Page Eight THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922. 1TIT iUJ IT OREGON nrn n cm 'MM What It Means to and Why You and Your Family to Buy Goods Made at Home You Should Buy from Your Local Merchant 1FQK J Ml i U xD U U FORD AND FORDSON PARK-SHEPHARD MOTOR CO. Main Street, at Fourth Phone 355 R. E. Park P. J. Shepherd ALL STANDARD MAKE WATCHES EXPERT REPAIRING Neal, Mc and Rose The House of Quality 522 Main Near Post Office A B i Bifocajigf t pBifocal 1 KNOWLEDGE EXPERIENCE SKILL All three are needed in fitting comfortable glasses. There are many kinds of bifocal lenses and each style has one or more good points which adapt it to special uses. Kryptok bifocals are the only invisible ones known to science today. When you come to me for bifocal service, each style is care fully demonstrated and you are aided in the selection of the one best suited to your needs. . 19 years experience at your service DR. FREEZE, EYE SPECIALIST 505y2 Main St. Opposite Postoffice Oregon City usiness f roposition Laying aside all sentiment and getting down to hard, cold business facts, it pays to trade at home. Ore gon City merchants buy. ad vertising spaee in the local newspapers because in terms of hard cold cash it pays. Oregon City people should patronize their local merchants for the same reason. No business man has a right to solicit patronage on any other basis. If you can not get what you want in Oregon City, at prices which are reasonable, no one expects you to trade here, but, you should try your local merchant first. " . ' You will find a quality of service, of personal attention and considera tion not obtainable in a mammoth department store where a clerk is a mere cog in a vast machine. You will find real bargains in merchandise hose business life depends upon the which is backed by the merchants w service they render. . -. - Every dollar spent at home means that much more money in local cir culation. Every dollar spent in Portland means that much money taken away fro mOregon City and added to Portland's circulation. How much money do Portland merchants contribute toward the welfare of Oregon City. If you believe in Oregon City get behind and boost Give your local merchants the first chance. . For the best letter on the subject Why You Should Buy at Home, The Banner-Courier will give the following Prizes First Prize $15.00 Second Prize $7.00 Third Prize $3.00 Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Prizes, a one year's subscription to the Banner Courier each. This contest is open to all residents of Clackamas County. Contest closes June 22. Now get busy and send in your letters. We reserve the right to publish any or all letters sent in. JACOB'S OREGON CITY WOOLENS Pure Virgin Wool Overcoats Mackinaws Flannel Shirts Loggers' Shirts Trousers iiiiiwii.iih.ii wiiiHiiMiiinlil i Lounging Robes Auto Robes Indian Blankets Fancy Bed Blankets. Staple Blankets "WOVEN WHERE THE WOOL IS GROWN" OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Ore. New York, Chicago, Boston, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Louisville, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland We Specialize in Watch Repairing Headquarters for R. R. Men Neldon's Watch Shop - - We also feature Wireless goods 425 Main Near 5th at Bridge GOOD WHOLESOME FOOD Quality Restaurant 427 Main St Phone When You Build Remember Oregon City Sand and Gravel Company WASHED and SCREENED RIVER SAND and GRAVEL 14th Street at River Oldfield Tires Vulcanizing and Repairing Gas, Oil, Accessories Open Evenings and Sundays ' Smith'sTireShop "On the hill to save you money" 609 - 7th St . . rNear Center See our Window for FRESH VEGETABLES ' . " We carry a full line at all times and are prepared to fill your orders in full. Strawberries -are coming in now, and they are fine. We will have a fresh "lot every day during the season. The Hub Grocery on the Hill 402 - 7th St. Phone'41 - Westinghouse Attention . Twice a Month is "The Stitch 'in Time" y Two Westinghouse inspections a month prevent little from becoming big bills, and only when repairs are no longer economical will you be ad vised to buy a new battery a West-inhouse. Hodgson-Cannon ELECTRIC CD. 4th and Main 'The Westinghouse Service Station Phone 355 517 (r OREGON INDUSTRIES Weekly Record of Industrial Conditions Gleaned From Re liable Sources Over The State North Bend Odd Fellows to erect 3-story lodge building. Summer Lake irrigation district building big dam. Three shafts turning out good coal in Malheur county. " " In Kalmath county before irrigation began in 1908, a