The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, April 27, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
a jCocai Tfews Stems a
William Gadke accompanied by his
brother, Charles, motored to Colton
Sunday where they visited William
Schuffer. Mr. Schuffer has a home
stead near Bolton. He is a brother
of Mrs. Fred .Gadke.
Miss Mary Mitchell, -who has been
spending a few days at Sandy visit
ing her mother and other relatives
has returned to her home at Oregon
City. She was accompanied home by a
sister who will visit her sister, Mrs.
Joseph Justin.
Word has been reveived by Mrs.
George Griffith of the birth of a baby
girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Strause, Portland. The little lady ar
rived Tuesday noon. Mrs. Strause
has visited In Orefon City several
E. L. Trullinger, who owns and op
erates a flour mill at Union Mills
was transacting - business in Oregon
City Monday of this week.
Mrs. J. W. Norris, who is a resi
dent of Oregon City visited relatives
and friends in Portland on Monday
of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and
children, Edward and Norma, ac
companied, by Mrs. A. B. Buckles
were Sunday guests at the home of
Mrs. J. A. Eichman of Portland. Mrs.
Eichman is a sister of Mrs. Griffith.
Kent Wilson who ha been so very
ill with septic sore throat has im
proved so as to be able to come to
the" home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Wilson of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor of Port
land were Sunday guests at the home
of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I. D. Taylor.
Miss Sophia Kroll spent Sunday in
Salem as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Kroll.
Mrs. E. M. Scouton, who has been
on a 10 days visit with relatives and
friends at Seattle, Auburn and Oak
ville, Wash., has returned to her home
at Oregon City. She was accompan
ied by her daughter, Miss Dora Scout
on. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman and
Gordon Green of Oregon City accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Clyde
Green of Gladstone motored to Salem
Sunday returning home on the west
side by way of McMinnville and
through Portland.
Mrs. John W. Potter and Mrs. A.
Hulatt residents of Redland were Ore
gon City visitors on Friday of last
Dr. and Mrs. C. Meissner, son Will
iam and Eugene Hendry accompanied
by Mrs. Meissner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Avison motored to Molalla
Sunday of last week and visited Mr.
and Mrs. William Avison.
Mrs. Thail Nelson of Oregon City
was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Nellie
Sladen of .Fern Ridge. Mrs. Sladen
has been ill but is able to be out
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Green of
Lebanon were in Oregon City Mon
day and Tuesday where they visited
Mr. Green's brother, W. C. Green and
his sister, Mrs. M. P. Chapman. They
motored from Lebanon.
A daughter arrived at the Oregon
City hospital on Friday of last week
for Mr, and Mrs. Fred Vonderahe of
Milwaukie. The young lady weighed
seven pounds and has been given the
name of Margaret Virginia.
R. Snodgrass, a resident of Mulino,
was transacting business in 'Oregon
City Monday.
Mrs. Annie Tremayne, a former
lesident of Beaver Creek, but now of
Barlow Was transacting business in
Oregon City Saturday.
A daughter arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas of Mt
Pleasant on Thursday of last week.
She has been given the name of Dor
othy. Henry Babler, a resident of Jen
nings Lodge was operated on Monday
of last week at the Oregon City hos
pital one day last week. His sisters,
Mrs. Gerber and Mrs. Andy Johnson
of Logan visited him on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis, who are
residents of Beaver Creek were trans
acting business in Oreogn City Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smith of Will
amette accompanied iby Mr. and Mrs.
A. Bierman and two children of Ore
gon City were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of
Jennings Lodge.
Miss Stella White, daughter of Mrs.
Charles White of 4th and Center
Streets, Oregon City underwent a ser
ious operation for the removal of ton
sils at the Oregon City hospital Fri
day of last week. She is very much
Mis Mary Confer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Confer is in Oregon
City having been called here by the
illness of her mother. Miss Confer
has been at Bellingham, Wash., for
a year where she has been employed.
Mrs. Edward Fortune who has been
visiting friends and relatives in Seat
tle for the past rwo weeks has return
ed to her home in Oregon City.
Miss Mabel Dawson has returned to
her home in Oregon City after spend
ing a few days at Maple Lane with
her sister, Mrs. Fletcher Mighells.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garlock, whose
home is at Clear Lake, Iowa, and who
have been spending the winter in Cal
ifornia arived in Oregon City Satur
day morning at the home oftheir
daughter, Mrs. E. L. Moore, where
they will visit a while before contin
uing on their way home.
