The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, March 30, 1922, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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Page Eight
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. KMby were in
Monmouth Saturday where they visit
ed with their daughter, Miss Aletha
Kidby and her friend, Miss Mildred
Sladen, who are attending the Ore
gon Normal School there.
Miss Jean Moffat is home from the
University of Oregon for the spring
The annual senior class play will be
staged at the Union High school next
Friday evening. There is promise of
a big house and a good play.
Two new homes have been con
structed west of the Holly Gardens
reecntly. This district is rapidly be
ing settled and within a fw years
will in all probability be a residential
The city water supply has been low
for several adys, due to the fact that
the main across the river is still
likely to spring a leak any time. The
Busch fire also drew heavily from
the Oregon City reservoirs and it was
necessary that they be refilled. We
hope for a greater supply soon.
West linn has enjoyed fairly fine
March weather for several days and
the first signs of spring are here.
William Etters, died at his home
nea rParkplace on the Clackamas Riv
er, Saturday night, of pneumonia. Mr.
Etters was born April 19th, 1843 in
Lemont Penn., and moved her many
years ago with his parents. The fun
eral services were held Monday after
noon at the Holman & Pace chapel,
Oregon City with H. G. Edgar, pastor
of the Presbyterian church, officiat
ing. Mr. Etters was a Civil War vet
eran and was an honored member of
the Meade Post No. 2 of Oregon City.
This organization was largely repre
sented at the funeral services, as was
also the Woman's Relief Corps. The
deceased is survived by three chil
dren: Mrs. M. M. Cross of Oregon
City, Mrs. W. A. Cross of Parkplace,
and Mrs. Frank Lambert of Jennings
Lodge. He is also survived by a grand
daughter of Oregon City, two broth
ers, -Andrew Etters of Skamania,
Wash. David Etters of State College,
Pa., and a sister Mrs. George Boyer
of Boyne City, Michigan. The remains
'were interred in Mountain View
Cemetery, beside those of his wife
who passed away March 28th, 1918.
In the absence of both the pres
ident and vice-president of the Parent
Teacher association, the meeting was
called to order by the secretary, Mrs.
Rita Brunner. Plans were discussed
for a bazaar, which will be held some
time in April.
Mrs. Sheldon has recovered from
an attack of influenza.
Mrs. W. W. Holmes and daughter
Mrs. Brunner were in Portland Satur
day on business.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wallace have
sold their home in Parkplace and have
bought an apartment house in Cor
vallis, where they will reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Hansell made
a trip recently to Nashville, near
Dallas, where they have purchased a
950 acre ranch.
Mrs. L. L. Pope was shopping in
Oregon City on Friday.
Mr. H. O. Rosebraugh made a busi
ness trip to Clatskanie and Beaver
ton returning Saturday nigbt.
Mrs. Pearl Washburn, of Corvallis,
has visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Wallace.
Mrs. Levi Damorest of Milwaukie
spent Thursday in Parkplace with
Mrs. W. Murray was in Portland
Monday on business.
Mr. W. W. Smith is improving his
home by the addition of sleeping
To meet the demands of his busi
ness one of our local grocers re-ordered
several sacks of potatoes from
a farmer who lives some distance
away from Parkplace and as is his
custom, to avoid the perils of the
highway traffic by day, the potatoes
were accordingly delivered late at
night, paid for by the purchaser, and
properly stored away for future use.
Somehow, the officers of She law
had an inkling that merchandise had
ibeen delivered during the night, and
in pursuance to the vigilance incum
bent upon their respective offices,
routed the family from their slum
bers, and searched the biulding for
monshine, supposed to have been
smuggled in with the potatoes.
The quest was fruitless, no booze
was found and the raiders left after
apologizing for their unwarranted in
trusion. OAK GROVE
G. K. Hall Is repairing his house.
Mrs. Belle Elwood of Portland vis
ited Valeria Benvie last week.
Work on the church is progressing
nicely. An additional room is being
Mr. King of Kings Heights land Co.
of Portland will soon erect a $10,000
home on John Broetje tract. Ground
is already broken for same.
Mrs. V. G. Benvie, C. Ostrom, J. Gar
inger, C. Veiheaghe and Mr. E. Vei
heage attended the district Rebecca
convention last Saturday in Oregon
City. Mrs. Benvie gave the response
to the address of welcome.
A. D. Wood has built quite an addi
tion, to his home raising the roof aad
otherwise improving same.
