THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922. ; ZlES I I ! tai THE WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR SECTION Gets in on this PRICE BROS. The Quality Store of Clackamas County 7th and Main - Oregon City -And the Men Folks can protit too this DAY $1.00 Discount on each $10.00 You spend Saturday for Suits, Goats, Dresses Save on Your Buying Saturday All $10 Garments $12.50 Garments $15.00 Garments $20.00 Garments $25.00 Garments $35.00 Garments ....$9.00 $11.25 ..$13.50 .$18.00 ..$22.50 .-$31.50 Wool Skirts $1.00' All wool Skirts in plaid, home-spun and Velours. Just a few, sizes 24, 26, 28 waist. Reg. J5.00 values. Waists $1.00 White wash Waists made of lawn, linene and Voile, Prettily trimmed, long sleeves. Values to J3.00. Corsets $1.00 ' Warner's and Henderson's Corsets in pink and white Coutil. Well made, all of the better qualities' up to $2.00. Odd lots and sizes. Childrens Dresses $1.00 Gingham dresses for girls of 4 to. 12 years old. Pretty plaids with contrasting trim mings. Reg. values $2.00 and $2.50. Sample Line of Apron Dresses $1.00 I All made to sell for much more than this low price of $1.00. Percales and Ginghams in a delightful variety of models and colors. Women's SHOES $1,00 Uss For Saturday Only Dave a Dollar on your Footwear Saturday. A $1.00 discount on every pair of shoes, oxfords, pumps, flapper pumps and hiking boots, selling for $5.00 or more. $5.00 Shoes $4.00 $6.00 Shoes $5.00 $7.00 Shoes $6.00 See Our Windows Look for the Red $Day$ Tickets they represent Unusual Savings DRESS GINGHAMS, 5 yds. $1.00 Toil-du-Nord and Red Seal Ginghams in all new Spring colors. The regular 25c and 29c sellers. JAP LUNCH CLOTHS $1 .00 Imported Japanese Lunch cloths, 48x48 inches square. Fast col ors in blue figures. Regular $1.25. FOWNES SILK GLOVES, pair $1.00 D AY S t jf& CLOTH CRAFT TYl Clothe. $1.00 LESS $4.00 l $6.00 V $1,00 LESS $1.25 and $1.50 values in black, white, perle grey, tan and black. All sizes. JEWELRY, CHOICE $1.00 36 in. PERCALES, 8 yds $1.00 Standard weight Percales in lights and darks, quality. PART LINEN TOWELING, 7 yds. Part linen toweling in bleached or unbleached, for roller or hand towels. Regular 19c yard. 81 in. SHEETING, 2 yds Full 9-4 sheeting, bleached or unbelached. weight free from startch. Our regular 20c $1.00 17 inches wide, $1.00 Good standard SILKS, PER YARD . ..... $1.00 About 25 pieces of silk, odd lots and broken lines from our regular stock. Consists of taffeta, satins, messalines. Geor gettes, Crep de chines, poplins and lining silks. Regular values upto $3.50 yard, Dollar day Your choice for $1 a yard. PILLOW CASES, 5 for $1.00 Good quality musline in the 42x36 and 45x36 inch sizes. Regular' 25c each. $2.75 BATH MATS, CHOICE Large size bath mats in light and dark colors. BATH TOWELS, 3 for 1 $1.00 $1.00 Heavy double thread turk towels, 22x40 inches, some with blue borders. The regular 50c towels. TISSUE GINGHAMS, 2 yds. $1.00- New spring tissues, 32 inches wide in a variety of plaids, checSs and stripes. Regular 59c yard. CURTAIN GOODS AND DRAPERIES, 2 yds. $1.00 One big assortment of scrims, marquisette, cretonne and nets, about 35 pieces in the lot with values ranging from 65c to 85c yard. Buy your spring curtains now and SAVE. Beads, back combs, purses, ivory-wara. One of a kind novelties that sold as high as $4.00, choice dollar day, $1.00. $1.00 WOMEN'S HOLE-PROOF SILK HOSIERY, pair Hole-proof silk and silk plaited, out sizes and regular, in nov elties, cordovan, white and black. The regular $1.35 in the Hole-proof and other makes, values to $1.75. Here is the Plan Men: You know it's out of the question to sell a Suit for "One Buck" but we're going to do the best we can. We will give you back a One Dollar Bill on each $10 you put into a Suit of Clothes or furnishing goods. An hon est, legitimate discount of 10 per cent So buy your new Spring Suit Satur day and get a bona:fide Saving; KUTE-KUT PLAY SUITS For