THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922. Page Three Community IKfe News From Over . CLACKAMAS COUNTY jj d& 8 8 9 WEST LINN , Dennis Kidby J ip a? j? ? ? j? j? ? jf ? j? The "Count on Me" Young Peoples class of the Methodist church enjoyed a wienie roast in the -woods near the reservoir last Wednesday night; All those present had a great time, the eats consisting of wienies, buns, cof fee or postum and marshmallows. Mr. and Mrs. Bains; who formerly resided in the Busch Apartments are at present living in the Crusius home. ' Their new home is now in process of construction near the High School. Mrs. M W. Hedden delightfully en terttined the King's daughters of the Episcopal church at her home last Wednesday. The afternoon was pleas antly passed with needlework. The concrete construction work on the new bridge is well under way and gives promise of an artistically finish ed arch. f The clearing west of the Holly Gar dens is still under way and is bring ing some fine sites to view. West Linn in a few years will be far along the road to greater size. 8 8 6?8 j8 8 8g t c8 EAST CLACKAMAS St E. K. Boyer J - J j? j? j? a? V jf 8f s? j i?8 Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen And daugh ter, Meta, called on Mr. and Mrs. Eng house Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Boyer. Pern Priest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Priest is on the sick list. We hope she will be well soon. Mr. B. Noyer and Edgaf Noyer spent Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith's. P. S. Noyer and B. F. Noyer attend ed the funeral of their niece, Mrs. Bates, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson and son, Donald, were week end visitors at her parents, Mrs. Heartel's. Miss Olga Cloverio came out for the program given by her isster, Ca milla Cloverio at the school house Saturday night and returned home with her Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Enghouse was a caller at the Boyer home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Sheredian were visitors of Mrs. R. R. Putman, her aunt, Friday. Mrs. H. Blake's mother, Mrs. Schur en, called on them Wednesday and left for California Thursday. - "V Mrs. S. A. Crawford, cousin of Mr. E. R. Boyer, is here visiting making a tour of the coast coming recently from California. Her home is in Dan ville, 111. Program Enjoyed by All The program at the school house given by Miss Cloverio Saturday night was a decided sucess, even though the lights did go on the bum. The stage was very prettily decorated with scotch bloom and lilacs. The play "Cinderella" was given with suc cess. Also a Mother Goose book, giv en by the little children. Altogether the program was claimed to be the best ever given here. We hope Miss Cloveria will return again. tgi8 (58 (8 8 j8 6 8 t 8 5 S $ 8 8g PARKPLACE & Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh etr aPjPjfaPjpjpjPsfjfjeiPaPjP jf A movement lead by Carl Hogg is on foot among the residents of Clack amas Heights, for the inslallation of electric lights. Mr. A. Zeigler of Portland conduct ed the Sundjly night meeting of the Congregational church. The ladies of Abernethy .Grange met in their hall for sewing on Thurs day afternoon. Each of the following boys have installed radio receiving sets. Melvin Woodard, Norman Glass and Barnett Pope. Don, son of Mrs. Bert Murray, is at home suffering from a broken shoulder. Miss Emma Breck has' returned ' from a short stay in Aberdeen, Wash. Mrs. Rosebraugh was in Portland Friday afternon. The cottage prayer meeting of the Congregational church, met with Mrs. Rothery of the Heights Tuesday night. Mrs. Goodpasture and Mrs. Warrick were recent Oregon City visitors. Parkplace ball team "defeated the Clackamas team in a core of 9 to 5, Wednesday afternoon. H. O. Rosebraugh of Parkplace