The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, May 25, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
The Clackamas County Banner and the Oregon City Courier, Consolidated
July 8th, 1919, and Published by the Clackamas County Banner Publishing
Company, Incorporated.
F. J. TOOZE, Editor
H. A. KIRK, Advertising
Published Thursdays from the Banner Building at Ninth and Main Streets
and Entered in the Postoffice at Oregon City, Oregon-as Second Class Mail
Subscription Price, $1.50 per year in advance.3
Telephone 417
Official Paper of City of Oregon City
"Fiag of the free heatrs' hope" and
By Angels' hands to valor givenr :
Thy stars have lit the welkin dome,
And all thy hues were born in
Forever float that standard sheet!
Where breathes the foe but falls be
fore us.
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming
o'er us."
A strike characterized by lawlessness and even blood
shed has been on for weeks at the water front in Portland".
The assaulted have been rushed to the hospitals or to
their homes; The assaulters have been arrested and the
jails and courts occupied with men who demand certain
conditions for work and not being able to force their de
mands take the position that other men similarly situated
in the industrial marts of the community shall not take
their places and thus thwart them in their demands for
certain wap-es and conditions.
Upon the basis that might makes right the strikers
took the law into their own hands and committeed unlaw
ful acts against the state and committed personal wrong
upon their fellow men.
The employers aver they cannot grant the conditions
the striking longshoremen would impose through their
union and stand upon the assumption that they have a
right to employ whom they will. And then the strike
breaker-takes the position that he has a right to earn his
living when, where and by what legal way he chooses.
All three parties may be and are probably wrong in
the premises taken with reference to methods of
settlement. The strikers in the methods of as
sault and personal injury; the employers in applying
methods which mean industrial warfare without first
trying means promotive of fair and peaceful adjustment'
of differences. The strike breakers tempt their fellow
men at a period of highest tension to unjust provocation.
The state, however, fails in its duty most of all. The
State Mediation Board should have the authority to re
view such industrial troubles with a view to minimizing
the hatred engendered; and to bring together employer
and employees to consider the welfare of each other and
the state itself.
The interests of the state are always affected as are
those of the employers and the workers themselves and
it should devise, a means whereby it can protect itself.
One way is to make the Arbitration Board operative with
justice insured for all parties. And to act promptly is an
other essential factor to success. . .
beating the dumb creature, whether bird or beast. And
this is proper. Punishment is usually not severe enough
for those who neglect or abuse these dumb creatures un
able to help themselves.
Why then should these owners of stock on the ranges
be permitted to neglect their flocks and herds, because
by so doing they can show a larger money balance than by
providing food and shelter. They can and they will thus
provide when the law compels them to do so.
It is now but a few months before the rigors of win
ter on the Eastern plains will again set in; The State
Humane Society and the state itself should demand that
the practices of animal neglect for dollars-should be'no
longer tolerated ANYWHERE in the commonwealth. -
Arid the local "Mourning sheet" having guessed
wrong on its "Eleventh hour" proclamation has yet a
crumb of comfort-school District Number 62 is still
within the "fold."
(By Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
Oh! What a joy it is to plant a tree!
And from the sallow earth to watch
it rise,
Lifting its emerald branches to the
In silent adoration; and to see
Its strength and glory waxing with
each spring.
Yes, tis a goodly and a gladsome
To plant a tree.
Nature has many marvels; but a tree
Seems more than niarvelous; it is
So generous, so tender, so benign.
Not garrulous, like the rivers, and yet
In pleasant converse with the winds
and birds.
Oh, privilege beyond explaining
To plant a tree!
Rocks are majestic; but, unlike a tree.
They stand aloof and silent. In the
Of ocean billows breaking on the
There sounds the voice of turmoil
But a tree
Speaks ever of companionship and
Yea, of all righteous acts, this is
To plant a tree.
There is an oak oh, how I love that
Which has been thriving for a hun
dred years.
Each day I send my blessing
through the spheres
For one who gave this triple boon
to me
Of growing beauty, singing birds
and shade.
Wouldst thou win laurels which
shall never fade?
Go plant a tree!
to employ an architect in the planning
and construction of the said City Hall
Building and to make a payment on
said contract of employment and that
such employment is necessary for the
immediate preservation of the health-,
peace and safety of the people in the
judgment of the City Council of Ore
gon City an emergency exists, there
fore this - ordinance shall take effect
and be in force immediately upon its
approval by the mayor.
Read first time at a special meet
ing of the city council held on May
20, 1922, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., and
ordered published to come up for sec
ond reading and passage at a special
meeting of the city council to be held
on the 7th day of June, 1922 at 7:30
o'clock P. M.
(5-25-lt.) Recorder.
and its improvement was, and is nec
essary for the immediate preservation
of the health and safety of the said
public, therefore an emeregncy is
hereby declared to exist and this or
dinance shall take effect and be in
force immediately upon Its approval
by the mayor.
