The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, March 16, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two
. IF
You are interested
in band instruments
let us show you our
line of
Buy them on terms
if you desire
Mrs. J. Kelland, -wfyose home is
near New Era, was an Oregon City
visitor Thursday. .
Little Miss Betty Pratt has return
ed to her home in Portland after
spending several days in Oregon City
with her grandmother, Mrs. W. E.
Mrs. A. W. Fogleson of Beaver
Creek, was an Oregon City visitor on
Mrs. Nettie Robinson and her sis
ter, Mrs. J. P. Keating, were in Ore
gon City Friday, having come to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. Thomas Ry
an. John Friberg, a resident of Oswego,
was an Oregon City visitor last Fri
day. H. G. Adams, whose home is at Can
by, transacted business in Oregon
City on Saturday.
Among the Oregon City visitors on
Saturday of last week was August
Starber of Aurora, and E. D. Hart of
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bockhold and
family, visited" friends and relatives
at Salem Sunday..
Mrs. George Osborn hfd as her
guest alst Saturday, her sister, Mjrs.
A. J. Burdette of Canby, who came
to Oregon City to transact business.
Mrs. A. W. Faulkner and daughter,
Kathryn of Canby, were Oregon City
visitors Saturday.
Mrs. S. P. Londergran of Beaver
Creek, and Mrs. Annie Tremayne of
Barlow, who are sister, met m Oregon
City Saturday and shopped toegther.
Mr. and Mrs. George Buchholtz
of Canemah, spent the week-end at
Milwaukie, the guests of their daugh
ter, Mrs. F. D. Labbe.
Mrs. Delia Vallen, whose home is
at Elmwood, spent the week-end at
Oregon City with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor Henderson; who are
at the home of their son, Will Hen
derson. Mr. Henderson, Sr., is quite
ill at the home of his son.
Miss . Effie Newman attended the
concert given in Portland" Friday
night by Alberto Salvi, the harpist
After the concert she spent the night
with Mr. and Mrs. S. Vann in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bollack of Port
land, were in Oregon City on Thurs
day of last week, the guests of Mrs.
Bollack's brother, Julius Goldsmith.
Mr. and Mrs. Bollack were formerly
Oregon City residents.
Mrs. Agnes Silver of Vancouver,
Wash., visited her son, Waldo Sil
ver, of Oregon City, and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers of West
Linn, last weekl
Lee Kitchen, a resident of Redland,
was an Oregon City visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Funk, of Red
land, were " Oregon City visitors on
Mrs. M. A. Brayton visited friends
a.t Parkplace a few days last week.
She was formerly a resident -of Park
place, but now lives at Canemah.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sprague, ac
companied by Mrs. F. T. Horrock, res
idents of Redland, were Oregon City
visitors Saturday.
Rev. Willis E. Pettibone, who has
been at" Hermiston, Ore., for the past
week, assisting in special union meet
ings, has returned to his home in Ore
gon City.
... Mrs. Carl Joehnke, who lives near
Canby, was visiting relatives in Ore
gon City Thursday of las week.
Mrs. E. C. Eastman, a resident of
Central Point, was in Oregon City
on Thursday 'of last week.
Mrs. N. W. Bowland and Mrs. C.
Schuebel, who have been very ill
with la grippe, are improving.
Mrs. Al. Dillman has returned to
her home at Oregon City from the
St. Vincent's hospital much improv
ed. Mrs. Sarah Randolph has returned
to Oregon City from Shedds, Ore.,
where she was called by the illness
of her sister, Mrs. G. B. Thompson.
W. H. Mattoon, a resident of Viola,
was transacting business in Oregon
City Monday.
Ernest Freytag, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Freytag, of Gladstone, who
is a strident of Benson Polytechnical
school, returned to the home of his
parents Tuesday from the Oregon
City hospital where he had "a tumor
removed from his hand, which was
caused by a bruise from playing ball.
Robert Shoenborn of Cards, was an
Oregon. City visitor Friday of last
week. -
Joseph C. Hedges, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Hedges of Oregon City, has
returned home from Tale college,
where he has been studying law and
oCocai 9fews j
will be associated with his father in
the law office.
