Page Eight THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1922 f m, If Viiii -nun, mi i ii EW of our peo p 1 e realize that Oregon excels in not only natural resources, but In manufactur ed products most Pacific Coast states, and in many instances the entire United States. A few high spots are enu merated be low. You are urged to famil iarize yourself with these facts and seek to advance the state's inter est by your personal effort and sup port upon every possible occasion. One county in Oregon (Umatilla) produces 1 per cent of the wheat of the United States. Oregon has a knitting mill that ships its products into eleven west ern states and two foreign countries. This factory's advertising carries regon's story throughout all the West The raw material from the sheep's back goes as a finished product to gather new money from many dis tant places to make Oregon more prosperous. Oregon walnuts and filberts are fast growing in favor and when the grow ers standardize their Inarketing meth ods, the Oregon nut will take its place in National markets. One-fifth of the standing timber of the United States is in Oregon. The variety of merchantable timber in commercial quantities probably ex ceeds any state in the Union. -Sugar and yellow pine, red and yel low fire, spruce, red-wood. Port Or- A Word for PRODUCTS FORD AND FORDSON PARK-SHEPHARD MOTOR CO. Main Street, at Fourth Phone 355 R. E. Park P. J. Shepherd Langley Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Automotive Ignition and Battery Service Expert Repairing and Rewinding Electrical Machinery Guaranteed Service Battery Prices Reduced Ford and Chevrolet Batteries, 1 year guarantee $18 Maxwell and Dodge Batteries, 1 year guarantee $25 Phone 260W 1117 Main St. ford cedar, are a few of the well known woods. Forty per cent of the water power of this country is within the borders of these four Northwestern states and only 5 per cent developed. Oregon produced 10 per cent of the platinum used by the United States during the war. The reputation of Oregon cheese ex tends to foreign countries. Oregon's shipbuilding record is a world's record in many respects. We were able and did obtain greater re turns dh labor output and money costs than any other shipbuilding state. Up to October 1 the Oregon district produced in less than three years , 85 steel ship asnd 152 wood steamers, all equipped for sea. In the manufacture of ceerals, Ore gon eqalus all and surpasses many, other' states west of the Rocky Moun tains. Oregon is the largest furniture man ufacturing center in the entire' West, and in some special lines of furni ture we stand . third in the entire United States. Our markets extend to some of the Latin-American coun tries. The largest walnut grove in the U. S. is near Amity, Oregon. The largest prune orchard in the U. S. is near Eugene, Oregon. ,- n saddlery manufacturing Oregon leads Pacific Coast states and carries trade to points far east and south and to foreign countries as well. In the handling of agricultural im plements Portland is the fourth city in the United States.- In the manufactrue of woolens Ore gon is away ahead of other Western States. As a wool center Portand Is the second city in the country. In candy manufacturing Oregon is second to none other Pacific Coast state. J Our cracker and macaroni plant3 spread through he advertising of take the lead in the West. The third largest seller of soda crackers in the United States is made in Oregon. The largest coppersmith plant in the entire United States is in Oregon. The only carbon paper manufactur er west of Chicago is in Oregon. The laregst factory on the cpast making rubber heels and soles is in Oregon. Our paper mills and stove foundries equal any to be found in the West. The largest single plant making jams and jellies west of the Mississ ippi is in Salem. Carloads of our manufactured fruit items go to many states east of Chi cago, are labeled by the jobber hand ling them as bis private brand, and some tew of our Oregon mercnants buy them back under the lure that they must be better than Oregon can produce. The only worsted mill west of the Ohio River is in Sellwood, a suburb of Portland.. The yarn there produced from Oregon-grown wool is shipped to knitting mills in other states, fashion ed into sweaters, bathing suits, caps, etc., and our merchants buy it back, paying freight two ways and charging you with it all. Our woolen mills produce mackinaw and other cloth, ship it to many parts Jlast four years it has written more of the country to clothing manufact urers, who resell it to Oregon retail merchants, who might have purchased here in the first instance. Oregon cherries, loganberries, prunes, apples and strawDernes are known -in every part of the country as being superior. When the loganberry was first in troduced it was regarded as a failure it would not hold up under shipping. This fault has now been capitalized, and the fame of Oregon is being "Phez Loganberry Juice, Razor strops made in Oregon are being nationally advertised and sold. Candy made here is being advertis ed and nationally distributed. Cough drops made in Oregon go to nearly every state . in the United States. - Oregon robes and blankets are na tionally advertised and nationally sold. - Drag saws made here are nationally advertised and distributed in twelve foreign countries. Ice cream cones invented and made in Oregon first. Oregon is the home of dehydrated fruit and vegetables the quality and quantity unexeclled. An advertising program calls for tre expenditure of a quarter of a million dollars in the next year in national mediums., ' Portland is second city on Pacific Coast as a coffee roasting center. An Oregon life insurance company has the best financial record of any company founded during the