Read first time at a special meet
ing of the city council held on May
20th, 1922, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., and
ordered published to come up for
second reading and passage at a reg
ular meeting of the city council to be
held on the 7th day of June at 7:30
o'clock P. M.
(5-25-lt.) Recorder.
Jess A Cantril, vergoa City, age
24 to Myrtle Krenter, age 17, Oregon
George Dixon, age 25, Dallas, Oreg.
to Ada Creason, age 20, Oregon City.
Joseph August Senti, age 28; Port
land, Oreg. to Matilda M. .Michels,
age 21, West Linn, Ore.
An ordinance declaring the assess
ment for the improvement of Sixth
Street from the westerly line of Rail
road Avenue to the Easterly line of
Main Street, and from the Westerly
line of Main Street to the Easterly
line of Water Street, Oregon City,
Oregon, and declaring an emergency.
Oregon City does ordain "as follows:
Section 1. The assessment for the
improvement of Sixth Street, from
the westerly line of Railroad Avenue
to the Easterly line of Main Street,
and from the Westerly line of Main
Street to the Easterly line of Water
Street, Oregon City, Oregon, has been
levied and declared according to As
sessment Roll No. D new series, and
the whole cost thereof is $4068.73.
Section 2. Whereas the condition
of said street was and is dangerous
to the health and safety of the public
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County
Earle M. Brunner and Morgan T.
Brunner, Plaintiffs.
Anna Schroeder Carstens, alias Anna
Maria Catharina Schroeder Car
stens, the unknown heirs of Anna
Schroeder Carstens, alias "Anna Ma
ria Catharina Schroeder Carstens
and Johann Herman Carstens, her
husband,- Sophia Schroeder Aschen
beck, alias Catharine Sophie Schroe
der Aschenbeck,' the unknown heirs
of Sophia Schroeder Aschenbeck,
alias Catharine Sophie Aschenbeck
and Diedrich Aschenbeck, her hus
band, Johann Herman Schroeder,
the unknown heirs of Johann Her
mann Schoredef and Jane Doe
Schroeder, his wife, Catharina Mar
garethe, Schroeder Blohm, the un
known heirs of Catharina Margar
ethe Schroeder Blohm, and Johann
Hinrich Blohm, - her husband, and
also all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest in and to the
real estate described in the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
To the above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer a com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the 6th day
of July A. D. 1922, which date is the
date of the last publication of sum
mons, or otherwise appear herein,
and if you fail to appear or answer
for want thereof plaintiffs will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded
in their complaint, to-wit, for judg
ment and decree quieting the plain
tiff's title to the following described
real property, towit:
Beginning at the Southwest (SW)
corner of the Northwest quarter
(NW) of Section 2 in Township 2
South of Range 2 East of the Willam
ette Meridian; thence North 80 rods;
thence east 20 rods; thence south 80
Whereas, pursuant to an order of
the city council heretofore made the
city engineer has filed in the office
of the recorder of Oregon City a pro
posed change of the grade of Fifth
Street, from the East side of Main
Street to a point 210 feet East of the
East side of Main Street, and
Whereas, said proposed change of
The state humane" society is now demanding of the
wealthy stock owners of Eastern Oregon action wThich
is long past due. And that is that the ruthless starvation
and freezing of thousands of their sheep and cattle every
winter on the open range while their owners dwell in lux
ury in California climate must cease. These stockmen
price their herds and plan their business allowing for the
suffering and death of a certain percentage of these
flocks and herds every winter without regard to the in- )srade is satisfactory to the city coun
that said proposed change of grade is
hereby approved and be it further
RESOLVED that it is the purpose
and intention of the city council of
Oregon City, Oregon, to change the
grade of said Fifth Street, from the
East side of Main Street to a point
210 feet East of the East side of Main
Street, in accordance with said pro
posed change as submitted by the
city engineer, so that the same shall
be as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a .point on the East
line of Main Street and in the center
of Fifth Street at an elevation of 97.1
feet; thence to an elevation of 98 feet
at a point 210 feet East of said East
side of Main Street
The City Recorder of Oregon City is
hereby directed to have this resolu
tion published as by the charter pro
Passed by the council in special
session on May 20th, 1922. 5-25-lt
human aspect of the procedure.
If it is wrong and both law and society declare it
is to allow a single animal 'to starve or freeze in Clack
amas county where or when such inhuman wrong need
not be, it is just as surely wrong to deliberately figure on
allowing thousands of sheep and cattle to freeze and
starve in Eastern Oregon. Persons, are prosecuted for
mere neglect of a single dog, cat, horse, and other animal.
They are likewise punished for applied cruelty such as
4 per cent
Interest Paid
On Savings
Wealth That Works
Money saved and deposited in a bank is wealth that works.