Word has been received by - A.
Heilinger of Oregon City, of the cri
tical conditions of his brother John
Heilinger of Hamilton, Ohio. He is
a brother of Mrs. M. Tabor also of
j Oregon City. -
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Roberts and
son, William, of Beaver Creek, were
Oregon City visitors Saturday.
Among the Oregon City visitors on
Thursday of last week were Mrs. H.
Uhalos and Mrs. J. Farquarhson of
New Era.
Mr. and Mrs. W, H Lucke and Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. McDonell and daughter,
Georgia May, of Canby, attended the
funeral of Mr. John Davis Sunday.
George Rogers, whose home it as
Mulino, transacted business in Ore
gon City Friday of last week.
Mrs. Susan Hess has returned to.
her home at Parkplace after visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Alice Russell, of
Portland, and Mrs. Loren Seward of
St. Johns, for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Holman and ba
by, were Oregon City visitor on Sat
urday. Their home is at Beaver
Gordon Wilson, student at the uni
versity of Oregon, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Wilson of Oregon City.
A. Farquhar, a resident of Marsh
field, is in Oregon City, where he is
building two new bungalows on some
property he owns on 13th and J. Q.
Adams streets. He is at the home
of Mrs. M. Toban.
Miss Geneva Park, a nurse at the
Oregon City hospital, who has been
qiute ill at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Anna .Park, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boylan, who
have been suffering from a severe at
tack of the influenza are on the road
to recovery. Mrs. Hardy, a nurse is
in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Alldredge of
Gladstone visited the former's par
ent, Mr. and Mrs. John Alldredge
Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. John All
dredge have been ill with lagrippe.
- Word has been received by Mrs.
Frank Alldredge of the arrival of a
10 pound son at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Crawford of Joseph,
Oregon. Mrs. Crawford was Miss
Nora Hansen bfeore her marriage and
was one of Calckamas county's school
Alvin Shephard, a former resident
of West Linn, but now of Scotts Mills
was in Oregon City Tuesday, Wednes
day apd Thursday of this week.
Among those attending the funeral
of Mrs. Underdahl which was held in
Portland Tuesday afternoon were Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Osborn, Dr. and Mrs.
Krassig, Mrs. Willis Yonce, Mrs. Glen
Hankins, Mrs! Wilbur Warren, Mrs.
Clarence Bruner, and Mrs. Luella An
Mrs. John jParker of Oregon City is
recovering from a severe attack of
the "flu." Also Orph Parker has re
covered from the same disease, ac
companied with tonsilitis. Both young
men are sons of Mr. and Mirs. Frank
E. Parker of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dryer (nee
Miss Mary Silvers) and little daugh
ter, Jean Elaine, who have recently
returned from Humboldt, Iowa, visit
ed Mrs. Ryers grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Chambers of West Linn
last week.
George Pusey, Jr., who has been
critically ill at the home of his par
ents, suffering from a severe attack is
able to be out.
Mr. E.'C. Selby and daughter, Miss
Opal Selby, of Mountain View, were
able to be down to Oregon City Tues
day, after both being very ill with
bronchial pneumonia.
Mr. D. J. Lias, whose home is- at
Hubbard, was an Oregon City visitor
Tuesday. While here he called on
some friends.
Mrs. N. Swanson and daughters,
Ruth,, and Margaret were Sunday
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. M. Caldwell of Meldrum.
Mrs. Myron Wishart and little son,
Martin, have returned to their home
at Sellwood, after visiting Mrs. Wish
art's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mar
tin of Willamette.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey-Hill and little
daughter of Mulino, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson of Willamette. '
Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman has re
turned to her. home at Willamette
from the Oregon City hospital, where
she was operated on about three
weeks ago. -
George Gregory, who own a farm at
Molalla was transacting business in
Oregon City Wednesday.
Mrs. Earl Petit of Oregon City was
called to Corvallis Tuesday by the
illness of her mother, Mrs. Charles
Reed. She is vsuff ering from pneu
monia. Mrs. Sam Miller and children of
Sellwood, were guests of Mrs. R.
