r THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922. Page Three 77ie Lower Prices You Have Been Waiting For ARE HERE SONS, OREGON CITY, OR 1) ,MI "pa rc,crr n rn BUSCH VUf Kl (J Inly o 1 - , M M Bringing To You A Message of Real Savings For the Home, the Home Builder, the Carpenter, the Mechanic and the Farmer J! o) c Our monthly Trade Building Bulletin No. 2 hrin we are out to break the backbone of high prices and give the people of Oregon City and surrounding territory the benefit of concessions 7i .iwisauuuiaiiiuuuias w men tmauies us 10 oiier new mgn-graae, dependable merchandise for the home, the nomebuilder, the carpenter, the mechanic and the farmer at prices within the reach of all. Our trade building campaign to.bring about lower prices calls for courage, and in doing it we take the lead as our patrons always look lor and expect us to do. , - Our first Trade Building Bulletin issued last month has brought a wonderful response to our new lower price movement. We were first wa5VU r piT?iWe are ping UP the sood work-it is gratifying to hear people remark that immediately following our down waid price movement that some stores reduced prices on a few articles but still maintained high prices on goods bought at wartime prices, w w Tu ourrpart ha jo example and no inspiration other than that which came from within ourselves and which for sometime has been the policy of Busch & Sons store. Since issuing our first Trade Building Bulletin, thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of new merchandise has arrived, and we now proclaim for this month values that have not been approached for many years. .i.ni,?rT n S n !PeaI sale, but these values represent our new lower prices which will prevail while quantities last, and we have uur- WWtorito andS to ffifShfaSS? iegardleSS f hW many maeS yU t0 at Frank BUSCh & SnS -truThfuUy, let us say These Prices I Are Subject -zz- y. I to Stock On fy( r- A I Hand Only. We have just received a large fac tory shipment of heavy cork filled linoleum with genuine burlap back. This linoleum comes 12-ft. wide and is of exceptionally fine quality, it will resist the hardest wear. Price per sq. yd. $1.35 Bring the size of your room ' THE HOME 2f GOOD FURNITURE' ' the TmCffSTR STORE A Genuine Winchester Butcher Knife With 7-inch Blade for 25c This is a high grade Butcher Knife and is made of the high est grade of tool steel obtainable. The handle is beautifully finished mahogany held in place by three large brass rivets. This TTnifp ia ormnl in 17a lno f- L-ni Butcher Knives for only 25c. Slightly Damaged DINING TABLE Full quartered Oak 48-in. top, beautifully finished in golden oak. These are our regular $35.00 tables, but were slight ly damaged in shipping. EXTRA SPECIAL While they last $24,50 ALUMINUM DISH PAN 10-Quart Size, with heavy roll rim, beautifully finished and highly polished. As cheap as ordinary Gran-itware. Price only $1.39 HARD WOOD ROCKERS With Auto Spring Seat, up holstered in Imitation leath er, these rockers have an ex tra high back and are very comfortable. Price only $9.85 Large Overstuffed Rocking Chairs beautifully upholster ed in Imitation Leather, made on solid oak frame, cov ered with curled hair and cotton. Buy one of these large, comfortable fireside rockers now while the Price is only $15.00 9x12 TAPESTRY BRUSSEL RUGS Replaces that worn out rug now with a new one. A lim- ited number only in this lot. $15.00 EACH The Hardie Spray Pump For Perfect Spraying The Hardee Wheel Outfit is designed to meet a long felt want by fruit grow ers and gardeners who want to work without the aid of a team or extra man. You can do your own spraying with a Hardie Wheel Outfit. The 30 gal. barrel is mounted on strong wrought iron wheels 26-in. in diameter with 1 in. tires, the solid steel axel passes clear through the barrel and is leaded into special cast ings on either side making a strong serviceable machine. Price Complete $32.50 IT'S TIME TO SPRAY The time for spraying dormant trees for San Jose sV V scale, amer ocaieb, anu