The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, April 13, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Page Three
mother in Newberg. . .
Jake Wirtz announces that hair
cuts will henceforth be only 40 cents,
Jake says that the war is over. ,
The school of Home Economics
held at the Christian church last week
by Elinor Meacham Redington was
well attended and a decided success.
The ladies of the Christian church
will hold an apron and cqpked food
sale at Patterson's ocnfectionery Sat
urday. -
The ladies aid-and the missionary
society of the Christian church held
a joint meeting at Mrs.' F. B. Hay
ward's, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Turner had as
their guests Sunday, Miss Elizabeth
Todd, of Vancouver, Wash, and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Todd, of Portland.
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. McGetchie had as
their geusts Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. McGetchie, of St Johns.
Mrs. C. D. Legler had as her guests
Sunday, Mrs. Mable Gerber and son
Francis bf Portland and Mrs. S. V.
Francis of Oregon City.
Mrs. Laura Fleu entertained the
members of the Euterpean club in a
delightful manner. Monday afternoon.
A concert was given, in the music
room of Meier and Frank's, by Prof.
Fenholt, soloist, and J. M. Eeiman,
who gave an interesting talk on var
ious composers. Luncheon was serv
ed at the Hazelwood. Attending were
Mrs. A. F. Parker, Mrs. T..E. Gault,
Mrs. F. P. Nelson, Mrs. J. W. Leon
hardt, Mrs Win. Hammond, Mrs. E. N.
Good, Mrs. F. Miranda, Mrs. V. C.
Gault, Mrs. F. L. Oswald.
Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Leonhardt
moved into their new home on Clar
endon St., Monday.
Mrs. R. Freytag was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie, of St
Johns, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Wilson and
Noble H. Stephens of Portland were
the dinner guests of Miss Alice Frey
tag, Saturday evening.
Miss Lillian Gilette was the dinner
guest of Mrs. Chas. Legler, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Money, of
Ocean Falls, B. C, will arrive here
about May first to take up their res
idence. They will occupy their home
on Arlington street, which has been
occupied by Prof, and Mrs. J. W.
Leonhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Money, for
merly resided here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch had as
their guests Sunday, Miss Amy Peck
over and Mr. and Mrs. W. 'knight of
The Helping Hand class and the
officers and teachers of the Christian
Sunday school will hold a business
meeting and social evening at the
home of Mrs. Harry Wheeler, this eve
Mrs. Laura Fleu. of Minneapolis
who is spending the winter in Port
land, was the guest of Mrs. C. N.
Parker last week.
Mrs. Harvison had as her guest
during the week, Mrs. Tilkey of Port
land. -
Mrs. O. L. Weddle was, called to
Monroe, Oregon, the first of last week
by the serious illness of her sister,
Mrs. Mary Larkins.
Mrs. A. Schroer underwent a very
serious operation at the Oregon City
hospital Saturday morning.
Mr. F. D. Ellis, who lias been quite
ill with quinzy for the past two weeks
is slightly improved.
Mrs. J. L. Lacy was taken to the
Oregon City hospital Tuesday even
ing suffering from pneumonia.
Mrs. R. G. Porter is quite ill with
a severe attack of bronchitis.
Miss Alice Freytag was the honor
guest at a surprise at her home Tues
day afternoon, the occasion being the
anniversary of her birthday. The af
fair wasp lanned by Mrs. C. D. Leg
ler and Mrs. K. E. Bauersfeld. The
afternoon was devoted to music and
needlework. Delicious refreshments,
brought by the guests, were served by
Mrs. Lelger, Mrs. Bauersfeld, and Mrs.
Rauch. Present were Mrs. C. D. Leg
ler, Mrs. K. E. Bauersfeld, Mrs. W. E.
Rauch, Mrs. F. Peckover, Mrs. C.
Green, Mrs. H. Wilson, Mrs.' J. Will
iams, Mrs. R. M. McGetchie, Mrs.
Chester Parker, Mrs. R, Freytag, Mrs.
S. H. Rankin, Mrs. E. Alldredge,
Misses Fayne Burdon, Glenna Bauers
feld, Mildred Legler, and Alice Frey
tag. The Oregon City high school wrest
ling team was entertained Friday eve
ning, April 7, with a dinner parfy
given by Reggie Russel at the borne
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs..G. F.
