The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, May 04, 1922, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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Cnmmtmtttj SItf
News From Over -CLACKAMAS
J L. K. Daviason j
p if r K'fr,t?Jf,J,f,K''K,
The concrete "work on the streets
is nearing completion.
Miss Amy Coon of Portland was a
local visitor Monday. Miss oon is
a student of the Benson Polytechnic
school of Portland.
Miss Edith Bickner entertained the
commercial club with some remark
able solos Monday night.
Oswego lost an old time resident
whei Mrs. Ed Chuck and sons moved
to Portland.
The weekly meeting of the H. E.
club was at the home of Mrs. George
Thomas Monday. Prizes at cards
were won by Mrs. Pearl Bickner and
Mrs. John Davis.
Mrs. Wm. Bowdin, nee Amy Schaw- i
fer of Amboy, Washington, is at the
home of ehr parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Schawler of 6th and A street
C. H. Elster has been appointed city
street inspector.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cox are plan
ning a trip to Springfield, Oregon
G. H. McNicholas has purchased a
home at 4th and A streets. He re
cently moved here from Portland.
Jim Coon of Portland paid a visit
to his many friends Tuesday.
Among the salmon fishermen to get
good catches this week were J. K.
Hill, Buck Austin, May Savage, Frank
Puymibroeck, Mrs. George Montgom
ery, Kenneth Davidson, Tracy John
son, Emil Anderson, H. W. Scott and
Malone Hawke.
Mrs. S. E. Prosser' went to Salem
Monday morning in search of antiques
and succeeded in purchasing a very
fine Elgin clock of very rare work
manship. Papoo "Pappoose" King probably
will pitch for the "Kid"-ball team
this year.
Marie Johnson is very ill at her
home in New Town.
The Oswego campfire girls initiated
Edna Grey and Evelyn Fox into the
secrets of the order Friday night
They were the guests of Robert Ful
ton at his Grove home.
Among the new citizens of Oswego
are C. M. Hansen, G. H. Hansen, Jr.,
and Miss Ethel Hanson. They are
making their home in Old Town.
G. W. James of Newberg spent Sun
day at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Davidson.
tjt 1$ m$
Road Work Progressing
The work on market road 4" is pro
gressing nicely. The residents along
the road are anxious to see it fin
ished as they are going "to establish
a mail route through that way.
Eric Anderson and little son and
daughter of Portland were visitors at
Charlie Larsons Sunday.
A number of people from the mea
dows visited the ball game at Stafford
Sunday. The game was between
Tualatin and Stafford with Tualatin
- winner.
Joe Bsuhbaum and Charlie Larson
have sold their spuds.
Paddy De Neui and family, former
residents of the Meadows, hive pur
chased them a home in Willamette.
John Raicy and wife entertained
John's mother and father and broth
er Frank from Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill of Portland .were
visiting at the home of Mrs. Hill's
sister, Mrs. C. C. Schroeder last week.
Mrs. Wilke and daughter attended
a birthday party at the home of her
aunt in Portland.
Mrs. Pearl Stewart has been quite
ill the past few days.
Pleasant Hour club met at the
home of Mrs. J. J. Hattan on Thurs
day. The ladies finished the quilt
for the W. C. T. U. orphans home.
For the social program the duties of
the office and different candidates
were discussed. Also music by Mrs.
. J. Byers and a reading by Mrs.
R. L. Peake. The next meeting. May
11, will be an open meeting and will
be held in the church. There will be
a basket dinner at 12:3U, ine ciud
will serve the coffee. After luncn
Mrs. E. B. Andrews will speak to the
ladies on the- coming primaries and
the candidates. All women voters,
who can should try present to
hear this talk.
Jack Hempstead
Mr. A. H. Gage, wife and Mrs. Eva
Ray, a niece, started Friday for Nes
tucca, Tillamook county, called sud
denly upon a matter of bussmess.
The? went by auto.
The girls club met last Thursday
and made a quilt for the children s
home recently started near Corvallis.
Charlie Thompson is badly afflicted
from a paralytic stroke some weeks
ago and his physician gives but ilttle
hope of his recovery.
A number from here attended Po
mona Grange at Tualatin last Wed
nesday, and report a very instructive
and pleasant time. i
"Clean up Day" for the Stafford
cemeteries will be on Friday, May
26th when all interested will meet at
10 a. m. with utensils to work with,
and the best "Eats' they can scare
up for a picnic dinner and proceed to
clean fern and debris of all kinds
from the grounds where the beloved
dead lie sleeping.
Miss Sabra- Nussbaum is becoming
quite an expert atuo driver. She is a
high school student at West Linn.
There will be an entertainment at
the Frog Pond (Tualatin) Grange hall
on the 12th. All are assured of a
good time.
