PageSix "."'-TV THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1022. AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK NEWS Up-to-date Information to Help Develop Progressive Farming Cost of Raising Pigs Recent investigation by animal hus bandrymen at the University of Wis consin College of Agriculture indi cates that pure-bred pigs can be rais ed to weaning time at a feed cost of $2.23 each. .This feed cost "was ar rived at in a test -with pure-bred Berkshires on the farm of T. J. Kurtz, near Cedarburg. Records were kept on five sows which raised thirty-sir pigs. An account was kept of the feed given the sows from the time they were bred until the pigs were eight weeks old. At prevailing mar ket prices this feed cost totaled ?98. 62. During the period considered the sows gained 'a total of 263 pounds. This cost 514 cents a pound to pro duce and was charged as worth 7 cents a pound. The actual cost of each pig at weaning time was there fore $2.23. Silage for Sheep By Herman Rieck, Jr., Macleay, Ore. Ask any sheepman what his biggest Droblem is in handling a flock of sheep and he will tell you that win tering the flock is the hardest part of the sheen business. You can't ex pect a crop of healthy, vigorous lambs unless you give the ewes proper food and shelter. Alfalfa, clover and other leguminous havs are the safest to feed when it comes to dry feeds, be cause when fed hay, that does not di gest auickly. There is, however, one great forage rrnn in ths United States that is far above all others, except perhaps al falfa. This crop is com. xno iarcuei can afford to continue without a silo. After three years of experience, the writer is, of the opinion that silage is the greatest feed for sheep that can possibly be grown. Silage can be fed liberally and is the cheapest feed we nroduee. considering its value from point of succulence, which means health with sheep and food value. To prove that silage is the cheap est feed erown. we will make a com parison with hay. There are 350 Dounds of digestible nutrients in one tone of good corn silage; in one ton of clover hay, about 1000 pounds of rtisresttble nutrients. Therefore silage is worth one-third as much as clover hay. If Clover hay is worth $12 per ton. silaee is worth $4 per ton. Ac cording to experiments conducted in recent years, silage can be produced for about $3 per ton. A sheep requires about 4 1-2 pounds of feed a day (this however, varies with size of sheep). Now let us say that 4 1-2 pounds of clover hay is worth $.027, 4 1-2 pounds of corn silage is worth $.009. A real good ration for stock ewes is 3 1-2 pounds of silage and one pound of good leguminous hay. Three and one half pounds of silage is worth $.007, one pound of hay is worth $.006, a to tal of $.013, or hot quite one-half the cost of 4 1-2 pounds of clover hay. Silage is very succulent, therefore ewes fed on silage give much more milk than ewes ( fed on dry feeds. We take our sheep out of pasture fhe first of November and feed them un til the first of March, then if the wea ther is good we pasture on full grain till the first of April and then turn our sheep into their regular pasture. We aim to have our lambs come In January so as to have them well grown by fall. on top of the feeder, and several inches apart, for the purpose of hold ing up the burlap packing above the feeder so that the bees can get at the feed in the feeder. The syrup can very "easily be pour ed in at one end of the feeder by. rais ing the corner of the burlap. The hive cover is then replaced, when the beeg will do the rest. Pullet Eggs for Setting . "How about setting eggs that are all laid by pullets? I was told they would not hatch so well as eggs from older hens. We only have pullets in our flock, and thty lay quite well and the eggs are fertile." Pullet eggs may hatch as well as hen eggs if the pullets are well ma tured and in good condition. The two-year-old birds are usually considered the best breeders; they lay a larger egg and are fully developed. pullets are in the breeding pens of most breeders, although it is admitted that continual breeding from imma ture stock, especially if both side of the mating are immature, will weak en the vitality of the flock. To offset the youth of the pullets, it is well to use two-year-old males. Pullet eggs will sometimes average higher in fertility than hen eggs, but the hatchability on the whole is lower. Spring Bee Feeding By George W. York Quite frequently in the spring some colonies in almost every beeyard will need to be fed. For various reasons some run out of stores of food while others may have plenty to carry them through until they can gather enough from the flowers. Syrup for spring feeding ie very easily made from two parts of granu lated sugar thoroughly dissolved with one part of boiling water. This is then fed warm to the bees. There are several ways of feeding this syrup to the bees. It is always best to give it to them in the even ing just