Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1922. DIAMONDS For Gift Giving during April there is nothing so pleasing as the Diamond. It gives the recipient lasting pleasure and is a Gift worth every gratitude. Our stock of loose Stones is the largest in this vi cinity. If your are unable to find what you want in a mounting we will be glad to submit specials for your approval. OREGON CiTY frOPIKWfa a jCocal Tfews Stems a Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Smallwood, whose home is at Twelfth and Center streets have had as their guests, their daughter, Mrs. Leonard Earl and grand daughter, Miss Idahlia Earl of Walla Walla, Wash. 7Wt q n A TW rm T? mr Xi Pay wh n 9P. companied the Misses Lorena Jack, Kathryn Kirk and Kathryn Silsby to Corvallis, where the latter were dele gates to the girls' conference returned to their home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cox were guests of Mrs. Cox's cousin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Galloway. Mrs. Sarah Lacey of Oregon City accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. William Dugger and little son of Portland were guests at the home of Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Jennings Lodge on Wednesday of last week. J. Bruck, a prominent resident of Sherwood was an Oregon City visitor Monday. He came here on business. Mrs. Alice Patterson, a resident of Logan was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Mrs. Patterson was a. for mer Oregon City resident. Miss Goldsmith has a line of new hats for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gill, who are at present residents of Azalia, but formerly of Logan were Oregon City visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Taylor and Mrs. J. B. Carter, uncle of Mrs. Taylor were Sunday guests at the home of Walter E. Taylor and family of Van couver. Walter is a son of I. D. Tay lor. Mrs. A. Nelson, who has been at Molalla the past two weeks where she has been visiting her cousins, Mrs. Ralph Holman, and Mrs. Charles Al bright, has returned to her home at Oregon City. Edward Smith of 1207 Main street, Oregon City is able to be out after a severe attack of rheumatism from which he has been suffering for. sev- eral weeks. Mrs. Annie Tremayne, whose home is at Barlow was transacting business in Oregon City Saturday. Elmer Van Fleet, a resident of Bor ing, was transacting business in Ore gon City on Saturday of last week. George Albright formerly a promi nent resident of Mulino but who is now making his home at Bend," Ore gon, underwent a critical operation at a Bend hospital. He is a brother of Charles Albright of Molalla. Miss Goldsmith" has the Dean Hats for Kiddies. W. P. Byers whose home is at Car ver was transacting business in Oregon-City Saturday of last week. Mrs. Annie Hindle.who is employed in Oregon City spent the week end at Redland a guest at the Bonney home. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman and Gordon Green spent Sunday in Port land at the home of Mrs. Chapman's brother, Harfon Green. Mrs. Kate Roll and children, Elma, Elizabeth and Buddie of Portland spent the week end in Oregon City with Mrs. Roll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cooper. Mrs. George Dalals, who conducts a maternity home on the 82nd street road, Portland, and who was former ly a resident of Damascus was trans acting business in Oregon City Friday of last week. J. W. Moffatt of West Linn, who has been critically ill at his home suffering from erysipelas in his arm is improving. Mrs. Alma Splinter, whose home is at Maple Lane was an Oregon City visitor on Friday of last week". Mrs. Sherman W. Moody and dau ghter, Roberta, whose home is at Eu gene, Oregon, returned home Sunday after being in Oregon City several days where they visited Mrs. Moody's son, Mighells Burley and her sister, Mrs. C. I. Stafford and her mother, Mrs. Minnie Mighells of Maple Lane. Wallace Telford, a resident of Bor ing was in Oregon City Thursday of last week. He combined pleasure with business by visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Telford while here. Cleo Howell, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell, a student of the Pacific University spent the week end with his parents. Young Howell who has been assistant yell leader was recent ly elected yell leader to succeed Er nest Amburn of Portland. Mrs. Henry Woodbeck and little daughter, Barbara of Vancouver, Wash., visited Mr. Woodbeck's par ents, Mr.and Mrs. W. W." Woodbeck of Jennings Lodge one day last week. Carl Stromgreen, a well known res ident of Colton transacted business in Oregon City Thursday of last week. Mrs. James B. Johnson of Oregon City spent the week end at McMinn ville visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Northup. ' Miss Goldsmith has a wonderful Priscilla display of Easter Hats for ladies and children at moderate prices. Call and see us. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hattan, resi dents of Carver, were Oregon City visitors Saturday. They were accom panied by Mrs. Hattan's mother, Mrs. I.R. E. Mumpower of Fern Ridge. Alex Camp of Hubbard was trans acting business in Oregon City Thurs-" day of last week. Mrs. Mable Phipps, who has been at Albany visiting relatives has re turned to her home at Oregon City. k Mrs. Forbes Barclay Pratt of Port land accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Louis Williams of Portland visited their aunt, Mrs. Ward B. Lawton of Mt. Pleasant one day last week. Mrs. John Weeks of New York, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Mount, left last Friday for her home. She was accompanied home by her daughter Mrs. Frank Mount and three chidren, who will visit in TSTew York until July. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Ingram, resi dents of Portland were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.E lmer Cooper. Mr. Ingram is a nephew of Mr. Cooper J Mrs. Kate Bolander, whose home is at Hoff, was an Oregon City visitor on Friday of last week. Mrs. Ora Dimick of Forest Grove was transacting business in Oregon City on Friday of last week. While here she visited a few of her many friends. Mrs. Dimick formerly resid ed in uregon tjiiy. i R. J. Bealy of Portland was a Sun day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Warner of Mt. Pleasant Mr. Bealy is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Warner, his wife who died two weeks ago, was formerly Miss Emma Hickman. Mrs. E. H. Reddaway, formerly Kate Warnock and two sons of Mil waukie, were Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Warnock of Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Cleve Stewart of Carver was in Oregon City Saturday. She brought her son to the doctor. He has blood poison in his left hand. Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Stehman and little son, Elmer of Oregon City, ac companied by the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Link Stehman of Fern Ridge have returned to their homes after a two week's visit at Seattle, Wash., with relatives. They made the trip by auto. . The funeral service of the 16 months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Scheer who died at the home of its grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood ward of Twilight was held at the Hol man and Pace chapel Monday after noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Thompson pastor of the Methodist church offic iated. Mrs. W. C. Green and Miss Dorothy Terrill sang "Somewhere the Sun is Shining" and "Shall we Meet Beyond the River" accompanied by Mrs. Phipps. The little fellow was laid to rest in the Mt. View cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Titus, who have been residing in Oregon City, will go to Estacada, where Mr. Titus has ac cepted a position at the Estacada Power Plant. Mrs. Titus is visiting a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Mumpower at Logan before going to Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Ray and children of Oregon City went to For est Grove one day last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lowe, who have charge of the J. C. Penny store at that place. Mrs. Joe Miller and her aunt, Mrs. John Surfus were transacting busi ness in Portland on Wednesday of this week. Lyman Mack; a former Oregon City boy but now of Portland, where he has an orchestra furnished music for the dance which was given at Willamette Hall Saturday night J. I. Guttridge and his brother, G. W. Guttridge, whose homes are at Springwater were in Oregon City on business Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs: Dan Noland, who are residents of Oregon City went to Buckner Creek on Tuesday of this week where they own a 40 acre farm. They expect to put in potatoes and other vegetables and will spend their summer vacation on the farm. Mrs. Charles Legler of Gladstone and Miss Lillian Gillett of Oregon City were Portland visitors on Wed nesday of this week. Mrs. C. A. Morris, whose home is at Estacada was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Neff, who are residents of Canby were transacting business in Oregon City Tuesday. j Taylor W. Henderson, whose home is at Elwood, Oregon, but who was brought to the home of his son Will Henderson of 10th and Taylor streets Oregon City some time ago for medi cal treatment is still critically ill. Miss Geneva Young of Oregon City was transacting business in Portland Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Robert