Young of Willamette on Thursday of
last week.
On Tuesday morning of this week
a little daughter arrived at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Mount
The home of Mr. , and Mrs. Clyde
Ringo was made happier by the ar
rival of a little daughter on Tuesday
evening of this week. They live at
Mulino, Foute 1. ' -
Charles Harlow of Eugene, has tak
en a position with the Huntley-Drap-er
company, where he was formerly
employed before leaving for Eugene.
He is in charge of the musical depart
ment. Mrs. Haviel, who is a resident of
Beaver Creek, was in Oregon City
Thursday of last week, where she
came to transact business for her
husband, who has a store there.
The many friends of fiufdin Dear
dorff of Damascus, will be glad to
know he is improving, after being
gored and trampled by a bull on his
father's farm a few days ago.
Mrs. Ella Luin, of Portland, attend
ed the Ryan funeral at Oregon .City
Friday of last week!, While here
she visited her mother, Mrs. Thail
Mrs. Willis Yonce, of Oregon City,
went to Estacada Saturday where she
visited friends for a few days. Mr.
Yonce was formerly a resident of Es
tacada. - "
Mrs: Elizabeth Biggs, a resident of
Valdez, Alaska, was. an Oregon City
visitor Friday of last week. Among
the friends she visited was Mrs. John
U. Green, an old friend. Mrs. Biggs
was formerly Lizzie Mills of .y)re
gon City.
Mrs. Lucille Simmons, a former res
ident of Oregon City, but who is now
making her home with her daughter,
Mrs. Elmer Lankins of Viola, visited
her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Simmons of Gladstone, for a few days
this, week.'
Sam Stevens of Ninth and Center
streets, Oregon City, is able to re
sume his work at the (bank of Oregon
City, after a siege of la "grippe.
Mrs. John Surfus, accompanied by
her niece, Mrs. Joe Miller, were Port
land visitors Monday.
A son arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Yoeman, residents of'Hoff,
route 1, on March 8.
Another home made happier by, the
arrival of a son Sunday morning, was
that of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Steele at
Fifteenth and Lincoln streets, Ore
gon City. He has been given the
name of Robert Ernest.
Robert B. Beattie, who is a resi
dent of Colton was an Oregon City
visitor Monday of this week.
Mr. G. Settze who is a resident of
Stafford was transacting business in
Oregon City Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs: J. Kelland, residents
of Twilight, were Oregon City visitors
Charles Kruse, who owns a farm
near Oswego, was an Oregon City vis
itor Monday.
Will Mumpower, a resident of Low
er Logan, was an Oregon City visitor
Friday of last week.
Lloyd Douthit, who has been ill at
the home of his sister, Mrs. Louie
Fair was able to leave Oregon City
Tuesday evening for his home at
Bend, Oregon.
Mrs. Mary Adele Vann, whose home
is in Portland, visited her mother,
Mrs. Mary Case at Gladstone, Wed
nesday. Mrs. Walter Wentworth made a
business trip to Portland Wednesday
Mr. Lawrence W. Ray is able to be
back to his place of business after a
severe attack of the influenza.
The ladies aid of the Presbyterian
church met at the church Wednesday
atternoon and elected the following
officers, for the church vear. begin
ning April 1st: president, Mrs. An-
Our New Men's Wear Store Is Now
Open for Business
We are now showing our friends who have waited for our opening and
the general public the very newest things in Men's and Young Men's
We feature Society Brand and Kirschbaum Clothes for Men and Young
Men, also a complete showing of Shoes Hats, Caps, Furnishings and a
full line of good Work Clothes.
We plead guilty to being proud of our new shop. We think it is mighty
nice and we want you, our friends and acquaintances to come in and in
spect our new home and new merchandise. It is our desire to make this
a personal store, catering to your individual requirements. We wish to
Include you among our many personal friends, who have known us so
long and whom we wish to continue to serve.
