THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922. Page Nine utomobile Gossip Merchant of Sandy Donates Auto Park Sandy, March 25. Paul Meinig, a prominent merchant of Sandy, has de cided to donate the use of his park for an auto camp ground for tourists till after the 1925 fair. This natural park has been used for out-of ?door celebra tions ever since pioneer days.. The Community club will probably take up the question of water and lights. Carver-Portland - Stage Run Begun Carver, March 25. An auto stage running between Carver and Port land started its trips Tuesday. It wil leave Carver five times daily. Will She Outdo Vive La France? The record of 14918 pounds of milk, 883.36 pounds of butterfat, just com pleted by Birdie Owl of M. L. P. 415227 is most creditable and ranks her among the Oregon persistent pro ducers. It is certain that she will be given every opportunity in the Ore glow herd of making a long-distance record. This is her second record, having produced 714 pounds of butter fat, and winning an A. J. C. C. C. gold medal as a two-year-old. In her first two lactation periods she has excelled the reocrds made by Vive La France. Birdie producer 1598 pounds and Vive 1526 pounds of butter-fat. Birdie is owned by W. M. Ladd, Portland, Oregon. Detroit The new Kickenbacher ru tomobile plant is producing 20 cars a day. Orders from all parts of the country indicate that this will have to be increased shortly. COMFORTABLE PLACE FOR CHILD IN AUTO But Little Material Needed for Making Hammock. Hammock Takes Up Room Usually Occupied by Third Person Riding in Rear Seat and Is Easily At tached or Detached. Six screen-door springs, a barrel hoop, and a yard of heavy cloth were the materials necessary to make a baby's hammock for the auto tonneau, which gives useful sen-Ice and com fort. The hammock takes the place of ike third person In the rear seat, as .shown. It can be quickly attached or detached, and swings baby safe from Jolting. The hoop was from a barrel, ;16" inches in diameter, and was cut In .half, each half holding one end of the hammock. These half hoops were held 80 Inches apart by means of heavy COMMENT On Things Doing As Seen From Where We Stand .The Baby Is Thoroughly Comfortable on Dally Auto Airings When Resting in the Hammock. cloth sewed to them. Attached to each half hoop are three screen-door springs, cut the right length to hold the hammock In a nearly horizontal position, when the baby is not in it The springs are wired to a ring at each end, and the rings slip over hooks at the supports. When baby -and the pillows are placed in the hammock, it ags down just enough to be comfort table. The blanket and pillows can be placed to cover the springs also, thus accommodating a larger child. Popu lar Mechanics Magazine. Conditions in Dublin, still remind us of the old joke if ye love ime hit me, Pat, I'm spoilin' for a fight The president of the Mine Workers suggests ' that we nationalize the mines. Now we suppose the operators will suggest the nationalization of the miners. Portland's Master Shoeshiners have lowered their prices to 10 cents, a thirty-three and one third per cent drop, which would be a radical reduc tion if applied tp some things, coal miners wages for instance. A man claims to know a weed that will cure the tobacco habit We know what it is but don't know the name. They make five cent cigars of it Arizona Republican. . The Journal says that grocery prices may reach normalcy in. 1924. Trouble is, there are so many differ ent ideas as to what normalcy really is that it may be hard to reach, all of them at the same time. First, we are told, Congress had a farm bloc and now there is the tariff bloc, lead by Senator Gooding .of Ida ho, who, we suppose would be termed the bloc head. We alse suppose there will now arise a bloc to block the bloc. A New York criminalogist states that out of 22,000 criminals he has examined only four were college grad uates, while in a test of 1000, seven per ecnt were high school graduates. The question arises, is this because education does not appeal to criminals or is it because criminals do not "take" when exposed to education. Madame Joffre sallied forth to mar ket and personally selected the mater ials for Papa Joffre's dinner, then pre pared it with her own hands, thus