Page Ten THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922. i!;;;iiirL!:;;n!iii!;i!i!iii;;iiU!:!!iiiii!niiiiuiiii!i!ii! ..,..(,, ,1(a,laaa,l,alam,iaiia,iii,iit,iiffiiiiiMttMitiMniiifiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiriftiiiitimittiillillll SATURDAY IS OPPORTUNITY DAY HERE OFFERING REMARKABLE HOURLY SPECIAL, READ:-12 Super-Bargains For Saturday Only From 9 o'clock in themorning until 9 o'clock at night we will offer each hour, values -such as you have never seen before. Promptly at the stroke of each hour the respect ive merchandise advertised for that hour will go on sale and none will be sold after the 60 minutes hag elapsed. Come get your share of these wonderful Bargains. SALE STARTS AT 9 O'CLOCK None of these articles will be sold to dealers as in every case prices are below actual wholesale cost. We reserve the right to limit quantities to insure the greatest distribution of the bargains. Hourly Special From 9 Until 10 TOILET SOAPS lc CAKE Pure toilet soap made by thePalm Olive Co. in scents of White Rose, Glycerin, Wild Rose, Buttermilk and Elderflower. Hourly Special From 12 Until 1 ROYAL SOCIETY PACKAGE GOODS CHOICE 25c Closing out this line. Lot consists of scarfs, pillow tops, negligees, baby clothes, children's dresses, etc. Values to ?4 00. Hourly Special From , 3 Until 4 CLARKS 0. N. T. CROCHET COTTON 6 BALLS 25c Full sized balls, practically all colors and numbers. A fine mer cerized hard finish thread. Plenty of 50 and 60 white and ecru. Reg ular 10c ball. Hourly Special From 6 Until 7 SHOE POLISH CHOICE 5c All shoe polish and paste, Shihola, 2 in 1, A A Brown, Bixby's black, etc. Regular 10c 15c and 25c sellers. Hourly Special From 10 Until 11 HUCK TOWELS 4 FOR 25c Excellent quality huck towels, 18 x 36 inches. Red or blue bordered. These towels sell regularly for 25c each. Hourly Special From -1 Until 2 WOMEN'S WAISTS 59c Exceptional indeed are these pret ty waists made of white voile, lawn and Batiste, long sleeves, prettily trimmed. All sizes 34 to 48. New waists this season. Hourly Special From 4 Until 5 MEN'S DRESS SOX 5 PAIR 50c Men's fine dress Sox of cotton, silk lisle, and silk plaited. In col- ors of Grey, Cordovan, Navy, also black and white. Regular values 25c, 35c and 50c pair. Hourly Special From 7 Until 8 MEN! LOOK! OVERALLS 89c PAIR Double stitched, heavy weight 2-20 Denim. Al sizes. Get in on this men, it's a real buy. Hourly Special From - 11 Until 12 PERCALES 5c YARD Corona Brand, Standard weight, 36 inch Percale. Many beautiful pat terns In both light and dark. Reg ualr 23c yard. Hourly Special From 2 Until 3 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSE 2 PAIRS 25c Women's Use Hose, ribbed top in black or white. Regualr 35c pair. Children's school and dress hose in black and cordovan. Regular 25c pair. Queen Quality Shoes For Women The Quality Store of Clackamas County The Ready-to-Wear Section is Over Flowing With New Easter Apparel Coats Suits Sports Wear Capes Blouses Dresses We are ready to greet you with the largest showing of New Apparel to select from in Clackamas County. Styles were never so becoming as this season and the variety of fabrics and models are more numerous, per mitting a wide degree of preference. TWEED & POLO COATS $18.75 Just arrived! Another big shipment of these popular Cea's for sports and dress wear. Come in 36 -and 45 inch lengths with inverted pleat back, bellus pockets, half belf'and full belted. Some are full silk lined. SPORTS SUITS $15.75 to $25.75" Every woman should have one of these serviceable suits for the summer's )Ut-of-doors wear. A wide assortment of colors blues, browns, tans, greys and orchid. Developed of tveed and homespun fabrics that give the maximum of service. SEE OUR NEW WINDOW DISPLAYS Hourly Special From 5 Until 6 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS 25c Good lisle ribbed Union Suits, all sizes 36. to 44. Tight or loose knee styels. Buy the season's sup ply now at this price. Hourly Special From 8 Until 9 Men's Union Suits 45c Athletic Style, the famous Kool Weve , make. ' Elastic web insert back. Buy a few suits at this price, men. NECKTIES 45c 300 Neckties from our regular stock. Cut silks in a multitude of pretty patterns. Regular priced at 75c, f 1.00 and a few at $1.50. 4 1 New for Easter HATS AND CAPS Blossom .out Easter Morn in one of our becoming hats. You'll find Stetsons and Mal loys here none better"at J5.00 $6.00 and $7.00. All the new spring colors. Cloth hats of Tweed Teasel Cloth ana Gabar dine at $3.00 and $3.50. Caps of class at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Sale of Manufacturers' Sample line of Silk Dresses $ 15.75 just 25 of these silk dresses 4to go on sale Saturday at this price. A fortunate buy from a nationally known dress manufacturer makes . these values possible. , Dresses of taffeta, Krepe Knit, Crepe de Chine and Canton Crepe, colors of Navy, Black, Jade, Raspberry, Oriole, Fuchia. Also many pleasing combinations. mm rum i 1 m w Mr. Man How about that New . Suit for Easter Special Prices for Easter Week $22.50, $27.50, $32.50 Tweeds Worsteds Cassimeres Serges Choose your New Suit from'the largest stock in the County. Such famous, reliable, honest-to-goodness Clothing as Hart, Schaffner and Marx, Michael Stern and Clothcraft. Each the best in their respective class. ' The slim, the stout, the regular and the short can find the model that is best adapted to and. fits their