The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, April 06, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Page Three
Interesting Items From the Country Correspondents
, Telling of the Progress; Development, and
Upbuilding of Social and Civil Life
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shockley of
Mount Pleasant called at the Shock
ley home last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss motored
to Oregon City on Wednesday.
Those who attended the Sunday
school convention at Jennings Lodge
were Ed Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Guill
lam, Mr. and Mrs. John Kline.
Mrs. Even Lewis went to Oregon
City last -week to consult her physi
cian in regard to an operation on her
Mr. and Mrs. Lake Casto and daugh
ters Esther and Verna, were guests
at George Bliss' home last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Yergens . and
family of Butteville were Sunday
guests at Mr. and Mrs. John R: Lewis.
Quite a few of the Grange people of
Carus attended the Grange at Beaver
Creek Saturday evening.
Miss Esther Moserof Stafford spent
the week-end with her aunt Mrs. Wei
ser. Mr. George Bliss went to -Oregon
City last Monday to have some dental
work done.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Faurie and
daughter, Margureite, spent Sunday
afternoon with the Bliss family.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenborn en
tertained friends at their home Friday
The play given by the Ladies Aid
Friday evening was well attended.
The proceeds were $40.80.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen were in
Oregon City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theobold gave a
week-end party last 'week. "
Mrs. R. A. Payne and her mother,
Mrs. Bushbaum were visiting Mrs.
Bert Mosier of Tualatin Sunday.
Arthur Borland expects to have his
crop of hounds ready for the chase in
the near future.
Paddy De Neui was a midnight vis
. itor in Ramtown last week.
Ray and Marion Payne spent Sat
urday afternoon at their friends, Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Larson were
in Oswego Saturday.
John Raicy and Bob Payne installed
themselves a new phone la3t week.
Bob Payne, Ray Bushbaum, Mrs.
John Raicy were in Oregon City Mon
day. Mr3. Ernest Wilke and baby spent
Friday afternoon at Mrs. George
Geo. Saum. had a full crew planting
spuds on all-fools-day.
' Work on market road No. I will
start this week if the weather per
mits. George Saum is driving a new Over
land. John Raicy "has his house about
completed. Will move into it In a
couple of weeks.
Bob Payne is shingling his house
between showers.
I. A. Bushbaum was a Portland vis
itor Thursday.
Mrs. Payne's and Mrs. Raicy's mo
ther from Seattle has been visiting
them the last two weeks.
Roy Schroeder, who has been stay
ing with his sister in Sellwood, was
home visiting his father last week.
Well the Carver line hasn't reached
us yet but it has been the means of
some new neighbors coming here
The pie, coffee and cake social that
came off on Friday evening after the
business of the Farm Bureau and a
program by some of Viola's bright
stars, netted us $1555 to go to the
Childern's Farm Home. There were
qiute a number of Redland people
down. We ask them to come again.
Mrs. A. Smathers of Idaho, is here
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Win.
Mattoon for a visit.
Bob Mattoon and family were out
from Oregon City on Sunday to visit
with their relatives. -
Mrs. Clark Cockerline is confined
to her bed with muscular rheuma
tism. Dr. Cary of Estacada was call
ed over to see her on Saturday. We
all hope to see her up and well again
Mrs. Elmer Mattoon of Oregon
City, was out to see her friend, Mrs.
C. Cockerlin on Sunday. .
Ray Miller went to town and had a
number of teeth extracted one day
last week. He says now he can eat
lemon pie and not get the tooth ache.
Wm. Hicinbothom and family went
to Vanocuver on. Sunday to visit some
Miss Minnie Craft of Dodge spent
the week end at the Hicinbothom
home. t
Mrs. J. Randolph and Mrs. M. L.
Sevier were visiting friends in Port
land Saturday and Sunday.
J. H. Sevier is employed at the
Kaake and Jubb saw mill at Dodge.
Mrs. Elmer Lankin's mother is here
at the home of her daughter after
spending a couple of weeks in town
with relatives.
Mr. Clarence Martin of Cheney,
Wash., came out to see his old friends
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cummin, recently,
Mr. D. G. White sprained his ankle
quite badly one day last ek which
has kept him confined to the house.
Miss Norma Randolph and her
friend, Miss Constance . Richmond,
spent the week end at the J. Ran
dolph home. '
Frank and Walter Ford sold their
potatoes and are hauling them to
The Rosemount boys played a big
ball game Sunday in. Mr. Koeller
meier's field.
Frank Fisher made a business trip
to Portland. '
Our road supervisor, Mr. D. O. Day
is fixing up the Lower Rosemount
Frank Fisher and daughter Erna
were on the sick list but are able to
be about again.