farmer who had less than 200 acres of land wondered if his children would go hungry. The production of an "irrigated forty" now provides amply for any family. Veronica to get $30,000 school. Wallowa tsarts vigorous clean-up campaign. . Portland New Christian church to cost $100,000. The Dalles letting street paving con tracts. Astoria Practically all logging camps resume operations. Rainier Water street being paved. Brownsville Work to start on com munity building. Marshfield Plans. completed for American Legion hall. Oregon Fruit Growers' Assn. to er ect packing' plants at Creswoll and Cushman. Coquille Masons start work on tem ple. Hood River Work started on Mt. Hood Loop Highway from Booth Hill to Oregon National Forest boundary. Portland $44,800 contract awarded for transit sheds on unit No. 2 of mu nicipal terminal No. 1. Portland Contract let for" $85,000 warehouse. Bend Union Oil Co. to start work on "four-tank plant. ;to cost $5000. Klamath Falls to get $60,000 addi tional water mains. Corvallis 36 residences and 6 large business buildings under construe, tioh. . Winchester Bay Umpqua river log ging camp cutting 120,000 ft. daily. Echo 300,000 pounds wool sold. McMinaville Bids called for curbs and street paving. Portland Shriners select site for hospital for crippled children. Medford Model planing mill being erected to employ 400 men. Clatskanie Local mill ships 3 car loads shingles to California. Portland New Alexander Ave. bridge to cost $25,000. - St. Helens Union Oil Co. to build $30,000 distributing plant here. Coquille Much road work being done. Medford Plant of Rogue River Valley Canning Co. undergoes exten sive improvements. Portland Contract let for $20,000 garage. - " Newberg Spaulding mill resumes operations. $115,000 contract awarded for pav ing McMinnville-Amity road. Grants Pass Work resumed on old Jewett mine. Eugene Oregon Growers' Coopera tive Assn. did $2,000,000 business in 1921. Albany Plans completed for full operation of furniture factory soon. ; State-owned industries, state-owned lands, state-owned men and women, seems to be the dream of Socialism. The question to be decided is, will we pay a subsidy and build up anew a merchant marine, or will we allow the commerce of the world to be con trolled by our competitors? Omaha Bee. "Wot's this ''ere 'ome rule fer Ire land, Garge?" "Well, it's like this 'ere: If my missus wants a new 'at, an' I tell er the old 'at looks fine an' she slings the kettle at me an' I buys 'er a new 'at well, that's wot 'ome rule is!' The Passing Show (London). Vice Versa ""I am going to serve on a jury, think I will knit all the time." "Huh! It's more likely they will want you to unravel." Waysid Tales tr Langley Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Automotive Ignition and Battery Service Expert Repairing and Rewinding Electrical Machinery Guaranteed Service Battery Prices Reduced Ford and Chevrolet Batteries, 1 year guarantee . $18 Maxwell and Dodge Batteries, 1 year guarantee $25 Phone 260W 1117 Main St. Witt ij0J Next to Electric Hotel r Goodrich 55-30x3 y2 .......$10.90 Warren and Blodgett, Props.. 407 Main St. " Oregon City THE DRAGON I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world. I have destroyed more than all the wars of the world. I am more deadly than bullets, and I have wrecked more "homes than the mightiest of siege guns. I steal in the United States alone over $500,000,000 each year. I spare no one, and f find my vic tims among the rich and poor alike; the young and the old, the strong and the weak, widows and orphans know me. I loom up to such proportions that I go into every corner of the earth leaving behind me destroyed homes, factories, ships, cities or anything that may get in my path. I am your worst enemy, but yet few take the necessary precaution to avoid me. I AM FIRE FIRE PREVENTION CO. Corner South Second and High Sts. Oregon City, Oregon Protect the LIVES of YOUR FAMILY and 'YOUR HOME by installing the AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM We Pay Cash for Cream At the highest market price. Send us a trial shipment if you want satisfaction and prompt returns. Oregon City Butter . A home product made from pasteurized Clackamas County Cream. " - xtalitg printing The impression your printed message will make depends on the skill and knowledge of the Printer. We are proud of the quality of every job that leaves our shop. It is the result of thoughtful care and years of experience. Let us co-operate with you on your next printing job. You'll likeour work and our prices. The Banner-Courier V t