THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922. Page Nine Sandy Department Blanche Shelley Woman's Club Meets . The Woman's club of Sandy met last Thursday afternoon at the coun . try home of Mrs. Alice Shipley. The house was beautifully decoratedjwitn spring flowers. The usual business was disposed of and a committee ap pointed to invest gate the matter of a swimming pool down on Cedar Creek. The Boy Scout and Camp Fire Girl movement was discussed at length, and It is quite probable that Sandy will have both of these organ izations in the near future. The fol lowing topics under the head of "Early Missions" were presented "Nes Perces send to St. Louis for Teachers" Mrs. Ethel Thompson. "First Mission School in Oregon", Mrs. Blanche R. Shelley. "Marriage Rite First Observed in Oregon", Mrs. R. S. Smith At the close of the meet ing, delicious refreshments were ser ved. Members present were Madames Shelley, Esson, Scales, Thompson, Gray Sture Bosholm, - Smith, Bruns, and Shipley. The guests were Mrs. 3. M. C. Miller and Mrs. McGugin. The club will meet June 1st at the "home of Madam Bruns Election of officers for the following year, sa all members are requested to be present. Class Banquet ' The Juniors of the Sandy Tjnion High school No. 2, entertained the Seniors with a banquet at the'coun try home of Mr. and Mrs. .Bosholm last Wednesday evening. Spring flow ers graced the tables and rooms. A delicious spread was se'rved at 8:30 to the following: Bertha Hoffman, Mildred De Shazer, Grant De Shazer, Ruby Dodd, Carl Sharnke, John Mot ejl, Mildred Bosholm, Pearl Dixon, Ruth De Shazer, Alta Beers Miss Mar garet Miller and Miss Elsie Lippold. Park in Portland last Saturday. Here they spent the day, feeding the mon keys and bears peanutsi, trying to qarry on conversations with the par rots, looking wise as the owls, growl ing like the cougars, and firishing up the day with a romp" on the play grounds. A stop was made on the way home for supper, so the kidlets considered it a well spent day. ThoseJ taking the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Malare and children, Annabel and Merlin, Mr., and Mrs. Henry, Perret and children, Antone,.Amanda, George and Ruth, Mrs. Elanche R. Shelley and son, Joe Hooker, Jonnie Shelley, Evelyn Mutchler, Mildred Barnett, Nora Kesterson Wayne Duncan and Barbara Sharnke. "Mr. Bob" Well Done The seniors of the Sandy Union High school presented "Mr. Bob", a comedy "in two parts, to a well filled house last Saturday evening. The cast follows- Mrs. Lucke, Aunt Becky, Pearl Dixon;' Katherine, Aunt Bec ky's niece, Mildred De Shazer ;xMar ion Bryant, "Mr. Bob", Bertha Hoff man; Mr. Robert Brown, a lawyer, Carl -Sharnke; Phillip Ray son, Aunt Becky's nephew, John Motejl; Patty, Aunt Becky's maid, Ruby Dodd; Jen kins, Aunt Becky's butler, Grant De Shazer. The parts were all well taken and the young folks certainly did them selves credit. Mr. Miliiron, of Firwood, gave sev eral selections on the saxaphone, ac companied by Miss Mildred Bosholm. held in Portland last Saturday.. V. H. Dent left Monday for Penn sylvania where he goes to assume his duties as assistant manager of the Trojan Powder company. The Community club were enter tained at "500" at the school last week Wednesday evening. Eight ta bles were played. Head prizes were won by Mrs. Fred Wilson and R. G. Thompson. The consolation prizes were won by Mrs. F. F.JTheroux and Mrs. C. C. Hole. The Jennings Lodge school will hold closing exercises Monday, May 29 Diplomas will be presented at the garduating exercises to be .held at a later date at the Chautauqua Park. The members of the .Tunior baseball team of the Jennings Lodge school enjoyed a weinie roast at the auto park Friday evening.. The girls of the same grade were preseni as their guests. High School Meeting Notices are posted calling your at tention to a meeting to be held in the City Hall, May 27th, for the pur pose of voting "yes" or "no" on unit ing Districts No. 39, 124 and 125 with Union High School Distirct No. 2, for high school purposes only. Bad Day, But Fine Time In spite of the down pour, the jolly crowd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Gray last Sunday evening had a most enjoyable time. Weiners toast ed over the fireplace, ice cream and cake and other good eatables were there in abundance. Besides the host and hostess those partaking were Misses Hazel Beers, Frances Meinig, Mr. Glenn Laundree and Melvin Ray. Weather Interferes With Game The Boring base ball team lined up