Mildred Anderson and Ethel Fisher
visited Mr. Thomas Hagge, Sunday.
Mr. Alfred Anderson made a busi
ness trip to Oregon City Tuesday.
A surprise party was held at Mr.
Kuntzman's, Saturday evening, Mar.
25th. in honor of Mrs. Kuntzman's
and son, Wesley's birthday.
-Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
George Gill and - sons, Lester, Manu
al and Vergel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson,
and children Mildred Edith and Al
fred, Mrs. Lue Ford and son, Elmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher .and son,
Erna Fisher, Ethel Fisher Ella Fisher
of Portland also Mr. Laurence Flan
nery of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Robinson nd daughter, Ruth, Mrs.
Lytzell, Zannah Lytzell,' Julia - Lyt
zell and Luis Lytzell, Mr. and Mrs.
Cass, Mrs. Blenley, Irys" Day.
The evening was spent in playing
card games.
E. E. Berger took a load of hogs to
Portland market- last week. He re
ceived top price for them.
Albert and Otto Gaersser took in
the sheep demonstration at W. W.
Harris farm last week.
Last Friday County Agent Holt held
a potato demonstration at Fred Mar
shall's farm. The following were pres
ent: George Hofstetter, Edward and
John Leichtweis, Charles and Albert
Gasser, Clyde Ringo, Sam' Elmer, E.
E. Berger, Charles, Theodore William
and Fred Marshall, James Rutterford
and Mr. Crocket. Mr. Holt explained
how to select seed -and treatment, al
so spoke about the different kinds of
diseases and how to overcome them.
Right after the demonstration they
took orders and about 50 sacks were-
ordered. Mr. Berger and Mr. C. Mar
shall went to a party, Dave long,
about seven, miles from Oswego and
bought the potatoes the Beaver Creek
Co-op Coimp. truck will bring them
out this week. We all will try to raise
spuds in the future, according to O. A.
C. regulation and also the kind that
the market demands. We all hope to
get rich for sure especially if the Port
land people buy their potatoes from
North Yakima, like they have done in
the past. Somebody said Portland
would raise a "tax in Yakima to fi
nance the 1925 fair. Portland is very
much in favor for home trade.
In the past Oregon farmers have
had to send potatoes to California,
now the Oregon farmers could like
wise buy the groceries, dry goods and
farm implements from California deal
ers direct and so we would not need
any Portland brokers.
Otto Schumann's representative
from Portland was out here last Fri
day. Why not get Trempstones from
North Yakima.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Oldenburg, Mr. and Mrs.
George Clarke and Mr. A. Oldenburg
visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Berg
er last Sunday.
Philip Leichtweis from Molalla vis
ited his brothers here last Sunday.
Several young ladies of Maple Lane
have formed a sewing club with Mrs.
A. B. Taylor as instructor.
We hear rumors of a kindergarten
Clarence Stagg as manager.
Coming to Portland
in Internal Medicine for the
past eleven years
Will be at Benson Hotel
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Saturday, Apil 12, 13, 14, 15
Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p.
No Charge, for Consultation
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate
in. medicine and' surgery and is li
censed by the state of Oregon. He
visits professionally the more import
ant towns and cities and offers to all
who call on this trip free consultation,
except the expense of treatment when
desired. ' j
According to his methods of treat
ment he does not operate for chronic
appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of
stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
. He has to his credit ' wondeful re
sults in diseases "of the stomach, liver,
bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid
ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh,
weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg
ulcers and rectal ailments.
If you have been ailing for any
length of time and do not get any
better, do .not fail to call, as improper
measures rather than disease are very
often the caues of your long standing
Remember above date, that consul
tation on this, trip will he free and
that his treatment is different
Married women must be accompan
ied by their husbands. "
Address: 336 Boston Block, Minne-
base ball club being formed with
Mr. Reginald Vowles, who has been
East on a trip combining business
and pleasure arrived home from Chi
cago by the . way of Carthage, Miss
ouri, Los Angeles and San Francisco,
Cal At present he is visiting his
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Stagg and expects soon to make his
home in Mt Pleasant.
Hazel Shields, who has been on the
sick list for some time past is steadily
Mrs. Anna Nash of Oregon City is
visiting at Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Staggs.
Mr. Robert Burleigh of Eugene is
spending his Easter vacation with
his grandmother, Mrs. Mighells.
Mrs. Olsen and children expect to
leave for California the latter part of
this week.
Mrs. A. B. Taylor's two daughters,
Mrs. Floyd and Mrs. Buffurn and
their husbands attended the dance at
the Grange Hall Saturday evening.
