Page Eight llllilllllllll!ll!lll!illl!liIIIH TRAINING LITTLE CITIZENS These Articles published weekly in these columns are Issued by the National Kindergarten Associ ation, New York City iiiiiiiHiiiHiiifiiiiiiiiiii !2L l i i i i 1 1 i The Wind. (By Alice Wingate Frary.) The wind's activities hold the small child's attention the clouds, the fly ing flag, and pinwheels, clothes sway ing on the line, the blowing of chil dren's hair and the tails of the fowls the swaying trees and grass, while the weathervane. 'Turning, pointing, ever showing How the merry wind is blowing," asks repeatedly, "Where? How?" There are a number of verses easi ly memorized which will make the wind seem a friendly element; "The Weather vane," by Laura E. Rich ards, "I Saw '.You Toss the Kites on High," by Stevenson, and Chris tina Rossetti's "Who hath seen the wind? Neither you nor I, But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by." As the child makes these verses his own listens to stories such as "Jan" (in Mother Goose Stories by Maud Lindsay) and "Aeolus and the Bag of Winds, and learns what the differene winds bring, he is being awakened to a finer appreciation of a force that can be so gentle and yet so mighty. Was there ever a child that did not ask, "Where does the wind come from?" It is part of the high office of parenthood to deepen a child's in herent sence of reverence before the elements, to prevent if possible its de-J terioration into empty wonder or mor bid fear. It is well to cultivate the feeling of awe, teaching the careless child that the piling up of thunder clouds and the bowing- of the wind swept trees are to be appreciated by this same appreciation leading the ti mid one out of fear. The wind signifies the spirit. No mother who desires a well-rounded development for her child will fail to recognize his need of inner strength his misconceptions that need straight ening. While the kingdom of heaven . is the inheritance of child-like hearts, children have need of guidance and, they guide us too, when we are clear sighted enough to respond, but our emphasis upon values which are un seen helps to raise our children's stan wards. Froebel's Mother Play of the Weavervane brings to the child its tale of. the wind's work and play; to the mother it brings a reminder of the inner forces that must be strength ened, the inner light that may illum ine puzzling situations. Two books which arlielpful in this respect are "The Notebook of an Adopted Moth er," by Eleanor Davids (E. P. Dutton Company, New York) and "The Spir itual. Care of a Child" by Anna Rob ertson Lindsay, (T. Y. Crowell Com pany, New York) the latter with its vigorous reassurance of a truth all too easily ignored. "Only God can bring up a child. Nothing will bridge the abyss of the aetal and the ideal except faith, hope, love, work and the immediate -help of divinity." The Weathervane Songs and mu sic of Froebel's mother play by Susan E. Blow. Publisher D. A. Appleton & Co., New York. The Wind A Child's garden of verses by Robert Louis Stevenson. Publisher Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia. JanMother stories by Maud Lindsay, Publisher, Milton Bradley company, Springfield, Mass.""" Mythland, vol. 1, by Helen Beckwith. Publisher, Educational Publishing Co., New York. Odysseus and the Bag of Winds. By Emily Poullson. - Publisher, Mil ton Bradley Co., Springfrield, Mass. In a Friendly Sourt O' Way. When a man ain't got a cent, and he's feeling kind of blue,' iV the clouds "ang dark an' heavy, an' won't let the sunshine , through. It's a great thing, O, my brethren, for a feller just to lay His hand .upon your shoulder in a 'friendly sort b way. It makes a man feel curious, it makes the teardrops start, An' you sort o' feel a curious flut ter in the region of the heart. You can look up and meet his eyes ; you don't know what to say, When you feel his hand is on your shoulder in a friendly sort o' way. Oh, the world's a curious compound, with its honey and its gall, With its cares and bitter crosses, but a good old world after all. An' a good God must have made it leastways, that is what I say, When a hand is on my shoulder in a friendly sort o' way. James Whitcomb Riley. Courtesy is a First Principle With Us The first thing in our business is to know all there is to be known about the care and re pair ,of storage bat- teries But we can't for a minute forget that it is not only what we do but the way we do it that counts. Our way is always the courteous way. You may be sure that we will treat you just as we would want you to treat us if you were the battery service man, and we were the car owner. Bring your battery in. If it's a Willard Battery you're to be congratulated. But you will get the same attention, the same cour tesy and the same service whether it is a Willard or not. CON HILGERS Battery Rebuilding