ex emplifying a characteristic of the French housewife, which played no small part in the late war. In France the joy" of going to market on Market Day is more to the French'housewife than a fire sale or dollar day to the American housewife and at the same time not half so hard on father. A wholesale paper house has been established in Astoria called the As toria Overseas corporation. This firm recently imported two cargoes of news print and cr"aft paper for sale on the Pacific coast We wonder that the Portland papers who have been crying the merits of Oregon products and the advisability of buying Oregon made goods do not have more to say on this subject. . One thing the world is greatly in need of is the ability to see the other fellows viewpoint. We wonder how the coal miner would feel about the strike if he were an operator, how the operator would feel if he were a min er and how either would feel if they were mere innocent Dystanaers wno will ultimately pay the bill. There are merchants and mer chants. A short time ago we had a fire a big fire and the fire boys, having dressed in a hurry, had left their money in their other pants. They needed cigarettes and asked a mer chant to trust them for the price till the morning after. They got no cigar ettes from him. Another merchant when asked brought out cigarettes by the "carton, gratis, and was glad of the chance. As we remarked before, there are merchants, and merchants. Coquille to get new shingle mill and cedar products factory. " La Grande Local hotel to be en larged and improved. Grants Pass Crescent City rail road to be completed. Atsoria Bonds sold to purchase pipe for constructing water mains. Of $358,417.27 taxes to be collected this year in Lake county, $155,000 to be used for educational purposes. Union Main streets to be paved. Marshfield Oregon Export Lumber Co. resumes operations. Tillamook Trask river to .Tilla mook river market road to be paved. Lebanon Armory nearing comple tion. Turner Willamette Valley Flax and Hemp Growers' Assn. purchases local flax plant Toledo Contract let for 15 houses. Wheeler After 14 months idleness, local mill starts up with 117 men on payroll. Estimated that Malheur county 1922 wool clip will reach 1,500,000 lbs. Eugene $32,000 prunes shipped in one day. State highway commission to let $1,000,000 road contracts. California-Oregon Power Co. to con struct power line between Springfield and Cottage Grove. St Helens Knights of Pythias planning to build lodge temple. Heppner Local telephone system receiving $10,000 improvements. Plans underway to complete St. Hel-ens-Pittsbrug market road. Oregon City New ferry across Willamette making regular schedule, reopening Pacific highway. Banks Contract let to clear and grub 50 acres land. Reedsport Winchester Bay Lbr. Co. extending logging railroad. 100 miles railroad to be ocnstructed from Bear valley to Crane by way of Burns. Portland 134 West Coast sawmills for week ending March 11, manufac tured 80,590,443 feet of lumber; sold 67,727,681 feet; and shipped 76,213,927 feet. Unfilled domestic cargo orders totaled 82290,745 feet; and unfilled ex port orders 80,441,973 feet Unfilled rail trade orders totaled 4,829 cars. Eugene carpenter's union has re duced wage scale to $6.00. Dallas Stock all subscribed for $25,000 cannery. Pilot rock getting double modern fireproof business building. Hood River 119 carloads apples sold for $1.51 per box Carver railroad to extend nine miles to Viola on Clear Creek. Shedd Land owners plan to drain 3300 acres land. Garibalde-Local sawmill starts cutting dock planking. Central Oergon highway from Flor ence east so far has cost $1,450,000. Dallas has a new cement brick fac tory. Sandy $30,000 bonds to be voted on for erection of new high school. Sumner Smith-Powers Logging Co. to open camp soon. Bend Methodists to complete church. Formation of union high school dis trict with Canby as center gets appro- Oil the spark and throttle lever con nections at intervals. Common stove polish will keep the rims in good condition. The right temperature for the motor to run Is about 140 degrees Fahrenheit REALTY TRANSFERS Weekly Record of Property Changes Compiled From County Recorder's Office. List Includes Transfers up to Each Wednesday Ashland Property owners to help city in