before dark, then they will store it in their combs during the night and this avoid any danger of other colonies robbing the ones being fed. It would also be well to close the hive entrance down to about two inches in width by three-eighths or one-half inch in height. To feed the sugar syrup, 1 prefer to put it into a feeder that can be set right on top of the brood-frames and then covered over warm with burlap, all within an empty super put on the brood-chamber. An Alexander bee feeder works well, as it will sit diag onally within a 10-frame super, and the same way in an eight-frame super toy sawing off one-quarter to one-half inch at the corners of the feeder. It is made of a solid block of wood about 3x4 inches and about 20 inches 1 -long, on one side of which wide saw - kerfs have been made almost through the block, but leaving several strips sticking up so that the bees will not drown when getting the syrup out of the feeder. Four or five sticks of wood, about one inch square and five or six inches long, should be crossed GYPSUM 13 PROFITABLE ON CLOVER AND ALFALFA Gypsum, calcium sulfate, or land plaster can be used profitably on le gumes such as clover and alfalfa to increase the sulfur content of the soil or stimulate the action of soil organ isms, reports W. L. Powers, chief of soils at the Oregon Experiment sta tion. It also exerts a beneficial effect on the physical structure of clay soils, afds in laundering out alkali soils fol lowing under drainage and neutralizes the toxiG effect of black alkali, but sjiould never be used to correct acid ity as it will not make "sour" soils "sweet." Gypsum may be applied to the land any time now that weather permits. It is easily broadcasted on young le gumes, or if the ground is firm, ap plied with spreader. Where gypsum is used chiefly for its sulfur content 200 pounds to the acre is the usual rate of application, as its sulfur content is about 18 pounds to the hundred. Anal ysis of some soils in western Oregon show a very low sulfur content, a con dition quite common with the red hill soils especially. Elemental sulfur used on clover has increased yields on three widely separated experimental fields near Astoria, Crown Point, and North Albany. When applied to legumes in ordi nary amounts, such as 50 to 80 pounds to the acre, gypsum has been found to stimulate the action of beneficial soil organisms and acid in the forma tion of nitrates during the early season. Soil acidity is neither changed nor corrected by application of gypsum in any reasonable amounts as shown by lime requirement tests. Its physical effects are similar to those of lime on clay soils, and it will improve soil structure and aid percolation, thus hastening laundering out of alkali fol lowing drainage, if applied in goodly amounts. 'beater. Remove from double boiler. Add pinch baking powder, and 1 tea spoon flavoring.. May add square bitter chocolate melted if a dark frost ing is desired. Stir frosting with spoon until cool and thick enough to spread. With a little practice . this frosting can be made very quickly and successfully. ' Soap Recipes . Five pounds of fat, one can red seal lye, one quart and one cup of water, one cup of borax. Place the grease on stove to melt Dissolve the lye and borax in the water and when cool add to lukewarm grease. Stir just enough to mix ingredients thoroughly and no more. Pour immediately into a shal low wooden box lined with, cloth When cool cut into squares. J Kudsu Not Good in Oregon Kudsu is the subject of many in quiries sent to the Oregon Experiment station. The station has- saved many farmers a lot of time, money, and trouble by advising them that tests show that Kudzu is not adapted to Oregon conditions as a forage crop. One Spray Scab and Aphjs The delayed dormant spray on the apple is one of the most important of the season as it is the first blow to scab and mildew and, if nicotine sulfate is added, it will control the destructive aphis pests. The usual spray is made up of commercial lime sulfur, 3 1-2 gallons, nicotine, sulfate (Black Leaf "40") 3-4 pint, and 100 gallons water. Tests last year indi cate that addition of casienate spread er to the spray at the rate of 1 pound to 100 gallons increases the efficiency nearly 50 per cent. Control of the aphis is improved if this spray is not applied until the blossom buds of the clusters have began to separate. The exact time of application will depend on whether the scab or. the aphids is the major pest. O. A. C. Experiment station. Chicks Crowd Brooders Overcrowding ruins many flocks of chieks. A brooder that will accommo date 800 day-old chicks will care of only one half that number when they are two weeks old. Better raise a few good chicks than a lot of culls. O. A. C. Experiment station. Buckwheat seeded at the rate of 40 to 45 pounds an acre in May or early June makes excellent bee pasture, and the grain is good for poultry feed.- A, C. Experiment station. Subscribe for the Banner-Courier. REGEIPES Salad 1 cups diced celery. 