Russel. A delicious dinner was serv
ed at 6:30 by the hostess assisted by
Mrs.. R. R. Gilmore. The table was I
prettily decorated with the high
school" colors. The place cards were
hand sketched. Attending were Har
old Sherwood, Frank Allen, Ivan Gln
ther, George Tatro, Chester Newton,
Elmer Londergen Phillip Paine, Ken
neth Martin, Vernon Jerret, Ralph
Dependable Poultry Feeds
Are a large factor in successful poultry farming.
We carry a large and complete stock of poultry sup
plies and grain at prices which compare very favor
ably with pre-war times.
Larsen & Company
10th and Main
Oregon City
McCoy, Reggie Russel, L. A. King.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith enter
tained at dinner Sunday in honor of
the marriage of Miss Norma L. Frey
tag and Frank Oilman, which took
place at Vancouver, Wn, Saturday,
The rooms were prettily decorated,
the color scheme being yellow and
green. Daffodils were used for the
table decorations'. The place cards
were cupid cards with rhymes attach
ed. The hostess was assisted in en
tertaining by Mrs. Fred Smith, Miss
Norma Smith and Mrs. Gilman. Many
beautiful gifts were received by the
young couple. They will make their
home in Portland. The dinner guests
were Mr. and . Mrs. Prink, Walter
Prink, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilman, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Gilman, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith,
Mrs. Paul Freytag, Reva Norien Frey
tag, Mrs. Will Davis, William Davis,
Mr. Chas. Smith, Miss Pansy Prinki
Miss Norma Smith, Miss Reva Jones,
Miss Elma Smith, Miss Eula Davis,
Mr. O. Bailey, Mr. Clifford PrinK, Mr.
Arthur Porter, Mr. Glenn Richardson,'
Mrs. Hogan, Arthur and Richard Gil
man. A special meeting of the council
was held Monday evening. The resig
nation of Chas. Sievers city attorney.
was read and accepted.
C. A. Frost was appointed to con
sult Attorney C. Schuebel in regard to
his taking up the work as special at
torney for the city of Gladstone. The
city recorder was instructed to adver
tise bids for the completion of the
grading on Exeter and Clarendon sts.
Miss Alice Freytag was the guest of
honor at a dinner party Tuesday eve
ning, the occasion being her birthday.
The table decorations were pink and
white, the centerpiece being sweet
peasa nd for-get-me-nots. The guests
were Mr. and - Mrs. J. E. Hammack
and son, Egbert, of Portland, Mrs.
Margaret Niles, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
McGetchie Mr. and Mrs. R. Freytag,
Ernest Freytag and Miss Alice Frey
Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith entertained
company from Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Putman . had
guests from Portland Snuday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Boyer and- daugh
ters spent the week end at Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Boyers returning Sunday
Our neighbors who have been occu
pying the DesShields house have mov
ed out.
Fred Echert, who has been plough
ing for E. R. Boyer, with his tractor
has finished. The tractor done fine
work. Ralph Boyer spent the week
end at home, and is helping his fa
ther with his brooder house which is
going along nicely.
Edna Boyer called on Mrs. Peter's
and Mrs. J. Nelsoa Friday afternoon.
Mrs. R. R. Putman received word
Saturday of her sister's death in Cal
ifornia, who had gone there for her
health. She will be brought to Port
land for burial. It is though the fu
neral service will be Thursday.
II 11 il o
We are now making Lath every day and can fur
nish you with the best garde of new Lath any time.
We can also make you good prices on any kind of
Lumber. Come in and see us or send in your bill of
material and we will be glad to let you know just
what it will cost you delivered on the job.
Willamette River Lumber Co.
Phone 63
16th and Main Oregon City t
George Thomas, enterprising citi
zen of Oswego, intends to start work
at once biulding a double bungalow
on his well situated property of First
and B streets.
Henry Williams,- an old time resi
dent of Oswego and now of Pacific
City, visited his numerous friends,
here Saturday.