improvement of streets. Hood River Work resumed on new city reservoir. Union Contract let for laying wa ter mains prior to paving. Dallas experience building boom. OUR AUTO REPAIR DEPARTMENT In auto repairing as in any other highly specialized line of work, it is absolutely necessary that the workmen be highly trained, experienced men, in or der to turn out work of a high quality, without waste of time. val. Lebanon cannery to operate on large scale. Ashland Campaign- started to boost building activities. . Aumsville Contract let for new $23,000 school building. Washington has voted down 45. out of 48 initiative and referendum meas ures. They cost the state $158,465 to submit. Oregon has defeated 114. - ' Income tax receipts for 1922 have fallen off $300,000,000 so far. States planning to raise revenues by a state income tax would find themselves on a diminishing revenue. MARRIAGE LICENSE Benjamin R Wolfer, age 29, Aurora Rt. 4 to Violet V. Welch, age 17, Au rora Rt. 4. Christ W. Borges, age 30, Boring Rt. 3. to Lois Mullannox, age 27, Bor ing Rt 3. Glen G. Bogart, age 23, Portland, to Alice M. Dodge, age 19, Canby. . If you have not tried our repair department you have an agreeable sur prise awaiting you. 9 Oregon City Auto Co. RADIATOR FOR AUTOMOBILES Invention of Brooklyn Man Adapted for Use in Cooling Any Circulat ing Liquid. The Scientific American in illustrat ing and describing a radiator, the In vention of A. Nebel of 794 Knicker bocker Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., says : The invention relates to liquid cool ing devices, and Is particularly adapt ed for use as a radiator for automo biles, but may be used wherever It is ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiis 1 CLEAR VISION 'IS GIVEN To obtain a clear view ahead 5 s through the glass of the wind- E shield In rainy and snowy weath- er is vitally important to the "Z. safety of the motor car and Its E 5 occupants. Many schemes are E S used to keep the glass , clear in E E wet weather, but perhaps the E old-fashioned alcohol and glyc- erin mixture, which Is carried in a small bottle and rubbed on the glass as needed, is best. If the bottle containing the solu- E tlon Is wrapped in a eloth and stowed away in the side pocket It will always be ready for use and a cloth to apply It with will be at hand. F.iiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiimiifri A View Partly In Section, Showing the Arrangement of Tubes. desirable to cool a circulating liquid. Among the objects .is to provide a radiator having its parts so con structed as to bring the circulating fluid in contact with a large exposed surface whereby the liquid may be ef fectively cooled, in a limited spaced ODRINANCE NO.- An Ordinance appropriating the sum of $500.00 out of the general fund as payment to Oregon City-West Linn Ferry Co., for the purpose of assisting ! and maintaining transportation across the Willamette River, and declaring an emergency. Oregon City does ordain las follows: Independent Service Station OAK GROVE Associated Gasoline Cars, 26c Trucks, 25c Western Oil, 20c per qt. or 53c per gallon 10 gallons or over, at 40c Eastern. Oil, 30c per qt. or 90c per gallon Kerosene, 18c per gallon These Oils Are Absolutely Guaranteed Cycol, 75c TUBES VULCANIZED, 25c Section 1.- That there be and here by Is appropriated the sum of $500.00 out of the general fund as payment to Oregon City-West Linn Ferry Co., for the purpose of assisting and maintain ing transportation across the Willam ette River. Section 2. The Mayor and Record er of Oregon City be and hereby are authorized to draw a warrant In fa vor of Oregon City-West Linn Ferry Co., in the amount of $500.