narrowly escaped what might have been a fatal injury late Thursday night, when he was returning to his home via Gladstone. According to edict Mr. Rosebraugh was walking along the extreme left hand side of the pavement. Robert Curtiss, forty five. No. 602 Second St., Portland, ap proached from the rear, driving a dimly lighted Ford touring, on the same side of the highway, carelessly knocking Mr. Rosebraugh to the ground causing several minor bruises. Mr. Curtjss quickly returned to the place of accident and took the victim to his home on the Heights. George Fullam of Gresham is a vis itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Praeger. Mrs. E. L. Pope and son, Burnett, are visiting friends and relatives in Corvallis. Mrs. Tom Colton of Portland spent several days at the home of Mr. and 1f." Mrs. C. Praeger. The burial rites for the alte Chas. Butts of Parkplace were conducted by Rev. Morgan of the Congregational church, Oregon City, Thursday, May 18th at 2 o'clock, in the parlors of Holman & Pace, undertakers. Inter ment at Clackamas cemetery. - 4 c8 8 (t8 8 c8 8 8 8 (58 8 8 8 8 8qj 8 ' 8 OAK GROVE Mrs. V. G. Benvie J Jt & ij? jfK'K'K'ifjpjfK'jf'K'iPK'j? Mrs. Webb Recovering Mrs. M. Webb is able to be about but feels the effects of a fall which rendered her unconscious a week ago. It was feared for a time that some serious results would follow but it has not. However it will take a little time for Mrs. Webb to fully recover from the shock and effects of the fall. Helpers Club Entertained Saturday evening at school house the Helpers Club was entertained by their'sponsors the Social Service Club. Mrs. Pierce gave the words of wel come to the young club folks and their president, Evelyn Little responded. The parents of the Helpers were also guests. Refreshments were served and games enjoyed. After the greet ings and response Edith Norberg pre sented their leader, Mrs. V. G. Benvie with a large bouquet of red and white carnations. Mrs. Beulah Worthington and chil dren moved to Clackamas this week and George Glocier and family are now occupying the Worthington house. The Community Club gave 'the last dance for the season Saturday night in Green's Hall. N Edith Norberg was happily surpris ed Saturday afternoon by the pupils of Seventh and Eighth grades. Edith will soon leave for Seaside with her parents. The scholars regret her leav ing very much. CLARKES Albert Gasser 8 8 ffifT ?Jf'J??Jf'JfJ??Pj?S,J?'jP jf"8 Roscoe Gard and W. Clarke were in Oregon City on important business last Friday. Last Friday evening E. E. Berger, Fred Lindau and Albert Gasser attended the county Farm Bu reau meeting in Oregon City. The results will be imparted to local members at the next meeting on June 10. Walter Hofstetter is working for the Moehnke saw mill. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hofstetter from Salem have moved on Mr. George Hof stetter's farm and will work the place in future. They are building a new house for Otto and his- family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buol transacted business at Oregon City the other day Mr. R. Griffets was at the county seat last Saturday. Mr. Holcomb visited Oregon City last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oldenburg transacted business at Portland last Saturday. Mr. W. Rogers, junior, is clerking for Mr. Ed Mclntire. Mrs. John Coulter from Hoff visit ed her old homestead last week. Mr. A. Cook transacted business at Oregon City last Friday. Mr. George Hoffstetter.' Jr., visited tit Oregon City last Satuiday. Mr. W. H. Bottemiller took in the doings at the -county metropolis the other day. Mr. Lee of Canby was in town last Saturday. Election went off very peacefully here. Mr. Ros. Gard got a full Democrat ic vote here for county commissioner and he is getting ready for the fall campaign. His occupation