THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, . THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1922. Page Nine cautomobile Gossip In London the safest bus operators . receive a' bonus. One Georgia peach grower has pur chased 37 trucks in the last two years. Among Oregon Farmers there are 64 cars owned to every 100 farms there are 32,210 cars owned by farm ers in the state. ' Many of stolen cars find their way to Mexico, says the American Consul at Jaurez, Mexico. These are sold at half their value Ad seriously affect the. legitimate sale of cars. Statistics show that the number of deaths per 10.00 cars in 1913 was 2.5 and in 1919 it was 1.3, a decrease of over 50 per cent In 1912 the total tire, production was 19,000,000 tires of which Akron, Ohio, made 15,000,000. Miore ftires were sold than were made in the year, which began with a large sur A former Ford official will head the Gray Motor company of Detroit which will make the "Less than $500" Gray car. No effort will be made to sell this car west of the Rockies this year. Japanese jinrikisha drivers are alarmed at the prospect of being driv en out of work by the widespread use of the automobile. Some of the wiser jinrikisha men, however, are holding their own by attaching motor cycles to their vehicles, and by that novelty are retaining trade. Autoists find various uses for old felt hats. If a piece of felt is dipped in kerosene and is then rubbed over the windshield in a rainstorm, the raindrops spread out in a thin sheet instead of forming drops and thus ob structing the view. A strip of felt may be inserted along the edge of the hood to prevent squeaking. Automobile jacks are found useful in the house as well as in working with the car. A tight window -mav be raised by working a jack and a piece of board against the sash. Raising the kitchen stove about half an inch per mits thorough celaning in the corn ers around the legs of the stove. An improvised vise may be made by us ing a jack and a piece of board for a brace in a doorway. The use of motor trucks on the Mongolian plateau in Central Asia is an advance in the commercial devel opment of the Orient. Motor trucks have never before been used on the Mongolian plateau, although passeng er automobiles have been operated to some extent on the caravan trail be tween Kalgan, Urga, and Kiachta on the Siberian frontier, which is one of the oldest trade routes in the world. The motor-truck transportation route, initiated by the American Museum's Third Asjaic Expedition, is from Kal gan to Urga. Camels in winter have ' always made this trip in from thirty to forty days, and during the summer, when the grass is dry, oxcarts make it in double that time. By motor truck the distance is covered in not more than five days. FARMERS A POTENTIAL TRUCK MARKET Agriculture is the most important activity that ihuman endeavor has, but it receives the least attention, so far as transportation goes. When conditions become normal again and the farmer is not handicapped as. he is at present by having to sell his produce at low cost and pay high prices for commodities he needs, there will be an enormous market created for motor trucks in the agri culture industry, just as there is now in manufacturing industries. Census figures show that the total number of farms in the United States is 6,361,502 of an average size of 140 Good Food and Excellent Service Has made for us a long list of regular custom ers who know they can always get the same high quality at reason able prices. Seasonable dishes per fectly cooked are our specialty. . Quality Eats The Falls Restaurant and Confectionary Oregon City acres. It has been stated" that any farm of 80 or more acres can afford a motor truck profitably. Adding a fac tor of safety of 75 per centum to this estimate, it is concluded that a farm of 140 acres can be economically sup port a motor truck. It . is therefore, reasonable to as sume that if every 140 acres of farm land -will support, a motor truck, that the possible . number' of motor trutks that may be sold is 6,361,502. To be conservative, suppose that only one third of this number would be pros pects, we find a potential market for 2,120,500 motor trucks. Comparing this number with the number already in use, we find that only 3.2 per centum of the potential market has been sold on the actual use of the motor truck. The fact that motor truck hauls during a certain period from farms to shipping points averaged '11.3 miles, while horse and wagon hauls averaged 9 miles and that the motor, truck made 3.4 round trips over the longer route while horse made 1.2 round trips over the shorter, is evi dence enough that the motor truck is needed on the farm. In the bar gain, truck hauling of wheat costs 15c per ton mile against 30c by horse; with even more favorable figures for cotton. Scientific American. fly because it is motored by the Willys Knight sleeve-valve engine. This en gine, has given to the Willys-Knight car the slogan, "I ts Motor Improves with Use." It is because of the sleeve-valves of the Knight type