The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, May 04, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Page Three
Commmtfttj STtf n
News From Over ..
- fc?
J Dr. juoa ruiler
p jp js" jp a? ? K' . jp K jp
E. E. Elliott of Salem, director and
supervisor of agircultural eduaction,
spoke in the district hall at Canby,
Thursday evening in interest of the
union high school movement.
His address was followed by anoth
er aible and logical address by J. E.
Sinclair. C. H. Shelton was the pre
siding offciial at the meeting.
W. H. Bair is transacting business
at Redman this week.
Mrs. M. J. Lee, who has been in Cal
ifornia all winter, returned to Canby
last Tuesday.
Mrs. M. A. Shelton, mother of C. H.
Shelton, our city druggist, after a so
journ in California during the winter
returned to Canby Monday night.
One of the exciting sport items for
Canby during the past week, was a
59-pound Chinaak salmon brought in
by W. H. Luke, from a fishing exper
ience in the Clackamas river near
Oregon City. This is the champion
catch to date tor the season.
Rev. E. E. Gilbert, district president
of the Salem district, Oregon confer
ence of the M. E. Church was a guest
at the Rev. Moore's birthday party
last Tuesday evening.
The city meat market conducted by
Otto Schaubel and the C. and R. store
are installing new awnings.
The Canby and Molalla ball teams
contested in the last game for the
season on the Canby diamond Friday
afternon. The score was 12 to 6 in
favor of Moallla. This was a stunt
of which the Molalla team may well
be proud, as the Canby team has prov
en itself hard to beat this season.
M. J. Lee and wife, A. H. Knight
and wife and Mrs. W. H. Bair motored
to Molalla Wednesday night to attend
a joint meeting and social festivities
of the I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges.
Two young men passing through
from the state of Washington mount
ed on a motorcycle without a license
number, were arrested by our night
marshal Monday night.
W. S. Hurst of Portland was a busi
ness caller in Canby last week.
Subscribe for the Banner-Courier.
It fill furnish you the news, per year
$1.50. See Dr. Fuller at the Cottage
Hotel. He will send in your subscrip
tion. Under auspices of the Canby base
ball am. The Clackamas county ath
letic club gave an entertainment at
the District high school gymnasium
Saturday night. Gross receipts were
Lee Eckerson returned from a trip
in southern Idaho this week. He re
ports a backward spring season, and
scarcity of cattle feed for that section.
W. A. Cross and wife were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mrs. Anna
Mr.' and Mrs. H. Christofferson of
Salem and Mrs. Blanche Willey, were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Lyda.
Mrs. Myrtle Will is spending a few
days with friends in Portland.
Canby and Estacada baseball teams
contested on the Canby diamond last
Monday. Score 5 to 3 in favor of Can
by. At a meeting of the city council
Monday night Canby rejected the off
er of the Clark Hendel bond company
of 98 for cit ybonds, voted at a re
cent special election for taking care
of the proposed municipal light plant.
The estimated valuation of the plant
now owned by the Molalla light and
power company of $7787.00 was ac
cepted by the council.
This estimate was made by engi
neer Beebe, and is give nas the net
valuation. After deduction in deprec
iation. It is understood that the Mo
lalla light and power company accepts
this appraisement and that the city
of Canby will take over the equipment
at the above figure. ,
Two men, hit by "Moonshine", were
thrown through the windshield of a
ditched coupe Sunday night.
The incident occurred on the new
highway within our city limits. When
a man bottles up "moonshine" instead
of food, in the place where only food
should be, he has no moral right to
jump through the windshield of his
car within our city borders", and spill
his moonshine on our new road. We
want to keep our new road clean. Pre
sume his coupe was paid for.
A chicken dinner was taken care of
foy the Canby booster club Tuesday
noon at the Cottage Hotel. About
twenty were present and talks were
made on eats, eating places, politics
and camD grounds. All were satisfied
- and left with a smile.
Harry Davis, 15, son of H. C. Da
vis, who has charge of a string of
race horses at the Clackamas County
fair grounds, was kicked in the face
Monday by one of the horses at the
fair ground barns, sustaining a brok
en jaw bone and the loss of three
teeth. He was attended by Dr. Ded
man, who reports him out of danger
of serious results.
Leo Keil, prominent farmer near
Aurora and Miss Lolita Hornig, beau
tiful young lady from Canby, were
married Wednesday at Vancouver,
ting in their spring crops.
Mrs. Ross went to Astoria Friday
to visit her sister and other friends.
Mr. Johnson returned from Port
land Friday.
Harry Harvey went to Portland on
business Wednesday.