is farming. He has -had experience in county af fairs. He was county commissioner some time ago in Wasco county. He believes in Farm Bureau work and co-operation. Ben Lindau visited Oregon City last Saturday. Wilfred Marshall is home from the Oregon City hospital. He was work ing in the woods and his ax slipped and cut his foot. Miss Oldenburg from Oregon City visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oldenburg over last Sunday. Painting is completed and cultivat ing is in progress. Loganberries are loking wonderful and promising a large crop and good prices. ' 8 8 58 8 8 8 58 58 t58 58gy - VIOLA Mrs. M. L. Sevier J J Mr. D. G. White, who left for his new home at Tillamook a week ago thinks he has made a fine move as his health is so much better there. His son, Babe and family will leave on Tuesday with their last load for the same place. Mrs. Elnora Mattoon ftas sold her farm on the hill here, consisting of 54 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Eshley and two chil dren and a friend from Portland spent Sunday at the John Randolph home here. Well, election is on and still the sun shines, we hope now that those promises those candidates who were nominated will make good and then we will see better times. We all sympathize with Mrs. Morse in the death of her husband, the late Dr. R. Morse. He had many true friends here and the "Viola people have sustained a loss that can not be filled by another as good a man as Dr. Morse was. Md. Frank Cummin is still confined to his bed with little change in his condition. ,Mr."and Mrs. Frank Mattoon' and daughter, Esther of Oregon City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mat- toon. Mr. Arthur Mattoon and son, Archie, and family of Eagle Creek were here also. Mrs. C. N. Braasch and Mrs. Lenard of St. Johns spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Colalrd. Mr. Joe LaCroy has started 'working on the road with all the men he can get. That is what we need is good roads. Mrs. Wm. Hicinbothom and daugh ters, Beulah and Esther, spent a cou ple of days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clara Hicinbothom of River Mill. While there she ran a sliwer into her hand which is caus ing her quite a lot of trouble. ' Mrs. Ben Tannler wrll be the cham pion turkey raiser around here this year. She has quite a flock now and expects to take care of more. We hope she will have good luck. 8 (8 8 (8 a8 $58 t8 8 $8 8 8 8 58P LOWER HIGHLAND 2 Mrs. Dan Fellows J J J? ? f? t? t? & H IT & & f? t? f? Bert Cota and Dan Fellows went to Portland one day last week. Dist. 33 school closed last Friday, May 19 with a short program by the pupil3, after which a basket social was held, proceeds amounted to 18. Ed Fellows took -a load of fence posts to Oregon City last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes made a trip to Portland last week. Mr. Ware preached here last. Sun day. Some rain fell last Sunday which will be of great benefit to the farm ers. aj8 6 8 ,j6 8 8 8 58 8 $8 8 8 8 (58 8 CARSON HEIGHTS & CAPITOL HILL V Mrs. Geo. iiartman 58 (58 Water Association Meets The meeting of the Kilpatrick Col lins Water Users Association which was held Monday evening at Knox's Hall, Collins View, was well attended, over 65 being present. The speakers of the evening were Mr. Frank L. Shull, of the Palatine Acres Company, Mr. Turner and Mr. J. H. Pos, consulting engineers. Mr. Shull spoke on the forming of the new Water Company, and the terri tory covered. Mr. Turner gave the estimated cost of building, bonding and operating the water system. The idea was favorably received, and after much discussion a commit tee of three, composed of the present Kilpatrick-Collins Water Board, P. A. Duhrkoop, G. J. Murray and W. G. Wright, was elected to attend a meet ing to be held Tuesday evening at the Rivera School. At