motor that the automobile world in general concedes these seven advantages to this Willys Knight motor. First, it improves with use; second, it requires no adjustments; third, it is more powerful; fourth, it is more flexible; fifth, it is silent in operation and remains so; sixth, it is simple, being free from complicated parts; seventh, it is economical. Paid Adv. WILLYS KNIGHT AND OVERLAND REDUCE PRICES A deep reduction in prices of Over land and Willys-Knight cars, was an nounced , today by officials of The Willys-Overland Company. The new prices are effective immediately. The new price of the ' powerful, easy-riding Overland touring car, which by sheer merit of economy, quality and comfort has attained a dominant place in the light car field, is $550. One year ago, this car sold for J1035. This is an additional reduction since the reduction of 42 per cent recorded from September 1920 to September 1921, a total reduction of 47 per cent in a year and a half, the most radical reduction in motor car prices in the history of the automo bile industry. In 1916, the Overland sold for $615 a price that was thought could never be bettered. Today it is J65.00 lower. The Willys-Knight touring car is now listed at $1375 a further reduc tion of $160 since the startling reduc tion of 34 per cent made last Septem ber, a total reduction of 40 per cent in a year and a half. These new prices were made possi ble by remarkable economies in man ufacturing methods, the consumption of high-priced material inventories, the practical total elimination of ob ligations for high-priced materials, the operation of a new, more progress ive and more economical marketing plan, and lastly, the hearty co-operation in the plan to build more cars per man each day, by every employee in the four plants the company oper ates. These new prices place. Overland and Willys-Knight cars in the front price rank in their classes. For the past year and a half, the records of these cars have proved their economy, quality, performance and comfort. The new prices and those of Sep tember 1920, follow: Overland chassis $450 formeriy $885; touring $550 formerly $1035; roadster $550 formerly $1035; coupe $850 formerly $1525; sedan $895 for merly $1675. Willys-Knight .Roadster $1350 for merly 42300; touring $1375 formerly $2300; coupe $1875 formerly $2950; sedan $2095 formerly $3050; chassis $1100. All prices are f. o. b. Toledo. The powerful, easy-riding Overland offers many advantages; economy of operation; triplex springs, ., insuring easy riding; three speed and reverse selective transmission of heat-treated nickel-alloy steel gears; Timken bear ings; - all-steel body; baked-enamel finish; spring base of 130 inches as against wheel-base of 100 inches; 34 foot turning radius; ,27 brake horse power motor; electric starter, lights and horn etc. The Willys-Knight car, built of the highest grade materials, stands apart from the great majority of cars, chief- NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order, decree and li cense ofthe County Court of Wash " ington County, Oregon, made and dated on the 8th day of March, 1922, in the matter of the Guardianship of Amos Martin, Noel ' Martin, Blanche Martin, Edwin Martin and John Martin, .minors. I will on Saturday, the, the 15th day of April, 1922, at the hour of 10-o'clock A. M. of said day at the East door of the Courthouse in Oregon City? Oregon, sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject to the confirmation of the County Court of Washington County, Ore gon, all of the interest of the above named minors In and to the follow ing described real property, lying, being and situate in Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wit: , An undivided one-seventh inter est in and to the South Half of Claim No. 47, known as the Runa Mattoon Claim, being 'part of Sec tion 5, T 3 S of R 3 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Clacka nas County, .Oregon, and contain ing 160 acres more or less. Dated this 8th day of March, 1922. JOHN T. MARTIN, Guardian of "the person and estate of Amos Martin, Noel Martin, Blanche Martin, Edwin Martin and John Mar tin, minors. HARE, McALEAR & PETERS, Hillsboro, Oregon, Attorneys for Guardian. (3-16-5t) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of C. C. Babcock, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate, are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my iP E3 The Hub Grocery ON THE HILL This is the time of year when you begin to get low on canned fruits, Jellys and Jams. We carry the Dickin son line of Jellies made at Oswego from fine fruits and sugar, and the prices are much lower "than they have been for several years. Phon4l' The Hub Grocery 7th and Canter EE attorney, Charles T. Sievers, 719 - Main street, Oregon City, ' Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. . " , Dated March 16th, 1922. Date of first publication, March 16th, 1922. Date of last publication, April 13, 1922. W. W. MYRES, Administrator of the Estate of C. C. Babcock, Deceased. " CHARLES T. SIEVERS. Attorney for Administrator. 