last 20 years. It is the only company that has shown a growth of insurance and surplus without having t obtain stockholders' aid beyond the original paying for stock subscriged. In the me insurance tnan any otner com pany doing business in the state. x In all the West Oregon is the prin cipal seed state. Flower and garden seeds here excel in greatest variety and finest quality. Seeds go from Oregon to the great seed houses of the East and are then sold back to Oregon dealers for, use in Oregon gar dens. The supply of standing timber in Oregon is such that before long we will head the list of all states in lum- theold . tMKRYPTDKV i I fifoca.Ufd 3LBifocal I KNOWLEDGE EXPERIENCE SKILL All three are needed in fitting comfortable glasses. There are many kinds of bifocal lenses and each style has one or more good points which adapt it to special uses. Kryptok bifocals are the only invisible ones known to science today. When you come to me for bifocal service, each style is care fully demonstrated and you are aided in the selection of the one best suited to your needs. 19 years experience at your service DR. FREEZE, EYE SPECIALIST 505j, Main St. Opposite Postoffice Oregon City For th&best letter on the subject Why You Should Buy at Home, The Banner-Courier will give the following Prizes First Prize $15.00 Second Prize $7.00 Third Prize $3.00 Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Prizes, a one year's subscription to the Banner Courier each. This contest is open to all residents of Clackamas County. Contest closes June 22. Now get busy and send in your letters. We reserve the right to publish any or all letters sent in. JACOB'S OREGON CITY WOOLENS Pure Virgin Wool Overcoats Mackinaws Flannel Shirts Loggers' Shirts Trousers 1 111701 IT to. 1 .-.,,: .. 9nf4l Lounging Robes Auto Robes Indian Blankets Fancy Bed Blankets Staple Blankets "WOVEN WHERE THE WOOL IS GROWN" OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Ore. New York, Chicago, Boston, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Louisville, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland Quality printing The impression your printed message will make depends on the skill and knowledge of the Printer. We are proud of the quality of every job that leaves our shop. It is the result of houghtful care and years of experience. Let us co-operate with you on your next printing job. You'll like our work and our prices. The Banner-Courier GOOD WHOLESOME FOOD Quality Restaurant 427 Main St. Phone . 517 ber production, and when attained it will be sustained for all future time. The largest plant in the West de voted exclusively to boiler manufac turing is in Oregon. No other state has such a wide area of fertile land uncrossed by rail way lines as is represented in .the great Central Oregon country an area nearly as large as the State of Ohio. Think of the possibilities of the future when the land is under full cul tivation and served by carriers. Execpting in California, Oregon spends more per eapita for public highways than any other state. Some of the largest undeveloped potash and mineral salt fields and lakes in the world are in Oregon. One of the largest quicksilver mines in the world is in Oregon,' and even though not entirely developed, is one of the United States greatest produc ers of this minerall One of the largest lumber cargoes ever floated anywhere was from a Columbia Elver point below the City of Portland the S. S. Algoa carrying 6,200,000 feet. Portland is the livestock center of the Pacific Northwest Oregon dairy cattle and poultry are in the world's record class. t)regon canned milk is distributed to every-civilized country in the world. The payroll dollar is the fastest mov:i ing money in the world. It finds its way into every line of business and professional life of the community. Raw material producer, Transporta tion, Manufacturer, Worker, Merchant, Professional man, Tax man, Property owner Farmer, fruit afid stock-raiser. All share in the distribution of pay roll money. Your support of Oregon's industries helps them to grow and reach out to wider fields, bringing new wealth in to the state. Quality, Service and Price "being equal. And to use them in your home. It is good business to stock the products of Oregon factories When You Build Remember Oregon City Sand and Gravel Company WASHED and SCREENED RIVER SAND and GRAVEL 14th Street at River SPECIAL SALE Oldfield Fabric Tires 30x3 30x3y2 30x312 32x4 33x4 34x4 ..$ 8.20 9.35 .. 13.55 .. 12.25 .. 18.05 .. 18.80 s Not Seconds The most Trustworthy Tires Built SMITH'S TIRE SHOP "On the hill to save you money" 609 - 7th St Near Center DEPENDABLE COFFEE SALE To continue two more days With each 3 pound tin we will give a 1 pound tin free You can't afford to pass this opportunity The Hub Grocery on the Hill 402 - 7th SV Phone 41 gf!!lil!llilH!li!i!l!Ulllll!ii(li!H!ill!F REGARDLESS OF MAKE WESTING HOUSE ATTENTION IS FOR ALL BATTERIES ' No matter what kind of battery you have it deserves the best attention you can give it. Westinghouse Atten tion is preferred by throughtful motorists because it is devoted to preventing battery trouble. Drive in twice a month and insure against trouble. S HODGSON GANNON ELECTRIC GO, 4th and Main St. The Westinghouse Service Station Oregon City :. swv.-a . t v . I ;, i m- -: lllil!12iliini!!!ii!l)SI!ff!li!iliniiiC! ALL STANDARD MAKE WATCHES EXPERT REPAIRING Neal, Mc and Rose 522 Main The House of Quality Near Post Office Next to Electric Hotel Goodrich 55-30x3 ..$10.90 Warren and Blodgett, Props. 