Seventh St. near Elevator
- HW'll. limn .Mi,.l.lij mu i)mi.jHWMWil'l'i W-HLUfeMM'. . WW'.iliHI .11 J' IIIWMWWWPM I - -
Now com the Pigs the Calves the Colts'
and the Lambs.
TIME for your work horses and mules to shed
their winter's coat '..
TIME to tone them up give, their systems a
spring house-cleaning and drive out the worms.
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic
A Spring Conditioner and Worm Expeller
Your COWS that have long been on winter feed need
the system-toning, bowel-cleansing, appetizing effects of
Dr. Hess Stock-Tonic. Puts them in fine condition for
calving. It means more milk.
Your BROOD SOWS will be relieved of constipation and
put in fine fettle for farrowing by a course or Dr. Hess
Stock Tonic, which means healthy pigs, and a mother
with an ample milk: supply to nourish them..-
Your SHOATS will be greatly benefited by a course of
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic. It drives out the worms stimulates
the appetite and makes them thrive.
Feed it to' EWES before lambing time. It prevents
fevered udders and scouring lambs. Feed it after lambing
time to stimulate the flow of milk, insuring lambs for the
early market
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic contains Tonics for the digestion.
Laxatives for the bowels, Diuretics for the kidneys, and
Vermifuges for the worms. .
Why Pay the Peddler Twice My Price?
Huntley-Draper Drug Co.
The Rexall Store
Oregon City-
Tell as how much stock you have. We have
drew Rintoul; first vice president,
Mrs. S. Chandler; second vice presi
dent, Mrs. Elizabeth Glover; secre
tary, Mrs. O. D. Eby, and treasurer,
Mrs. J. K. Morris. The executive
committee will meet soon and appoint
Mrs. George Eberly, superintendent
of the Presbyterian Sunday School
& Montgomery, inc.
Personal Service That You'll
Is Here
Dr. Hess!
will help make
your hns by
a package to sait.
entertained the teachers of the Sun
day school Monday evening at her
home on Locust street. Owing to so
much sickness severaj were absent
At the close of the business session,
Mrs. Eberly served delicious refresh
ments. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. . W. C. Green, Mr. and Mrs. H.
W. Paine, Mrs. Roy Woodward, Mrs.
Frank Alldredge, Miss Alma Moore
Oregon City, Oregon
ii-m iu,i . in ii,
riit.,z. : :J
and Rev." H. G. Edgar - and Frank
One of the- best meetings of the
Woman's Club was held on Thursday
afternoon of last week. It was edu
cational day and the splendid ad
dress givenToy Brenton Vedder, coun
ty school superintendent and on Con
solidation of Schools and Prof. R. W.
Kirk, superintendent of city schools
on The Public as a Social Center,
.which were very interesting. An off
ering was taken for the- scholarship
loan fund. Dainty refreshments were
served by the -committee.
The WiUamette school has arrang
ed for ah evening's entertainment at
the school building ' on next Satur
day evening of next week. -
The program will be directed by the
De Moss Concert company, which is
well known for its splendid enter
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned !has been duly appointed
administrator of the estate of Charles
C. Babcock, deceased, and any and all
persons having claims against the
said 'estate are hereby required to
to each detail will bring good
results for you.
When you bring your eye
troubles to .me you are assured
the close personal attention
which is necessary to produce
comfortable glasses.
If you are a sufferer from "
sore, .weak and Inflamed eyes or
if you suffer from Headaches,
Eyeaches or other eye troubles
do not hesitate but come' and.
