J tj S
Dr. John Fuller
J " - &
The new business building, which
has been under construction since
March, is now. finished and the corner
store room is now occupied, by the
C. H. Shelton Drug Company.
., John Kohler the owner of the prop
erty has shown both mechanical and
architectural skill, in the construction
of the building. This adds another
building to Mr. Kohlers enterprise in
Canby, he hving only a few months
previously finished a new home for
himself, which buildings add much to
the beauty of our little city. -
The present new structure, is a
credit to Canby, and we feel that we
owe him a debt of gratitude for adding
so much tft the beauty of the business
section of our town.
The corner store room, being oc
cupied by the Shelton Drug Company,
is an ideal location and Mr. Shelton
is installing an up-to-date dispensory
for soft drinks, ice cream and other
delicacies, usually served in connec
tion with the small town pharmacy.
One of the other store rooms in the
new building, we understand, is to
be used as a grocery conducted by
Mr. Swaumhy who was formerly
connected with the J. R. Vinyard store
in Canby.
J. E. Schaubel who is taking special
treatment at the Pierce Sanitarium in
LPortlahd, is visiting his parents in
Canby, for a few days. ,
T. O. Hederson who has been .as
signed the foremanship on the Canby
section of the S. P. company's con
struction work has moved to Canby
with his family, and occupies the
Vestch property in the south side on
the city.
Max Boehmer and wife, in company
with five autos filled with people from
Canby, made a trip to Corvallis last
Saturday to attend a special meeting
of Pyramid Lodge No. 1, of the Al
Azar Auxiliary to the Fraternal Order
of United Artisians.
They report a large crowd of dele
gates in attendence, from the counties
of Lynn, JMarion, Polk. Benton and
Jlackamas; and a large class of can
didates taking the initiatory degree
in this fraternity. -
A banquet was also functioned by
the Artisan members of Corvallis, in
appreciation of the presence and help,
from those in attendance from out
of. the city.
The bunch from Canby returned
Find the utmost satisfac'
tion in our cafeteria service
Whether you prefer a sim
ple lunch or a complete din
ner you will find, the best of !
food at reasonable prices,
cooked and served with that
attention . to detail which
alone will produce '
The Falls
$ Iain St.
Phone 44
riday and
aturday, June 9 and 10
Here are just a few of the many bargains to be found in our store
during this immense co-operative event. With each purchase' of one dollar,,
cash you will receive a ticket entitling you to a chance on the Ford Touring car
to be given away Saturday night. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices.
Two days only, next Friday and Saturday, June 9 and 10. , -
I'- ffi? " . GUARANTEE I
mimmmVmmu02 1 REMOVE SEAL WITH
CongGleum ELgs
Regular Special
18x36 1.25 .49
36x36 , , 1.75 .99
37x72 2.75 1.99
36x4 2.25 1.79
6x9 ' 7.50 5.75
7y2x6' 9.50 6.75
9x9 11.50 . 8.75
9x10' 15.50 - 9.95
9x12, 18.60 11.95
9x15 23.25 15.50
Congoleum floor coverings,
ment of patterns. . .
Regular $1.25 per yard
Regular $1.00 per yard ...
Regular $ .75 per yard ., ..
12 ft. Cork Lenoleums
Reg.. $1.75 special $1.29
Reg. 1.50 speical 1.19
Reg. , 1.25 special .99
large' assort-
. 89c,
. 69c
.. 49c
Administer Body
Brussels Rugs
Tapestry Wool Fiber
Big reductions in the new patterns
of these popular room size rugs. An
inspection of our stock will convince
you that this is a real rug sale.
Just a few of the many bargains.
9x12 Regular Special
$75 $45.50
$65 $39.50
$50 $35.00
$40 $29.50
$35 . $19.50
35 lb. Cotton Felt
Regular Special
$10.00 urn
40 lb. Cotton Felt, assorted ticking, 12.50 5.95
50 lb. Cotton Felt : .. 15.0GI 8.50
Large assortment of high grade mattresses
ranging from $10 to $35.
Big reductions in odds and ends in dressers
chiff oneres, bed room furniture, dining room chairs
and rockers, all reduced for thisbig two day sale.
We Carry The Universal,
Colonial and Majestic lines
of ranges in large variety.
Used Range Bargains
Charter Oak, 18 in. oven
- Was $50, now $27.50
Acme Range, 20 in. oven,
With Reservoir $22.50
Charter Oak, Glory Range
14 in oven was $25 now 15.75
Red Star Oil Stoves
At our previous sale prices:
Reg. Now
Oven, one burner, 5.50 2.75
Oven, two burner, 6.50 3.25
Oil Stoves Prices were from
$35 to$85, now $18.50 to $59.50
No wicks or wick substitutes.