They were accompanied by several of
their Portland friends.
Joe Swiatkowski is still in the hos
pital in Oregon City as the result of
a broken arm on March 26. Sorry old
top you could not see the April 2
Mrs. Eggink was home from Port
land over Sunday.
The Maple Lane base ball club play
ed two games Sunday, April 2, win
ning the first game form the Aber
nethy nine, score 25 to 21. In a sec
ond game with Oregon City the score
stod five to six in favor of Oregon
City at the end of the fourth inning.
Oregon City refusing to play the fifth
inning as agreed upon.
Mrs. Lund Fritz and Helen Lund
and Mrs. Lund's grandson, Buddy,
and Mr. B. Sanbland were callers at
the Boyer home Sunday afternoon and
Mrs. Hamalton and daughter, Bar
bara are visitors this week at Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Arnett,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith took Sunday
dinner with their daughter, Mrs. Floy
Crane of Portland.
Ralph Boyer spent Sunday after
noon and evening with home folks
Sunday returning to work Monday
Mrs. S. Strang is entertaining a
guest this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Priest of Port
land spent Saturday evening and Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. George Priest.
Mrs. Gertrude Harpe and Mrs. D.
A. London called, on Mrs. Boyer
Thursday morning.
- Mr. G. Hobbs of Mt. Pleasant called
Carver State Bank
Offers Unique Plan
Did yo uever have one of your checks "raised", that is, altered
to read a larger amount than originally intended? Then quit
worrying about a recurrence of it because it is now possible to
get insurance against such loss without charge.
The Carver State Bank of Carver is now furnishing its depos
itors without charge with checks insured for $1000.00 against loss
.from check raisers.
A small vest pocket isnurance bond with identification card
showing finger-prints, photograph and signature is furnished each
depositor using the insured checks. .
It has been stated that the American Banking Institutions pro
gress, becasue they provide, and protect and serve, and in this
instanec the Carver State Bank is furnishing its customers a
Four (4) paid on time deposits,
Carver, Oregon
F. RYAN, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice. Prei.
R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier
Dependable Poultry Feeds
Are a large factor in successful poultry farming.
We carry a large and complete stock of poultry sup
plies and grain at prices which compare very favor
ably with pre-war times.
Larsen & Company
10th and Main
Saturday at Mr. Putman's" for his
chicks. About 550 was the number
he received so he will have something
to do for awhile.
'A very delightful time was had by
the East Clackamas Social Club Sat
urday night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. Priest. The home was very
prettily decorated with daffodils. Af
ter the five hundred playing was over,
the played games and had vocal and
instrumental music. A very fine
lunch was served by Mrs. G. Priest,
Mrs. W. L. Priest, and Mrs. C. JL.
Priest. There was a very large at
tendance. No jokes were played and nobody
fooled. Meet in two weeks at Mrs.
Boyer"s April 15. Everybody come.
Miss Lucinda Barstowe of Scotts
Mills, who has been visiting at Ed.
Sharps, returned to her home Satur
day. While here, she visited her sis
ter? Marie, who is in the Oregon City
hospital following an operation for
Mrs. Ernest Nickolson visited Mrs.
Ernest Kruse Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs.' Elmer Kruse are re
ceiving congratulations over the arriv
al of a son born at the Oregon City
hospital, Sunday, April 2.
Miss Myrtle and Evelyn Oldenstadt
are on the sick list. ,
A surprise party was given on Mrs.
Smith Turner Friday night to ecle
brate her thirty-fourth birthday anni
versary. A very good lunch was serv
ed and everyone reports having a good
time. Those present were: Frances
Randelin, Myrtle Aden, Mildred and
George Oldenstadt, Melba and Lorin
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Iderhoff
and family, Wesly and Theodore
Woolevr, Hugh Moulton, Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Iderhoff and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Sharp and family, Mr. and
Mrs. John Seedling and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Gould and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Kruse and family, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Turner, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Schemer and family, Laillie
Moser, Clarence Koellemeier, Vick
Thompson, Frank Oldenstadt, Lucinda
Barstowe and Harry Gosser.
Among those attending the dance
given by the Stafford baseball boys at
Mulloy, Saturday night were: Mr. and
Mrs. Smith Turner and family, Myrtle
Aden, Mrs. Ed. Sharp and sons, Geo.
Oldenstadt, Hugh Moulton, Weslie
Woolever and Theodore Woolever.
Mr. Thomas Turner spent Saturday
night with his cousin, Norman Turn
er. .
