L7 j IBBBflflBBBBBBBBBBBBflflflBBBBB (u ........... ........................ ..iiiiMMmiiiiiuiimiMaiuiMmiiiiituiimMitimuiMMMim HIUIHIM1IIMIUMHIHUI IHIIUIIIIIIIIIIllllllUH...1...............1),mtm,m)jl Bg Bail Bf J rg.m , : H B s THE OPENING OF OUR : fl : NEW B : B : B : B : B : B i H : : B : : 5 Si : B : i B j : B : B : B : B : B : B j b : i : B j Four thousand square feet of salesroom, devoted exclusively to the sale of merchandise at prices that will astound you; we have spent months scouring the Eastern Market in an endeavor to be able to present to you, without dissapointment the greatest aggregation, of underpriced merchandise that has ever been offered in this town. Dry Goods, Shoes, Ready Made Wear, at but a fraction of Regular Cost. . The bottom of this page car ries Twelve Specimen Bargains indicating a few of the thousands of real economies prevailing in our Basement Salesroom. Extra Salespeople to serve you. No Exchanges or 'Phone Orders. Quantities Restricted. No floods Sold to Dealers. We Will Opsrate Our Bargain Basement on a Low Expense Small Profit Basis Your Dollars Will Do Double Duty by Watching For and Sharing in Our Basement Economies. . m m m mm Grand Opening, Saturday, March 25 yft xN. See Our Windows y All Goo h (c Sale , In Our Bargain Basement Consist Of Special Lot? Purchased Under . The Market From the Makers Who Need Spot Cash. Our Well Known Standards of Reliability Will Be Maintained. No "Seconds" or Inferior Qualities Will Be Allowed Entrance. See Our Windows. 300 Pairs FINE SHOES For Women and Children rair WOMEN'S KNIT BLOOMERS in white and Flesh, all sizes 1 C Pair PERCALE HOUSE APRONS light and dark colors, ass't. styles C Each BIG SAM WORK -SHIRTS Heavy Blue Gingham all sizes ARROW COLLARS all sizes, numerous styles Each c COATS and BUCILLA CROCHET COTTON . Spool c MEN'S DRESS SOCKS In Black and Cordovan, all sizes C Pair Hope Bleached Muslin Yard Wide Best Quality a c Yd. Women's Dresses Jumper Style Made of New Gingham Pattern Percale Ivory Soap-Large Bars Half Price the bar V r -Sr-.,Ecs y ;dait ? raw. ni . . ,-sK.-i E-E,sr rjujt k MASONIC. TEMPLE BLDG. OREGON CITY, CREU DRESS GINGHAMS - Fast Colors, Standard Quality, Spring Patterns 1 c Yd. YARD WIDE PERCALE r. Standard XJuality Light and Dark Patterns, s r i B : lUIIIlIIlllUIIlllIIUllIIIllHIllIlIIllUI!!!!!!,,,!,,!!,,