have a careful examination
19th 'year of practice. Over
11,000 patients. '
Dr. Freeze,
605J4 Main St. Oregon City
Opposite Postoffice
Brunswick Records
S0018 I Eri tn che moochta-H (b It Thoo?) From "Th Masked Ball,"
1.80 I Act III, Scene 1 (Verdi). Baritone, In Italian. Giuseppe Danlse
10,SJ 1 Melodjr tn V (Opui t. No. 1) (Rubinstein) Pianoforte Solo
I Leopold Gadowsky
SV.ll I Al 'r G Strlnc (Bach) Violin Solo Bronlslaw Euberman
f Strmdellm Overture (Flotow) Concert Band
20000 J Walter B. Rogers and His Band
Merry Wive of Windsor Overture (Nlcolal) Concert Band
Walter B. Rogers and Els Band
f Italian Airs Medley (Son Gelosal Mamma Mia Marlnarlello
no I O Sole Mio Campana dl San Gulsto) Arc. by Perry. Ac-
xil J cordlon Solo Mario Perry
BO I Gloria Walts (Perry- Accordion Duet
I Mario Perry and Joseph Peppino
ilJttle Town In the Oold County Down (Pascoe-Carlo-Sanders)
Tenor , Theo. Karl
lassie O Mine (Bowles-Walt) Tenor Theo. Karl
Aloha Oe (Farewell to Thee) (Lllluokalanl) Soprano
Irene Williams and Male Trio
Golondrlna (Ilia Swallow) (Serradell) Soprano and Contralto .
Irene Williams and Elizabeth Lennox
r Dear Old Southland (Creamer-tyton) Baritone. .Ernest Hare
ll My Hawaiian Melody (Ring le-Coote) Soprano and Contralto
c ( Irene Audrey and Emily Earle
f Ka-Lu-A (Caldwell-Kern) From "Good Morning, Dearie."
tlM J Tenor Wm. Reese and Male Trio
19c "1 It with Music (Irvine Berlin) From "Music Box Revue."
t Baritone .Elliott Shaw and Mala Trio
f In Bluebird Land (Williams-Short) Soprano and Tenor.
41- J Irene Audrey and Charles Hart
7 So 1 That's How I Believe la Yon (Dubin-Cunnlngham-Rule) Tenor
I James Craven and Male Trio
nao f Ty-T I"ox Trot (Blbo) ,v. ..Carl Fenton's Orchestra
7Se t Stealing Fox Trot (Sullivan) Carl Fenton's Orchestra
I've Got My Habits Oat Fox Trot (Durante)
Bennie Krueger's Orchestra
School Hooso Bines Fox Trot (Irving Berlin) From the
"Music Box Revue" .'.Bennie Krueger's Orchestra
. Smllln' Pox Trot (Rose-Wolohan-Krausgrill-Burtnett-Cooper-....
I Stevenson) Introducing "Have Tou Forgotten?" .
'VSL 1 - Selvin's Orchestra
1 Good-Bye, Pretty Butterflies Fox Trot (Cooke-Olman)
I Selvin's Orchestra
r By the Pyramids Fox Trot (Florito)
jlgj I . Gene Rodemich s Orchestra
,5o"l Bight or Wrong Fox Trot (SUemore-Blese)
l Gen Rodemich a Orchestra
Jones Drug Co.
In Business for Your Health '
Oregon City Oregon
present said claims, duly verified as
by law required, at the office of my
attorney Charles T. Sievers, 719
Main St, Oregon City, Oregon, with-,
ing six months from the date of this
Dated March 16th, 1922.
Date of first publication March
16th, 1922.
Date of last publication April 13th,
Administrator of the estate of
Charles C. Babcock, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator, address
719 Main St., Oregon City, .Oregon.
(3-16-5t) -
Sunday Services M. E. Church.
At the M. E. church. Ninth and
Center streets on Sunday, next, the
following schedule of services will be
observed :
11: OP A. M. The Day of Large
'7:30 P. M. The Tragedy of Un
happy Married. Life.
10:30 A. M. Sunday School.
3:00 P. M. Junior League.
6:30 P. M. Epworth League.
A. H. THOMPSON, Pastor.
'k Become acuuainted X
X - . . f
x wiui a Bank whose
i SERVICE is just what
you require to further
; The
Of Oiegon City
, - A
Is synonymous with SAFETY,
COURTESY and T?fit.tatit.
Intelligent Seivice. X
and Savings Deposits
4 per cent Interest paid on Time &
ii ii i & & A ft
X 1 ', -I- . .. i-V j
A ' j -is.-pe-i-x- - v- J