Page Eight J ' 'THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922. BUY OREGON CITY m V What It Means tof and Why You and Your Family to Buy Goods Made at Home You Should Buy from Your Local Merchant FORD AND FORDSON PARK-SH EPH ARD MOTOR CO. Main Street, at Fourth Phone 355 R. E. Park P. J. Shepherd ALL STANDARD MAKE WATCHES EXPERT REPAIRING Neal, Mc and Rose The House of Quality 522 Main Near Post Office A - ' I Bifocal.' Bifocal I KNOWLEDGE EXPERIENCE SKILL All three are needed in fitting comfortable glasses. There are many kinds of bifocal lenses and each style has one or mure good points which adapt it to special uses. Kryptok bifocals are the only invisible ones known to science today. When you come to me for bifocal service, each style is care fully demonstrated and you are aided in the selection of the one best suited to your needs. 19 years experience at your service DR. FREEZE, EYE SPECIALIST 505!2 Main St. Opposite Postoffice Oregon City A usincss Proposition Laying aside all sentiment and getting down to hard, cold business facts, it pays to trade at home. Oregon City merchants buy ad vertising space in the local newspapers because in terms of hard cold cash it pays. Oregon City people should patronize their local merchants for the same reason. No business man has a right to solicit patronage on any other basis. If you can not get what you want in Oregon City, at prices which are reasonable, no one expects you to trade here, but, you should try your local merchant first. You will find a quality of service, of personal attention and considera tion not obtainable in a mammoth department store where a clerk is a mere cog in a vast machine. You will iind real bargains in merchandise which is backed by the merchants whose business life depends, upon the service they render. . , Every dollar spent at home means that much more money in local cir culation. Every dollar spent in Portland means that much money taken away fro mOregon City and added to Portland's circulation. How much money do Portland merchants contribute toward the welfare of Oregon City. If you believe in Oregon City get behind, and boost Give your local merchants the first chance. - For the best letter on the subject Why You Should Buy at Home, The Banner-Courier will give the following Prizes First Prize $ 1 S.OO Second Prize $7.00 Third Prize $3.6o Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Prizes, a one year's subscription to the Banner Courier each. This contest is open to all residents of Clackamas County. Contest closes June 22. Now get busy and send in your letters. We reserve the right to publish any or all letters sent in. JACOB'S OREGON CITY WOOLENS Pure Virgin Wool Overcoats Mackinawi Flannel Shirts Loggers' Shirts Trousers ' - ? Lounging Robes Auto Robes Indian Blankets Fancy Bed Blankets Staple Blankets "WOVEN WHERE THE WOOL IS GROWN" OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Ore. New York, Chicago, Boston, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Louisville, San FranciscoTSsalt Lake City, Seattle, Portland We Specialize in 'Watch Repairing Headquarters for R. R. Men 0 Nekton's Watch Shop We also feature Wireless goods 425 Main Near 5th at Bridge When You Build Remember Oregon City Sand and Gravel Company WASHED and SCREENED RIVER SAND and GRAVEL 14th Street at River TIRES 30x3 $8.99 30x3i2 9.99 Gas - Oil - Grease , All Tires for All Cars Smith'sTire Shop "On the hill to save you money" 609 - 7th St Near Center GOOD WHOLESOME FOOD Quality Restaurant 427 Main St. ,Phone 517 See our Window for FRESH VEGETABLES We carry a full line at all times and are prepared to fill your orders in full. Strawberries are coming in now, and they are fine. , We will have a fresh lot every day during the season. The Hub Grocery on the Hill 402 - 7th St. Phone 41 REALTY TRANSFERS Weekly Record of Property Changes Compiled From County Recorder' Office. List Includes' Transfers up to Each Wednesday Maurice Briggs to Reuben A. and Hazel Peterson. Lot 15,Blk. "C" Mil waukie Park. Ira A. and Louisa Jones to Geo. W. and Lilly E. Griffy. Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Blk. 50 of O. I. & S. Co. Ex tension of First Add to Oswego. Ellen S. Warren to Martha J. Kelly Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 19, Oregon City. Lucy and Jacob Kristan to Casper and Phebe J. nderson. Lots 3 and 4 Blk. 158, Oregon City. Gustaf G. and Sadie J. Flechtner to Silica King Mines Co., Pt, of Blk. 16, Nob Hill. Title and Trust Co. to Paul and Ida E. Palmblad. Lot 12 and of Lot 11, Blk. 9, Oak Grove Park J. W. and Jennie D. Moffatt to Al bert and Edna Meilke. Lots 1 and 8 of Blk. 45. County Add to Oregon City. John O. and Charlotte Roth to B. and Mary Erickson. Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 1, Roth's' Add. to Canby. R. G. and Myrtle Frerichs to Chas. O. Thomas, Lot 88, Canby Gardens. Gertrude Humphrey to Ethel I. and H. A. Harvey. Lot 4, Blk. 141, Ore gon City. W. W. and Frances Myers to Char lie and Gertrude Washburn' Wester ly Vz of Lot 8. Blk. 138, Oregon City. Silas and Ella. Masier to Anton Kloer. Pt. of Lot 4, Blk. 75, Oregon City. . ' Carl W. and Bessie Brandstetter to Geo. T. and Am Vickery. Lots 7 and 8, Blk. 2, Milwaukie Park. Margaret E. King to G. C. and Han nah H. Mize. Lot 4, Blk." 146, Oregon City E. M. and Anna Howell to Harry L. and Florence A. Herber. Blk. 62 arid Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 63, Central Add. to O. C. Josie Irish to A. C. Howland, Part of Lot 2, Blk. 110, Oregon City. , CARUS Minnie Edwards J The ladies aid gave a farewell party at the home of Mr. H. Fisher Wed nesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Ayles who intends to leave soon for Missouri to make an indefinite stay with her brothers. Mrs. Chas. Wilbanks has been ill for the last few weeks she was tak en to the Oregon City, hospital last Tuesday afternoon but returned home on Thursday evening. She is improv ing slowly. Reed Jaggar and Chas. Gilgore at tended a class play in Oregon City Friday evening. Quite a few people from Cams at tended the gypsy play at Beaver Creek Saturday evening. Mrs. 'Ed Hargreaves is spending a week with relatives at Clackamas. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Stevens Jr.,-have moved to Mulino. Mr. Stevens and J. L. Shockley have taken a contract to deliver 800 cords of wood. Work men are working on John Davis' new house which is progress ing very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sohoenborn and family' attended a surprise party given on Mrs. Debore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weamon of Eldo rado Saturday evening. Mrs. George Bliss, Miss Minnie Ed wards, Mrs. G. R Guilliam, Mrs. Ay les, and Adrian Jones motored to Ore gon City on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donten of Molalla were callers at Bliss Sunday. Mr. Henry Klinesmith of Clarkes is making his annual sheep shearing trip through Carus. The Carus school team played Mu lino Friday afternoon.: Carus won 25-3. John Lehmen entertained the school scholars with a bon fire Friday even ing. They all reported a good time. Prejudices are merely other pie's opinions! Wayside -Tales. peo- M. How Long Will Your Battery Live ' It depends, on the attention you give it. You'r battery needs to be looked over twice a month. Little troubles' can then be corrected and you will get the maximum of power out of you'r battery. We rec comend a Westinghouse Battery only when repairs are no longer economical. HODGSON GANNON ELECTRIC GO. The Westinghouse Service Station 4th and Main St. Oregon City Langley Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Automotive Ignition and Battery Service Expert Repairing . and Rewinding Electrical Machinery Guaranteed Service Battery Prices Reduced Ford and Chevrolet Batteries, 1 year guarantee .. Maxwell and Dodge Batteries, 1 year guarantee $18 $25 Phone 260W 1117 Main St. THE DRAGON I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world. I have destroyed more than all the wars of the world. I am more deadly than bullets, and I have wrecked more homes than the mightiest of siege guns. I steal in the United States alone over $500,000,000 each year. I spare no one, and I find my vic tims among the rich and poor alike; the young and the old, the strong and the weak, widows and orphans know me. I loom up to such proportions that I go into "every corner of the earth leaving behind me destroyed homes, factories, ships, cities or anything that may get in my path. I am your worst enemy, but yet few take the necessary precaution to avoid me. I AM FIRE FIRE PREVENTION CO. Corner South Second and High StB. Oregon City, Oregon Protect the LIVES of YOUR FAMILY and YOUR HOME by installing the AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM We Pay Cash for Cream At the highest market price. Send us a trial shipment if you want satisfaction and prompt returns. - Oregon City Butter A home product made from pasteurized Clackamas County Cream. (Quality printing The impression your printed message will make depends on the skill and knowledge of the Printer. We are proud of the quality of every job that leaves our shop. It Is the result of thoughtful care and years of experience. Let us co-operate with you on your next printing job. You'll like our work and our prices. The Banner-Courier Witt T0i Next to Electric Hotel Goodrich 55-30x3 Y2 . $10.90 . Warren and Blodgett, Props. 407 Main St. ' Oregon City 2