Mrs. John Stewart of Woodburn is
visiting with her mother,. Mrs. M. Pel
key. Mrs. Frank Dicking left Thursday
for Portland where she will visit for
a few days with her sister,Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. J. r; Clark of Selma, Oregon,
visited her daughter, Mrs. A. T. Shoe
maker last week, Mr. and Mrs. O. T.
Clark were also visitors at the Shoe
maker home. Miss Bessie Wilkinson
spent a few days in Molalla the past
week visiting relatives and friends.
Clint Christner returned home
Thursday from the Oregon City hos
pital where he had been for some
Eugene Ruldey and family, Port
land, visited at their summer home
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker of lone,
Oregon, are visiting at the Bert New
man home.
Molalla high school base ball team
met the Canby team in Canby last
Friday where they won the game, the
score being 23 to 6.
Mrs. G. E. Crandel and her sister,
Mrs.' Allen of Portland spent a few
days in Molalla last week.
There was a home talent drama put
on under the auspices of the Mulino
Ladies club last- Saturday night. It
was a huge success from every stand
point. Mr. and Mrs. Close and family of
Kalama, Wash., visited at the home of
Mrs. Close's mother, Mrs. Fred Eye
man. Dorothy Khightingale of Oregon
City was a Molalla visitor over the
week end.
Jack Vernon went to Independence
with his brother Wednesday. From
there he plans to go to Hot Springs.
Carrie Howland is home from the
hospital in Oregon City.
Miss Alma Moore of Portland is vis
iting several days with her sister,
Mrs. E. R. Todd.
Grover Frederick has sold his saw
mill. The 103rd anniversary of Oddfel-
lowship a? celebrated at the Oddfel
low hall last Wednesday night. There
was a very large attendance of the
Oddfellows and Rebekahs as well as
many friends. The program was ex
Mrs. Bert Newman returned from
Vancouver, Wash., where she was
called by the death of her father, Hor
ace Biglow.
Mr. and Mrs. Oglesbee and daugh
ter, are spending a few days near In
dependence visiting relatives.
Mrs. Simpson of Oregon City is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Mac Hatten
heus and family.
Sid Cordill drove to Portland in a
car Sunday to visit his daughter, Al
ta, who is in the Sellwood hospital
he was accompanied by Leona and Lu
la Cordill, Belle Marsh, Thelma and
Varona Short.
Mrs. Pitman went to Oregon City
for medical treatment Saturday.
called on ids father and mother, Sun
day afternoon.
iii? s? ti5 jt d8 1$ t$
J Dennis Kidby i
a'? P P P iP )P jP jP jp jP jp jp P P jp
Salmon fishing is a great sport if
you enjoy it. Many of the West Linn
folks have been and are fishing, many
of them getting results.
Mr. and Mrs. LeMay . and children,
who have resided for some time in
West Linn have moved to lower Main
street in Oregon City.
Dan Hogan's new home is rapidly
rising near the high school.
Another home is being built. M. L.
Schulson is the owner.
This fine weather is a great incen
tive to garden growers and the family
vegetable and flower gardens are in
full swing with planting etc.
The gardens around the Crown
Willamette Inn are spaded and pre
pared for the summer. The display
of roses promises to be fine this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Bankus moved to
Portland last Saturday where they
will reside in an apartment. Mr.
Bankus was formerly manager of the
Crown-Willamette mills here.
Miss Margaret Clark, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark is home from
the University of Oregon for a few
days visit with her parents.
Among the many radiophone en
thusiasts are the Moffatts, wiio have
installed an excellent outfit in their
We wonder whether the men that
go fishing at four a. m. really appre
ciate the fact that their wives arise
between three thirty and three forty
five a. m. to get their breakfast? The
wives do, as the writer has proof.
The Crown-Willamette Inn has in
stalled a complete radiophone set for
the benefit of the employees staying
at the Inn.
& Jf
Beulah Snidow .
efif? l? j? jp )f P j? P JP " af J?5"'
At the open meeting of the Wood
men of the World last Wednesday
evening a program was given, which
was enjoyed very much by the mem
bers and their friends. The program
consisted of readings by Miss Margar
et DuBois, a solo by Miss Frances
Waldron, a piano solo by Miss Meta
Higginbotham, and several selections
by the Whitney Boys chorus. After
the program a game of indoor base
ball was witnessed and also a boxing
match between Homer McArthur
and Amie Valiers.
Miss Ruth Gourlay spent Saturday,
Sunday, and Monday visiting Miss El
sie Junken Monday. She visited the
high school.'