Among those attending "the senior
play .given at fhe West Linn High
Oregon City
school Friday night were Hugh Moul
ton, Weslie Woolever and Theodore
Woolever, Adeline Oldham, Phyliss
Teodemire, Lena Elligsen, Homer
Nusbaum and Sabra Nusbaum. "
Work" on the new hall was started
full force Monday morning, and it is
hoped that it will be ready for use
by tjie next meeting.
Freddie Elligsen is spending the
week with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred. Elligsen. His mother is
working in the Oregon City hospital.
Miss Frances Randelin spent Satur
day and Sunday with her mother in
Mrs. Fred Elligsen gave a dinner
in honorof her uncle, Mr. Marion Pow-
ers, of Turner, Wash., Sunday. Mr.
Powers has been staying with Mrs.
Elligsen since last fall but expects to
return to his home soon. He is 84
years old and has been blind ever
since he was a very small child.'
Quite a number of "the boys from
this community attended the baseball
practice at Wilsonville, Sunday.
The Willamette grammar school
basket ball team played the champion
ship game with Molalla last week
and lost. The score being 19-8. This
is the only game of the season that
the boys have lost. - The line-up for
the season was: Frank Decker, cen
ter; Jesse Mootry and Ted Hoover,
forwards; Jim Peterson and Arthur
Hagan, guards. Although all the boys
played excellently, the stars were
Jesse Mootry and Jim Paterson. The
base ball season has opened and the
league games will start soon. We are
confident that they will do as well in
base ball as they did in basket ball.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Riley are put
ting up a new residence near that of
Mrs. Riley's mother, Mrs. Lindquist.
A silver tea was held at the home
of Mrs. F. Bennett Thursday, March
31. After a social afternoon 'a choice
luncheon was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson have
moved into their new home.
The De Moss concert given at the
school house last Friday was a suc
cess financially as well as musically.
rounding a sharp curve
is the source of many
accidents. In avoiding
him you may hit anoth
er car, a fence, or a
Seldom Escapes Wreck
The most careful driver seldom
escapes a collision during the
life of his car. Other drivers,
slippery pavements, mechanical
defects, and hundreds of other
things cause collisions.
If your car is insured against
collision, if wrecked you get
cash to repair or replace it.
You need automobile insurance
against fire, theft, liability, pro
perty damage and collision.
Thia - agency sell "Two Hart
fords" policies.
Phone 377 620 Main St
Oregon City, Oregon
- Clackamas County's Best -
Has a larger circulation within the trade zone of Oregon City
than has any other newspaper in circulation.
Offers a page of Independent Editorials covering topics
Political, Educational, and Social of the County, State and Nation.
Contains News written by special Correspondents in more
than 20 Different Communities Covering Clackamas County.
Gives All the worth-while Local and Society events.
Publishes County and Circuit Court Actions, Real Estate
Transfers and Markets.
Everybody Needs A Home Paper.
Get the Best
The money received from tickets and
door receipts amounted to sixty dol
lars and the eighth grade cleared four
and a half dollars from the sale of
home made candies. This money is
to be used for the purchasing of base
ball supplies for the school.
- The Willamette W. O. W. met at
the Bolton fire hall in open meeting
Thursday evening. . After the meeting
a banquet was enjoyed by the mem
bers. The date of the Epworth League
program has been set for April 12th.
Those taking part in it have been
working hard and it promises to be
"the best ever."
That Easter Suit
Should be a Society Brand
or a Kirschbaum
. These are suits that possess a distinction and
individuality which takes them out of the com
monplace class. Suits that are not "just made"
but are skillfully modeled and hand tailored.
Suits that are above the average in quality and
yet will compare with any in price.
The new Spring Models, and ours are all new models, are
to be had in tweeds, checks, stripes and plain materials, single
and double breasted for the younger men, with the imore conser
vative styles and patterns for the man of conservative tastes.
$40 and $45
We also carry a big line of Suits under our
own label, all-wool and absolutely guaranteed
to give satisfaction, priced at
$25 and $27.50
Be sure to see these suits before you buy.
Justin & Montgomery, Inc.
.7th Street Near Elevator Oregon City
Banner - Courier
The pile of logs which were un
loaded from the derailed car gome
months ago on the bend were reload
ed and taken away Monday.
Mrs. V. C. Barney and sons, Del
wyn and Russell are visiting with
Mrs. Barney's sister, Mrs. William
Koellemeier of the Advance District
near Stafford. They left a week ago
Miss Jean Moffatt returned to the
University of Oregon last Sunday.
Try the Banner-Courier want ads.
$30 and $35
1 apolis, Minn.