Page Eight THE . BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1922 Y IT Kf CITY if What It Means to You and Your Family to Buy Goods Made at Home and Why You Should Buy from Your Local Merchant REG m u FORD AND FORDSON PARK-SHEPHARD MOTOR CO. Main Street, at Fourth Phone 355 R. E. Park P. J. Shepherd ALL STANDARD MAKE WATCHES EXPERT REPAIRING Neal, Mc and Rose The House of Quality 522 Main Near Post Office I Bifocal, k-"5 iBifocal 1 JACOB'S OREGON CITY WOOLENS Pure Virgin Wool Overcoats Mackinaws Flannel Shirts Loggers' Shirts Trousers Lounging Robes Auto Robes Indian Blankets Fancy Bed Blankets Staple Blankets "WOVEN WHERE THE WOOL IS GROWN" OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Ore. New York, Chicago, Boston, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Louisville, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland Careful Attention to each detail is quite necessary if comfortable fit ting glasses are wanted. In fact the principal thing aimed at in the wearing of glasses is comfort and satisfaction, and knowing the natural law govern ing the relief of EYESTRAIN I can assure you good results. Little Eye Troubles soon grow into big ones so do not delay consulting a Specialist until it is too late. 19th Year of Practice. Over 11,000 patients cared for Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist Opposite Postoffice 505"2 MAIN STREET - OREGON CITY When Sending Money Away emember This: The farther .you send your money away from home the longer it will take to get it back. Can you imagine how long it would take a Mail Or der house to spend a dollar in your town.. x The story is told of a farmer who went into his local hardware store and asked to see a lantern. The dealer showed him one and quoted a price of $1.75. "That's too much said the customer, "I can get that same lantern at a mail order house for $1.35. Well, if that's the case, I'll let you have it for that price, but I'll ask you to pay me the five cents you would pay for the money order and a stamped envelope, and the fifteen cents postage required to-bring it here making a total of $1.55. "Now," the dealer said "this, sale is cash in advance, for that is what the mail order house would require. He was "paid the amount and after he had deposited the money in his cash register he hung the lantern back on its hook with the remark: "The delivery will be made in eight days, the same time it would take to get it" from the mail order house." The customer quickly saw the point and handed over the remaining twenty cents. - - For the best letter on the subject The Banner-Courier will give the following Prizes Why You Should Buy a Home, First Prize $lS.OO ' Second Prize $7.00 Third Prize $3.00 Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Prizes, a one year's subscription to the Banner Courier each. This contest is open to all residents of Clackamas County. Contest closes June 22. Now get bu sy and send in your letters. We reserve the right to publish any or all letters sent in. We Specialize in Watch Repairing Headquarters for R. R. Men Neldon's Watch Shop We also feature Wireless goods 425 Main Near 5th at Bridge When You Build Remember Oregon City Sand and Gravel Company WASHED and SCREENED RIVER SAND and GRAVEL 14th Street at River Tires Are Down 30x3 3Ux32 32x32 32X4 33x4 34X4 ..$8.99 9.99 -12.70 13.35 -16.10 -16.70 (6000 miles guaranteed) Smith'sTire Shop "On the hill to save you money" ,609 - 7th St Near Center Home Products ' In boosting for Home Products know of no better line of goods to talk about than . Kerr Cereals, .Flour, Farina, Pastry Flour, Rolled Oats, Wheat Flakes, Hot Cake Flour and Whole Wheat Flour. The Hub Grocery on. the Hill - 402 - 7th St. Phone 41 Duds! Lots of men "who make the most noise in the world are really in the blank cartridge class Wayside Tales. Narrowed Down Prejudices are "merely other peo ple's opinions! Wayside Tales. Vice Versa '3. am going to serve on a jury. I think I will knit all the time." "Huh! It's more likely they will want you to unravel." Wayside Tales At the Coontown Bank Dusky Depositor: I wants to draw out dat money I put in dis bank four years ago. . Husky Cashier: Man, you aint got no money in here now! - De interest done et up de principal long ago. Wayside News. equality printing The impression your printed message will make depends on the skill and knowledge of the Printer. We are proud of the quality of every job that leaves our shop. It is the. result of thoughtful care and years of experience. Let us co-operate with you on your next printing job. You'll like our work and our prices".- The Banner-Courier GOOD WHOLESOME FOOD Quality Restaurant 427 Main St. Phone 517 liiiliIII!liI!!tHI!Iimn!fI!IIIiIH!IIiy tea tit a 0BS 53 We'll keep your battery gs B full of "pep" rm "TVTO matter what make of battery yours is, y Westinghouse Attention will keep it in the pink of condition and get the longest possible life and service out of it for you. We don't expect to sell you a Westinghouse Battery until it is no longer economical to repair the battery you now have. Drive in and tart the twice-a-month habit of letting us faupect your battery, No obligations. HODGSON-GANNON ELECTRIC GO. - The Westinghouse Service Station 4th and Main Phone 355 "WESTINGHOUSE BATTERIES eiillEilllllilillllliilillilllllliillllElHIl Langley Electric Company Guaranteed Service . Auto Motive Ignition and Battery Service MOTOR AND GENERATOR REPAIRING . See Us About HOUSE WIRING AND FIXTURES Phone 260W 1117 Main St. Next to Electric Hotel Goodrich 55-30x3y2 $10.90 Warren and Blodgett, Props. 407 Main St Oregon City THE DRAGON I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world. I have destroyed more than all the wars of the world. I am more deadly than bullets, and I have wrecked more homes than the mightiest of siege guns. I steal in the United States alone over $500,000,000 each year. I spare no one, and I find my vic tims among the rich and poor alike; the young and the old, the strong and the" weak, widows and orphans know me. I loom up to such proportions that I go into every corner of the earth leaving behind me destroyed homes, factories, ships, cities or anything that may get in my path. I am your worst enemy, but yet few take the necessary precaution to avoid me. I AM FIRE FIRE PREVENTION CO. Corner South Second and High Sts. Oregon City, Oregon Protect the UVES of YOUR FAMILY and YOUR HOME by installing the AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM We Pay Cash for Cream At the highest market price. Send us a trial shipment if you want satisfaction and prompt returns: Oregon City Butter A home product made from pasteurized Clackamas County Cream.