Mr. W. L. Lunt has returned from
Los Angeles," California, where he has
been at the Soldier's home during the
winter months.
Virginia Shadle entertained several
of her little friends at an Easter par
ty, Saturday afternoon, April 5. The
children were furnished- with paste.
colored paper, crayon, and egg shells
from which they fashioned many dif
ferent articles. t Dainty refreshments
were served, the table was appropri
ately decorated and each little guest
was presented with an Easter basket
Those present were: Edna Olsen, Eva
Ethel Head, Dorothy Baty, Lydia
Greaves, Leatha, Catherine, Virginia
and Blair Shadle.
Miss Freda Balzimer of . Seattle,
Wash,, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ka
hle and father. Mr. Balzimer.
Miss Dorothy- Pitts of New Era is
visiting her cousin, Miss Ellen McAr
thur. Mrs. Georgia Fogel of Portland .vis
ited her sister, Mrs. Albert Adamson
last Thursday.
Mrs. Carroll, who has been confined
to her bed because of illness is im
proving. Mrs. Lee Porter, Mrs. Conrad Zim
merman and Miss Margaretha Kaiser
enjoyed a fishing trip on tire Willam
ette river Saturday.
The winners of the honors of the
Willamette eighth grade have been
announced. Those receiving them
are: Myra .Adcock, Valedictorian;
Jesse Mootry salutatorian; and Jam
es Paterson; prophecy. The gradua
tion exercises are to be held at Glad
stone Park and the diplomas present
ed there but the class will be on the
platform the night of the musical and
the addresses will be given at that
time. Besides the exercises and the
musical program a short play "Miss
Polly Wiggs and her wonderful Wax
Works" is to be given
In honor of General Grant's hun
dredth birthday anniversary a pro
gram was given at the Willamette
grammar school. Mr. F. J. Tooze gave
a talk on Grant; the school recited
the American Creed, Sketches of
Grant's life were given by the 7th
and 8th grades and Myra Adcock told
of the new statue of Grant which was
unveiled recently.
Mrs. Gerald Baty has received her
teachers' palmer certificate and Miss
Myra Adcock her student's certificate.
Saturday evening the wrignt
ment at the gymnasium.
Under the auspices of the Booster
club a political meeting was held
Monday evening. Mr. F. J. Tooze who
is a candidate for the Republican nom
ination for State Senator, Mr. Kruse
who is running for County Commiss
ioner, and Mr. Grant Dimick gave
campaign speeches.
Miss Mae Waldron, Mrs. Mona
George and Miss Frances Waldron at
tended a program given in Portland
Friday evening. Frances Waldron,
who is a member of the Rainbow
chorus took part in the program.
6 Mary Liesman
Among the Oregon City visitors
this last week were: Mrs. Ed Sharp,
Mr. Thomas Turner, and Ervin Sharp.
The Grange met Saturday with a
large attendance, all report having a
good time.- It was palnned to have a
picnic on the 4th of July and a dance
in the evening in the new hall.
The next Literary meeting will be
held May 12th. A good program is
expected. The new Grange Hall is
going up rapidly and the meeting Is
to be held in it. Some Portland par
ties were out trying to rent space for
a hardware store in it. They evident
ly thought it was a good location for
a hardware business.
Miss Nola Turner visited Miss Myr
tle Aden and Miss Francis Randelin
Monday evening. .
Mrs. Thomas Turner visited Miss
Myrtle Aden Sunday. "
A surprise patry was given Satur
day evening on Mrs. William Elligsen,
a number from Willamette, Stafford
and Frogpond attended.
Mr. Mark Baker visited George Ad
en Sunday evening.
The girls club met Thursday with
Miss Eva Seedling. Those who at
tended were: Mrs. Otto Pamperine,
Lydia Moser, Mrs.. Carl Eisle, Mrs.
Woodworth, Dora, and Myrtle Olden-
stadt, Mrs. Ray and Christina Ellig
sen. They meet next with Mrs. Otto
A large crowd attended the baseball
game, here Sunday, Tualatin vs. Staf
ford, the latter being defeated by a
score of 16 to 10.
Economics School Continued
The Home Economics School which
was held at the Methodist church last
week under the auspices of the Miss
ionary Societies of the Presbyterian
sical company is to give an entertain- church proved so popular that the
Mrs. A. D. Courter
jp p p p aP jp jp J? if ? f if"
The nice weather of the past week
has been very much appreciated by
tfcn farmers. They are all busy get-
J Mrs. M. L. Sevier
& &
The Farm Bureau meeting at the
church on Friday evening was not
very well represented on account of
the bad weather, but those who were
there were well paid for coming. A
short program was given after which
Mr. F. J. Tooze, Grant B. Dimick and
Mr. Kruse each gave a splendid talk
on how to vote for the ibest interests
of the farmers. We are sorry that
there were not more out to hear the
talks of these men.