1 cups chopped young carrots. Boiled dressing. Mix carrots and celery with boiled dressing. Place on lettuce leaf and garnish with small amount of dress ing mixed with cream and a dash of paprika. I am sending an excellent' boiled frosting which is made very quickly and is always good. Place in double boiler. 1 cup white sugar. 2 tablespoons cold or warm water. 1 egg white. Pinch 'of salt. Beat this continuously until mix ture gets quite thick. This will take around five minutes. Use rotary egg NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final report in the estate of Philip J. Ott, deceased and the Court has set Monday the 15th day of May, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. on said day in the County Court Room in the County Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final re port, and the discharge of said admin istrator. Dated 13th day of April, 1922. ' ' ISAAC OTT, Administrator of the estate of Philip J. Ott, deceased. G. B. DIMICK & W. L. MULVEY, Attorneys for administrator. (4-13-5t) you in the, above entitled Court and cause on or before Thursday, the 4th day of May, 1922, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint on file in said cause, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage ocntract heretofore and now ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant, and for such other and farther relief as to this Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is published by or der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge - of the above entitled Court, and the first publication thereof to be Thursday he 30th day-of March, 1922, and he date of the last publication hereof to be Thursday, the 4th day of May, 1922.. G. B. DIMICK & W. L. MULVEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City Oregon. 3-30-7t. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT OF ADMINISTRATOR In the Matter of the Estate of Jo- Iseph W. Farrar, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Joseph W. Farrar, deceased, has filed his fi nal account in said estate in the County Court of the State pf Oregon for Clackamas County, and that the Judge of said court has appointed Monday, the 22nd day of May, 1922, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, J as the time for hearing "objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. All heirs, creditors or other persons interested in said estate are hereby notified and required to file their objections to said final account in said court and estate on or before said date appointed for the hearing of the same. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, April 10th, 1922. ' LORING K. ADAMS, Administrator. Date of first publication April 13, 1922. Date of last publication May 11, 1922.. (4-13-5t.) SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County Ralph Bush, Plaintiff, vs. Pansy Bush, Defendant. To Pansy Bush, the above named defendant In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against NELDON'S WATCH SHOP has the agency for the Mandel Phonographs which I is as good as the very best instrument soia oy any one, at a remarkable low price of $75.00. Also Gen nett records for 75 cents. All of the very latest ones out are carried in stock. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 425 Main at 5th St. Oregon City J She Knows "I am a Domestic Science Graduate and a chemical student from the Normal School. After making the experiment testing various baking powders I never use any except the Royal." Mrs. J. P. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter-Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book It's FREE Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St, New York Subscribe for the Banner-Courier. Careiully sealed cylindrical carton insures absolute sanitation. Grocers Recommend Albers Quality Albert Flapjacks the hot cakes of the West The Danger Point in trying to save on painting Repairs Cost More Than Paint WHEN the paint on your property begins to check and crack, it is time to paint again. Unless your house is protected by a smooth, elastic film of durable paint, decay will set in and rapidly depreciate it. Decay is expensive and waste ful. Price lumber alone, to get an idea of what it will cost to repair or rebuild. Paint saves this cost. The best paint is the most economical in the long -run. It spreads easily saves labor cost. It covers a larger area per gallon than "cheap" paint. But most important, the best paint serves five or more years longer than "cheap" paint We have been making the best paints for 73 years. They are scientific in formula and prepara tion. They meet the weather conditions in the West. They contain the finest mater-. ials PIONEER WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, pure zinc and pure colors combined scientifi cally in exact proportions. They are the best paints we know. Free Advice on Painting Ask oar tgent