Page Ten THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON ITY, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 11, J922 Gr ER.H D . II THE Sale of Women's Suits OREGON CITY ' EATEST ev The entire stock of A Nationally known manufacturer bought at a wonderful price concession enables us to offer the women and Misses of this city New Spring Suits, for Sports and Dress wear, at PRICES FAR BELOW THE REGULAR WHOLESALE COST. rr- Three Great Price Groups Suits Regularly Priced up to $25 $8.75 -Would not buy the material. Suits Regularly Priced up to $30 Very Suitable for Sports Wear . Suits Regularly Priced up to $40 $1 8.75 This Group Full Silk Lined. Sizes 16 to 44 Choose From These Colors and Fabrics Colors of Rose Orchid Jade Green Reindeer Tan Copen Blue Porcelain Navy Brown Remember Every Suit New This Season See the 5 Big Windows of these Suits on display, 7th street side. The Quality Store of Clackamas Co. -Serge Fabrics of Tweed Homespun Herring-Bone Tricotine Poiret Twills Also Novelty Sports Fabrics in New Spring Colors Sale Ends Saturday Night We advise early shopping. 1 . I - , . , jdocal Tfews Miss Mattie Burkhalter left Oregon City on Wednesday of last week for Jefferson, Oregon, to visit her par ents. Miss Burkhalter who has been employed in the tax department of the sheriff's office -will accept a sim ilar position at Myrtle JBoint. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beattie of Beaver ' Creek were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Burke at 13th and John Adams streets on Wednesday of ' this week. Mrs. A. M. Crook of Mulino was in Oregon City on Wednesday to trans act business. Mrs. James Peterson, whose home is in Astoria is visiting her mother, Mrs. Eobert Warner of Oregon City. Mrs. Peterson was Miss Maude Warn er before her marriage. Judge and Mrs. H. S. Anderson spent Tuesday at Logan the "guests of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas An derson and family. Mrs. It. E. Butler and little son, C-len Otto, have returned to their home at Oregon City, from St. Vin cent hospital, where Master Glen Otto was born. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward and son, Gilbert, accompanied by their nieces. Misses Helen and Hazel Jean Woodward, motored to Molalla Sun day and visited Mrs. Grace Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bergen and son, Fred, of Glen Echo, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. JFuller of Portland and Mrs. Bergen's iainer, a Miles motored to Salem Sunday to attend the Blossom Day exercises. Mrs. S. F. Scripture of Oregon City has as her guest, Mrs. Wm. Logue, whose home is at La Grande, Oregon. Mrs. Rhoda Libby, mother of C. F. Libby, of Linn Ave. is critically ill at the home of her son. W. R. C. Holds Interesting Meeting Corps opened in form with 26 mem bers present. Helief and flower committee report ed Mr. Hayward, Mrs. Hathaway, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Carpenter's mo ther improving. There is to be no pension day din ner in June or birthday dinner in May. Dept. convention meets at Newoort June 19, 20, 21, 22. Corps there is Phil Sheridan No. 53. Those wishing to write for rooms should communi cate with Mrs. Myrta James, presi dent of the Community club at New port. General orders read and $1 on vnteri sent to the flag fund, also $5.00 to the soiaiers tuna. The guard's chair was declared va cant and by motion Mrs. Williams was elected. On Tuesday. Mav Ifi. the Pnat and Corps are invited to visit the Barclay and nign scnooi, on Wednesday they are to visit the Eastham and Mtv Loughlin, Thursday, West Linn High and Gladstone. Tou are invited to go. i A. M. Linnville, Press cor. xx:-::x:x:::xx: i F. J. TOOZE Republican Candidate for STATE SENATOR Primary Election May 19th A CONSTRUCTIVE PROGRAM TAX REDUCTION SERVICE FOR ALL SPECIAL FAVORS NONE - Is His Slogan HIS PLATFORM: Will insist on retrenchment in state expenses, equalization in assessments, all property on the tax rolls. " Will encourage agriculture through demands for effective operation of' rural credits law. Will oppose Oriental ownership or control of property and insist on American labor first at wages fair and equitable. Will work for a ten department state government with central authority and responsibility so placed as to force definite effort and results. v ocii-Bupyoriing reiormatory and penal institutions. Will support millage tax for higher educational institutions and the secondary schools in every possible way. With this'constructive program F. J. TOOZE ii a candidate for' the senate. VOTE 38X FOR HIM M Adv. To the Voters of Clackamas County MY PLATFORM IS ECONOMY AND HONESTY 1st The burden of Taxation is felt by me, equal to the average Taxpayer ad Farmer of Clackamas county, being a dirt Farmer myself. 2nd I always opposed waste' and extravagance in public and private business. (We as Farmers must.) . in asking the support of the voters and taxpay ers in tne coming primary election, 1 invite their at tention to my record lor an Economic Aoministra tion 01 Uounty Aiiairs. A conscientious administra tion of the. Uounty business along progressive and economical lines, tne constructive program main tained and carried on in a careful, businesslike man ner, notwithstanding the obstacles caused by war prices of material and labor. . I have always kept the interest of the Taxpayer uppermost in my mind and I have always supported a policy for the development of all parts of Clacka mas County. -I have been a progressive member of your Board of Commissioners and have given much time and thought to the Selection and Development of the Market Roads of the County in .the effort to benefit the Farmer and aid him to get