Will Hicinbotham has gone to
Drain, Oregon to put up a saw mill for
a Mr. Hamilton.
Leslie Hamilton and Beulah Hicin
botham of the 8th grade were the
guests of Estacada high school on
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Elmer Lankin has returned to
her home here after a week's visit
with her daughter at Silverton.
Mrs. McComb is at Gladstone this
week helping to take care of her aunt,
who is quite poorly.
. Mr. D G. White has traded about 60
acres of his farm here, for property
at Tillamook city. He traded with
Rev. A. B. Snider "of Jennings Lodge.
Mr. White and son, Babe and family
expect to leave for their new home
Mr. C. Collard is quite busy
days as agent for the Western Star
Life insurance ocmpany with head
quarters at Portland. The main office
is in California.
On Friday Mr. and Mro.'Ray Miller
and daughter, Bernice, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Sevier and daughter, "Mrs. Wm.
Hicinbotham and her three daughters,
Mrs. J. Randolph and Mrs. R. Simon
all went to Estacada to take in the
program of the Estacada high school.
The program was enjoyed b an.
John Mattoon is having bad luck
just now in loosing eight of his small
Mrs. Hinman and son, Charlie, left
on Monday by auto for Dufur. Eastern
Oregon. They are looking for a small
farm where they could raise chickens
and keep cows
Mr. Wm. Mattoon and J. H. Sevier
made a business trip to Oregon City
on Saturday.
Arthur Mattoon, who has a crew of
men logging for him on Eagle. X'reek,.
and West Linn
Lots are selling, homes are being built and the future
of these districts is assured. If you are contemplating
the purchase of a home sight, investigate this property.
The location and the natural scenic beauty is unsurpassed
and besides the class of homes which have already been
built makes this property doubly desirable.
- Our terms are liberal. We will either sell you the lot
or build for you, according to your own plans ani specifi
cations and after the first payment you pay for your
home while you .are living in it, in installments like rent.
S. ft D I LIM N
Near Elevator, Oregon City
At Bridge, West Linn
Summer Vacations
Whenever you spend your vacation this
coming .summer, the emphasis will be
on the 'spend.' The time is given you.
Where is the money to come from? In
stead of struggling at the last minute
to raise the necessary funds, why not
begin now to save part of your income
each week? Then, when vacation time
is at hand, you will have enough money
to make your days of freedom live up
to your expectations. -
- Your account is welcomed here. One
Dollar will start a Savings Account.
Safe Deposit
Boxes for Rent,
$2.50 Per Year and Up
The Bank of Oregon City
Baptist church has been secured and
the same course will be repeated for
the benefit of the many who desire
instruction in the popular methods
used in preparing and serving of food.
Mrs. Elinor M. Redington, B. S. is
St J J J j Jt jt jit
S Mrs. R. B. Gibson
ffif? JPjPjPPPjPiPjPjPjPPlPjP
Mrs. Rosa Baker is again on the
sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Gibson were call
ing on Mr. and Mrs. H. F. fiibson
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle and Mrs.
Viola Douglass were guests at the
home of Ray Woodle Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoffemister,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haley and Mr. and
Mrs. Will Douglass were the dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeis
ter on Sunday.
Mr. G. Moehnke and son, John
Moehnke of Shuebel were visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass Sunday.
Banner-Courier classified ads bring
home the bacon.
The ideal finish for walls and ceilings is Acme Quality
No-Lustre Finish. An artistic, sanitary, lustreless oil
paint made especially for walls and ceilings. Has the soft,
velvety beauty of a fresco or kalsomine but the cleanliness
and durability of an enamel.
is economical because its durability renders frequent re
decoration unnecessary. It can foe applied over plaster,
wall oard, metal, canvas, wood or any surface upon which
paint is ordinarily used.
Color sample cards at our store for the asking.
Bridge Corner
. Oregon City
We are not seeking a great bulk of business
from all over the country, but rather prefer the
patronage and confidence of the good people
residing in our own vicinity, who desire to do
business with an institution ever ready and glad
to render them every reasonable accommoda
tion and service. We would be glad to hava you
open an account any time, but why not today?
; Four (4) paid on time deposits,
Carver, Oregon
THOS. F. RYAN, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice. Presf
R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier
Insure with your Home Companies .
for business risks
for residence and country properties
Bank of Oregon City Bldg., - Phone 366