Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922. Iff tmtlttt A Graduation gift is highly treasured by the recipient be cause it commemorates a most important event in life. Here are suggestions that will help you in making your choice of a suit able gift. , FOR A GIRL Bracelet Watches Rings Bar Pins Brooche's Bracelets Pearl Beads Agate Rings La Vallieres Waterman Pens Eversharp Pencils Eastman Kodaks Lingerie Clasps.' Kodak Albums Pyralin Ivory Eaton Crane Stationery Silk. Umbrellas OREGON CiTY rQPTICWfa ml FOR A BOY Gold Watches Waldemar Chains Gold Knives Cuff Buttons Eversharp Pencils Silver Belt Buckles Bill Books Watch Fobs Tie Clasps Collar Pins Gold Lockets Waterman Pens Eastman Kodaks Gillette & Autostrop Razors Pocket Knives fv a jCocal Tfews Stems a Mrs. M. A. Shortledge, who has re turned from The Dalles, where she has been visiting friends, has re turned to her home at Gladstone. She spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with her son George Short ledge and wife of Clackamas Heights. Don C. Wilson, a former employee at the Banner-Courier office, but who is now at Corvallis visited friends in thi3 city on Friday and Saturday of last week. Miss Ruth Limbocker, who is a teacher in the Kendall station school spent the week end at Forest Grove a guest'of Miss Elva Eads, who is a student of Pacific University. M3. James Eckles, whose home is at Torsythe, Montana, is in Oregon City, where she is visiting her cous ins, Mrs. W. A. White and Mrs. J. F. . Spiger, Mrs Eckles has been an Ore gon City visitor several times before this Judge Robert B. Beattie, a resident of Beaver Creek was an Oregon City visitor on Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gribble whose home is in Canby where they are en gaged in the poutlry business were Oregon City visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Cooper ac companied by Mr. Cooper's sister and niece, Mrs. Minnie Ingram and Miss Marion Ingram, and Irene Trimble, motored to Hood River," Saturday. Mrs. C. 'Williams and daughter, Miss Beulah, returned to their home in Portland after spending a few days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lim bocker of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs Everett Hickman of Portland and Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Hickman of Gervais visited Mrs. Amanda Hickman of Oregon City one day last week. Mrs. Hickman is the mother of Dr. Harvey and Everett Hickman. Mrs. Julius Goldsmith has returned to her home in Oergon City after vis iting her daughter, Miss Meta Gold smith. She also visited among her many friends while there. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Winkle, their daughter Miss Clara, and their son Harold of West Linn, left Monday on a motoring trip through California. They have an outfit along for camp ing and will enjoy camp life while on the trip. Mrs. Wm. Midlam and daughter, Miss Emily of Baker, Oregon; arriv ed in Oregon City Monday night for a three weeks' visit with Mrs. Mid lam's sister, Mrs. Walter Wentworth of Canemah. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stone and daugh ter, Miss Edith, who are residents of Rediand were Oregon City visitors on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Lizzie Senn, who is making her home in Portland was in Oregon City Friday, where she visited Mrs. Carl Green. She was on her way to Rediand to visit her sister, Mrs. James Fullam. Mrs. A. Nelson went to Silverton Saturday to attend the funeral of" her nephew's wife the late Mrs. Ivan Ramsby, who died at St. Johns on Thursday of last week. . A little daughter was born to Mrs. T. P. Kelly of Rediand at the Oregon City hospital, May 17. The young lady has been given the name of Rose Lenora. Mrs. Kelly was Miss Myrtle Neaghley before her marriage. Mrs. John Casey and little daughter, Mary Jane, will leave the Oregon City hospital for their home at Willam ette Sunday. Little Mary Jane was born at the hospital on Mother's Day. . A little daughter was born at the Oregon City hospital on Saturday, May 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Cary Gray. The little lady has been given the name of Bettie Alice. Frank E. Andrews of Portland was, transacting business in Oregon City Monday. While here he visited among friends. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Peters andchil dern and Miss Jessie Paddock of Gladstone, motored to Hood River Saturday to visit the orchards, which are in bloom now. Lyman "Warnock who is employed in Portland spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. War nock of Mt. Pleasant. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Sinnott and little son, Phillip, who have been vis- iting the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sinnott of Oregon City, left Saturday for their home in Se attle. THEOSOPHY solves the problems of life. Send for free booklets on Re incarnations, The life after death, Thought Power and human destiny. j Theosophical Publicity Dep'U 316 Peo ples Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Sophia Moody of Oregon City went to Albany on Thursday of last week for a week's visit with relatives. j Her son, Kent, took her in an auto, j Mrs. Rachel Pursiful, formerly a t resident of Oregon City, but who is now making her home at Milwaukie, with her daughter, came to Oregon City on Thursday of last week to transact business. While here she vis ited relatives. Judge and Mrs,. H. S. Anderson have had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Garber of Bellville, Ohio, who have been visiting in California since last October and who are now on their way home Mrs. Garber was a pupil in school of Judge Anderson, 40 years ago in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. James McFarlane and son, Roy of Powell River, who have been in Oregon City for the benefit of Mr. McFarlane's health have re turned to their home at Powell River. Fred Tooze, Jr., who is a law stud ent of the Willamette University at Salem, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Tooze of Oregon City. Mrs' Joe Schaubel of Willamette, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Oregon City hospital has been removed to her home as she is very much Improved. Rev. Herbert Crocker of Newberg arrived in Oregon City last Friday to take his wife, Mrs. Crocker, and son, George, to their home at Newberg to spent the week end. Mrs. A. L. Amerine a resident of JJoff, was an Oregon City visitor on Here you are Knights of the Radio! An opportunity get the necessary apparatus for your outfits at prices you cannot duplicate anywhere, In fact, at our prices any Radio enthu siast can now readily afford to in stall one of these wonderful instru ments in his home. OREGON CITY AUTO CO. Friday of last week while here she called on her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Amrine. Miss Virginia Shaw, who is a stud ent of the Washington State College at Pullman, Wash., visited her par ents a few days last week. She was on her way from Eugene, where she she had been to attend a meeting of the Women's association. James Roake, who fell at his home on Monday of last week, painfully in juring his side, has improved so as to be able to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Osborn, who are residents of Portland were in Oregon City" on Sunday, where she visited Mrs. Osborn's aunt, Mrs. M. P. Chapman and they also jrisited Mr. and, Mrs. Hal Hoss. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Price and son, of Oregon City motored to Forest Grove Sunday and were jruests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steiner. Mrs. W. B. Silcox and daughter, Mrs. Frank Lesher and children, Bil lie and Margaret Jean of Portland visited Mrs W. S. Eddy of Oregon City on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Ernest P. Elliott has gone to Independence where shejwill visit her son and family, Mr Chester Elliott. A son arrived at the ..home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoots on Monday May 22. The little fellow weighed 6 pounds. Mrs. E. L. Sharp, whose home is at Stafford, accompanied by her son, Ir yin, were transacting business in Ore gon City on Monday. Mrs. Clarence Roll of Portland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. E. H. Coop er was operated on at the Good Sa maritan hospital Wednesday morning. Morris Holman, student at the Uni versity of Washington at Seattle and Mrs. O. Christofferson , (nee Norma Holman) - of Seattle were called to Oregon City to the bedside of their sister, Alice, who is critically ill at ( the Oregon City hospital. A little son arrived at the Good Samaritan hospital Friday, May 19, for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Juhnke of Multnomah Station. He is a grand son of Mr. and Mrs. George V Ely or uregon City, the mother being Miss Carol Ely before her marriage. Mayor and Mrs. James Shannon ac companied by Mrs. Ada Pearl left Ore gon City Monday morning for Eugene where they attended the Rebekah con vention which was held at that place. They went by automobile. SOCIETY ft'' An attractive bride was Miss Ada