for advice, color cords, etc. Ask the Fuller Specifica tion Department about the most deniable color schemes, color harmony and any other details. Take, advantage of Fuller House Paint.. Paint now. Don't let weather depreciate jour inTeatment. W. P. Fuller & Co. Dept. 19, San Franeiaco Pioneer Manufacturers of Paints, Varnishes, Enamel, Stains, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD for 73 rears. Established 1849. Dealers everywhere. Branches in 19 cities in the West. Also makers of Rubber Cement Floor Paint, All Purpose Varnishes, Silkenwhite Enamel, Fifteen-for-Floors Varnish. Washable Wall Fin. isb. Auto Enamel, Barn and Roof Paint, Porch and Step Paint, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD, Pioneer Shingle Stain, Fuller's Hot Water Wall Finish (Kalsomine), and FoUeiweer Varnish. H The Time to Buy Is when others are not buying when money is rather close an3 prices are low. When spring opens there la always a buyers' rush, and prices always follow demand. If you want a city home, a farm or any property, look them over now and save mone.y. Come in and see what I have. Insurance that . Insures Seven strong companies, fire, accident, burglary, forgery, causality, auto, E. E. TEEPLE 719 Main, Oregon Or. ELECTRIC HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Phone 38 J. J. TOBIN, Proprietor Eat at the Electric Restaurant Best Meal in the city All Rooms Steam Heated Special Rates for Room and Board 411 Main. St " Millers Shoe Store Men's and Boys' Shoes, Gloves, Laces, Shoe Polish, Oils and Greases EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING Main Street Opposite Post Office SAVE AND INVEST Buy Our 7 Per Cent Prior Preferred Stock Pays Dividends Every Three Months Pay Your Light Bill with a Dividend Check. Portland Railway, Light and Power Co. 619 Main Street Oregon City, Ore. Fyllerb SPECIFICATION House Paints Phoenix Pur Paint Pur Prepared Paint Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co. "Tore Prepared mod "Phoenix" are Fuller! tpecifications for house palst Inf. Get either and you hw the beat that anyone can make longeernc painta, WHERE TO BUY THEM. Then painta are imfiortant to you ao it's neces sary to so to the right at ores to get then. Agent's names and addressee are printed in tne memo, coupon below. Cut it out and put it In your pock now. - For exterior Job of painting it la advisable to obtain the sendees of a Master Painter. - iumm;mvhm '44 i. ' m n If Mil, . . I'l-Mirf 1.1141 - house seeds painting. Fuller's Specification House Paints are sold by the following Agents: Frank BuSCh& Sons, Phoenix Pure Paint Agent. Fill I FR Paints Store Now Opens at 9 A. M. Saturdays Pfione: Pacific Marshall 5080 The Most in Value The Best In Quality TM-f - - "niFgi ir' 1 ii laitsj THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Closes Daily at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. Home Phone: A 2112 "THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" A Timely and Important Showing Scrims, Marquisettes and Cretonnes . That will prove to be of more than passing interest to housekeepers on the threshold of Spring house cleaning. Just a hint as to how splendidly ready we are, to supply your needs, with desirable new goods at tempt ingly low prices. . ' Cflrf YARD for Scrims, Marqui- Everything Desirable in New Sport Sweaters $2.98 to $18.00 See Our Window Display New York's latest fashions in sport Sweaters are included in our present stock the new Slip-over effects with round or V-shape neck. Plain or turn-back cuffs, and belt to- match. Trey come in plaids, checks, stripes, heather imxtures and novelties in all wool, art wool and combinations of silk, wool and mohair others are in plain colors in palin and fancy weaves. We are confident you'll enjoy view ing and selecting from this great showing. settes. Bungalow Nets, Mad ras and Cretonnes in all new and desirable styles. YARD for; New Scrims and Marquisettes in plain and 250 open work border styles in cream, white and ecru. qflrf YARD for New Scrims and ""r Marquisettes in plain, fancy open work, and hemstitched bor der styles in white, cream and ec-" ru. Exceptional values at this price. EVERYTHING DESIRABLE IN OUR STOCK OF NeW Spring Coats for Easter Just such Ribbons as are in greatest demand for the trimming and mak ing of Hats, Waists, Dresses, Undergarments, Bows, Bags, Sashes, etc. Plain colors and novelties in all widt hs, and all at new low prices. Narrow Silk Moire. Ribons in plain colors and . amber effects 20c and 25c yard. Double-Face Two-Tone Ribbons, all collors, plain or with Picot edge 20c and 25c yard. Grosgrain Ribbons is black and colors or with Picot edge; Nos. 3 to 16. New Garter Ribbons and Garter Tubular Rib bons in all colors and combinations. New Wash Ribbons in all widths from No. 1 to No. 7. Plain odors and light combinations. New wide Metal Ribbons In style's and colors especially adapted for vestees, hats, bags, sashes, etc. 4 V A" - i