Beatt'e whose home is at Beaver Creek visited her daughter, Mrs. Orph Parker of Oregon City Teusday of this week. Mrs. Richard Freytag of Gladstone went to St. Johns Wednesday where she was a visitor at the home of her brother C. E. McGetchie and family. G. Austin, who is a resident of Da mascus was. transacting business In Oregon City Tuesday of this week. Frank Jones, a resident of Port land visited his brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones of Canemah on Wednesday. He also visited Sid ney Nutall and family. Miss Vera Caufield spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Bull Run. Mrs. Stewart was Miss Clara-Warner before her marriage. " Mrs. C. A. Morris, a" resident of Es tacada was an Oregon City visitor on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Emma Flagler, who has been ill at her home on 12th and Taylor streets, Oregon City- is improving. She had a severe attack of lagrippe. Miss Ella Schiewe, who." has been making her home in Oregon City went out to Meadowbrook to take care of her mother Mrs. Peter Schewe, who has been critically ill with lagrippe. Mr. and Mrs. I. Cook and son Clif ford, were Oregon City visitors Sat urday of last week. GOING EAST? If so, have your ticket routed Through California "The Sunshine and Open Window Way" A Choice of Routes Convenient Schedules Liberal Stopover Privileges Through Sleeping Cars Observation Cars Dining Cars Every part of the service contributes to the Traveler's Comfort Stop at San Francisco and Los Angeles, world famous . and beautiful cities For further particulars, ask agents or write Southern Pacific Lines . JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. GOOD MORNING This is Good Friday Get your HOT CROSS BUNS Today and Saturday Made by the Peerless Bakery and sold by The Hub Grocery ON THE HILL Phone 41 7th and Center C. W. P. Mill Changes Managers A. Bankus, who has been mill man ager for the Crown Willamette Paper company at the local plant has been promoted to the position of assistant manager with offices in Portland. Mr. Bankus, who has been in charge here for some time has made many friends in Oregon City and West Linn, who wish him success in his new po sition. Mr. Bankus will be succeeded here by C. W. Morden. Banner-Courier Classified Ads bring home the Bacon. THE BEST Is none too good for ourc ustomers. That's I we choose only the best I meats for your use. TRY US FOR YOUR EASTER ROAST OR FOWL You will find our meats and our delivery ser vice all that you could ask, Farr Bros. Grocery and Market 903 - 7th ..-..Oregon City 1 1 1 Xs M "-Ac -X 4 -N 1 I IvV-. . - i "VI fM r''tfi m wilful 1 fw'jjj!" . MEN It's Nearly Easter Sunday next, marks the beginning of a long season when the days are bright, warm and inviting. When you'll want to be outside,- in the sunshine you'll want to be look ing your best you'll want to feel and know that your clothes are stylish, tailored becomingly and exactly right in every re spect. You'll want to be wearng a Society Brand or Kirchbaum Suit $35 and $40 $30 and $35 Others at $25 and $27.50 Step in today. Your suit is here. Get it wear it Easter. Also Easter Hats, Caps, Shirts, Shoes, Ties and Men's fur nishings of all kinds. All new and nifty. JUSTIN & MONTGOMERY, Inc. MEN'S WEAR Personal Service That YouH Like Roseburg to vote on bonds for addi- Corvallis, Monroe and Bellfountain State highway commission lets tions to schools. telephone line to be rebuilt. 000,000 road contracts. I! N D R A N A SPEEDING EOOL rounding a sharp curve is the source of many accidents. In avoiding him you may hit anoth er car, a fence, or a post. Seldom Escapes Wreck The most careful driver seldom escapes a collision during the life of his car. Other drivers, slippery pavements mechanical defects, and hundreds of other things cause collisions. If your car Is insured against collision, if wrecked you get cash to repair or replace it. You need automobile insurance against fire, theft, liability, pro perty damage and - collision. Thi3 agency sell "Two Hart fords" policies. oWland REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 620 Main St Oregon City, Oregon . NSft of All Ready for Your Paint Problems Our stock of Acme Quality Paints and Fin ishes, nationally known ass trictly first quality, is complete. We are now ready to give you the benefit of our paint knowledge whether you wish to buy or merelyask questions. Painting and finishing is no longer a luxury; it's a surface saver and a neecssary protection against wear and decay. If there are any shabby spots about your home call and get the proper finish to renew, brighten and preserve them. Free booklet on Home Decorating. JJones Diniff Connpariy Bridge Corner Oregon City