against the Sandy nine on the home diamond last Sunday. Heavy showers during the afternoon drove the play ers and spectators to seek refuge on nearby porches, but they stuck it out in spite of the condition of the field. The score stood 10 to 16 in Boring's favor. Baccalaureate Sermon Preached Rev. Earl Cotton delivered the ser mon to the graduating class of the Sandy Union High school last Sunday evening at the M. E. church. Several special musical numbers were presented. Community Club Meeting The Sandy Community club held its regular meeting in the City Hall last Thursday evening. The main subjects up for discussion were city water, more city lights and the improvement of the auto park. Mrs. Sharnke and daughter, Bar bara, are on the sick list. Also the C arrows. Mr. Jacob Leitheisier and three friends from Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keligle of Kelso were guests : die accompanied them home. 54 t t j8 ct fcJ 8 ieX (t MOLALLA - at Mrs. A. D. Courter Jt " & ifitf jP jf j? JP J? J? j? ? J? ? J? ? JP j?" Ben Cole and family motored to Sa lem Tuesday on business. The Misses Birdie Dickerson and Mary Kay, ac companied' them. . Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and family of Beaver Creek were Molalla visitors Friday. They took in the May day exercises, also the ball game. Bert Cole went to Portland Satur day on business. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Gilpin from Nebraska is here visiting Mr. Gilpins' brother. They came through in a car, made the trip in 17 days. Davidson Has Accident Earl Davidson while working in the timber had the misfortune to be caught by a rolling log. One leg was broken and he was badly bruised all over. Dr. Todd has charge of the case. Mr. Watts Moves to Oregon City Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watts moved to Oregon City Saturday. Mr. .Watts sold his stock and closed his' pool hall. Molalla Grammar school base ball team played Colton . Thursday, the score was 13 to 10 in favor of Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers of Port land spent Sunday at the home o Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Riddle. Mrs. Rid- Fifth Grade Takes Trip As a reward for the highest percent age made in the county tests in spell ing among the 5th, 6th and 7th grades in the Sandy school, Mrs. Nina Ma lare took the 5th grade to the City at the Kubitza home last Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dittert- enter tained at dinner last Sunday when covers were laid for the following, Mr and Mrs. Kubitza and children, Mr. Chas.- Sharnke ancTOeorge Sharn ke. Miss Mary Sharnke was the guest of Miss Edith Hein, Sunday. Father Bonaventura and Mr. Beid enstein were week end guests at the Sharnke home. C. O. Duke went to Portland Satur day to attend the Elks convention but the crowd was so large, he could not get in to the auditorium. Miss Jean Proctor spent the week end with the home folks. She is sten ographer in a cannery at Brookfield, Washington, and likes her work very much. Miss Lelia Shafer closed a very suc cessful- term of school at Dickey Prai rie Thursday. The school gave a pic nic for all and despite the rain it was a great success. Plans for Round-up Completed Everet Wilson was here Tuesday and Wednesday completing arrange ments ior the Molalla Round-up to be given July 2, 3, 4. Molalla is aiming to have a three day celebration this year. Watch for posters. Clackamas County Bank We take pleasure in announcing to our de positors that we have recently installed one of the latest Electrical Alarm Systems for the better protection of their funds 'and other valuables. Clackamas County Bank Sandy, Oregon. I 1' "Protection and Accommodation" Purdom Leaves for San Francisco Elder C. A. Purdom of the Seventh Day Adventist church left Monday for San Francisco, where he attends as a delegate from Oregon a national convention of his denomination. J8 Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjljtjl gg JENNINGS LODGE J Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck Theroux's orchestra, the, members of whom are pupils in the Jennings lodge school furnished music at the closing exercises of the Gladstone tichool Tuesday evening. Warren Swart made a business trip to Heppner Sunday returning Mon day. He made the trip by automobile. H. H. Emmons and Ed Baker are transacting business at The Dalles this week. Mrs. Mabel Pierce and Mrs. Hugh B. Felming attended a musical recital given at the home of Mrs. Waldron the past