Ore., where he ha3 a large contract
of work
Mrs. Benvie. who is in Americani
zation work says much work is need
ed among native born to make them
one hundred per cent Americans and
it behooves us the native born to so
raise ourselves to a high American
standard that we may be examples
for those who come to our land and
whom we require to become citizens
by naturalization. Let us live and
practice what we preach and what we
expect others to be.
The community club had an attend
ance of sixty members at its last
meeting and several new members
added. It is possible the crib will
place a float in the rose festival p?
rade this year. The club entertained
the public last Tuesday right when
an illustrated lecture on hygiene was
given at school house. A number of
men and women attended and were
much interested in the lecture.
Mrs. J. W. Brooks was somewhat in
disposed last week.
The annual reception of the Social
Service club was held Thursday at
home of Mrs. Mattie Pierce on the
River read. A short program and re
freshments were enjoyed. The club
passed the eighth anniversary of its
existence last January and was organ
ized in the same house in which the
reception was held Thursday.
On last Saturday night the Improve
ment club and friends enjoyed another
of those dances that have been a
pleasing feature of the club's social
activities during the winter.
B. A. Phillips was at Astoria last
Mrs. H. Roberts of Portland is a
geust of Mrs. F. A. Smith, during the
The Campf ire girls held a ceremon
ial meeting at the home of Patricia
Newland Friday, after the meeting
luncheon was served to the girls and
Mrs. Leslie Savage, formerly Mary
Puymbroeck, their leader.
Mrs. Waldorf was surprised on her
birthday, last Saturday, when a num
ber of friends and relatives came in
unexpectedly. The evening was spent
at cards, "500" being played, after
which delicious refreshments were
served, at cards first prizes were
won by Mrs. George Bullock and Otto
Larson, the booby prize being taken
by Mr. Waldorf.. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. A. Waldorf, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Yates, Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock,
Mr. and Mrs. George Emerick, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Weidman, Mrs. John Er
ickson, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Emmett;
Mrs. Lorenz Mrs. G. Cline, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Curtiss Miss Heronden, Aud
rey Cline Dolmer Erickson, Glen Wal
dorf and Earl Worthington.
Mr. David Nelson, Jr., of Oswego,
was married last week to a Miss Hu
ey of Portland.
A big supper was held at the M. E.
church last Friday night March 24, a
large crowd attended and after an
evening of games a supper was served
which consisted of coffee, cake, fruit
salad and sandwiches.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gaze entertained
a party of friends at their home,
"Shamrock Lodge"-St. Patricks even
ing. The evening was spent at cards
and dancing after which a delightful
luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs.
O. C. Merrick, Mrs. L. Philps, Claude
Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Philps,
Mrs. Dora Welson and hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hallinan gave
a St. Patricks Day party at their
home in Redland Saturday evening.
Those present were friends and rela
tives from Oswego, the Hallinan's
former home.
Mrs. Ethel Simonton and Mrs. W.
G. Weightman are entertaining their
guest, Mrs. Helen Griebel, of Seattle.
Mrs. John Davis entertained a num
ber of friends at her home Tuesday
afternoon with a demonstration party.
The card and dancing party given
by the Community Club at the Grange
hall last Saturday night was a splen
did success. After cards and dancing
several readings were given by Mrs.
D. E. Wilson, Mrs. L. C. Newlands
and Mrs. W. S. Wessling. After which
coffee and cake were served. Mrs.
Wessling took first prize for cards.
A baby daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. John Hawke last Wednes
day night. Both Mrs. Hawke and
daughter are doing nicely at the Ore
gon City hospital.
Miss Dora Oldenstadt spent Sunday
with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Old
enstadt. Miss Oldenstadt is working
for Parkers and going to high school.
Parkers recently lived in the Busch
From a Bride:
"As a young housewife of only
two and one-half years' ex
perience I am glad to find that
even we amateurs can cook
successfully if we use Royal
Baking Powder."
Mrs. J. L. M.
Absolutely Pure
Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste
Send for New Royal Cook Book It's FREE
Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St., New York
apartments which burned Thursday
night and Dora lost nearly all her
clothes and property.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner and
daughter, Nola, accompanied by their
neice, Miss Elsie Turner spent Sun
day with the former's sister, Mrs.
Ed. Seely of Meldrum.
Mr. Howard Turner spent Saturday
and Sunday with Willard Sharp'.
Hugh Moulton, Weslie Woolever
and Theodore Woolever also attended
the dance at Ladd Hill, but they went
in Woolever's Ford.
Hugh Moulton spent Sunday in Wil
sonville helping the boys clean off
the baseball diamond.