The entertainment given by the La
dies Aid and Ladies of the Commer
cial Club will be held Thursday night
regardless of reports that it wont.
Proceeds ofthe entertainment will go
towards erecting a seat room at the
local cemetery.
Paul Kinney, who was staying at
the home of his sister, Mrs. Oscar
Schauble, has gone to Friutvale, Cali
fornia. Paul was a wrestler of con
siderable merit and won many
matches in Portland this winter.
The subject of pasing a curfew law
was discussed before Thursdays meet
ing of the council. The enforcement
of this law would be a great help to
all as it would keep the younger gen
eration out of considerable mischief.
All voters who haven't registered
may do so at the post office.
Willis Koehler of Dallas was an
Oswego visitor last week, spending
his vacation at the home of his aunt
Mrs. L. E. Foote.
The prospects of a fast local ball
team appear very good this year, in
fact for better than at anytime since
1916. It is to be composed entirely
of local alent Harry Headrick is
handling the affairs of the team all
local players report at ball park Sun
day for tryout.
very enjoyable time was had at the
old time dance Saturday night. It
was a regular old box down and Harry
Borland did the calling. "
The Oregon Iron and Steel company
is plotting a new nitsrict northwest
of-Oswego near what is known as the
Eagle wood tract.
A surprise party was given last
weekt to Lucina and Earnest Kaiser.
Among the self invited guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Brandt and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. William Reames, Glen Zim
merman and wife, and Miss Mable
Harm an Oswego visitor.
Mrs. Lou Ford of West Linn spent
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Ma
ble Davidson of Oswego.
The road out E street to the Boone's
Ferry road is being repaired, in order
that the McLain's Logging camp
trucks can be operated this summer.
Oswego's second base ball team was
out Saturday and looks like a fast
Oris E. McCormick visited in Tual
atin Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. L. K. Davidson Is visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bennett have as
their guests the latter's sister, Mrs
Grace Bower at Salem and daughter,
Joanna Givvens of Klamath Falls,
Grace Coutrell and daughter, Vesta,
of Vancouver, Wash., spent Sunday
with the Bennetts.
Miss Blanche Junken spent Thurs
day evening at the home of Miss Lois
Headrick of Oswego.
The Clackamas . County school base
ball season has opened and the league
organized. The officers are as fol
lows: president, H. H. Eccles of
Canby; vice-president, H. C. Leathers
of West Linn; secretary, J.'W. Leon
hardt of Gladstone; executive commit
tee, R. J. Abraham, Molalla; Brenton
Vedder, Oregon City.
The schedule for the Willamette
team is as follows: April 14 Os
wego vs. Willamette at Willamette;
April 21 Willamette vs. Gladstone at
Gladstone; April 28 Gladstone vs.
Willamette at Willamette; May 9
Willamette vs Oswego at Oswego.
Members of the 6th, 7th and 8th
grades compose the Willamette team.
They are: Ted Hoover, Jesse Mootry,
Arthur Hagan, James Paterson, Del-
far DeNeui, Preston Overton, William
Morgan, Seldon Porter. Substitutes:
Willard Brady, Smith Martin and
Chester Carpenter.
The eighth grade are making pre
parations for the commencement exer
cises. These will probably take place
the 2nd of June or earlier.
Every pupil in the 7th and 8th
grades have received a button in
award for finishing the first twenty
five lessons in penmanship. Mrs. Mae
Baty is the teacher.
Maxine Tuor was able to return to
school Monday after a week's absence
caused by burns received when a
kettle of boiling water fell tm her.
Teachers Are Elected
The Willamette Grammar school.
teachers for the coming year were
elected at a recent board meeting. Mr.
Bowland will again be principal and
teach the 8th grade, the other teach
ers are as follows: Miss Shannon the
7th; Miss Frances Waldron, the 6th;
Miss Florence Fromong, the 5th; Miss
Thelma DeBok. the 4th; Miss Mabel
Larson, the 3rd; Miss Elsie Fellows,
the 2nd, and Mrs. Dibblee, the primary
Mrs. Charles Reinke of Willamette
spent Sunday at the C. H. Reinke
Mr. Charles Shields is employed in
building a home for Mr. Quade.