A little son arrived at the home of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Cameron Friday morning, April 21, for
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Saunders. He has
been given the name of Robert Eu
gene. Basil says he has the build
to make a fine mechanic. He is the
first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Cameron and also of his mother's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bluhm..
"William Gardiner is making some
improvements on his property at Mel
drum. He has a new barn and some
new buildings for his chickens, and
geese, on which he is intending to
Miss Eddy of Portland was a week
end guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. R.
Quinn of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Splinter, residents
of Maple Lane have had as a guest,
Mr. M. Van Weehan of Portland.
Samuel Stevens, who has been con
fined to his home for several weeks
with a severe illness has improved so
as to be able to resume his duties at
the Bank of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Martin, form
er residents of Oregon City were vis
iting old friends here on Friday of
last week. They alsotransacted busi
ness while here.
Mrs. Charles H. Caufield was call
ed to Albany Friday to the bedside
of her mother, Mrs. E. J. Philllips,
who is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave P. Shum and
son, Milton, whose home is at The
Dalles ' were Friday guests at the
home of Mrs. Shum's sister, Mrs. N.
M. Alldredge. They were on their
way to Aostoria where they- will visit
their daughter, Mrs. Theodore Sexton.
Mrs. M. M. Hoper, who is a resi
dent of Central Point was an Ore
gon City visitor on Friday of last
Mrs. Isabella Robinson and daugh
ter, Francis Marian, whose address is
Oregon City, Route 4, were Oregon
visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Root whose home
is in the Holcomb district were in
Oregon City on Thursday of last week
where they came to transact busi
ness. George A. Dyson, a resident of Eu
gene, was in Oregon City a few days
last week where he visited his daugh
ter, Mrs. Andrew Rintoul.
Mrs. Louis Schott left Saturday af
ternoon for her home in San Francis
co, Cal. She came here the first of
last week having been called here by
the death of her father, the late Geo.
Califf. Mrs. Schott was Miss Eva Cal
iff before her marriage. " .
Ross L. Holman of Oregon City
spent the week end in Seattle a guest
at the home of his daughter and fam
ily, Dr. and Mrs. Christofferson.
Mrs. Annie Peters, a former resi
dent of Oregon City, but now of Port
land spent a few days of last week
visiting her son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. William Peters of Gladstone.
She also visited friends at Oregon
City. ; .
Mrs. .Arthur Stahen, & resident of
Beaver Creek was an Oregon City vis
itor on Saturday of last week.
J. C. Sawyer, whohas been very 111
at his home in Oregon City for sever
al weeks, suffering, with a relapse
from pneumonia is able to be out
Mrs. Ivan Lacey, whose home is at
Estacada, was visiting in Oregon City
on Thursday of-last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Duncan, who live
in the Mountain View addition to Ore
gon City have returned from a motor
ing trip to California. Mr- and Mrs.
Duncan left Oregon City last Septem
ber, and report having a delightful
Mrs. G. H. Baldwin and Misses Ed
na and Jessie Bonney, were Oregon
City visitors on Thursday of last
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell and son, j
Merle, motored to Portland Sunday
and visited their daughter, Mrs. Le
roy Eaton.
Mrs. Margaret Steinmetz, a resident
Tuesday of this week on a business
of Oregon City, went to Portland on
Mrs. George Strong, who is a resi
dent of Beaver Creek was transacting
business in Oregon City on Saturday
of last week.
The "officers of the Presbyterian'
church met at the home of W. C.
Green Tuesday night, for the purpose
of talking over the rebuilding of the
church which was partially destroyed
by fire last Saturday morning.
Mrs. Bert Greenman has returned
to her home in Oregon City, after be
ing at. Yakima, Wash., for- several
months with her husband, Bert, who
is in charge of the fash - hatchery
Mrs. Charles Chinn of Central Point
formerly Miss Violet Roberts, visited
her mother, Mrs. Eugene Roberts on
A little son arrived at the St. Vin
cent hospital Portland Wednesday
morning for Mr. and Mrs. R. E. But
ler of Oregon City Mr. Butler is em
ployed in the J. Ci Penny Co.
W. C. Echerd and Hugh Cutting,
who are residents of Molalla wejre
transacting business in Oregon City
this week
Mrs. J. B. Johnson has returned to
Oregon City after visiting her par
ents, Mr. and . MfB. E. Northup, of
Sandy Department
Boring Farmer Dies
Chris Gantenbein, a farmer living
near Boring died early Sunday morn
ing from a relapse of the flue. The
funeral services were held at Gresh-
am Tuesday with interment in the
Mt. Scott cemetery." He leaves a wife
and five children.