children of best quality khaki and denim, sizes 1 to 8 years. Regular $1.25. $1.00 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS, 2 for : .Jj QQ Cumfy-cut and other good brands. Loose and tight knee, plain or lace. Bodice and band tops. Regular 85c values. BOYS' BLOUSES, Each . $1 ,00 The famous "Kaynee' Blouses for boys. Just received for the summer selling. Sports and negligee, button-down collars. Sizes 4 to 14 years. $1.25 and $1.50 value. CHILDREN'S HOSE, 5 prs Fine lisle hose in black, white and cordovan, all sizes. Regular 25c values. UNCLE SAM WORK SHIRTS $1.00 Regular $1.00 Men know this brand to be one of the best. Blue and tan chambray, plain and striped. Regular value $1.25. MEN'S WORK SOCKS, 6 prs. ....... .... $1.00 Engineer and Fireman's work socks. Black and brown. Regular 20c values. $1.50 MEN'S TIES, CHOICE $1.00 Take your choice of any $1.50 tie in the store Dollar Day for $1.00. . . FANCY SILK SOCKS, 2 pr ""$1 .00 Clocked effects, drop stitch, plain silk and silk plaited in brown, black and many two-tone combinations. Regular values 75c and $1.00 pair. - A f S ave arned Save a Few on Saturday MEN'S HATS . $5.00 Mallorys $7.00 Stetsons .. MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS $5.00 Shoes and Oxfords $6.50 Shoes and Oxfords ... $7.50 Shoes and Oxfords .. $10.00 Floresheims Shoes Many new arrivals in Oxfords have just been unpacked. Black and Nut Brown, French toes, also the high toe. $4.00 $5.50 $6.50 $9.00 MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.Q0LESS $4.00 Shirts $3.00 $5.00 Shirts $4.00 $6.00 Shirts $5.00 Slip into one of these on that fishing tripr They'll keep you warm and dry. E3E a. E3 TIRE BARGAINS WHERE? LOOK-PRICES 31x4 : $14.20 32x3-2 .-$12.70 32x4 ., $13.35 33x4 -$16.10 34x4 $16.70 6000 M'' s Guarantee SMITH'S T Shop. 0n th! m to save Money 509 -7th St. Phone 267-W SUNDAY ' 12:? ?7777??7?77V,'9??7?77?7W799?77? MONDAY Wallace ReicL, QloriaSwansori Slliott Dexter Latest Pathe News and a Two Part Comedy Vaudeville RAY DECOTA High class character singing The Dancing Hagans in Smiles and Whirls in Don't Tell Everything! Because he loved her, he told her too much and she misunderstood. Then came another girl who understood too well! Until? A picture that thrills with lively sensations and charms -with its fashion and beauty. A Paramount Picture Continuous Sunday, 1:15 to 11 P. M. Prices 25c and 35c Coming Thursday and Friday, May 4 and 5 Cecil DeMille's "Saturday Night" FROGPOND Myrtle Aden is just recovering from a severe attack of the mumps. Mr. Otis Robins left last Wednesday for Silver creek and has as yet not returned. Mr. Tom Turner and Hugh Moulton visited at the Sharp's home Saturday night. There was a large attendance at the baseball game held at Stafford Sunday. Miss Francis Randelin spent the week-end at her home in Portalnd. Miss Dora and Evelyn Oldenstadt visited Miss Myrtle Aden Monday afternoon. LOCAL BUYING MARKET Poultry Products Eggs, 20c per doz; ducks 25c per lb.;; geese 22c per lb.; chickens, light 22c per lb.; heavy (above 4 lbs.) 24c. Dressed Meats Hogs top, 141-2c per lb.; veal, 13c per lb. Live Stock Beef steers, top 7 l-2c per lb.; cows, top 6c per lb.; sheep 3 1-2 to 6 l-2c per lb.; lambs 8c per lb.; Hogs 11 l-4c. Hay and Grain Hay Clover J6.00 per ton; Oat $18.00 per ton; Straw ? 8 per ton. Grain wheat, J1.30 per bu.; oats, feed $32 per ton; milling $35. per ton. Vegetabels Potatoes 80c to $1.00 per cwt. (in- difcation of stronger market) ; seed, common 25c per cwt certified $3.00 per cwt.; carrots $3.00 cwt: cauliflow er $2 to $2.75 per doz.; parsnips $1.