719 Main . St., Oregon City, Oregon. (3-16-5t) , Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pillg the same that Mr. Bagby had. , Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. T. , Adv. THE PRAISE CONTINUES Everywhere We - Hear Good Reports of Doan's Kidney Pills Oregon City is no exception. Every section of the U. S. resounds with praise 'Of Doan's Kidney Pills. Fifty thousand persons are giving testimony in their home newspapers. The sin cerity of these witnesses, the fact that they live sojaear, is the best proof of the merit of Doan's. Here's an Ore gon City case. C. W. Bagby, contractor and build er, 203 - 17th St., says: "I know the value of Doan's Kidney Pills and gladly recommend them. My kidneys troubled me and often I had a weak and aching back which made it hard for me to stoop. My kidneys didn't act right but Doan's Kidney Pills from the Huntley-Draper Drug Co. soon fixed me in good shape by strengthening my back and kidneys." NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed as executors and executrix respec tively, of the seate of Joseph M. Hart, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified, as by law required, with proper vouch ers to us, at the office of our at torneys, G. B. Dimick & W. L. Mul vey, Room 3, Andresen Building, Ore gon City, Oregon, on or before the expiration of six months from the date of the first publication of this, notice. . ' Dated this 16th das of March, 1922. JOHN W. HART, JOSEPH V. HART, & JESSIE R. HART. Executors and Executrix of the Estate of Joseph M. Hart, Deceased. G. B. DIMICK & W. L. MULVET, - Attorneys for Executors and Exe- cutrix. (3-16-5t) estate of Annie Dalbow, deceased, has filed his final report In the of fice of the County Clerk of Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, and that Monday, the 17th of April, 1922, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.. M., of said day and the Court Room of said Court, has been appionted by the said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections there to, and the settlement, thereof. JAKOB GROSSMBLLER, Sr. Administrator of the Estate of Annie Dalbow, deceased. G. B. DIMICK & W. I MTJLVET, Attorneys for Administrator. Dateof first publication, 16th of March, 1922. .v j Date of final publication, 13th of April, 1922. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Matter of the Estate of Annie Dalbow, Deceased. Notice is hereby-given that the undersigned, as administrator of- the A A 5 S 2 The New STUDEBAKERS Are Here ARRIVED SATURDAY Come in tomorrow and inspect "them. Let us demonstrate these won derful cars to you. Clackamas County Auto & Tractor Company Eleventh and Main Phone 711 Oregon City Associated Gasoline, cars 26c; trucks 25c Western Oil, 20c per qt. or 53c per gal.; 10 gal. or over 40c. Eastern Oil, 30c per qt; 90c per gal. Tubes vulcanized 25c. Kerosene, 18c per gal,; Cycol 75c. These Oils are absolutely guaranteed r "! INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION OAK GROVE, OREGON 1& Announcing the Langley Electric Company New Location 1117 Main Phone 260W (With Pacific Tire and Supply Co.) We do Electrical icontracting, House Wiring, Generator Re pairing, Auto TMotor Ignition Service. Handle all kinds Elec trical Supplies and Equipment. 117 MAIN STREET PHONE 260W . II X Repair Work Our new repair department located at the rear of our building is in every way "Equipped to serve YOU best" and an inspection will convince you. Complete equipment . Expert mechanics Convenient location and arrangement . Good light Plenty of room We guarantee our repair work At Elevator Oregon City, Oregon 390 - A-1 THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUY OR SELL B3 H!J!OT!Jffl Illllllillllllllllilllllllllllllll LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US IF YOU WANT ACTION A. C.'HOWLAND A. J. BOCKHOLD Real Estate 620 Main Street Wm.M. SMITH Insurance - Loans Oregon City, Oregon THE UN I VERS AL CAR "Parts, Tires, Accessories and Repairs Park-ShepherdMotorCo. INCORPORATED Main St. at 4th Oregon City Phone 355 in my Let Us Repair Your Home Light Plant Battery If your home lighting plant has been in use three years' or more the battery probably needs to be looked over. Let us do the job I We are equipped to put any make of battery s in proper working condition. We're proud of tur ability to give prompt service on this class of work. CON HILGERS 12th and Main Oregon City Did If on Ever SEE OR HEAR OF THE NAME WESTINGHOUSE on anything electrical - that wasn't the. Best? The great Westinghouse concern has always stood for the things that compel leadership. The Westing house Battery could not fall short of Westing house standards and still bear the West ing house name. V- ' Every Westing house battery is insulated with both Cypress and rubber separators, a combination which has the good qualities of both wood and rubber insulation, without the evils of either- Free filling and testing at all times for all makes of batteries Hodgson-Cannon Electric Co. WESTINGHOUSE DISTRIBUTES 4th and Main Phone 355