Bank Installs Burglar Alarm
The Clackamas County Bank has
recently installed one of the most up
to date complete burglar alarms ever
invented. This is an electrical con
trivance, invented by a Tacoma man
and put out by the Bankers Protect
ive Appliance Co. of Tacoma.
Community Club Meets
tfhe Sandy Community Club held
its regular meeting in the I. O. O. F.
hall last Friday evening with a fair
crowd in attendance. The question of
more street lights for the city was
discussed and a move set on foot to
provide them. Preparing the auto
park for the tourist travel was free
ly discussed and it is probable the
next few weeks will see some im
provements in . that line. City water
again came up, but no further infor
mation on the subject was forth, com
ing. Market roads and county poli
tics came in for a share of the even
ing's talk.
Forest service to build 500 miles
road in 1922, costing $281,000, 434
miles trail and three bridges. Total
?413,000 will be spent.
PacIficTelephone Co. planning new
trunk line from Eugene to Roseburg.
Prineville R. H. Jones takes over
Central Oregonian.
Good Dry First and Second growth
body wood and slabs. Phone Beav
er Creek 2-25. 4-27-4tp.
cile Dodson won the prize.
Bad Shake Us
What might have been a serious
accident occurred Sunday, when the
Ford Sedan in which Mrs. Ralph Jo
hanson and daughter Rosaline, Mrs.
Fred Wagner and Wm. Cunningham
were riding, turned over while coming
down Booth Hill. The occupants had
to break the glass to get out. Dr.
Thompson, of Sandy, was tailed, and
found Mrs. Johanson with a broken
shoulder blade -and Mr. Cunningham
with four broken ribs. The rest of
the party was bruised and" shaken.
Woman's Club Has Good Meeting
One of the best meetings the Wo
man's Club of Sandy has had this
year occurred last Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. F. D. Eason when
the following members were, present:
Madames Shelley. Esson, Scales,
Duke,, Eason, Sture, Bosholm, Bruns,
Smith, Bell.. The guests were Mrs. J.
M. C. Miller Miss Margaret Miller,
Miss Lipoid and Mrs. Connors. Mrs.
Margaret Gray was elected a member.
After the business session, delicious
refreshments were served by the hos
Kid lets Entertained
Mrs. F. D. Eason entertained her
music class most delightfully last Sat
urday afternoon at her home in San
dy. In the sight reading contest Lu-
E. A. Palmer, gravel contractor,
brought out truck and men Monday
and work will begin on the crusher
within a few days. ,
Geo. Beers, who has been quite ill,
is improved.
A new sidewalk is being laid in
front of the Sandy HoteL The same
sort of improvements are much need
ed elsewhere in the city.
Miss Hazel Beers is the efficient ac
commodating clerk in the Sandy Drug
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Proctor went to
Pleasant Home Saturday night to see
the play "Smith vs. Smith" put on by
the young people of Rockwood.
Mr. Gray, who has been instrument
man on this part of the highway, has
been transferred to jRaifrier where
he will be for two months, or until
a substitute is sent. His family is
in Canby for the time being.
R. E. Esson was a Portland visitor
Friday. Mrs. Gillette, Mrs. Esson's
mother, returned with him for a brief
"Slim" Smith made the through trip
to Rhodedendron Tavern with his
Ford Tuesday, the first time in sever
al months.
The committee dance last Saturday
night was a decided success, one hun
dred and "one numbers being sold.
Several from here attended the Sun
day School convention at Pleasant
Home last Sunday. The Sandy Quar
tet sang as did Miss Margaret Miller.
Dr. Sture and Mrs. J. M.. C. Miller fa
vored with a duet.
RalphGanger and wife of Bull Run
attended the dance Saturday evening.
Geo. Johnson of Johnson Construc
tion Co.. was In Sandy Tuesday. . Also
Abe Gilbert, county road master.
Things are being shaped up for grad
ing, etc., and we expect Sandy to be
a real, live town in a very short time.
Jack Scales was a Portland, visitor
Monday and Tuesday.
James Kelliher. of Portland, spent
the week end with the home folks at
Ted Bornstedt i3 spending a week
in Sandy renewing old acquaintances.
He and his brother, Ed, have a store
at Ostfander.
