Page Eight THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922. Y IT CETY rrn n n n7 mv' V' u u-u LiiyJ What It Means to You and Your Family to Buy Goods Made at Home and Why You Should Buy from Your Local Merchant (r FORD AND FORDSON PARK-SHEPHARD MOTOR CO. Main Street, at Fourth Phone 355 R. E. Park P. J. Shepherd ALL STANDARD MAKE WATCHES EXPERT REPAIRING Neal, Mc and Rose The House of Quality 522 Main Near Post Office Results When you take your Eye Troubles to a Specialist you want re lief whether it be Eyeaches, Headaches or some other abnormal condition. When you consult me you are assured careful con scientious service that will square with the "Golden Rule". 19 years practical experience at your service. DR. FREEZE EYE SPECIALIST 505 Main Street Oregon City 4 JACOB'S OREGON CITY WOOLENS Pure. Virgin Wool Overcoats Mackinaws Flannel Shirts Loggers' Shirts-Trousers Lounging Robes Auto Robes Indian Blankets Fancy Bed Blankets Staple Blankets "WOVEN WHERE THE WOOL IS GROWN" OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Ore. New York, Chicago, Boston, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Louisville, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland fr When You Build Remember Oregon City Sand and Gravel Company WASHED and SCREENED RIVER SAND and GRAVEL 14th Street at River Try Your ant First A nn h Has it ever occurred to you that every dollar spent for goods .with out side concerns for clothing, drygoods, hardware, groceries, farm imple ments and utensils, automobile tires and parts in fact, anything which might be purchased at your home store is taking necessary money away from the local manufacturers and dealer? Money which, if expend ed at home, would help the merchant to expand his business, increase the variety of his stock, employ more help, keep more money at home to de velop the city, and create more employment for the betterment of local conditions. . Several issues are at stake in this "Buy' AtN Home" idea. The merchant is not the only one affected by the thousands of dollars taken annually from local circulation. It affects as well, the manufacturer and banker. It is a duty to help conserve local industries. Outside concerns are reap ing thousands of dollars from our city and rural purchasers, and it is safe to say that in most every case a purchase from your local dealer would be of more advantage and benefit to you. Make "BUY AT HOME" . your slogan, when andwhere possible. Who is depended upon to support public enterprises, the local manufac-, turer and merchant or concerns a thousand miles away? Public money expended in another city or state for commodities avail able here retards development of local resources and industries. To stimulate interest in the Buy at Home idea, the Banner-Courier will pay a total sum of $25 for the best letters on the subject. Why You Should Buy at Home First Prize $lS.OO Second Prize $7.00 Third Prize $3.00 Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Prizes, a one year's subscription to the Banner-Courier each. . This contest is open to all residents of Clackamas County. Contest closes June 22. Now get busy and send in your letters. HODGSON-CANNON ELECTRIC CO. - Specialists in Electrical Work WIRING - AUTOMOBILE IGNITION ."BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING RADIO SUPPLIES Westinghouse Battery Sales and Attention Oregon City, Oregon Have Your Home Wired by Us Guaranteed Service . LANGLEY ELECTRIC COMPANY 1117 Main Oregon City Next to. Electric Hotel Goodrich 55-30x3 12 ..$10.90 Warren and Blodgett, Props. 