407 Main St. Oregon City THE DRAGON I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world. I have destroyed more than all the wars of the world. I am more deadly than bullets, and I have wrecked more homes than the mightiest of siege guns. I steal in the United States alone over $500,000,000 each year. I spare no one, and I find my vic tims among the rich and poor alike; the young and the old, the strong and the weak, widows and orphans know me. I loom up to such proportions that I go into every corner of the earth leaving behind me destroyed homes, factories, ships, cities or anything that may get in my path. I am your worst enemy, but yet few take the necessary precaution to avoid me. I AM FIRE FIRE PREVENTION CO. Corner South Second and High Sts. Oregon City, Oregon Protect the LIVES of YOUR FAMILY and YOUR HOME by installing the AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM We Pay Cash for Cream At the highest market price. Send us a trial shipment if you want satisfaction and prompt returns. Oregon City Butter A home product made from pasteurized Clackamas County Cream. FEDERAL PROHIBITION DIRECTOR REVIEWS SITUATION Accumulative evidence entirely and conclusively disproves recent unfound ed statements of propagandaists de signed to deceive the public, but which, in truth, have steeled the friends of enforcement to closer coop eration and more concerned activities. "The facts are," says Commission er Haynes, "that real liquor for bev erage purposes is practically unavail able, the bootlegger market , is" dimin ishing daily, because of universal fear of their poisonous product; the home brew fad is wanning and moonshiners are on the runall brought about by cutting off sources of supply, cooper ation on the part of enforcement agencies of every character, backed by a crystalized public sentiment, an aroused press and helpful cartoonists more convictions by juries and stern er, stiffer sentences by courts. The action of Chambers of Commerce, Ro tary, Kiwanis and similar organiza tion, and prominent clubs in practic ally every state is most significant and testifies indisputably that the people are mphatic in their desire for strict enforcement. "Perhaps the most encouraging re cent development is the manifestation of genuine cooperation on the part of the police in large metropolitan cen ters. "The 18th amendment is being en forced to a greater extent than was ever dreamed possible. Subscribe for the Banner-Courier. Rural Carrier Examination The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an exami nation to .be held at Oregon City, Ore., on June 24, 1922 to fill the position of rural carrier at Molalla, Ore., and vacancies that may later occur on rural routes from that post office. The salary of a rural carrier on a stand ard dally wagon route of 24 miles is $1,800 per annum, with an additional $30 per mile per annum for each mile or major fraction thereof in excess of 424 miles. The salary on motor routes ranges from $2,450 to $2,600 per an num, according to length. Separate examinations for motor routes and wagon routes are no longer held. Ap pointments to both positions will be made from the same register. The examination will be open only to citi zens who are actually domiciled in the territory of the post office where the vacancy exists and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form 1977. Both men and women, if quali fied, may enter this examination, but appointing officers have the legal right to specify the sex desired in re questing certification of eligibles. NOTICE OF STOCK RUNNING AT LARGE WHEREAS at the General Primary Nominating Eleticon held May 19, 1922, In BORING and COTTRELL precincts, in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, a vote was taken for and against stock running at large in said above named precincts, and said vote resulted in a majority of votes being cast against stock running at lavge in said precincts. , " THEREFORE, in accordance" -ith the Statute in such cases made and provided, it shall be unlawful, sixty days after the date of this notice, for stock to run at large in the above named .precincts under penalty of $10.00 for the first offense and $20.00 for each and every subsequent offense to be recovered from the owner of the stock. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, June 1, 1922. FRED A. MILLER. (6-l-3t) ; County Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ' Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 26th day of September, 1921, in the matter of the estate of Alice M. Starkweather, deceased, the admin istrator of said estate will on and af ter the 1st day of July, 1922, offer for sale, at private sale, at the residence of H. G. Starkweather, the undersign ed, on the River Road near Oak Grove, in Clackamas County, Oregon,' the following described tract of land, to-wit: A part of the J. S. Risley D. L. C. in Clackamas County, State of Ore gon in township 2 south range 1 east of the W. M. bounded as fol lows : Beginning at a point marked by an iron pipe which is north 59 deg. 20' W and 125.05 feet distant from the most western corner of land deeded to Leroy H. Huntley and ' Lilly M. Huntley husband and wife as recorded on page 374 of book 166 of Deed Records of Clackamas County, Oregon, running, thence north 61 deg. 50' E 366.92 ft. thence north 8 deg. 52' west 21.19 ft. thence south 61 deg. 50' west 379.01 feet to -an iron pipe; thence south 59 deg. 20' east 23.37 ft. to the place of beginning containing 7159 sq. ft more or less. together with all the right, title and interest which the said decedent had therein at the time of her death. Said sale of said tract will be for part cash and the balance on credit secur ed by a mortgage on said tract, bear ing interest at 6 per cent per annum. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May 31, 1922. , H. G. STARKWEATHER, Administrator of the Estate of AUca M. Starkweather. J. J. FITZGERALD, , Attorney for Administrator, 421 Mo hawk Bldg., Portland, Ore. (6-l-5t).