Page Four THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922. THE BANNER COU RI ER The Clackamas County Banner and the Oregon City Courier. Consolidated July 8th, 1919, and Published by the Clackamas County Banner Publishing Company, Incorporated. F. J. TOOZE, Editor H. A. KIRK, Advertising Published Thursdays from the Banner Building at Ninth and Main Streets and Entered in the Postoffice at Oregon City, Oregon as Second Class Mail Matter. Subscription Price, $1.50 per year in advance. Telephone 417 MEMBER OF WILLAMETTE VALLEY EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION MEMBER OF OREGON STATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Official Paper of City of Oregon City "Flag of the free heatrs' hope and home! By Angels' hands to valor given- Thy stars have lit the welkin dome, And all thy hues were born in Heaven. Forever fhjjat that standard sheet! Where breathes the foe but falls be fore us. With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us." -JOSEPH DRAKE. GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY Cabinet form of government is employed in several states among them New York, Illinois, Idaho and Wash ington. The term "cabinet" means, in general, a plan of administration with the governor as Chief executive and departments under his direction and responsible to him. The members of these departments vary in different states. In Illinois it is ten, in Washington the same. In the latter state the plan is operated under what is termed an "Administrative Code." And for purposes of descrip tion discussion in this article will be limited to this plan. This Administrative Code was prepared under the direction of Governor Hart and was passed as an admin istrative measure by the 1921 legislature. Nearly eighty boards and commissions similar to those in Oregon at present, existed, overlapping each other in their duties and lacking in coordination or central control. Respon sibility, as upon the more than seventy Oregon boards and commissions, could not be placed, while the expenses incident thereto was tremendous. These boards and commissions by the Code were all combined and classified into ten departemnts each under a managing head directly responsible to the governor. Regular weekly conferences of these heads of depart ments are held with the governor and each month the elective officers of the state are brought into these con ferences where policies of coordination and cooperation are worked out and which results in definite, effective procedure in the management of the state's business. There is under this plan almost no overlapping of du ties and work, resulting in greater efficiency and saving of expense. In the department of Agriculture there was, during the first eight months of the biennium period for which appropriations were made, a saving of $21,135 indicating a saving of $63,000 during this period and which, is over 15 per cent to the good in the expenditures. In the department of Conservation and Development, the saving during the same period was $20,000. In the department of Labor and Industries the saving was $48,000. in the department of Health, also, there was a satis factory saving. Reductions were made either direct or indirect and efficiency increased in each of the other departments in clusive of Taxation and Examination including bank ing and corporations; Public Work's with its transporta tion and other public utility problems; Fisheries and Game; Department of Licenses into which were combined (as an example of consolidation of boards and commiss ions) 15 different examining boards; Labor and Indus tries; and Business Control which has charge of the 12 state institutions housing 6000 'wards. This board alone has thus far saved more than one third of the $3,687,000. of present biennium appropriation for the department. And these reductions have not been made at the ex pense of the inmates. They show what can be accomplish ed in tax reduction where there are fewer departments taking the place of seventy or more boards, bureaus and commissions which attempt to function without coordina- J' -'l V- " v r--T T-f Jrj fr.iiiMiii'r---if - 4 per cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits SOUND BUSINEES COUNSEL Clients of this institution are always welcome to the advice and judgment of (our experienced offi cers regarding any personal business matters. The proper kind of a banking connection can be used to protect your judgment as well as your money. Even a small savings account deposited with this bank is quite sufficient to establish pro per banking connections. Safety Honesty Courtesy Service First National Bank OF OREGON CITY 512 Main St. Oregon City tion or definite central authority over them. Washington state treasury faced on the first day of April last when the Administrative Code went into effect a deficit of $2,600,000, but at the end of eight months tne elimination of this sum was in sight through savings from the appropriations. In Oregon attempts made thus far to consolidate these bodies have come to nought. But legislature after legislature adds to their numbers. With the recall and the initiative in operation as it should be the people themselves retain full power over their affairs and this plan of retrenchment and efficiency should find ready endorsement- CHARACTER BUILDING In this day of vicious influences it is imperative that parents take advantage of every agency which tender to safeguard and develop their childrens' moral and spirit ual lives. To train and develop the physical and intellect ual life is not enough. A man or woman may be a her cules of physical strength and a giant of intellectuality and yet be depraved and dangerous to the community and state. But with the mind directed to know and appreci ate the good and the heart trained to acknowledge and obey the will of God and his direction the individual will typify in life's service the highest, noblest standards of the race. . The influence of the street,, of the superficial, the immoral must be counteracted and the home, Sunday school and church must work together toward this end if the community and state is to maintain its best standard of citizenship. , Character is the most valuable asset of the boy or gin, man