Mrs. Birch Roberts drove her car
from Dover Tuesday for the first time
in several months, the roads out that
way being almost impassable all win
B. E. Sykes has bought 65 acres
from his father-in-law, J. W. Kyler,
near Marmot and moved his family
out Tuesday. They will live with the
Kylers until they can build.
Mr. Runyon, of Cherryvllle, who is
now totally glind, went to Portland
the. first of the week to see an eye
specialist He was' accompanied by F.
E. Clark. Mr. Runyon is a Civil War
veteran. '
R. F. Dittert and Carl Aschoff have .
both bought new milk cows.
Miss lone Brown, of Portland, at
tended the dance Saturday night.
Mrs. David Pence, of Portland and
Percy T. Shelley drove down from
Hood River Friday evening. Saturday
they drove -to the Toll Gate. Mrs.
Pence returned to Portland Sunday.
She will be remembered a3 Miss Nell
Shelley. - -
Cecil O. Duke was on the sick list
the first of the week.
Alfred and Gertrude Meinig return
ed to O. A. C. Sunday, having come
up to attend the funeral of their
grandmother Monday.
J. Dixon will begin grading on his
section of- the highway Wednesday.
Joe Lilly was in town Monday on
road business. His crusher is near
Lents, in Clackamas county.
Jean Proctor, a popular Sandy'girl,
who has been attending the Behnke
Walker Business College has taken
a position as stenographer in a can
nery at Brookfield, Washington,
across the river from Astoria.
Miss Lucile McCarter, of Gresham,
was a week end guest of Miss Hazel. .
1 Mrs. J. M. C. Miller entertained
Mrs. Curtis of Portland over Sunday.
Miss Margaret Miller is the owner
of a new Buick four.
Miss Mary Mitchell of Oregon City
was a home guest, over the week end.
Mrs. F. D. Eason spent two days in
Portland the first of the week.
The Parent-Teachers Association
will hold its regular meeting in the
city hall Friday evening.
Mrs. R. S. Smith will entertain the
Woman's Club the first Thursday in
Some little excitement was occas
sioned Tuesday afternoon when a fire
alarm was turned in. from W. F.
Strack's place near Sandy. A brush
fire started on the old Revenue place
'and fanned by a strong East wind,
got away and was threatening
Strack's house. Men, buckets and
fire extinguishers were rushed from
Sandy and it was soon ocntrolled.
Eugene gets factory to make stock
and poultry feed.
Bids will be received for quarrying
crushing and delivering crushed rock
at Rock Crusher to be erected on the
Oregon City Silverton Road on the
land of Fred Myers.
The County will furnish the crush
er, elevators and bins.
Plans and specifications and other
data can toe obtained by applying at
the County Surveyors office in Ore
gon City.
Bids will be opened in the County
Court House at Oregon City, at 10
a. m. on the 15th day of May, 1922.
Grocery Dept.
A dependable place to trade
Get Our Prices before you buy
They mean real money in your pocket
No. 2 Cans, regular 15c size CI Hfl
11 cans for ylMU
This is a Choice Blend, Vacuum packed Coffee
which sells regularly for 45c a pound. 01 ft(
3 pound can vl'UU
with 3 big sugar sticks of candy FREE
2 Doz. for
4 Doz. for ' JI QQ
5 pound Pail of
Regular size. Extra Special
18 pounds of PURE CANE SUGAR
Extra Special
Your Dollar Will Do Double i
& SONS' Store
aturday, ApriB 29 J
Never before has the buying power of a Dollar 1
been so great, never, before have been able to offer 1
such a splendid variety of high grade Dollar Bar-
gains as'we now have on display at our store. J
This is a real, bonafide Dollar Saving Demonstra-
tion of value giving and positive proof that your 1
Dollar will go farther and buy more at our store. 1
This is a big bargain, while they last only
Regular $1.75
with Genuine Stag Handle, fully
guaranteed. $1 00
fully guaranteed, reg. $2.50
to $3.00 values. $1 .00
High Grade Aluminumware
Regular size, made of highly polished, pure al
uminum metal, regular $3.00 value. Extra
Special while they last $1i00
Regular $2.50 value $1 ,00
Seamless two piece roasters, $2.00 value
10 quart size, regular $2.50 value
All reg. $1.75 Values
Your choice for QQ
200 yards of high grade Linoleum at per yd.
Complete with handle .
' $1.00
raddison pattern, strictly first grade ware reg
ular $1.50 value. Per set of six $1 a00
Set of four
Regular $1.75 value
Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values