to the market cen ters of the County, that some of the burdens of the Taxpayers may be lessened by being able to reach their markets points. - I wish to thank the citizens of Clackamas coun ty for their cooperation and support in the past, and ' to assure them that if re-elected I shall, to my ut- -most endeavor to maintain the standard of open and fair dealing which I have followed in the past. I shall squarely face the problems of the County with an honest endeavor to deal justly and fairly with all. I a mnot pledged to, nor controlled by, any clique or ring and am FREE and shall keep myself FREE for unhampered work, regardless of jeal ousy, hatred or malice on the part of petty politic ians and disgruntled individuals. I invite a careful investigation of my work and of my ability to perform the duties of the office I seek, I shall render value received for every dollar spent through my order. Any official is subject to political abuse, but be fair and know for yourself. It is not advisable to change saddels in the middle of the stream. I am willing to stand on my past rec ord. Judge fairly and I am willing to abide by the results - (Paid'Adv. by W. F. Harris). W. F. HARRIS. Taxi Man Gets Legal Jolt W. C McNeil, who pleaded guilty to charges of drunk, disorderly and using profane language was fined $25 in the first case; J5 in the second and a charge for driving a-car while in toxicated is still held over him in iht justice court against city police officer George Ti tus for f 1,000 for false arrest." The case was tried in the recorders court recently and this move is taken in the circuilcourt Former Resident Passes Mr. John Kalbfleisch, formerly liv ing between Oregon" City and Canby passed away at his home in Idaho re ecntly. Mr. Halbfleisch came to Ore gon in 1891 living in Canby 17 years and was well known in this vicinity. He was 88 years of age at death and is survived by his wife and ten children, one of his daughters being Mrs. H. L. Spatz of . Willamette. His many friends sincerely regret the loss of one so liked by all. Henry Calvert Imporving Reports from St. Vinecnt's hospital speak encouragingly of the condition of Harry Calvert who has been criti cally ill for the past two weeks. Mrs. Calvert who is just recovering from very severe illness has been with him. Officer Titus Sued W. S. Bennett through his attorney Earl Latourette, has commenced suit Grand Theater SUNDAY And MONDAY May 14th and 15th The Fo ur Horsemen of The Apocalypse ADMISSION-- Adults, 35c. ; CHILDREN, 25c Including war tax HON, W. C. HAVLEY Republican Candidate for Re-Nomination to Congress I v A , J i - --."- 1 i AN OREGON CITY MAN GIVES EVIDENCE His Testimony Will Interest Oregon City Reader Every The value of local evidence is indis putable. It is the kind of evidence we accept as true because we -know we can prove it for ourselves. There has been plenty of such evidence in the Oregon City papers lately, and this straightforward testimony has estab lished a confidence in the minds Of Oregon City peopel that will not b easily shaken. j C. G. Peterson, prop, shoe repair shop, 416 - 7th St., Oregon CIt7, taysS "There is no question about Doan's Kidney Pills being a good remedy as I have used them with good results. I had attacks of backache and such a soreness across my back I could hard ly stoop. My kidneys acted ' irregu larly but Doan's Kidney Pills from Jones Drug Store soon relieved these attacks, so 1 gladly recommend Doan's." Price 60c. . at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Petersonhad. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. " ' Adv; "No interests to Serve but ) 111C X UD1 J.ULC1 Hawley. REPRESENTATIVE I HAWLEY SHOULD BE RENOMINATED BECAUSE: He Js a hardworking, cap able, successful, trust worthy and faithful pub lic servant; He remains at his post of duty attending to ' the needs of his constituency and the State of Oregon: He is a native of Oregon who is loyal to and famil iar with every interest of the State of Oregon; He is right on the great questions of the day and his record is one of in creasing prestige, steady achievement and success ful service. Read his record of service in the candidates pamphlet issued by the Secretary of State. (Information furnished by R. a Glover et al.) Paid Ad. Postmaster Examination The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an exam ination to be held at Oregon City, Oregon on June 3, 1922 as a result of which it is expected to make certi fication to fill a contemplated va cancy in the position of fourth-class postmaster at West Linn, Ore., and other vacancies as they may occur at that office, unless it shall be decided in the interests of the service to fill the vacancy by reinstatement The compensation of the postmaster at'his office was $960 for he last fiscal year. Applicants must have reached their twenty-first birthday on the date of the examination, with the exception that in a State where women are de clared by statute to be of full age for all purposes at eighteen years, women eighteen years of age on the date of the examination will be admitted. Applicants must reside within the territory supplied by the post office for which the examination is an-. nounced. Subscribe 'lor the Banner-Courier. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Man middle age, or young to work on small berry ranch. Must be trustworthy. Good home for right man. Call phone No. 432W., Oregon City after 6:30 p. m. HORSE WANTED Must be true .worker, about 1300 or 1400 lb. and cheap for cash. Call phone No. 432W, 6regon Citl, after 6:30 p. m. FOR SALE 20 head of cattle, milk bull. Henry Meyer, Route 1, Au- mrn Orocnn nag- f i nlrotm f XX"X"X"XX"XXXKXXK"XXXXX ' D , (5-ll-3t.-pd,"