407 Main St. Oregon City We Specialize in Watch Repairing Headquarters for-R. R. Men Neldon's Watch Shop. We also feature Wireless goods 425 Main Near 5th at Bridge; . GOOD WHOLESOME FOOD Quality Restaurant 427 Main St Phone 517 THE DRAGON I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world. I have destroyed more than all the wars of the world. I am more deadly than . bullets, and I have wrecked more homes than the mightiest of siege guns. I steal in the United States alone oyer $500,000,000 each year. I spare no one, and I find my vic tims among the rich and poor alike; the young and the old, the strong and the weak, widows and orphans know me. I loom Up to such proportions that I go into every corner of the earth leaving behind me destroyed homes, factories, ships, cities or anything that may get in my path. I am your worst enemy, but yet few take the necessary precaution to avoid me. I AM FIRE FIRE PREVENTION CO. Corner South Second and High Sts. OregSn City, Oregon Protect the LIVES of YOUR FAMILY and YOUR HOME by installing the AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM First in the county since 1916 First in Service Smith's Tire Shop Vulcanizing and Retreading Work fully guaranteed Gas, Oil and etc. 509 . 7th" St. We Sell PURE FOODS We specialize as far as possible In Oregon products. We believe that we can help to build up home industry in this way faster than any other. You can help us along by spending your money -in Oregon- City and "keeping the dollar from rolling away from home. The Hub Grocery on the Hill We Pay Cash for Cream At the highest market price. Send us a trial shipment if you want satisfaction and prompt returns. 9 Oregon City Butter A home product made from pasteurized Clackamas County Cream. County Court (Continued from page five) Meinig, $7.40; H. H. Udell, $3.24; H. R. Devlin, $1.24; A. W. Anderson, $1. 24. ROAD DISTRICT No. 42 N. A. So rgnson, $11.21; , O. Rask, $11.21; E. Austen, $6.23; A. Svanson, $2.50; Ed joimson, ROAD DISTRICT No. 43 Geo. Blatchford, $32.00; W. Waldorf, $25. 05; The Good Roads Machinery Com pany, $36.20; Edw. Feyrer, $17.95; Ar thur Scott, $2995- George Boyer, $16. 18; Henry P. Newell, $18.67; George Ball, $2.49; J. Ml. Strean, $2.49; Jeff Da vies, $2.49; Jack Feyrer, $4,98. . ROAD DISTRICT No. 44 Oregon Foundry, $51.85; J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, $9.00; Hogg Broth Vs, $1.50; E. L. Palfrey, $13.96; R. W. Davidson, $39.90; C. W. Herman, $1.99; S. A. Cordill, $2.49; A. Butter field, $29.94 f R. R. Welch, $2.49; Gus Simmons, $2.49; A. Lewis, $2.49; Paul Robbins, $2.49. ' ' ROAD DISTRICT No. 45 H. Fisher $11.97; Walter Fisher, $3.72;. E.-O. Fisher, $7.48. ROAD DISTRICT No. 46 Road Biulders' Equipment Co., $46.50; Wm. Beeson, $2.49; Clarence Johnson, $2. 49; W. R. Ayers, $2.49; Almon John son, $2.49; Chas. Dietz, $2.49; Geo. Koehler, $3.99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 47 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Company,$ 5.05; Sporalsky, $4.99; Fred W.Sohn, $5.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 49 S. S. Gib son, $27.45; Loyd Bowers, $24.95 ; Ru fus Kraxberger, $39.91; Herman Harms, $19.96; D. C Harms, $4.99,' Will Gibson, $9.96; Pat Gibson, $8.71; Rudolph Klaus, $3.89; C. H. Lorenz, $17.46; Luther Lorenz, $4.98 Harold Gribble, $7.48; Wm. Gebert, $4.99; John Kummer, $4.98; Ben Krause, $4.- 98; Wm. Heinz, $14.97. ROAD DISTRICT No. 60 L. G. Wrolstan!rT$3.00; As L. Yoder, $8.40; J. R. Pitts, $32.65; Ott Lucht, $1.87; Jo Lehman, $3.11; M. F. Day, $1.24; H. L. Jackson, $4.99; Leon Judd, $1.