Wealth that works is capital. Unilke brain and muscle, it does
not wear out or deteriorate. It grows and improves.
The only gain from labor is what is saved. Labor, therefore,
makes wealth and when wealth works it is capital.
Capital at work pays wages, which, when saved, creates more
capital. Labor -is the producer when labor saves.
First National Bank
512 Main St. Oregon City
An ordinance authorizing the mayor
and recorder to enter into a contract
of employment with Edmund Berg
holtz, architect, for the furnishing of
plans and specifications and superin
tendence in the construction of the
City Hall Building on "Singer Hill'
appropriating the sum of $300.00 from
the emergency fund (the same to be
repaid from the sale of City Hall
Bonds) as an initial payment on said
contract of employment, and declar
ing an emergency.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the mayor and re
corder of Oregon City be and hereby
are authorized and empowered to en
ter into a contract of employment
with Edmund Bergholtz, architect, for
the furnishing of plans and specifica
tions and superintendence in the con
struction of the City Hall Building on
Singer Hill.
Section 2. That there be and here
by is appropriated the sum of $300.00
from the emergency fund (the same
to be repaid from the sale of City Hall
Bonds) as an initial payment on said
contract of employment
Section 3. Whereas, it is necessary
The Red Star
' A'
Detroit Vapor OilStoVe
'A '"till
i ill,'1 n-
mul As n
. So
You Advance
Financial advancement is largely
a matter of self-determination. Do
not be discouraged because you
cannot save a large amount every
week or month but determine to
bank your surplus cash regularly.
You may start with a dollar or
more each week and gradually in
crease the amount.
Your account is invited.
4 per cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
Bank of Commerce
Oregon City, Ore .
THOS F RYAN pbes.deht DilHUGH S M0UNTv.ce pres JOHN R HUMPHRYS cashier
K E BAUERSFELD. Asst Cashier
Owned, managed and controlled
by clackamas county people
rods and thence west 20 rods to the
place of beginning, containing 10
acres more or less, situated in Clack
amas County, Oregon, excepting there
from the following, to-wit:
Beginning at a point in the center
of the county road, 152.8 feet east of
an iron pipe stuck in the section line
between Section 2 and 3 in said Town
ship and Range, and 80 rods north of
the quarter section corner between
said Section 2 and 3, thence running
east 177.2 feet to a point, thence south
105 feet to the center of the county
road aforesaid; thence in a northwest
erly direction 193 feet to the place of
beginning, containing 20-100 acres
more or less.
and that the plaintiffs are the owners
in fee simple of the same and the
whole thereof, and that the defendants
nor either of them have any right,
title or interest therein, either at law
or in equity, and for such other and
further relief as to the Court may
seem meet and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for a period of
six (6) weeks by order of'the Honor
ahle James U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court which order is
dated the 23d day of May, . D. 1922,
and which order directs that sum
mons herein be served by publication
thereof once each week for six suc
cessive and consecutive weeks in the
Banner-Courier, a secular newspaper
published in Oregon, City, Oregon,
and that the first publication thereof
be made on the 25th day of May A. D.
Date of first publication 25th day of
May, A. D. 1922; date of last publica
tion the 6th day of July A. D. 1922.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Postoifice Address: 703 Title & Trust
Building, Portland, Ore. (5-25-7t)
To Home Builders:
Be sure and wire your new home
for an ELECTRIC RANGE and oth
er Electrical Appliances. It can be
better done during construction thap
when the house is completed.
Price was from $35 to $95
NOW $19.50 TO $59.50
1. Durable 8'2 pound burner
without wicks or wick substi
tutes. Lights instantly. More
economical than coal, wood or
gas. Heat directly under
cooking utensil.
2. Positive valve control regu
lates heat like city gas. A
quick hot fire or a slow steady
by simply turning valve.
3. Double flue oven bakes per
fectly as fast as a gas range.
Linings are rust resisting
Glass doors. Handle always
4. Convenient, full length high
shelf. - Fuel supply back of
stove. Double tank makes re
filling easy.
5. Black enamel finish requires
no blacking. Easily cleaned
with a dry cloth. All nickel
parts highly polished Gas
stove appearance.
H Oregon City
Re-Varnish With Vernotile
ztAcme Quality Floor Varnish
When the dull worn spots begin to show up on your
varnished floors it is time to re-varnish. Don't "put it off"
or the floor itself will be permanently injured. Re-varnish
them at once save the surface.
Acme Quality
VARN0TILE Floor Varnish
is a tough, elastic varnish made especially for floors. It
wears well, does not scratch or mar while and is the ideal
varnish for floors, steps, hallways and all interior wood
work subjected to severe wear.
We have paints and varnishes for every 'purpose and no
matter how big or how small the surface, we can furnish
you the proper Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose.
Jones Drug Company
Bridge Corner
Oregon City