- 50 per sack. Idle Hour Club Enjoys Outing Canby, Or., April 26 The Idle Hour Club of this city enjoyed its first outing of the season on Sunday, the destination being Oswego Lake, wnere the day was spent in picnicking and canoeing. Leaving by automobile at 10 o'clock the party arrived in good time, and selecting one of the beauty spots of the resort to pitch camp, a bon fire was made, where hot coffee was ser ved with the lunch. Enjoying the affair were MissesAl- bers Gilmore, Laura Pennell, Leta Zimmerman, Hollenbach, Emma Berg, Easter Noble, Fisher, Gladys Tremay ne; Messrs. Fred Staller Ernest Hov, Melvin Eid, Fayne Wolfer, Lyle Pen nell, Floyd Zeigler, Roy Zimmerman. On Saturday evening the club will give a dancing party at the Artisan hall. Home Keepers Schol Proving Popular The Homekeepers Home Economics school being held by the Ladies Miss ionary society of the First Presbyter ian church is being very wen attend ed Because of the recent fife the classes are being held in the "Metho dist church. The course is being con ducted by Mrs. Elinor, M. Redington and the materials used in the prepar ation of the daily menus have been donated by the manufacturers and merchants. Two of the Banner-Courier staff attended the Thursday luncheon and enjoyed a repast fit for kings. Both the lectures and luncheon are proving very popular with Oregon. City people. SALMON SEASON ON IN EARNEST (Continued from Page Nine) aided; the fish must be reeled in and gaffed by the angler, but ladies may be assisted in gaffing the fish. "Fish must be weighed by one of the Weighing Committee designated by the club, and the weight recorded. "Registration must be made with the secretary to secure possession of prize within seven days after catch." Utica fly rod, Huntley-Draper Drug Co.; 100-yard reel, 100 yards 12 thread line and tackle box, C. W. Friedrich, & Son; Leather lined coat, C G. Mil ler & Co.; Goodrich rubber boots, Bannon & Co.; Leather bound fish basket, Chown Hardware Co., Port land; Box of candy, Gabriel's; Steel thermos bottle, Huntley-Draper Drug Co.; Wool lineff coat, Oregon City Woolen Mills; U. S. rubber boots, Backus & Morris, Portland; Duxback hunting coat, Honeyman Hardware Co., Portland; 300 yard Prlueger reel, Jones Drug Co. Rubber lined rain coat Price Bros. Dept. Store; 200 yards, 12 thread line, Hogg Bros.; Fly box, leader box, Standard Oil Co., Park- place; No. 35, fly rod, Frank Busch & Sons; Wool sweater, Joe Swartz, Shaving brush, O. K. Barber Shop; Six pair wool sox, C. C. store; Rain Slicker,-Eddy's Dept. Store; Box of cigars. Palace of Sweets; Framed pic ture, Ralph Eddy. HERE IT IS! C- 1921 Ford Touring with starter good condition. To see this car is to buy it. PACIFIC HIGHWAY GARAGE YOU are not safe from sustaining loss if you. have not insured all your live stock. . MORTALITY- LIVESTOCK- INSURANCE in the Hartford Live Stock insurance Co. can be obtained to cover practically all of your investment in live stock. Then should loss come you can look for indemnity to pay for the value of the animals death takes through any cause. v Figure what your live stock are worth and get in surance to protect you. Ask for particulars and rates. A. C. HOWLAN '4 :: 4 v 4 t A Real Estate and Insurance Phone 377 620 Main St. 4 Oregon City I HERE ARE SOME AMAZING DOLLAR I I . DAY BARGAINS I I Swartz never does anything unless its done right the following spec- B I ials proves that it paysto fOT Swartz's advrtisemenst. 6 MEN'S PERCALE SHIRTS j 5S Manchester y. Brand $i00 Good quality Percale neat stripes, well made shirts, the kind you have been paying $2.00 for. Take advantage and stock up a summer's supply at one dollar each. Chalmer's Lisle Union Suits. Good durable underwear for men, in white or ecru, long or short sleeves, ankle or knee length, all sizes. Regular $1.50 kind. Special for Dollar Day Reg. 75c or $1.00 Knitted Ties A beautiful assortment of ties in all the latest de signs and weaves. Two for the price of one. 2 for B. V. D. or Cooper's Athletic Union Suits Regular $1.50 standard' B. V. D. or Coopers closed crotch union suits, all sizes. Here is a special in underwear worth coming miles for. Special for Dollar Day $1.00 $1.00 .00 V BY THE WAY You can get an all wool man's or young & f M man's suit, well made and guaranteed here atuuu Joe Oregon City M