figure. MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS $3.65 Goodyear Welt Rubber Heels Solid Leather All new. Four styles of shoes and Oxfords. Broad or English toes made of brown calf leather. Solid Oak Soles. An excellent dress shoes that is positively the best value in years. All sizes and widths. llllllllilllllllillllllM LOCAL BUYING MARKET Poultry Products Eggs, 19c per doz.; ducks, 20 and 25c per lb.; geese 15 and 20c per lb.;' chickens, light 17c, heavy (above 4 lbs.) 22c per lb. Dressed Meats Hogs top 14 and 14 1-2 per lb.; veal, 14c per lb. Live Stock Beef steers, top 5 to 7 1-2 per lb.; cows, top 5 l-2c per lb.; sheep 3 to 6c per lb.; lambs 8c per lb. Hay and Grain Hay Clover $16 to ?18 per ton; Oat $18 to $20 per ton; straw $8. Grain wheat, $1.25 per bu., oats, feed, $33.00 per ton; milling $36.00 per ton. Vegetables Potatoes $1 to $1.25 per cwt; seed, common $1.50 per cwt. ; certified, $3.00 per cwt; onions $12.00 per cwt.; cab bage 3 l-2c lb.; carrots $2.00 per cwt.; broccoli $1.75 per doz.; parsnips $2.00 sack. Hides Hides Calf 8c per lb.; kip 6c lb.; others' 3 to 4c. Districts voting were Sandy, Kelso, Cottrell, Bull Run, Cherryville, Fir- wood and Dover. Other districts are expected to join soon. The union board will adopt plans for the biuld- ing and advertise for bids soon. It is planned to have the building com pleted in the early fall. Clinefelters. Mrs. McDonnelle was and expect to locate further south. me mi. nooa Jjoop, win ue moving mis. maum6ij uu nas oeen ill iui ner bioici. - - - m, ,. ,, 1a, An-am his family down from Brightwood several months, was taken to Port- Mr. and Mrs. McDonelle, of Port- Miss Gladys Bacheler. Dr. Bacheler The McDonnelles plan on going down within a short time. land Sunday where she will be with land, were week end guests of the ana wne aie uuw m om x.ww Special Meetjng of Community Club A special meeting of the Sandy Community Club has been called for Friday evening att he City Hall, 8:00 o'clock sharp. . F. J. Tooze of Oregon City will be present to bring before the people of this community a place whereby they may have adequate rep representation in the county news paper, the Banner-Courier. Geo. L. Story Is Candidate To the Editor: I shall be a candi date in the primary for the Republi can nomination for the office of Cir cuit Judge of this county. The best traditions of the republi can party in the past has bt'an to ac cord to its members elected to office, two terms, and in making my announ cement at this time, I feel that I am following the best precedents of the party. I shall make an honorable appeal, in time, for the support of the people of Clackamas county, and shall cherr fully abide by their decision at the primary. GEORGE L. STORY. SANDY High School Election Carries 225 to 32 .At a special election of Union High School District No. 2 held in Sandy, Saturday, warrants to the amount of $30,000.00 were voted to butfd and equip a high school building on the four acre site recently donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed F. Bruns. .This is a most sightly loaction on the Bluff Road within the city limits of Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Clinefelter were din ner guests at the Esson home Tues day last, the occasion being Mr. Es son's birthday. Mrs. Emma Thomas, of Marmot, is at the Emanuel hospital, Portland, re covering from a severe operation. Mr. and Mrs. Post are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a son. Mrs. Post was Miss Lulu Roberts, of Dover. The Posts are making their home near Salem. John Stewart, of Portland, was in Sandy today submitting plans for the new high school building. Scales have the store beautifully deocrated for Easter. Something a little new in the way of decorations. Jean Proctor returned to Behnke- Walker Monday after an absence of two weeks, occasioned by the illness of her mother. The Essons and Mrs. J. M. C. Mill er attended the Galli-Curci concert last Thursday. The Sandy Literary club N were en tertained by Mrs. Esson last Wed nesday evening. A fine Easter program is being pre pared for the Community song service April 16th. Geo. Beer popular violin ist, will play group of classics, and the Sandy male quartette will make its first appearance. The regular meeting of the city council was postponed from last Mon day evening because of the absence of the recorder. The Scott family moved into the Grandma Maroney cottage last week. Mr. Gray, the instrument man, on sS: w J? ryv, ) few mmc -Vc-f v ft ' - i I Up! ays Easter to all Mankind F. J. TOOZE CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATOR A CONSTRUCTIVE PROGRAM AND TAX REDUCTION IS HIS SLOGAN SERVICE FOR ALL, SPECIAL FAVORS NONE n -. ; t 1 y IS ' turn V T ' " f t iJ4 1 , ' O ' A n al LL the world is dressing up for this occasion an oc casion that officially marks the opening of the Spring Season. And right now we have never presented a finer stock, never so complete, at prices so alluring. Men who have shopped everywhere tell us that there are no equals in values anywhere. We've known that right along so have hundreds of others who have bought from us. In time you, too, can find out what you can get in real values here. $20 -to $40 Representing some of the best values offer ed in years. Involving a selection that in cludes all the popular styles four-button and sport models v with sizes and -patterns for every man who comes to this Store. op v 6th and Main St. wartz Oregon City, Ore. t