Thomas Turner of Advance spent
Saturday night with his cousin, Nor
man Turner. Thomas just returned
from his grandmother's place at Gar
den Home, where he has been work
Mr. Norman and Thomas Turner
spent Monday evening visiting Otis i
Mr. and Mrs, John Turner were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith !
Turner Monday night.
Those attending the baseball prac
tice at Stafford Sunday were: Otis
Robbins, Harold Sharp, Thomas Turn
er, and Norman Turner.
Mrs. Schmeer and children, Melba
and Lorin Baker spent the week end
with the former's mother Mrs. J. L.
Mrs. Ed Sharp and son, Irvin, spent
Saturday evening at Dick Olden-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherrer and
family moved to Willamette last
week, and are living in the house own
ed by Mr. Mink.
Mr. and Mrs. J6hn Turner accom
panied by Miss Beryl Turner went
to Willamette Monday and hauled
some of their furniture out-.
Miss Elsie Turner spent Saturday
night and Sunday with 'her cousin,
Miss Nola Turner.
Francis Randelin, Myrtle Aden,
Eva Seedling, Melba Baker, Elsie
Turner, Hura Robbins, Nola Turner,
Norman and Thomas Turner Otis Rob
bins, Sidney Seedling Clarence Koell
emeier and Harold Sharp attended the
dance at Ladd Hill Saturday night.
They made jjje trip in a wagon, a
distance of nearly ten miles. They
were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
Smith Turner. They enjoyed them
selves and declare that they intend
to go again soon, that is, when the
roads get better.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County
Cressie O. Taylor, Plaintiff,
Cyrus W. Taylor, Defendant.
To Cyrus W. Taylor, Defendant
above named: In the Name of the
State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court and cause within six (6) weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons; and if you fail so to
appear and answer plaintiff's com
plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint; to-wit:
For a Decree of divorce from you
and upon the grounds of cruel and in
human treatment, and wilful deser
tion. This summons is published by order
of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, made and
entered on the 28th day of March,
1922 and the time prescribed therein
for you to appear and answer plain
tiff's complaint is six weeks, from the
date of the first publication of said
summons; the first publication being
on the 20th day of March, 1922, and
the last being on the llth day of May,
Attorney for Plaintiff, 422 Chamber
of Commerce Building, Portland, Ore
gon. 3-30-7t.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County, adminis
trator of the estate of Julia Young,
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to
present the same duly verified at my
hoem at Milwaukie, Oregon, within
six months after the date of this no
tice. Dated this 23 day of March, 1922.
Administrator of the estate of Julia
Young, deceased. (3-23-5t)
Oregon City People Will Do Well to
Heed Them
Many bad cases of kidney trouble
result from a cold or chill. Congested
kidneys fall behind in filtering the
poison-laden blood and backache,
headache, dizziness and disordered
kidney action follow. Don't neglect a
cold. Use Doan's Kidney Pills at the
first sign of kidney trouble. Follow
this Oregon City resident's example:
J. W. Saunders, 707 - 10th St., says:
"I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for
a good number of years and always
found them to 'be a good remedy. I
had attacks of kidney complaint caur
ed by colds settling on my kidneys,
and at times I could hardly straight
en, my back was so lame and stiff. I
felt miserable and my kidneys acted
too frequently at times but I used
Doan's Kidney Pills for these attacks
and they relieved the aches and pains
and put my kidneys in good order."
60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv.
Bids wanted for rock, dirt and other
excavation necessary in making the
R rnnnr.-.l PER CENT.
t . int.ifiinc nil ill ut
tinatheStomachs andBgggg.
Thereby Promo'tinesttJ
Cheerfulness mJ-3
Mineral. Not naty
Senna I
JbciMUtSdtt I
jhiiteSeeff I
mSd I
ClarifitdSagar 1
ySnUrjmnfo J
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
P ill
S. F. Scripture
All kinds of repairing, plow grinding
Automobile and Truck Springs Repaired
Phone 276-W
108 Fifth
Insure with your Home Companies
for business risks
for residence and country properties
Bank of Oregon City Bldg., Phone 366
Dealer in
Discount of 20 per cent Allowed
Work Guaranteed
IOI412 Seventh Street Oregon City, Oregon
Did you know that every
standard Fire Insurance
policy contains this clause:
(This company shall not be liable for loss to ac-
counts, hills, currency, deeds, evidences of debt, I
money, notes or securities.
In other words, the things you should keep in a safe deposit
box, you CAN'T INSURE against loss by fire in your home.