- 24; Amel Fuher, $1.24; C. F. Jackson, $9.97; G. E. Wylund, $33.43; E. Good at, $3.73; Claude Toder, $3.73; O. A. Giger, $3.73. ROAD DISTRICT No. 51 Roy R Ridings, $12.45; John Colton, $4.98; Dan Edwards, $19.96; G. C. Bentley, $3.73; Roy R. Ridings, 521.94. ROAD DISTRICT No. 52M1 . D. Groshong,$ 2.49; A. M. Groshong, $8. 48; R. F. Wyland, $1.24; Rich Joplin, $3.73; G. M. Groshong, $2.49 ROAD DISTRICT No. 56 R. H. Long, $1.24; A. Wood, $1.24; R. Schue bel, $9.97. ROAD DISTRICTING. 58 Harry '- --. r7 Kitching,$ 4.99: Walter Looney. $3.- 73 Charles Fantz, $4.94; W. D. White Head $17.46. ' ROAD DISTRICT No. 59 W. H. Douglass,$ 11.99; P. C. Murphey, $1. 87, ROAD DISTRICT No. 60 E. Young $4.98; Charles Rettinger, $4.99; Chas. Chinn, $9.98; Geo. Randall, $4.99; John Braker, $2.49; W. G. Randall, $19.47. -ROAD DISTRICT No. 61 I. F. Trapp, $2.00; Hog Brothers, $3.90; Maxwell Telford, $97.75; Harry Ham H $53.53; E. Hatch, $53.53; J. H. Sheer, $56.02; I. J.' Trapp, $23.65; A. Warner, $83.53; George Meade, $43. 57; I. F. Trapp, $17.42; S. Nash, $24. 89; Otto Sillen, $28.63; A.. H. Sheer, $11.20; James Curry, $4.98; Newton Jones, $3.73; John Stalick, $3.73; Frank Toering, $19.91; Henry Scheer, $35.94; John Scheor, $17.94; S. Nash, $16.44; Eldon Swick, $13.45; C. Swickr $1:49. ' ROAD DISTRICT No. 62 D. O. Day, $10.97; S.M. Coey, $3.73? N. S. Oldham, $31.23; Frank Fisher, $1.25. ROAD DISTRICT No. 63 Standard Oil Company, $2.70; G. Notdurft, $11. 96. ROAD DISTRICT No. 64 Road Builders' Equipment Co., $36.50; S. A. Yoder, $10.00. - SPECIAL No. 11 G. Hunsucker, $4.48; J. Thomas, $3.73; J. Quigley, $3.73. ' SPECIAL No. 16 Standard Oil Company, $125.28. SPECIAL No! 21 C. A. Vincent Co., $85.60. , . .: , SPECIAL No. 26 A. Carl Power, $4.49; Lee Philips, $4.49; Thomas Kubitza, $1.24. SPECIAL No. 26A Harry Nichols, $17.46; John Mitchel, $3.11; Thos. Ku bitza, $6.85; Lee Philips,$ 8.10; Lee Philips, $3.75; Ronald Petty, $6.22; Gus Hein, $1.55; Pat McKnight, $3. 73; Bill Dockery, $2.49; Bert Dockery, $1.55; John Dockery, $1.55; A. L. Mat cingly, $3.98s SPECIAL No. 33 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Company, $232.20; C. R. Livesay, $25.92; C. A. Mann, $2.49; J. R. Livesay, $3.73; R. Mattoon, $139. 95. SPECIAL No. 35 S. F. Scripture, $.75. - " SPECIAL No. 39 Smith Hardware Co., $39.65; J. B. Robertson, $2.49; E. T. Davis, $17.20. SPECIAL No. 40 Albert Lins, $9. 96; Wm. Lins,$18.70; Chas. Kaufman, $8.97; Anson . Johnson, $4.98; Henry Reimer, $7.47; A. II. Miller, $15.96. . SPECIAL No. 43 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $99.48; M.A. Olsen, $12. 40; Royal Olsenf $8.68; C. E. Wid strand, $7.99; Dick Lampman, $9.30; C. B. Mann, $11.16. SPECIAL No. 46 Sam Hess, $17.- 47. . SPECIAL No. 50 G. E. Wyland, $1.99; E. Goodat, $1.24; Claude Yod er, $1.24; O. A. Giger, $1.24. SPECIAL No.. 61 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Company, $51.30. KKUUIAL tUAJ No. 19 State Highway Commission, $1611.10. GENERAL ROADS Standard "Oil Company, $81.01; Frank Busch & Sons, $.40; H. E. Cowgill, $12.66; Rus sell Grader Mfg. Co., $9.60; Clyde Equipment Co., $28.50; The -Good Roads Machinery Company, $595.24; Road Builders' Equipment Co., $1,200. 00; Clackamas County Auto & Tract or Company, $1,485.00;- J. E. Hasel tine & Co., $7.08; Straight & Salis bury, $19.23; S. F. Scripture, $21.75; Bureau fo Labor, $25.00; C. G. Miller Co., $7.95; Frank Hopp, $1.25; Board of Water Commissioners, $1.75; Frank Busch & Sons, $2.00; State In- (Continued on page nine)