or woman, aim uie mosi powerful influence in character devel- Who ghovels the dirt? So vote for me." Says the fifth, "Too many lawyers al ready there be Who maketh such laws! So please vote for me." Says the the sixth, "Service for all, special favors to none Vote yes for me "I'm the very best one." The seventh alas, doesn't believe that it pays To squander state's money in salary raise. x The eighth says, "Ye voters, our laws are too lax, To make schools self-supporting I'll cut millage tax." Alas and alack! the poor voters say Which one would be best pray show us the way For have they not promised the same, every one. By all that is good and great under the sun To lower taxation, whatever the sta tion . Be it farmer, or laborer, or Capitaliza tion? So these candidates strong in speech and in song Their platforms proclaim in truth or in name Tho' they shout loud their lay over house tops and trees. The voters in May will vote as they please. - EMMY LOU OF AjJal1l1l1l1UL,l,l,1l1l,L1L1l1L,l,T1l1l1l!ll Subscribe for the Banner-Courier. IBank Arcnimt An account with the Bank of Com merce is your silent partner never bragging but always ready with, funds in store. ' Why not open an ac count with us now? First Bank in Oregon City paying 4 per cent Interest on Savings Accounts um membeis' mm FEDERAL RESERVE 7 KbkhSVSTEMriita opment is Christian training. And the greatest factors in this training, is the home and Sunday school. BANNER THOUGHTS IN POETRY . "RAGS" (Humane Story) We called him "Rags". He was just a cur, But twice, on the Western Line. That little old bunch of faithful fur Had offered his life for mine. And all that he got was bones and bread. Or the leavings of soldier-grub, But he'd give his heart for a pat on the head, Or a friendly tickle and rub. And Rags got home with the regiment And then, in the breaking away Well, whether they stole him, or whe ther he went I am not prepared to say. .... One day they took us budding M. D.'s To one of those institutes Where they demonstrate '. every new disease By means of bisected brutes. They had one animal tacked and tied And slit like a full-dressed fish With his vitals pumping away inside As pleasant as one might wish. I stopped to look like the rest, of course. And the beast's eyes leveled mine, And his short tail thumped with a feeble force. And he uttered a tender whine. It was Rags, yes, Rags! whoawas mar tyred there Who was quartered and "crucified, And he whined that whine which is doggish prayer And he licked my hand and died. And I was no better in part nor whole Than the gang I was found among, And his innocent blood was on the soul Which he blessed with his dying tongue. Well! I've seen men go to courageous death In the air, on sea, on land! But only a dog would spend his breath In a kiss for his murder's hand. Edmund Vance Cook in "Our Dumb Animals." IBankof Commerce Oregon City, Ore . THOS F.RYAN pbesioent D&.HUGH S MOUNTvice pres JOHN R HUMPH RYS Cashier H OWNED. MANAGED AND CONTROLLED tl g! BY CLACKAMAS COUNTY PEOPLE ffl) ft PRIMARY DAY The 19th of May will be Primary Day, When voters sincere, in anxious array Will go to the polls and have their say, As to who shall be first next election day. A candidate fair for the Governor's chair. Who will rule our fair state without fear or hate And also the house and higher Senate Must choose their men, from good candidates. New, ten men we are told some young, some are old, Have strong aspiration midst many temptations To lower taxes and thus save the na- iton. And so with loud voice, we hear them proclaim "Our Primary Day. Put an x for MY name". Says the first "Vote for me, my past record I ween Has been of the best as is easily seen." Says the second, "Tho late, I'm your best candidate. Ast a business man I'll fulfill all your plans. Says the third, "If elected I surely will be An advocate strong for economy." Says the fourth, All farmers should the house of Rep' be ISEE OUR WINDOWS FOR SATURDAY'S BIG D OLLAR DAY SPECIALS n n xzJ Li A Li Detroit OIL Vapor TQWIE Be present with your ticket, Saturday at 2 o'clock We are going to give away Free to the holder of the lucky number during this great Factory Demonstration Sale. As a further in ducement to get you to attend this Big Demonstration sale early we are going to give anyone who buys any Red Star Vapor Oil Stove their choice of a car load of genuine Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs and Floor coverings, any size, at ONE-HALF PRICE. Be present with your ticket, Saturday at 2 o'clock 5t, 1 i win ( '22 ......... .-... """IF This Is the Famous 215 6 burner range with side oven. Last year sold at $95.00 ( During this sale at $59.00 218 5 burner, as illustrated. Last Will sell during this sa year sold at $85.00 $49.50 240 4 burner. Last year sold at $55.00. Will sell dur- dQA A ing this sale at ...1 pODU 230 3 burner. . Sold last year at $45.00. ' Now . $29.50 DG THIS SALI DELIVERS A RED STAR Detroit Vapor Oil Stove to Your 2312 burner. Sold last year at J Home At Once No. 218 5 Burner, was $85.00, Now jjQ J JJ.bU SEE THIS STOVE DEMONSTRATED COOKING AND BAKING AS IT WOULD IN YOUR HOME All week in our store, will be conducted a great factory Cooking and Baking demonstration sale of the famous, nationally advertised Red Star, Detroit Vapor Oil Stove. It matters not whether you are contemplating the purchase of a new stove, you surely do not wont to miss this opportunity of learning just how, with thi s advanced-type oil stove, you can bake, boil or fry anything perfectly, using kerosene at less expense than city gas. We have made arrangements with the factory for a car load of these stoves stoves, which we can offer during this Factory Demonstration at practically ONE-HALF PRICE EVERY WOMAN WHO COOKS SHOULD ATTEND THIS SALE Don't miss this important event, be here tomorrow morning early. We doubt if ever again a better op portunity will present itself for learning all about this wonderful all-year round stove. Be sure to get 'a ticket entitling holder to one chance on the big prize, the $95.00 Red Star Vapor Oil Stove. Out-of-Town Customers Write for Descriptive Booklet, Prices and Terms fUl inJ Oregon City HOME FURNISHERS Oregon Out-of-Town Customers Write for Descriptive Booklet, Prices and Terms