Buick Coupe On Record
Run Passes Through City
A Buick coupe, driven by Mrs. Z.
Kathleen Ayers of San Francisco,
passed through Oregon City Tuesday
on a record run from San Francisco
to Portland. The trip was made in
22 hours 43 minutes, which is over
three hours better than any previous
automobile record, and5 hours ahead
of the Shasta Limited.
- The trip was made without a single
stop except for fuel and water. This
gives Mrs. Ayers and her 4-cylinder
Buick Coupe the record over the rail
as well as on the highway.
Such a remarkable drive is a feat
which would be looked upon as a mar
velous exploit even for the most ex
perienced racing pilot Consequently,
this young woman may well feel elat
ed and proud of her achievement
Mrs. Ayers sat behind the wheel and
drove the Buick for the greater part
of the 725 miles, only occasionally
relieved by the official representative
whi. had hppn detailed fcv the Howard
- The record is official i nevery res
pect, as the Buick coupe and its fair
driver were checked out of San Fran
cisco at 1:02 o'clock p. m., Monday,
May 1, and were checked in here at
11:45 a. m. Tuesday, May 2. The
checking was done at both places by
members of the local press, while the
timing was done by the officials of
the Western Union Telegraph com
pany. Not a single stop was made from
the time the Buick was checked out
until it reached Portland, with the
exception of the' stops made for fuel
and oil. This record run was almost
as spectacular and awe-inspiring as
the one made in January of 1921, when
a six-cylinder-Buick coupe and its
I hardy crew startled the motor world
by hanging up a midwinter road rec
ord of 26 hours 16 minutes over roads
which were blocked to all traffic and
in the face of a terrific snowstorm In
the mountains and a driving, rain
storm in the valleys.
ifitf t? j? jf- a? ? ? Jf a? ? & v
Ball Game and Play Tomorrow
The ball game with the Molalla
high school nine at Molalla tomorrow
and the Junior class play, "The Ar
rival of Kitty" are the events that are
on the bills for Friday, May 5th. The
Molalla base ball team has been go
ing at a good rate lately and the U.
H. S. tossers will have to extend
themselves to put over a win. A large
crowd of students plan to accompany
the local squad to the game.
"The Arrival of Kitty"
"TheArival of Kitty" three act
comedy produced by Norman Lee
Swarthout, and directed by Miss Hel
en Leathers and Miss Margaret Du
Bois will be a hummer. It is expect
ed to draw one of the largest crowds
ever to attend a similar performance
in the Union High school auditorium.
Curtain rises at 8:15 o'clock.
Risley Auto Company
Secures Location
Oswego Trip Postponed
The student body trip which the
high school students were, to mate
last Friday afternon to Oswego lake
was postponed on account of inclem
ent weather.
Jake Risley, formerly manager of
the Clackamas County -Auto and Trac
tor company has leased a part of the
Pope property on fourth and Main and
will handle the Studebaker agency un
der the name of the Risley Auto
Mr. Risley reports two sales during
the last week a lignt six to jonn
Ream, office manager of the Crown
Willamette Paper company and spec
ial six to Harry Baxter, superintend
ent of construction of -the same firm.
Mr. Baxter lost his car in the fire
which recently destroyed the home of
the Clackamas County Auto and Trac
tor Co.
Buick Worsted In
Encounter With Fora
Election of Teachers Held
At a recent meeting of the school
board, the following teachers were re
tained for the coming new year: Miss
Helen Leathers,' Miss Vesta Lamb,
Mr. C. O. Main, Mr. W. W. Davis.
Percy Sparks, instructor of foreign
languages, will attend California Uni
versity to complete the' necessary
work in order to receive a master
degree. Miss Du Bois and Miss Mace
are entering the ranks of matrimony
and will not be enrolled in the fac
ulty next fall.
A Ford car, driven by Hugh Plant
of Gladstone collided with the Buick
six belonging to Harry Moor and driv
en by Otto Pettiss, Wednesday morn
ing about two o'clock at the 14th and
Washington curve.
Both cars were damaged but the
Ford was still able to come in under
her own power. The radiator was
damage and one headlight badly
smashed. The Buick fared much
worse although it was protected by a
bumper, and was compelled to sum
mon assistance to reach the nearest
garage. One end of the front axle
was badly bent the fender and head
lights were smashed and the bumper
bent. No one was injured.
Water Supply Shut Oft
The West Linn water supply was
shut off Tuesday afternoon and al-
thoueh the water was again in use
that night, school was closed Wednes
day until noon, classes being resumed
at 12 o'clock.
jt ' M. A. Gage
r j? jp jp r a? jf f ? ? ? f ? jf8
The belated spring has seemingly
arrived and small iruits are rapiaiy
coming into bloom. Asparagus, pie
plant, young onions etc. are seen on
the farmer's table some weeks late
but still welcome as the faces of old
at tjft i2t il 8 8 u& (j8 t$t
J ' Mrs. J. J. Hatton J
j6jf j? i? j? a? afiP f jf j? j? j? j?