Put your valuables in one of our Safe Deposit Boxes $2.50
a year and up. Come in and rent one TO-DAY.
The Bank of Oregon City
Oldest Bank in Clackamas County
grade on Market Road No. 7 from Sta
tion 7 to Station 54. Plans and spec
ifications and other details can be
had by applying to the County Survey
or of Clackamas County. Bids will be
opened by the County Court at 10:00
o'clock A. M., Saturday, April 8, 1922.
By H. E. CROSS, County Judge.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
St. Between Main and Water Sts.
For Sale Live Stock
also cattle, sheep and farm for
sale. C. M. Huggett, Rt. 6, Oregon
City. 3-23tf
FOR SALE Big type Poland China
pigs, if taken between 10th and 13th
of April $6.00 each. Alfred Lillie,
Oregon City, Route 2 Box 169-a.
3-30-2t. P. D.
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALE Mamoth Pekin Duck
Eggs 75c setting of one dozen.
Please mention paper in answer
ing. Ira W. Brown, New Era; Ore.
Rhode Island Red Eggs
We have one of the finest flocks of
Rhode Island Red Fowls in the state
and will be able to supply hatching
eggs from fine well matured hens at
any time hereafter. Eggs $1.50 per
setting, delivered in Oregon City.
Oregon City, Oregon.
R. F. D, Phone 29F3. 2-16-22tf.
BABY CHICKS For Sale S. C. White
Leghorns from heavy laying strain.
$15.00 per hundred. H. Cunning
ham, Holmes Ave., Oregon City,
phone 15F12. tf.
FOR SALE Baby chicks, S. C. White
Leghorns, Tancred strain. Orders
booked for May delivery $12.00 per
hundred. Mrs. P. Faurie, Molalla,
Ore., Phone 34-25.
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE 16-inch slabwood, ?4.90
per load. Call 306J. 3-23-6t
FOR SALE Choice recleaned Alsike
Clover seed 16c in lots of 100 lbs.
or more. Geo. H. Brown, New Era.
FOR SALE 50 sacks British queen
potato seed: H. J. Koch, Estaeada,
Rt. No. 3. 3-16tf
Harris, Phone Beaver Creek 1-4.
2-2-9 1.
Molalla Bakery
Bread Is the Staff of Life
Try our Baking
Mr. Farmer, if you want to raise sheep on
the shares, for half the clip and half the
lambs this year
CONCRETE WORK All kinds includ
ing sidewalks and basements. Chim
neys repaired. M. Long, Telephone
264-R 4-28 tf
FOR SALE 1000 Frlit Trees and
Rose Bushes, apples, pears, prunes
plums, and peaches, one and two
year olds, 25 cents each, H. J. Big
ger, Oregon City Greenhouse.
Nov. 17-tf.
For Sale Farm Machinery
FOR SALE Case tractor and two
bottom Gang, latest type, $575.00.
Reed Auto Co., Estaeada, Ore.
FOR SALE Case Tractor, two bot
tom gang and reversible disc, for
$625.00. You save $280.00 on a
Tractor if purchased at once.
Reed Auto Co., Estaeada, Ore.
Wanted Real Estate
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars . D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn. l-5-13t.
MONEY TO LOAN on farms of over
ten acres at 6 per cent. Long time
loans on easy payments. Federal
loans a specialty. Alfred Graham,
Canby, Oregon. 3-10-tf
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED To buy second hand
goods. Will pay cash for used fur
niture, tools, or any thing of com
mercial value. Large stock of goods
for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St.
I HAVE MONEY to loan on improv
ed town property or farm lands.
Wm. Hammond, Attorney at law,
Beaver Building, Oregon City, Ore.
Dr. S. R. Smith, chiropractor. Of
fice in Oregon City Bank Bldg. Of
fice hours every evening 6:30 to 9:00.
Adv. (3-9-4tp)
BABY CHIX White, Brown and Gold
en Buff Leghorns, Anconas, Black
Minorcas, R. I. Reds, Buff Orping
tons, Barred and White Rocks,
every week. Enoch Crews, Sea
bright, California. (3-23-2tp).
WOOD AND WOOD sawing. Prices
right. Wood any quantity deliver
ed in four-foot, 12 or 16-inch lengths.
Phone your orders morning or ev
ening. Office 707 Seventh St.,
327 W. Oregon City Wood & Fuel
Co. tf
LOST Card case containing drivers
license, registration cards, etc. J.
A. Morgan. Return to Banner
Courier office. (3-30-ltp.)