the meeting held Tuesday even ing at the Rivera School the matter of the Kilpatrick Collins Wajer Users Association joining in with the new Water Board was thoroughly discuss ed and axresolution was passed unan imously to go ahead with the project and to further outline the boundaries of the district. A committee was ap pointed Mr. A. S. Pattullo, Frank L. Shull, Mr. Turner and Mr. P. A. Duhr koop, to secure signatures, of the res idents for presenting the matter to the County Court. Boulevard to Be Extended A meeting of great importance to this district was held by the county commissioners, May 15, but through misdirection our representatives went to the City HalLwith the exception of J. J. Knox, of Collins View. ' , The county commissioners have at last decided to go ahead" with the ex tension of the -Terwilliger Boulevard through Palatine Acres. . Frank L. Shull of the Palatine Acres Company, agreed to donate the tounty a 150-foot right-of-way for over a mile, provided that the commissioners would agree to commence work on it this year. This they have finally consented to do, and gave District Attorney Myers authority to prepare an order desig nating this project as a market road, so that the necessary funds for the preliminary work, to the amount of J3500.00 may be taken from the mar ket fund this year. The road will ultimately become part of the Pacific Highway, extend ing from the southern end of the Ter williger Boulevard, to the end of the Pacific Highway near Oswego In im portance and scenic view it will run second to the Columbia river highway. Wandler Birthday Celebrated Mrs. J. L. Wandler, of Collins View tract, gave a surprise party on her husband Sunday, May 14. The occas ion was his birthday anc there were eighteen invited but on account of ill ness, all could not be present Covers were laid for twelve at a bountiful chicken dinner served at noon, the decorations being red nd white. Afterward on account of the day being "Mother's Day", a brief de votional service was held during which Miss Alarise Smith of 168 Ivy Street, Portland, a niece of Mrs. Wandler, read the 24th psalm. The rest of the afternoon was spent in playing games, all participating-in the game of guessing the most names of birds, the prize, a beautiful box of stationary, falling to Alarise. A huge birthday cake decorated with Mr. Wahdler's name and age, 63 years, with ice cream, was partak en of by the guests. A most enjoyable time was had by all present. . Little Miss Erlyn Taylor, of Port land, is spending a few daysat the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. I Hull, of Collins View Tract, visiting her cous ins, Dick and Julianna. In a letter dated May 14, Mrs. En och Nott,. formerly of Collins View, writes that they are all well and get ting comfortably settled in their new home. Grandma Tott is visiting at the home of a brother in Gresham. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Seaberg, of Collins View, has been very ill, but is now recovering. Minnie Watson, of Collins View, has joined the class of "Brownies", now being formed by Mrs. R. Bruce Hors falls, jf Kilpatrick Tract. The "Brownies" is a junior branch of the Girl Scouts. County Court EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1922 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 3 City of Oswego, 11086.08. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4 City of Milwaukie, $1333.04. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 5 City of Gladstone, $814.03. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 6 City of Sandy, $145.67. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 7 City of Estacada,"$402.72. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 8--City of Sandy, $789.58. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 9 City of Barlow, $72.99. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 10 City of Molalla, $520.43. - ROAD DISTRICT No. 11 N. S. Old ham, $2.00; H. Berdine, $10.00; A. Ma ther, $15.55; Feenaughty Machinery Co., $115.16; George N. Gill Sawmill, $19.99; Banner-Courier, $2.40; The Daily Record-Abstract, $3.60; V. C. Jackson, $25.85; Oswego Lake Water, Light & . Power Co., $82.50; C. A. Wal lace, $17.96; H. Ellingson, $11.33; Herman Fisher, $17.96; G. Hunsucker, $16.44; J. P. Cook, $21.16; J. H. Cox, $74.75; F. E. Davidson, $95.76; F. E. Whitteri, $29.94; John . Biaitis, $19.96; Lloyd Davidson, $9.96; H. Bourland, $7.48; H. Duncan, $32.37; Dan Reyn olds, $17.43; L. White, $19.92; C. Mc Ferron, $22.41; Wm. Lorenz, $18.65; Wm. Ewing, $21.16; H. Gibhardt, $22. 49; Wm. Schatz, $2.99; Joe 'Burkhardt, $4.99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 12 Oswego Garage, $.65; V. C. Jackson, $26.00; J. Bickner & Sons, $1.20; O. Worthing ton, $2.99; A. Worthington, $16.96; C. Roberts, $7.98; J. Sigrist, $4.48. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 13 A. A. Wood, $37.62; E. L. Baker, $2.49; Glen Baker, $8.09. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 14 Howard Cooper Corporation, $89.85; R. W. Oldenstadt, $9.98; L. Bruck, $19.96; E. Kruse, $89.94; J. Salzer, $24.92; A. Falnedsker, $6.21; M Aldrige, $1.87; J. M. Turner, $55.85. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 15--Ed Mos- er, $9.98; Deward Hodge, $4.99; Sam Moser, $11.97. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 Fee- naughty Machinery Co., $10.75; Port land Railway, Light and Power Com pany, $28.98; C. R. Livesay, $16.75; O. W. Barnett, $18.60; O. P. Roethe, $121.22; D. J. Abbey, $42.41; J. S. Booth, $33.61; Chas. Moran, $3.73; Ira Hart, $20.93; H. Faulk, $9.96; E. E. Roethe, $4.49. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 17 Verden- ius-Robinson Motor Company, $9.54; Milwaukie Service Station, $51.30; W. H. Counsell, $15.00; Milwaukie Fuel & Feed Co., $5.00; Standard Oil Com pany, $65.10; Schuld Bros. $148.50; C. E. Battin, $76.78; T. E. Bruck, $76.78; G. Beecham, $24.90; Geo. Haylet, $4.- 98; H. Ameele; $24.90; Jno. Young, $36.10; Elmer Collier, $8.71; C. H. Counsell, $14.95; Geo. Hartung, $6.72; T. Larenzen, $29.88; C. Parry, $19.92; Wm. Smart, $4.99; Jno. Shields, $19.- 96; Jno. Davis, $4.99; Wm. Strange, $19.96; D. Kanne, $22.45; Joe Haw kins, $7.48; E. Atwood, $59.88; Dan Mazzie, $159.87; Peter Schuld, $42.75; E. Dane, $13.49; A. Wetmore, $8.99; W. H. Counsell. $95.76 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 18 Reeds Transfer, $21.00; H. W. Kanne, $11. 97. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 20 Christ Eckart, $42.31; Walter Hall, $49.79; Carl Wolfhagen, $14.94; Herman Sie bert, $10.46; Walter Young, $125.78; Joe Papsch, $50.83; H. Bransen, $9.98; Fred Lund, $21.16; Ed. Moore, $27.39; John Hillary, $39.92; M. Hemrich, $4. 99; L. Stradley, $11.20. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 21 C. , A. Profit by Great Reductions East'Througli Callifornia ROUND SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS On Sale May 25 to August 31st Return Limit October 31st Liberal Stopover Privileges "High Points''' on the way- The Glorious Siskiyous Majestic Mt. Shasta The Rugged Sierras "PLEASURE PLACES" YOU MUST SEE San Francisco World famous city that 'tis hard to leave." Los Angeles Wonder city and noted tourist center. San Diego Romantic city "Where California began." Three National Parks Yosemite Sequoia General Grant. Scores of Charming Seashore and Mountain Resorts. For fares, sleeping car reservations or beautiful folders ask any iagent, or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, v General Passenger Agent . Vincent Co., $66.90; Bruns Lumber Co., $59.20; W. R. Telford, $2.30; Jake De Young, $26.18; Arther Gran, $4.97; Philip Schantin,' $4.99; Roger De Young, $7.48; Cat and Grader, $40.00. ROAD DISTRICT No, .22 Schuld Bros., $33.00; M. H. Wheeler, $15.96; W. E. Wheeler, $14.97; V. H. Hill yard, $9.98. ' ROAD DISTRICT NO. 23 Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., $66.78; Fred Wagner, $23.06; Peter Hough lum, S27.08. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 26 Paul R. Meinig, $29.65; Joe Hilsenkopf, $11. 20; Carl-Schilling, $11.20; W. A. Stone, $24.64. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 28 Eri & Jonsrud, $27.20; Bob Smith, $2.09; W. Widmer, 111.97; Gust Finger, $.98; Author Rranz, $4.98; H. Gierke, $9. 98; Willie Andreson, $23.98. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 29 Eri & Jonsrud, $9.10; R. Smith, $5.01; D. L. Erdman $19.95; L. Bartelmay, $6.22; Otto Krebs, $.7.48; I. Hedden, $7.47; R. Krebs, $4.98; H. Bronner, $14.96; F. Carlson, $9.98. ROAD DISTRICT NO 31 The Good Roads Machinery Company, $47.21; Feenaughty Machinery Co., $46.10; Standard Oil Company, $20.83; Henry Tschopp, $34.93; Clarence Swales, $17.43; John Tschopp, $i4.94; Eli Swales, $17.43; Henry Swales, $82.41. ROAD DISTRICT NO. '32 J. E. Bostrom, $2.49; Chas. Westlund, $1. 87; Chas. W. Holmberg, $7.98; Gust Nelson, $3.73;' Eddie Nelson, $6.22; Chas. Aspling, $3.73. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 34 Hogg Bros., $54.46; A. Mather, $64.83; Stan dard Oil Company, $25.29; Road Build ers' Equipment Co., $1.75; Howard Cooper Corporation, $235.03; Geo. Ro senboom, $8.00; Hal Lindsley, $40.53; E. L. Blackburn, $4.98; C. T. Black burn, $44.38; Fred Kamrath, $14.97. ROAD DISTRICT NO 35 Emiel Larson, $39.91; John Kusturin, $6.22; Carl Staats, $16.18. ROAD DISTRICT No. 37 The Good Roads Machinery Company, $47.27; Edward Buol, $8.42; Albert Durst, $7. Oi; George Clark, $5.66; Richard Grif fiths, $23.94; Edward Geraves, $6.00; Micheal Wiegle, $8.80; Roy Hull, $28. 20; Clayton White, $18.80. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 381. M. Pa -k, $3.95; P. T. Monroe, $79.19; W. A. Bard, $12.47; A. J. Morrow, $3.73; Harry Howell, $2.49; Pres. Howell, $2.49; Earl Day, $2.49; L. Henthorne, $13.06; Wiley Howell, $14.97; Arch Howell, $14.97; Jack Akin, $2.4. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 39 J. J. Da vis, $5.00; J. C. Henrickson, $29.79; N. G. Henrickson, $2.49; E. T. Davis, $27.93; Chester Dean, $14.94; Wm. Pinkley, $18.67; J. F. Snyder, $9.98. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 40 John V. Barr, $3.50; Wm. Held, $25.00; J. L. Rucker, $4.99; Frank B. Young, $2.- 49; A. H. Miller, $21.92. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 41 Paul R. Meinig, $5.60; C. L. Shaw, $.90; H. H. Udell, $3.99; J. M. Parks, $2.49; H. I Guthrie, $14.97. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 43 Geo. Blatchford, $31.75; F. M. Henricksen, $10.85; Dicken & Co., $.60; Road Builders Equipment Co., $36.50; Ste fani Lumber Co., $474.00; Clay Engle, $17.46; Art Scott, $17.46; Geyrer Bros. $14.99; Edw. Feyrer, $47.88; William Feyrer, $7.47; Milton Strean, $9.96; Jessie Fleming, $4.35; J. J. Bryant, $17.48; C. B. Mann, $7.47; Royal Ol sen, $12.45; M. A. Olsen, $17.43; Geo. Boyrer, $17.43; Ira L. Boyer, $31.12; Royal Long, $2.48; H. O. Newell, $9. 96; B. C. Palmer, $2.49; Dick Lamp man, $2.49; John Ferguson, $40.50. VHD,-D08G- CMFW CRD HDRDRD ROAD DISTRICT NO. 44 Willam ette Equipment Co., $30.00; Road Builders Equipment Co., $51.50; R. W. Davidson, $11.97; C. W. Herman, $1. 99; Louis Miller, $17.46; A. Butter field, $29.94; E. L. Palfrey, $7.98. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 45; Standard Oil Company, $41.45; E. A. Hackett, $8.00; Frank Busch & Sons, $4.20; W. H. Fisher, $6.00; A Larkins, $32.46; C. R. Livesay, $35.75; Herman Fisher, $51.87; E. O. Fisher, $44.36; Max Bench, $34.38; Albert Fisher, $32.40; Nathan Casetay, $2.99; Otto Miller, $28.63; Walter Fisher, $42.37. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 46 J. R. Pitts, $32.29; VVilliam E. Bissell, $9. 00; W. S. Maple, $8.75; George Koeh ler, $.77; J. R. Pitts, $7.98; Ralph Koehler, $2.49; Geo Koehler, $38.89; John Mahlum, $63.45; Almon Johnson, $2.49. ROAD DIRAAAA66bC 1 SHR HDR What Kipling says About "Vhrift" "All the money in the world is no use to a man or his country if he spends it as fast as he makes it. All he has leftis his bills and the reputation of being a fool, which he can get much more cheaply in other ways." ' "There's nothing fine or funny in throwing away cash on things you don't want merely because the cash is there . . . Sav ings represent much more than their mere money values . . . Any fool can waste, any fool can muddle; but it takes something of a man to save, and the more he saves- the more of a man does it make of him., Waste and extravagance unsettle a man's mind for every crisis; thrift, which means some form of self-restraint and continence, steadies it." , 1-MEMBEH J FEDERAL RESERVf 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY ROAD DISTRICT NO. 47 R. H. Whitworth, $4.99; Fred W. Sohn, $11. 97. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 48-R. W. Zimmerman, $37.00; C. F. Ziegler, $6.- 23; V. Skinner, $6.23; F. E. Mills, $13. 47; J. S. Fisher, $19.98; L. G. Ziegler, $1.24; J. C. Brewer, $1.24. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 49 Ben Krause, $4.99; P. J. Scheer, $2.49; John Kummer,'$4.99; Rudolph Klaus, $7.98; Henry Meyer, $7.48; Henry Kraus, $4.99; Grover Goetz, $4.99; Chas. Morris, $6.23; Roy Chubb, $2.-. 49. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 50 N. C-. Nelson, $4.00; Oregon City Sand & Gravel Company, $18.00; Road Build UMBER We have just received several -tar loads of Flooring, Ceiling, and Rustic, which gives us a complete stock of lumber. So we can furnish anything you need. We also have some exceptionally good prices on Flooring, Rustic and Ceiling, that would be just the thing for cheap houses, chicken coops, garages, etc Come in and let us show you. WILLAMETTE RIVER LUMBER CO. Wholesale and Retail 16th and. Main 5 Phone 63 OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO-DAY We are not seeking a great bulk of business from all over the country, but rather prefer the patronage and confidence of the good people residing in our own vicinity, who desire to do business with an institution ever ready and glad to render them every reasonable accommoda tion and service. We would be glad to have you open an account any time, but why riot today? SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Four (4) paid on time deposits, CARVER STATE BANK Carver, Oregon GRANT B. DIMICK, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice-Pres. R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier 1 Insure with your Home Companies PACIFIC STATES for business risks McMINNVILLE or FARMERS MUTUAL for residence and country properties E. H. COOPER & SON Bank of Oregon City Bldg., i Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent, $2.50 Per Year and Up ers' Equipment Co., $47.55; Willam ette Valley Southern Railway Co., $15.00; Canby Hardware & Implement Co., $1.80; L. G. Wrolstad, $1.00; M. J. Smith, $2.00; C. F. Jackson,, $9.97; Rex James, $1.24; S. R. Ray, 1.24;. Albert Nearson, $1.24; Leon Juddi $1. 24; Austen Taylor, $1.24; Elic Taylor, $1.24; Ot Lucht, $1.86; John Watson, $2.49; Ed Loe, $2.49; M. J. Smith, $4.99; Albert Moshberger, $44.91; L. Mitts, $4.99; G. E. Wyland, $33.40. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 51 Bock Bros., $8.35; O. M. Murphey, $2.70; G. C. Bentley, $6.22; Roy R. Ridings, $11. 96; J. G. Jones, $4.99; C. Engerman, $2.49; A. P. Asboe, $4.98; Ed Hobart, (Continued on Page 6) I Oregon City A 5 Phone 366