Everett Hewett and wife have mov
ed from Portland to Carver.
Mrs. Henry McFarlan. a nurse at
Kelly Butte Hospital, visited with the
home folks this week-end.
Several machine loads of autoists
took advantage of the beautiful sun
shine Sunday and were picnicing on
Hattan beach.
" Mrs. Charley Hattan made a trip to
Boring one day last week visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Dallas. Glen -is wear
ing a proud smile. Mother and daugh
ter are doing well. The little lady
arrived the 22nd and has for her
name, Edith Arline.
Carver State Bank has installed an
electric posting machine.
Mrs. C. C. Hull visited with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Salem
this week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were visit
ing with Portland friends on Sunday.
Mr. Otto Smith has been confined to
his home for the past three weeks
with the flue and is ery slightly im
proved. Mr. Emerson Andrews is
driving the milk truck for Mr. Smith
during his illness.
H. B. Johnson our blacksmith is ,
building a garage and hardware store
- combining the two.
J. L. Jewett and family have moved
down in the Nehalem valley for the
summer. Mr. Jewett has taken a log
ging contract there.
-X Mr. T. D. Shank and daughters, Ru
by and Bertha of. Portland were call-
A Dodge automobile was stolen
from in front of the Oregon City
High School. -The machine has
never been located. The com
pany paid the-loss.
Insure yoru automobile or truck
620 Main St
Oregon City
When you choose your repair man you
should use as much care as in choosing a
new car.
' We have many regular customers who
will take their work nowhere else, and
there must be a reason. N
Give us a trial if you want to know the"
real meaning of service.
Oregon City Auto Co.
, Phone 429
Main near Fourth
Oregon City
At the foot of Singer Hill
For if safety is not
first it is not safety.
In choosing your repair mechanic as in driving
it is well to look ahead, for after the work is
done it's too late to regret that you didn't en
trust your car to competent mechanics.
Less Crawford, Prop.
10th and Railroad Oregon City
on all
Makes of
We take care of bat
teries all makes. We
recharge and repair
batteries. But that isn't
We're a clearing
house for battery in
formation! If you want to know
what happens when water
in the battery runs low
when the charge goes down
when a short circuit oc.
curs, we'll tell you. More
than that we'll tell you the
few simple things you need
to know to side-step bat
tery trouble.
Come inl Ask questions
no matter whether yours
is a Willard Battery or not.
We're glad to be of any
service we can.
We recharge J and repair all
makes of batteries, all Eubber
Radio Batteries, Radio wire and
Con. Hilgers
Battery Rebuilding and Repairing
Twelfth and Main Oregon City, Ore.
Willard Storage
This is the time to have your auto painting done
and this is the shop to do it for you.
With C. G. Miller Co.
v u
For Satisfactory
epair Work
of all kinds
bring your car to the most completely equipped Ford
service station in this county. Largest stock of gen--uine
Ford car, truck and tractor parts.
Expert Mechanics Guaranteed Work
Revised Prices
Accessories, Hardware, Genuine Ford Parts, Hass
ler Shock Absorbers, -Goodyear Tires and Valvoline
1 w
atom of
Grown mixes with air
gasoline cf qnaBty" is 100
HJMJ fettfintd to vupmize thor
tjogbtp. Evecy atom of it mixes in the
fuifuirwtru' wtfrifmm 12 to 16 times its
otumcairtbr POWER.With "Red
OuMflTyo&eet ready starting rapid
-greater miteagn a con-
fnglmml onA ynx-mrrft hawtO bOtheT
bcm la quality wberever and wbeo-
buy it
EedCfcownglgn at Service
fjMfWifffM pmgpa and at other
yhiiwuf Urpua of powc.
Elevator Oregon City Phone 390
"Equipped to Serve YOU best"
of driving a car is twice
as great when that car
is in first class condi
tion not only mechani
cally but also as to ap
A dirty looking car never attracted attention. Let
us do your automobile painting. Our experience
enables us to do better work than is found on most
new cars. .
Oregon City
Main Street at Ninth
Here is a new and safe deal building standard
Automobile Tires in Your Own Plant with a
very moderate investment. We can demonstrate
that you can do this with the New I. X. L. Sys
tem. No joint stock companies or partnership
but a business of your own at a good profit.
Come and see us and we will show you.
441 Hawthorne Ave.,
Portland, Ore.
firs at. the home of Wm. Wolands on
Saturday. .