and Repairing. Twelfth and Main Oregon City, Ore, . V 1 J illhaini Eer After seven solid months of closed doors. Due-to the contruction of a new home and the improving of streets, we are again open for business, and invite the public to inspect the wonderful changes we have .made. These became necessary to compete with the present trend and demands of times. In order to compete with conditions as they are it become necessary to make such changes, as would reduce overhead and operating expense. Also modernize our shop to increase, efficiency. In order to bring about such results it was decided that better quarters were necessary, therefore we are ow in our new home, which is fully equippd to take care of any and all work. We are now able to store your car, wash and polish, clean motor, recharge and overhaul storage battery and geeral repairing. This puts us in a position to reduce our over head by taking in the stay dollar. - In order to increase efficiency it was necessary to have absolute daylight in all corners, pure fresh air at all hours. Warm when its cold, and cool when Its warm. You must have good machinery, good tools, good equipment and good, mechanics. These we have. Your work can now be taken care of in schedule time, and in a most efficient and economic manner, and BETTER SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY. Good Years and Tubes 30x3 $10.22 30x3i 11.40 32x3J , 20.15 31x4 22.85 32x4 26.45 33x4 27.85 TUBES , $2.10 2.35' 2.65 ... 3.20 ' ..: 3.35 ....... 3.50 .3.65 $12.85 15.30 $2.50 2.90 3.20 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.15 RACINE TIRES Representing Willard Storage Batteries AT THE FOOT OF SINGER HILL STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! i It Pays to be Careful When choosing your repair man - . Unless you know automobiles you are at his mercy. Much depends on his integrity as well as on his technical knowledge. We hold oureslves personally accountable for every car entrust ed to our care. Capital Garage Less Crawford, Prop. siii SfeV 30x3 32x3i c3 31x4 3 32x4 CC 11 A oc 33x4 c 34x4 oc CDC B 30x3J 3 32x3 3 31x4 3 32x4 x 33x4 34x4 FABRIC $10.75 11.35 20.95 24.00 27.85 29.30 29.90 CORD TIRE .$18.70 26.50 30.55 33.65 34.70 - 35.60 $13.50 16.15 20.95 24.00 27.85 I ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Key Sockets ...... 50c Pull Chain Sockets 70c Keyless Socket....... 40c 2- Way Plugs .....$1.00 2-Way Plugs. $1.25 3- Way Plugs , $1.50 Door Bells ..$1.00 Snap Sitch 50c to $1.50 Flush Switches 50c to $1.65 No. 14 Wire, per 100 ft. $8.50 Lamp Cord, per yard : 10c Electric Bulbs from 1 0 to 500 C. P. We have over 125 electrical appliances to choose from. KLAXON ELECTRIC HORNS We have the best horn on the market for only $10.00 WEED TIRE CHAINS While the test. 32x3 1 4.25 lP 32x4 . . 4J5 M f- 33x4 ' 1 5.00 WJFjr" 34x4 , 5.25 " Xypr BADGER JACKS f-ton cap. 1 -ton cap. $4.35 . 5.60 Regular $7.50 genuine ouver -Beam Spot Light. 1.-. B S. & M. Spot Light No. 60 $8.00 No. 80.... 9.00 Hot Point Iron $6.75 Toasters from ........$6.00 to $10 Ovenettes $5 to $12 Curling Irons ....$7.50 Imgerition Heater....$6.50-$8.50 Electrical Heaters ........$8 to $12 We have everything in - Electrical Supplies. SALMON Will soon be striking. We have the tackle. 400 yd. Plueger Reel . ' TACKLE BOXES with brake $8.50: 6x6x12 $2.50 JUU yd Flueger Reel 9.25 54x54x11 1.50 r r i w 300 yd. Plueger Reel 6.00 200 yd Plueger Reel 7.00 250 yd Plueger Reel 5.00 Donegal 24 pound test.... $1.00 36 pound -test. 1.25 60 pound test.......... 1.75 Backmore Line 72 pound test $2.25 Catalina 48 pound test $1.75 . Sigo r 48 pound test $1.50 42 pound test........... 1.25 We issue Hunting and Fishing License GUNS AND AMMUNITION Remington Auto Loading Rifle. Remington Auto Loading Shot ' . Gun. Remington Auto Loading Pump Gun. Remington Repeating Rifle, 22 cal. Vacuum Bottles and Lunch Kits Lunch Kits with Vac bottle $3.50 to $5.00 Pint bottles......$1.25 to $4.50 Quart bottles....$2.25 to $7.00 We have the most complete line of Wrenches in the city. Visit dtir stock. , Over 55 differ ent kinds to. choose from. We sell and recommend the Columbia Storage Battery, ,We carry this product exclusively. Dry Cells, Hot Shots and Storage Batteries.. We have installed a complete battery department and solicit your work. 1 ' " "SSa35S Ball Uniforms from. Catchers Mitts Masks from.1..... First base Mitts. Fielders Mitts .. Balls from : Baseball Shoes . Batts from ..-.$11.00 to $15.00 from $1.50 to $14 .......$2.75 to $8.50 $1.25 to $8.00 85c to $9.50 ....'..,....25cto.$2.00 ....,$5.50 and $6.50 ..25c to $3.00 Oiregoim Citir .Tuito Co. W. T. SCHWOCH, President and Manager EE HUPMOBILE-.TOURING CARS GRANT SIX H Phone 429. Oregon City, Oregon Repairing, Battery Recharging and Overhauling, Washing and Polishing, Storage and Towing. E film r FnfllllllllilillilililH