week. During the coming two weeks Mrs. Fleming, who is a student of Mrs. Waldron will be pre sented at a recital. They also attend ed the final recital given last Tues day in Portland by the McDowell club. D. M. Edwards and Miss'Duston of Portland spent Sunday las guests at the Turitt home. Mrs. George Benjamin arrived to day from Umatilla to visit her moth er, Mrs. Kessi. Elizabeth Kessi, who isa student at the University of Ore gon spent Sunday with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Losey had as Sunday dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tagley, who left Monday for an extended visit to their former home in Minnesota. , F. ' W. Musgraver of Goldendale, Washington, spent Saturday at the home of his cousin, R,. F. Deteter. Mrs. Martha Paulson of Tacomd, visited her nephew, M. Kern of Hull avenue last Saturday. Velma Bechtel, who has been a stu dent at the Benson Polytechnic school has returned to be home in Idaho. While attending school she has made her home with her uncle Shelton Bechtel of Hull avenue. The Ben Hur lecture has been post poned until june 9th when it will be given at the Community church. Mr. and Mrs. John Burohard who have spent the winter with Mrs. Bur chard's parents have returned to their home in Portland. The pupils of Miss Ruth Truscott's room enjoyed, a weinie roast and ice cream at the river Friday afternoon. Thirtyj3ix were in attendance. Rev. A., B. Snider officiated at the funeral services held for the late Mrs. M. J. O'Neill of Boring which were Fire Destroys White House About eleven o'clock Wednesday morning the McBride house where the family live during the summer time, known as the White house, caught on tire and was compeltely de stroyed. Most of the household goods was saved. There was an insurance of $1000 on the house. Mrs. McBride and Mr. Reed McBride just arrived from their Portland home Tuesday. , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Irve Trull inger, May 23, a- son. Dr. and Mrs. Todd left Monday for Salem: They intend to visit other valley cities before returning to Mol alla. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, a boy. i ilaa Aletha Sheperd came home bunaay from the ohspital where she had been operated on for appendicitis. Mrs. McNiel came home from the hospital in Oregon City Sunday where she had been operated on.- May Day Celebrated May day exercises were held at the school trround Friday afternoon, ine program was rendered by the students of the high school and the grade school. Music was rurnisnea ny Molalla band. , The program, which began ai o'clock, was as follows: coronation parade, coronation ot queen, by high school girls; song by the glee club; dance Dy tne grauc e," and winding of May pole by 5th and 6th grades. All wen like clock work and Tvrert that no pains had been spared, in training. ." Mrs. C. J. Larson spent week-end In Portland visiting friends. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Corbin and family and Mr. Corbin's mother, mo tored to Newberg Sunday to visit Mr. Corbin's sister. .Friday Busy Day Friday was a very busy day in Mo lalla between primary election, May day exercises and base ball game. Mo lalla won the ball game, the score was 17-2 in favor of Molalla. NATURE'S WARNING Oregon City People Must Recognize and Heed It Kidney ills come mysteriously. But nature generally warns you. .Notice the kidney secretions. See if the color is unhealthy ' If there are settlings and sediment, Passages frequent, scanty, painful. It's time - to fear serious kidney trouble. It's time to use Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have done great work in Oregon City. Lloyd Bernier, machinist, 111 - 18th St., Oregon City, says: "I gladly rec ommend Doan's Kidney Pills for I know they are a fine remedy. My kidneys troubled me and I suffered with dull backaches and pains across my kidneys that made it hard for, me to stoop. My kidneys didn't act right, either but Doan's Kidney Pilla from Jones Drug Store soon fixed me in iine shape." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Bernier had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. Mrs. Wm. Wing went to Portland last Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Messereli t$ WILLAMETTE j - Beulah Snidow J j? jf s? j? & s? s? jf Seventh Grade Entertain The Seventh grade entertained the Eighth grade at the gymnasium. The Duilding was beautifully decorated with the class colors blue and gold and bouquets of lilacs were placed at intervals. The evening was devot ed to games and at the close a lunch eon of sandwiches, cake, and ice creani was served. XilC m lui Jl&iiiii giau& class pins have been sent in and they will probably be here by commence ment. Lawn Party Enjoyed Miss Thelma De Bok gave a party in honor of the Eighth grade at her home last Saturday evening. Games were played on the lawn and "Flying Dutchman", "Hide and Seek", "Three Deep", and "Winkum" were enjoyed by all. After the. games-refreshments were served by the hostess, Miss Thelma De Bok assisted by Miss Mary Shannon. The guests were Misses Jessie Babeock, Mary Mantha, Ariet ta Price, and Myra Adcock, Masters Arthur Hagen, Manford Manning, Ja mes Paterson James Farlien, James Babeock, Jesse Mootry, Willard Bra dy, and Gordon De Bok. Wedding Anniversary Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Junken of Will amette were agreeably surprised last Thursday when about forty of their friends and neighbors took possession of their home, the occasion being their 25th wedding anniversary. The affair was cleverly planned and car ried out The bride was dressed in White, wearing a long veil, with a bridal wreath of spring blossoms and carrying a bridal bouquet of the same flowers. The bride-groom wore con ventional black with a button-hole bouquet. Misses Ruth and Elsie Jun ken acted as bridesmaids for their mother and Lloyd and Clifford Jun ken as best man for their father. The train entered the room to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march play ed by Miss Blanche Junken. Rev. Ed gar performed the ceremony. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Junken were presented with a silver tea set by their friends and a silver tea pot from their son, Lloyd. Mrs. W. S. Bennett gave a humorous reading, Mrs. Wm. Robinson danced and Misses Blanche Junken, Nena Hyatt and Ruth Junken played piano solos. After the singing of several old- fashioned songs by the groups refresh ments were served. Dr. Edgar then filled out the marriage certificate. PP: It i Birthday Celebrated A birthday party in honor of Mrs. J. L. Snidow was given at the home of her daughter Mrs. Walter Larson last Saturday. After an enjoyable afternoon ice creani and cake was served. SPARKS if LY! Your neighbors' fire may mean your own - loss. Flames have been carried for miles. Build wisely; be careful, and insure. Allinsuranc e is not alike. You need the Hartford Fire Insur ance Co. for strength and fairness. Call on this agency. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 620 Main St Oregon City, Oregon EOPLE WHO ARE Particular Find the utmost satisfac tion in our cafeteria service Whether you prefer a sim ple lunch or a complete din ner you will find the best of food at reasonable prices, cookednd served with that attention to detail which alone will produce QUALITY EATS The Falls 703 Main St. Phone'44 act te? OSWEGO 8 L. K. Davidson 8 ffif? K'i?j?'iii?j?a''sPj?:?f'jf''' s? Mr. and Mrs. Orille Davidson, Alice Zeller, Delia Davis and John Headrick attended the hard time dance at West Linn. A party was given at the home, of Arda Cox Saturday night about twen ty five guests were present -"Pappoose" King, young Oswego lad who is pitching for Lincoln High school is going fine in the Interschol astice League, keeping his team in the race for the pennant: . Clark has but one more game to win before he cinches the rag. Let us all hope he beats Jefferson this weak. Mrs. L. K. Davidson and two little daughters are visitors at the home f Mrs. Geo. James of Newberg. Myron Davidson says he will soon have the paving on "A" street com pleted. Oswego base bal lteam was given a severe drubbery, 8 to 10, by Bolton, much to the chagrin of "Bones" Aus tin, Oswego pitcher, who fanned 11 men and wakled but one, but it takes a mighty good pitcheto win the game alone. V Mrs. James Wall of Powers, Oregon is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clancy and her sister, Mrs. Ful ton. Retha Kiser is able to be around again after a severe illness. Mrs. Crimmons has returned, to her home at Dayton, Oregon, after spend ing -some time with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Foster. Mrs. Gladys Haines spent last week with Mrs. John Haines. She was ac oompanie'd by her little son. Junior. Charlie Hill spent the week s end with his mother, Mrs. Josephine Hill. Charlie is now located at Pendleton. TIr. and Mrs. Lof Copley are now living in Portland. Hazel Jordan of Portland visited at the L. K. Davidson home Sunday. ELWOOD , Mr. Ed Hodffkiss. -arhn rdpoivo1 a painful cut on his" right hand with a unable to work. Mrs. Lilly Park made a trin' to Ore gon City Saturday and while there called on W. T. Henderson, who is slowly improving. Mr. Frank Rotter has gone away to work but with his parents from Ore gon City is visiting a few days in Seattle. gS 8 8 8 8 58 8 8 8 8 8 FROGPOND c8 Mary Ldesman J8 & s t? jf jf- ? 