Dorothy Hall of West Linn spent
Wednesday evening with Miss Bertha
Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Gladys
Selbywere visitors of Bolton friends
Mildred McKillican left . Thursday
afternoon for Eugene to attend the
convention of the Student Body pres
idents of all Oregon High schools.
Miss Edith Overton spent Monday
evening with Meade McKillican. .
Mrs. Floyd Hogan, was a guest of
Mrs. Susan Hogan for a few da"ys the
first of the week.
Mrs. A. J. Hobble is, now able to
sit up after a very serious seige of
influenza. ,
Mrs. Martin of Willamette was a
Bolton visitor Monday evening.
chinery of the Anderson Barngrower
company of San Jose, Cal. The ma
chinery" consists of cookers, coolers
and retorts. Being an investment of
$7000.00 which will enable them to
handle the fruit crop this season to
a far better advantage than last ear.
The canned fruit has a very good
market color for this season. And as
the fruit growers expect a good crop
of berries it begins to show a market
prospect for a prosperous year to all.
The first mail arrived at Carver
post office on Monday, delivered by
the carrier from Clackamas. The as
sistant postmaster has not yet been
appointed and until that time, the
mail will leave the Carver State Bank.
Carver to Have New Water. Supply
The Carver Canning Co. are install
ing a new and larger water pump at
the plant on Monday. The idea being
to pump the water to a large reservoir
and thus supply the city with water.
Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Loomis and son,
spent the week end with their par
ents at Forest Grove.
Bank Shows Increase
The Carver State bank is showing
a marked increase in business. De
posits having advanced $10,000 since
the call of the Comptroler, March 10.
Social a Big Success
The 'basket social given by the Hol
comb school on Tuesday evening was
well attended. A program consisting
of music readings and a dialogue by
the older ones was enjoyed very
much. The receipts of the evening
amounted to $34, proceeds to be
used to buy base ball suits for" the
boys of the district who belong to
the base ball league.
C. L. Stewart has three acres of
Oregon improved strawberries and is -hoping
for a fuU crop. Carver Can
nery can use all fruit grown in this
community. -
Johnnie, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Stewart, ihad the misfortune
while hunting gray diggers last week
to be,, bitten by one. The wound be
came infected and the little fellow has
suffered considerably from blood poi
son. Mr. Frank Hattan has purchased
some 500 white leghorn one day old
chicks of Mr. Putnam of Clackamas
on Route one.
Near the close of the Sunday even
ing service. Several members of the
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan very
quietly entered the school house. The
leader handed to Mr. Ware an enve
lope containing $10.00 and. the follow
ing message. The Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan believe in the work in
which you are engaged in the spread
ing of the Protestant religion as
taught by the Holy Bible which all
true knights reverence, wish you to
accept' this small offering in the spirit
in which it was given to be used in
any way you see fit for the benefit of
Carver church. Knights of K K. K.
Mr. Ware after expressing his thanks
and aDDreciation to them was naked
by the leader to offer a prayer. The
roDed ngures quietly slipped out in to
the night and were gone.
- Mrs. Lucy Beck is recovering slow
ly from several days suffering with
septic sore throat.
Mr. Neal Wilcox, who was brought
here while ill, from Rochester, Minn.,
became violently insane and has been
taken to Salem for treatment.
Social Service Club Gives Luncheon
The Social Service Club eave its
quarterly luncheon Thursday in
Green's Hall. The woman's aid serv
ing the lunch. Mrs. Lee Davenport,
of Portland, was a pleasing speaker
on American Home building. The
club chorus rendered several vocal
New Postmistress- Appointed
Mrs. Evelyn D. Davenport, formerly
assistant postmaster at, Oak Grove
post office has received the appoint
ment of postmaster and will take pos
session as soon as her commission
arrives. Miss Louise Follensbee has
been appointed assistant
Petitions are being circulated to
ask the opening of Pine street from
third avenue to River road and Lee
avenue from Center to Courtney
Register Now
Only a few days more in which to
register as books close April 18. Tell
your friends and don't forget to reg
ister yourself if you haven't already
done so. Registrations books at Lit
tle's store. Valeria G. Benvie is reg
istrar and with Mrs. Little as assist
ant you will be properly cared for.