lor omer insect pests is Sfevfi: NT rignt now Deiore tne duos Degm xo sweii. -Generali speaking, only those insects are destroy- , ed which actually come in ocntact with the spray, X so thoroughness is essential. . Wy By spraying now there is no roiiage to ninaer ana the application may be more thorough. Also the spray may be used much stronger than during the growing season. And also danger to grow ing buds and twigs is eliminated. Glidden Dry Lime-Sulphur is the accepted dormant Spray and one thorough dorman treatment each year will keep under control the more important scale insect pests of the orchard. Lime Sulphur may be had either dry or in liquid form but the dry form is more convenient and less expensive to handle and is now generally used. 1-lb., $.30; 5-lbs., 1.25 10-lbs., 2.00; 25-lbs., 3.90; 50-lbs., 7.35; 100-lbs, 13.0010 to 14 pounds of strong Dormant Spray. A New Dresser for your bed room, only $8.95 Made of selected fir, beautifully finished in golden oak. 16x20 mirror, you can't afford to be without one at that price. (No extra charge for shipping) Get This Seven Inch "Wearever" Aluminum Frying Pan for fVi 49c Only 500 in this lot so come early. Genuine Wear Ever Aluminum, made of thick, hard and durable, cold rolled Aluminum metal. Regular price $1.20. "Lifetime" Aluminum Ware S5Made of highly Dolished. thick metal Guaranteed for 20 years any piece Eound Roasters, Double Boilers, Percolators, 6-quart Stew pans, 4 quart Covered Saucepans. $1.68 FOR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING Beautiful patterns, regular stock, wall, border, ceiling to match, double roll BEAUTIFUL BED ROOM PAPER With floral cut out border Per doube roll OUR NEW STOCK REMNANTS All one roll remnants while they last, are now, per double roll Beautiful patterns of regular stock with wall, border and ceiling to match. M 51 We are Agents for the The'Stay Satisfactory Rare Monarch Maluable Ranges iu-e ma.de In one grade only: The Best These features are common to all. Full Polished Top, blued by Merco Process. Vetri fused (glass coated) Flue linings, resisting rust damage. Duplex Draft, Oven Thermometer, Sani tary leg base, etc., eta See the new "Monarch" on display In our Stove Dept Do you need a new MATTRESS All Cotton, guaranteed all new ma terial. Think of it a 40 pound cot ton mattress built in layers covered with floral art ticking, double stitched, roll edge full size, full weight and the price lower than before the war. Don't wait another day, get yours before they are all gone. $6.95 "SIMMONS" Steel Folding Beds - U. S. ARMY TYPE Price only 53.50 Each Just the thing for an extra bed or sleeping porch. THE 'HALL' HAND CULTIVATOR And Wheel Plow Just the thing for your garden or berry patch. It saves you time and money. Price only: jg jQ j! ( 7ii'" "mm'1 BUSCH'S PURE PREPARED PAINT ?eady $3.50 peir for use gal. A strictly pure lead and oil paint in all colors GUARANTEE Each gallon of "Busch's" pure prepared paint Is guaran teed to give perfect satisfac tion and not to peel or chalk off. STANDARD HAND SEPARATOR OIL gaUon Bring your can Genuine Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs 9x12 sizes Jpn Folding Breakfast Tables made of Selected Spruce. Will not warp or check. Either . round or square. .Makes a table 36-inches square .when open. Price only $2.98 Hard Wood DINING CHAIRS Golden Oak finished, these chairs are very durable and should last for years. Price only $1.98 Do You Need a New RANGE? Here is your chance $47.50 Extra Large Steel Range with warming closet This Steel Range is in a class by itself, and no one has yet been able to offer an article that contains as much real value for the mon ey. The range is light in weight, without being lined, but weight Is used where weight is needed, and the construction and workman shipe are of the highest type md practically the only dif ference between this range and the higher priced ones Is the weight of the steel used. COPPER BEARING steel 13 used throughout in its construction. JUL. J BANNER-COURIER "If - )