1? t? " j? Jf J? Jf Jf Birthday Celebrated A birthday party was given on Nola Turner Friday night TE6 young folks of the neighborhood attended. Games were played and later lunch was serv ed. All had a fine time. A school picnic was given last Wed nesday in Murray's Grove. . Quite a number were there besides school children. Ice cream was served. A special grange meeting was call ed last Monday night to decide on the picnic on the Fourth of July and also the dance. ' A surprise party was given on Miss Randlin, Tuesday evening, May 16. The evening was "spent i by playing games on the lawn till the call for luncheon was heard. No Charge! for Some Kinds of Service on All Kinds of Batteries There are a lot of things we do here at no charge, without regard to whether .your bat tery is a Willard or not. There are other things, . such as repairs, recharging and so on, that we have to charge for, but even with them we throw in a good measure of service that we never ask you to pay for. We're Battery Head-' quarters and we give the same careful attention to all makes of batteries. Come in, and get ac quainted. We recharge and repair all makes of batteries, all Rubber Radio Batteries, Radio wire and' parts. Con. Hilgers Battery Rebuilding and Repairing ' Twelfth and Main Oregon City, Ore. Representing Willard Storage Batteries Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vallen, Nellie Vallen and Mrs. Lilly Park, attended the commencement exercises at Col ton high school last Thursday even ing. Miss Eula Park was one of the class of six. She is to be congratu lated for her courage and endurance having ridden the four miles morning and evening and not missing a day during the entire term. She graduat ed as class Salutatorium. Dr. Cole man' address to the class was full of helpful suggestions to all. Mrs. M. A. Henderson and son. Rev. A, S Henderson made a hurried trip to the ranch one .day last week, stay ing over night, with their daughter and sister, Delia Vallen. To saw Many an automobile fedls'tcTdeBver'the power and speed of which it is capable, fails in acceleration and on the bills, be cause of poor lubrication. . The purpose of lubrication is to reduce friction. In this connection it must be re membered that oils have internal or mo lecular friction. The heavier the oil (the more this internal friction, which has to be overcome by and uses up power. The ideal oil for the automobile is the thinnest oil which will keep the bearing surfaces separated, and at the same time offer in itself the least frictional resistance to the engine power going to the rear or driving wheels. Soch an oQ if it has "offiness," stability and pm ity, will give perfect lubrication, and permit the development of the maximum power, speed and gasoline mileage of the car. Zerolene meets these conditions perfectly. Oiliness Stability Purity Zeiolene has great "ofliness," which causes ft to cling to bearing surfaces while offering in itself a minimnm of frictional resistance to the engine power. , . It has great stability, which cansesit to resist engine beatand to form a minimum of carbon of a saftflaky nature which goes out with the exhanst. And it is pure. If yon follow the Zerolene chart of Correct lubri cation, you will develop the maximum power,speed and gasoline mileage of your car. STAN DARD OH. COMPANY (Califomiai more powerfispeed less fiMmi and wear thru (hired Labrimtion At the foot o f Singer Hill P. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN No matter how careful you dirve, you can never tell what the other fellow may do. Be sure you are in the "right in entrusting your car to a repair man. After the work is done it's too late to change. We guarantee satisfaction. . CAPITAL GARAGE Less Crawford, Prop. 10th and Railroad Oregon City THE gig. Pleasure of driving a car is twice as great when that car' is in first class condi tion not only mechani cally but also as to appearance. A dirty looking car never attracted attention. Let us do your automobile painting. .Our experience enables us to do better work than is-f ound on most new cars. OREGON CITY AUTO PAINT SHOP Main Street at Ninth Oregon City 4