Oak Grove Has Publication of Its Own
The Gladstone Reporter, which has
been a welcome "publication in many
homes for its collection of real news
has been taken over by Oak Grove
Communityclub and will be known as
North Clackamas Reporter. Mr. Hass-
ler will continue as editor and the
paper will be printed in Oak Grove
It is reported the Community Club
is contemplating the building of a
hall in the near future.
A. C. Sellers has become associated
with a newspaper in Milwaukie.
Markus Youngs of Risley station,
has recovered from the flu but does
not expect to return to the University
this term.
Mrs. V. G. Benvie and Mrs. J. J. Al
lyn attended Pomona meeting of Pa
trons of Husbandry at Parkplace Wednesday.
The county agent of Qregon City
gave a pest demonstration at the
Carus church Tuesday. -He also show
ed pictures on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Schoenborn enter
tained company of Eldorado Sunday.
The Wide-awake Men in Business
MakeFrequent Useof the Specialist
Ina question of Law, he seeks an attorney
if the question relates to building, he calk
in an architect, and in a matter of business
counsel he should consult his banker.
The banker of experience is by nature a
business specialist. His daily contact with
many diversified problems enable him to
advise advantageously in financing or in
vesting. Consultation on these problems,
the most important of the day, is valuable
ana tne service tms JtsanK otters you
yours to use freely.
The Bank of Oregon City
Oldest Bank in Clackamas County -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler and
daughters, Virginia and Helen, were
dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Casto's of Clackamas Sunday.
Mrs. Even Lewis went to the hospi
tal in Portland last Saturday for treat
ments previous to an operation.
Miss Erma Caseday spent Sunday
with Miss Maude O'leary.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Estes of Oregon
City called at Stewarts Sunday to
see Mrs. London.
Mr. Allen Edwards and daughter,
Minnie and son Bill motored to Ore
gon City Saturday.
Miss Paula and Ruth Fisher called
on Mrs. Chas. Wilbanks Wednesday
afternoon. '
Mrs. Guilliam and daughter, Janet
were Oregon City callers on Saturday.
Mr. Bud "Weisser delivered pigs to
Mr. Schillis on Wednesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss were call
ers at William Mackrells of Molalla
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perish and son,
Norman, were guests at the Shockley
home Sunday.
Mrs. Lunce Shockley called on Mrs.
Even Lewis last Thursday afternoon.
Carver State Bank
Offers Unique Plan
Did yo uever have one of your checks "raised", that is, altered
to read a larger amount than originally intended? Then quit
worrying about a recurrence of it because it is now possible to
get insurance against such loss without charge.
The Carver State Bank of Carver is now furnishing its depos
itors without charge with checks insured for $1000.00 against loss
from check raisers. ' .
A small vest pocket isnurance bond with identification card
showing finger-prints, photograph and signature is furnished each
depositor using the insured checks.
It has been stated that the American Banking Institutions pro
gress, becasue they provide, and protect and serve, and in this
instanec the Carver State Bank is furnishing its customers a
Four (4) paid on time deposits,
Carver, Oregon
THOS. F. RYAN, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice. Pres.
R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier
Local Boy Leaves for Waushougal
den Andrews went to Waushougal,
Wash., last week to work in a saw
mill. Word has been received by his
mother, Mrs. H. E. Andrews that Glen
has an attack of flue. He is being
cared for by his aunt at that place.
H. E. Andrews has gone to McMinn
ville to work with his brother, Hiram,
in the lathing and plastering business.
Canning. Co Prepares for Big Season
The Carver Canning Co. has just
placed their order for additional ma-
The Banner-Courier
Clackamas County's Best'
Has a larger circulation within the trade zone of Oregon City
than has any other newspaper in circulation.
Offers a page of Independent Editorials covering topics
Political, Educational, and Social of the County, State and Nation.
Contains News written by special Correspondents in more
than 20 Different Communities Covering Clackamas County.
Gives All the worth-while Local and Society events.
Publishes County and Circuit Court Actions, Real Estate
Transfers and Markets.
Everybody Needs A Home Paper.
1 Get the Best