Positive valve control, regu
lates like city gas.
Glass doors, handel always
cool. v
Fuel supply back 'of stove. .
Baked enamel finish, easily
cleaned. ;
L. K. Davidson J
O. C. Merrick is riding around in a
new Buick.
Mrs. Lou Ford and son. of Willam
ette visited Mrs. Orvill Davlrtsnn
Saturday and Sunday.
jonn waine3 ana family motored to
Wilsonville, Sunday. They yeport a
very enjoyable trip.
on Sunday with sleepy heads, glad
hearts, tired nerves, fond remem-
berances for Corvallis and a desire to
repeat the stunt, when opportunity
affords. '
vSa ? td 5 ? K$
Miss Gladys Schawfer Is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Amy Bowden, at Am
boy, Washington.
Carl Bethke is spending his sum
mer vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Lucy
Bliss, of Amboy, Washington.
After two previous defeats, the new
ly organized Oswego baseball team
defeated the fast Aurora team, at Aur
ora, to the tune of 17 to 15 in an ex
citing 12 inning game. Manager
Harry Headrick's home run featured
the game.
Oswegos new walks give the town
a progressive and up-to-date appear
ance. Mrs. G. W. James visited her
daughter, Mrs. Merredes Davidson on
Miss Maixne Worthington is here
visiting her father.
. WANT ADS in these columns COST
RATES For first insertion 25 cents; for -subsequent issues one cent a
word. Ads received too late for this column will be classified .elsewhere.
For Sale Live Stock
FOR SALJi-Fresh Jersey Cow, also
' sow .with litter. D. E. Brown, Ore
gon City, Rt 3, Phone Beaver Creek
33-551. , (5-22-tf.)
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE 1000 Fruit Trees and
. Rose Bushes, apples, pears, prunes
plums, and peaches, one and two
year olds, 25 cents each, H. J. Big
ger, Oregon City Greenhouse.
; Nov. 17-tr.
For Sale Farm Machinery
mond, Lawyer, Beaver Building,
Oregon City," Oregon. 5-17-4 1.
FOR SALE House and Lot, corner
J. Q. Adams and Thitreenth Street.
House has 5 rooms, modern conven
iences, full basement. Price $2500.
Terms. Particulars Banner-Courier,
v 4t
FOR SALE One acre, good house, 6
rooms and bath, big concrete base
ment. 1 block from car, 8th and Ma
pie Ave., Willamette. All kinds- of
iruit, apples, cherries, peaches, ber
ries, shade trees and lawn. John
Wilken. '.- 5-17-4 t.-pd.
1 Case 10-18 .Tractor and 2-bottoin
gang, $550.00.
1 Case 10-18 Tractor, double disc
2-bottom gang, $600.
1 50 tooth harrow, new, $13.75.
1 Reversible 2 horse disc new $37.25
1 H. P.' Hercules , gas engine,
new, $51.75.
1 1 H. P. Z gas engine Bosch mag,
1 Wade power drag saw and 4 ft.
saw, $117.00.
REED AUTO CO., Estacada.
' To Be Sold at a Sacrifice
1 cream separator, 600 lb. capacity.
1 cider press, large size.
. 1 Drag-saw complete on truck.
1 Farm .Wagon with rack.
Household ' furniture including
kitchen range heater, gas range.
1 registered Jersey cow.
Inquire at store, Kendall station. '
COW FOR SALE-Jersey-Holstein, 5
years old, 2 gal. per milking. Alfred
Lillie, Rt 2, Box 169A, Oregon City.
Wanted Real Estate
MONEY TO LOAN og rarma of over
ten acres at 6 per cent. Long time'
loans on easy payments. Federal
oans a specialty." Alfred Graham,
Canby, Oregon. 3-10-tf
WANTEDTo buy second hand
goods. . Will pay cash for used fur
niture, tools, or any thing of com
mercial value. Large stock of goods
for sale. J. H. Mattley. 9J4 - 7th St.
Bicycles repaired,
saws filed ' and set-soldering.
2nd Hand Bicycles for Sale
- Cheap .
Kimball Organ, $15
Opposite Library on 7th St.
... i:
Folding Hallocks
Dependable Poultry supplies and feeds are a
large factor in ; successful poultry 'farming. Our
prices compare very favorably .with pre-war times.
Larscn & Company
10th and Main
Oregon City
Paul R. Meinig
Sandy, Oregon
Watch for the Red Baby Delivery