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 1 of this ordinance. Section 3. It is hereby adjudged and declared that existing transporta tion conditions across the Willamette River, are such that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preserva tion of the public peace, health and safety, and an emergency Is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its approval by the mayor. Read first time at a regular meet ing of the city council held on April 5th, 1922, at 7:00 o'clock P. M., and ordered published to come up for sec- and reading and passage at a special meeting of the city council to be held on the 18th day of April 1922, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. C. W. KELLY, Recorder. corder are hereby authorised to draw a warrant on said fund In favor of A. G. Long & Co., for the same. Section 2. Whereas the fire depart ment of Oregon City is in immediate need of the hose described in section 1 of this Ordinance, and the purchase of the same is necessary for the Im-' mediate preservation of the health and safety of the public, in the judg ment of the city council of Oregon City, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its approval by the mayor. Read first time at a special meet ing of the city council hehi on April 5th, 1922 at 7:30 o'clock P. M., and ordered published to come .up for sec ond reading and passage at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on the 18th day of April 1922, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. C. W. KELLY, Recorder. ODRINANCE NO.- An ordinance appropriating the sum of $650.00 out of the general fund in payment for 500 feet of hose purchas ed of A. G. Long & Co., and declaring an emergency. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and here by is appropriated the sum of $650.00 out of the general fund in payment for 500 feet of hose purchased of A. G. Long & Co., and the mayor and re- e YOUR CHANCE To Hear Rev. DR. DICKEY THE NOTED PSYCHOLOGIST Sunday April 9th 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. WILLAMETTE HALL Subject 7:30, "The Great Psychological Crime" Dr. Dickey can be seen at Room A, the Electric Annex. Divine healing. Advice, and per sonal instruction. SUCCESS TAUGHT Acetelae lorcnes are t SULCUS O IWJBil $ method of welding and repairing any metal work. Our complete eqiupment and skilled workers in this line en ables us to repair practically every kind of a break in or on your car, especially such mis haps as bursted water jackets, cylinder heads, cracked cylin ders, broken frames and the like. And we can do it at a nominal cost ON THE HILL Oregon City Welding. & Brazing Shop 615 - 7th Street We Know Batteries Like a Book! Repairing batteries may look easy but it isn't! To be successful, a repair man has to know just how to handle the plates that hold the active material that keeps life in the bat tery. He has to know how to take care of the insula tors that keep the plates apart. He has to know when it is cheaper for you to buy a new battery than to have the old one re paired. Bring your battery in to Headquarters no matter whether it's a Willard or not. Well tell you what it needs, if anyttiing, how much the cost will be and whether repairs will pay or not. CON HILGERS Battery Rebuilding and Repairing. Twelfth and Main Oregon City, Ore. Representing Willard Storage Batteries THS UNIVERSAL CAR Gutlfour Beliveis? Cbsfs And remember the lowest Brat cost, the lowest upkeep and the highest resale value of any motor car ever built. Expand your sales zone reach more customers. Figured from every conceivable standpoint a Ford Chassis, and a body to suit your needs will not only speed up and substantially lower the cost of your light delivery and hauling, but it will establish for your busi ness an invaluable reputation for promptness and efficiency. Buy now. Terms if desired. Park-Shepherd Motor Co. Incorporated 4th and Main Sts., Oregon City, Ore. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING A shabby looking car advertises neglect. Let us do your Re-Finishing. WITH O. C. AUTO PAINT SHOP MILLER-PARKER CO. Dependable Farm Tools and Hardware We are now carrying a complete line of Farm Tools, Pitchforks, Hoes, Rakes Shovels, Axes, Saws. AU new stock and all standard makes In these lines as in all lines we carry we will continue our policy of handling only the highest quality of merchandise at prices as low as can be maintained consistantly con sidering the quality of the goods. At Foot of Cfty Elevator OREGON CITY, OREGON 3 9 0 At the foot of Singer Hill ifylL L SAFETY FIRST For if safety is not 5 first it is not safety. In choosing your repair mechanic as in driving it is well to look ahead, for after the work is done it's too late to regret that you didn't en trust your car to competent mechanics. CAPITAL GARAGE Less Crawford, Prop. 10th and Railroad Oregon City 609 Main Street ' Phone 429