Creason, whose marriage to Mr. Geo. Dixon, took place Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock by the Rev. A. J. Ware. The service was read in the presence of relatives of the bridal couple at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creason, 161 Linn Ave. The rooms were prettily decor ated with scotch bloom and lilacs. The bride had a lovely bouquet .of orange blossoms sent from her grand mother, Mrs. H. W. Creason visiting in Southern California. Luncheon was served following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon are residents of Ihe Dalles, Ore., where Mr. Dixon is a prosperous farmer. After "visiting lelatives a few weeks Mr. and Mrs. Dixon will return to The Dalles. Those present were: Miss Mabel Creason oJ The Dalels, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. David Rutherford and son, Delbert; Rob Ruthefrord of Hoff, Ore., H. W. Crea son and children, Antionette, Jack and Guy Creason. Miss Sedonia Shaw was honored with a miscellaneous shower at the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. D. Latour ette on Tuesday evening of last week. Miss Shaw is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shaw, is to be come the bride of Mr. John Jackson of Portland in June Many handsome and usefuTgifts were received by the bride-elect The Latourette home was artistically decorated with Oregon grape and white and lavender lilacs. Dainty re freshments were served during the evening. About thirty friends of Miss Shaw attended the af- one if in Urouble We will come to your aid at once. And if it is necessary to bring your Car to the Garage for work, our charge will be very moderate. , 1 hdhmij jjs " At Elevatr Phone 390 Vflufi) l Oregon City, Oregon AN OPPORTUNITY Sunday, May 28th Oddfellows hall 8 p. m. Subject: YOUR LUCKY STAR" By Dr. Dickey, Noted Astrologer at 6:30 a circle will be held by noted workers from Portland : - Public Invited . Spick aticL sp&& mutHiami, Writ i MonwraMwrca Sr.. ii in. CM A paint-worn, "rusty house is an eyesore to any neighbor hood You can make your home spick and span truly a delight to the eyeby the judicious use of B-H Paints. Paints of real character perma nent preservatives for woodwork of all sorts a sure insurance against decay. V;A little higher in price than the cheap kinds, but B-H Paints last twice as long so are far more economical in the end. BASS- SAN NLANOSCO. SEATTLE 1 TAINTT JTt iraronsHEsT HOAXER PORTLAND, LOS The right preparation for every purpo? made by the Bass-Hueter Pamt G , SAN FRANCISCO HUNTLEY-DRAPER DRUG CO. Oregon City, Ore. fair several of whom -were from Port land. . I J ijtW At the, close of the regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters last Friday night about 40 Knights made their appearance and took the ladies com pletely by surprise. They brought a splendid orchestra composed of six pieces with them, which furnished some excellent music for dancing. Several old fashioned quadrilles were danced. Ice cream and cake were served to more than 100 guests. Fred Johnson was master of ceremonies. A very pretty home wedding was solemnized at the home op Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scheer on Molalla Ave nue on Sunday, May 14, when their daughter, Myrtle, was united in mar riage to Jesse Cantrill, Rev. H. G. Ed gar performing the ceremony. The young couple were attended by Miss Bertha Miller of Portland and Clar ence Scheer of Oregon City. A buf fet luncheon was" served by Mrs. Scheer, assisted by Mrs. Miller, Mrs. W. Scheer and Mrs. Florence Kerr. There were about 40 guests who are immediate relatives of the families. Mr. and Mrs. Cantrill will make their home in Toppenish, Wash. : At St. John's Catholic church on Wednesday of last week one of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized by Rev. Jonas, who is in charge of St. John's parish in the ab sence of Monsignor Hillebrand, when Miss Matilda Michels and Joseph Sen ti of Portland were united In marriage The church was beautifully decorated in w"hite dog wood blossoms, white li lacs and ferns. Miss Michels is a popular young lady of Wes linn and Mr. Senti, a prominent young busi ness man of Portland. n p - ii : ' . pi 3 1 1 MODEL C, $260 A Masterpiece of construction and design. One of the finest of the Brunswick family, reproducing the highest notes of the human voice with no' me chanical or metallic vibrations. To those who have not heard Brunswick records and Brunswick reproduction we have much to offer. Call today and ask for a demonstration. JONES DRUG CO Bridge Corner Oregon City